Research Articles - read these two articles before listening to our
program tonight, they a have special relevance to the first hour
interview with Dr. Donald Gibson on his book entitled
"Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency" -
Kennedy was a threat to several powerful groups and they liquidated
DEC. 31, 2011 -
Rebroadcast -George and Charlotte wish everyone a Merry Christmas
and Happy Holidays - Happy New Year for Everyone!
Originally aired on OCT. 2, 2010 - FIRST
George welcomes Robert Paxton author of "The Anatomy of Fascism"
the author of Vichy France, a fascinating, authoritative history of
fascism in all its manifestations, and how and why it took hold in
certain countries and not in others. excerpts follow from the book
P. 41.... fascism is more plausibly
linked to a set of "mobilizing passions" that shape fascist action
than to a consistent and fully articulated philosophy. At bottom is
a passionate nationalism. Allied to it is a conspiratorial and
Manichean view of history as a battle between the good and evil
camps, between the pure and the corrupt, in which one's own
community or nation has been the victim. In this Darwinian
narrative, the chosen people have been weakened by political
parties, social classes, inassimilable minorities, spoiled rentiers,
and rationalist thinkers who lack the necessary sense of community.
These "mobilizing passions," mostly taken for granted and not always
overtly argued as intellectual propositions, form the emotional lava
that set fascism's foundations
P. 201...The language and symbols
of an authentic American fascism would, of course, have little to do
with the original European models. They would have to be as familiar
and reassuring to loyal Americans as the language and symbols of the
original fascisms were familiar and reassuring to many Italians and
Germans, as Orwell suggested. Hitler and Mussolini, after all, had
not tried to seem exotic to their fellow citizens. No swastikas in
an American fascism, but Stars and Stripes (or Stars and Bars) and
Christian crosses. No fascist salute, but mass recitations of the
pledge of allegiance. These symbols contain no whiff of fascism in
themselves, of course, but an American fascism would transform them
into obligatory litmus tests for detecting the internal enemy.
P. 201...Around such reassuring
language and symbols and in the event of some redoubtable setback to
national prestige, Americans might support an enterprise of forcible
national regeneration, unification, and purification. Its targets
would be the First Amendment, separation of Church and State (creches
on the lawns, prayers in schools), efforts to place controls on gun
ownership, desecrations of the flag, unassimilated minorities,
artistic license, dissident and unusual behavior of all sorts that
could be labeled antinational or decadent
P. 220......Giving up free
institutions," especially the freedoms of unpopular groups, is
recurrently attractive to citizens of Western democracies, including
some Americans. We know from tracing its path that fascism does not
require a spectacular "march" on some capital to take root;
seemingly anodyne decisions to tolerate lawless treatment of
national "enemies" is enough
SECOND HOUR - Tod Fletcher
sitting in for David Ray Griffin author of "Cognitive
An Obama Appointee's Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory"
David Ray Griffin
Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Theology, Emeritus,
Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University
in Claremont, California, where he remains a co-director of the
Center for Process Studies.
has published (as author or editor) 34 books, primarily in
theology, philosophy, and philosophy of religion, with special
emphases on the problem of evil and the relation between science
and religion.
Ten of his books deal with
9/11: The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the
Bush Administration and 9/11
(2004), The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and
Distortions (2005), Christian Faith and the Truth about
9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action (2006), 9/11 and
American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out (2006, co-edited
with Peter Dale Scott), Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer
to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official
Conspiracy Theory (2007), 9/11 Contradictions: An
Open Letter to Congress and the Press, The New
Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, the Cover-Up, and the Exposé
Osama bin Laden: Dead or Alive? (2009), The Mysterious
Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report
about 9/11 is Unscientific and False (2010), and
Cognitive Infiltration: an Obama Appointee's Plan to Undermine
the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory (2010).
Tod Fletcher has assisted David
Ray Griffin in the writing of eight books on 9/11 (from The 9/11
Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions to Cognitive
Infiltration). He is a co-producer of "Guns and Butter," a
weekly radio program on KPFA-FM in Berkeley, CA, which has aired
many ground-breaking shows on the truth of 9/11 since October,
2001. He also helps get vital information to the public at He has written and given interviews on
9/11 truth since January, 2002. He blogs at
DEC. 24, 2011 -
Originally aired on - OCT. 1, 2011 - FIRST HOUR -
George and Charlotte welcome our listening audience - we dedicate
the second hour to Dr. Fred Bell - who passed away just recently
after completing a show taping in Minneapolis for Jesse Ventura's
"Conspiracy Theory" broadcast on TRU Tv
Japan - Deadly Radiation -
Linda Moulton Howe reports on dangerous levels of radiation in Japan
“We in Otsu-City, Shiga Prefecture, 311 miles (500 km)
from Fukushima, are seeing readings around 0.15 microsieverts on
which is around five times what the
Japanese government is reporting. My wife
and children will leave Japan as early as possible because I perceive a
exodus will come and it might become hard to place kids in schools.””
Frank Daulton, Ph.D., Applied Linguistics, Ryukoku Univ., Kyoto, Japan
Luke Rudkowski interviews Michael
Moore and Peter Schiff
Bellweb site
- He was born in Ann Arbor Michigan. His father was a
scientist whom worked with the late Henry Ford Sr. of the automobile
fame. His great uncle Alexander Graham Bell was also a well-known
inventor. Dr. Bell's family is slightly eclectic. For example, his
father Allan Bell brought a London Bridge over from England and put
it in the middle of an Arizona desert and built a city with a pond
around it. Today is called Havasu City.
of his entire heritage young Dr. Fred was propelled into science at
a very early age. And at age 14, he was not only working at the
University of Michigan on nuclear energy projects, but was also
inducted into the U.S. government's project called M. K. Ultra. This
early mind control research covered such topics as past life
regression, and the popular remote viewing used today by the CIA and
other intelligence gathering factions worldwide.
At 16 years of age he moved on to join
the U.S. Air Force. Although technically, he could not wear a
uniform until his 17th birthday, he began working in the Air Force
on highly classified projects, several involving early warning radar
defense systems and the detection and tracking of extraterrestrial
craft. He was one of the first to bring the awareness of the famed
DDS form 213 to public awareness.
Later on in the United States of
America, when people began to exercise their freedoms to previously
classified information, it was discovered that the DDS form 213 was
used in fact by the U.S. Air Force to report internally to the
government of the presence of extraterrestrials and their craft.
Today Dr. Bell still works with the government on a project known as
the Disclosure project, along with the famed Dr. Steven Greer in
de-compartmentalizing the various agencies that are working in
concert with extraterrestrials, on such projects such as of them to
advance propulsion systems and weaponry.
After his tenure in the military, he
joined the private industry and worked on projects such as Star Wars
(the military version), laser development submarine and missile
guidance systems, and finally the lunar lander project known as the
Apollo missions. During this time he worked with Scott Crosfield, of
the X. 15 fame and the late Warner von Braun.
After he left his NASA related
position, he went into the private sector and consulted to over 3000
companies on topics such as computer science, biological science,
medical science, environmental testing, quality control, weaponry,
aircraft research, and a variety of other technical realities.
Because of his vast background in instrumentation, his services were
applicable almost anywhere worldwide.
He then left the defense sector and
began studying with Himalayan Masters. During this time he became
internationally known as a contactee to a Pleiadean group of
extraterrestrial humanoids whom were here to help the people on
earth save themselves from their own destructive tendencies. This
group comes from a star system 500 light-years from earth. For this
effort the Russian society of cosmonauts (astronauts), awarded Dr.
Bell the distinguished scientific progress award.
Dr. Bell was a practicing naturopath,
scientist and environmentalist, and was working worldwide with
programs that include a proper conduct of school systems, autistic
children, and other problems that develop and effect the growth
factor of our young up-and-coming society. He spent 20 years with a
National Health Federation, a U.S. based group that has promoted an
individuals freedom, to choose the type of health-care, freedom to
choose the various vitamins and minerals and dietary elements that
best works for them. In addition, he has brought attention to
various forms of world attrition, which have caused the formation of
many oceanic and rain forest projects.
Dr. Bell invented the famed and
patented Nuclear Receptor. Dr. Bell has also written several books
and been the subject of several others. The Promise, written by
famed author Brad Steiger is selling well in America and abroad. The
Promise is also written in German and Japanese languages. The
Promise is available.
The Promise.i
Fact-checking the final Iowa debate
- At the final Iowa debate, Rep. Michele Bachmann said that at the
last debate, "PolitiFact"came out and said that everything I said
was true." Actually, she earned a Pants on Fire.
The above video is
of Carl Levin explaining to another Senator that the Obama
Administration insisted that the bill language in S. 1867
include the power to arrest and indefinitely detain American
Citizens be part of the final bill.
SECOND HOUR - We welcome
Lindsey Williams
The Prophecy Club- to discuss his latest revelations about The
Devil's Messiah and the year 2012. - we'll discuss " What in this
world is going on " Division among the Elite " The Dollar - Debt -
Fear - Fuel in 2012 " Why 2012 and not 2000 " The Devils Messiah
according to the Elite " Divine Manifestation " 2012 predictions
from the Elite "
Olympic Summer Games 1992
It was written that in the
ancient city of Pytho later to be renamed Delphi, Greece,
Apollo Grecian god of light who was associated with the Law,
Philosophy and Arts slay a snake then female and nameless
later to be named Phython and typed male. The Pythian Games
fashioned after the Olympic Games was instituted in Delphi
every four years in honor of Apollo. Included along with the
athletic events were music and literary contests.
The question I raise: Is the
modern Olympic Games really the Pythian Games.
During the closing
ceremonies of The Summer Games in 1992 in Barcelona, Spain
many occult symbols and images were presented to an
international audience of billions. In the ceremonies a moon
goddess was lowered from a high onto the infield. A Dragon
appeared snaking its way through the celebrants on the
infield. Winged creatures were mixed into the infield crowd
in circles dancing. Horned Devils slinking down the
stairways carrying burning torches and joined those dancing
on the infield grasping hands and forming additional
circles. The stadium was lighted by fireworks spraying sun
and fire worship though-out the night sky. The announcers
were stunned by these events until they were rescued by
their script stating that in the state of Catalan in Spain
every year is held a celebration that vanquishes Devils from
the area. Nevertheless billions of television
were indoctrinated with pagan symbols and images unknowingly
integrating the bitter with the sweet.
The deception of the sweet
taste of victory on the playing field and the bitterness of
defeat by the great confounder brings about an abyss of
hatred, a darkness spreading like a plague throughout the
world at the speed of light.
The modern Olympic Games can
be uplifting and fun filled but care must be taken to cut
out the cancer of paganism leaving a games that shuns the
darkness, leading the world's people once again back to the
sweet victory of winning souls to goodness.
DEC. 3, 2011 - 7:15-9PM CST -
George and Charlotte welcome Chris Emery and associates from their
studios at
Free Mind
New Film, A NOBLE LIE: Oklahoma City 1995, asks questions
about the Oklahoma City Bombing
Produced in Oklahoma, this
newly-released documentary by FREE MIND FILMS and Director James
Lane takes a fresh and in-depth look at the circumstances
surrounding the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.
But instead of accepting at face
value the Federal Government’s deeply-flawed investigation, A NOBLE
LIE features ground breaking information and eyewitness testimonies
that refute the official story.
The April 19, 1995 bombing that
destroyed much of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building involved far
more revealing evidence than the FBI maintains. A NOBLE LIE
presents interviews with police officers, first responders, victims,
journalists and investigators whose evidence demonstrates that not
all the perpetrators were brought to justice.
Among the interview subjects are
General Benton Partin, former head of weapons development for the
Air Force, State Representative Charles Key, members of the Oklahoma
Bombing Investigation Committee and Jesse Trentadue, whose brother
Kenneth was tortured and murdered in Federal custody in the days
following the bombing.
A NOBLE LIE is the only
full-length documentary that addresses and answers many of the
questions people have asked about the bombing. Details as to
what really happened regarding this horrific event, taking the lives
of 168 people, have been summarily covered up by the Federal
Government. A Noble Lie re-examines the tragedy in a measured,
informative and scholarly way, and in the process exposes the
treachery that has gone unpunished.
12/2/2011 - The mainstream media
doesn't want you to know about this story even though it is arguably
the single most important story of the year in terms of impacting
your future as a free citizen. Yesterday as part of the National
Defense Authorization...
- I don't know if you're all getting this through your heads yet,
but Senate Bill 1867 -- the National Defense Authorization Act --
would openly "legalize" the U.S. government's detainment and murder
of OWS protesters and the assassination...
Washington, D.C. (May
12, 2011) -- With press reports indicating that
Congressman Ron Paul (TX) will announce his bid for
the 2012 GOP presidential nomination tomorrow, the
Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) releases the
following statement expressing deep concern about
his candidacy.
RJC Executive
Director Matthew Brooks stated:
"As Americans who
are committed to a strong and vigorous foreign
policy, we are deeply concerned about the
prospective presidential campaign of Congressman Ron
Paul. While Rep. Paul plans to run as a Republican,
his views and past record place him far outside of
the Republican mainstream. His candidacy, as we've
seen in his past presidential campaigns, will appeal
to a very narrow constituency in the U.S.
electorate. Throughout his public service, Paul has
espoused a dangerous isolationist vision for the
U.S. and our role in the world. He has been a
virulent and harsh critic of Israel during his
tenure in Congress*. Most recently Paul gave
an interview in which he voiced his objection to the
recent killing of Osama Bin Laden.
Brooks added, "We
certainly respect Congressman Paul's right to run,
but we strongly reject his misguided and extreme
views, which are not representative of the
Republican Party."
Commemorative plaque of
the French victims at
Hinzert concentration camp, using the expressions
"Nacht und Nebel" and "NN-Deported"
Nacht und Nebel (German
for "Night and Fog", a direct reference to a "Tarnhelm" spell from
Wagner's Rheingold) was a directive (German:
Erlass) of
Adolf Hitler on 7 December 1941 signed and implemented by
Armed Forces High Command Chief
Wilhelm Keitel, resulting in the
kidnapping and
forced disappearance of many political activists and
resistance 'helpers' throughout
Nazi Germany's occupied territories, principally in Western
Europe. Anyone guilty of endangering the "security or state of
readiness" of German forces and who was not to be summarily executed
simply vanished into the "night and fog" of Germany. It was a
specific punishment for opponents of the Nazis in occupied countries
and intended to intimidate local populations into submission by
denying families and friends of the missing all knowledge of
what had happened to them. To this day, it is not known how many
people were seized as a result of this order.
The International Military
Tribunal at Nuremberg held that the disappearances committed as part
of the Nacht und Nebel program were war crimes which violated both
Hague Conventions and customary international law
"Search history and see what has been the fate of every nation that
abused its credit. It is the
same, only more awful in its magnitude and its consequences, as that
of the spendthrift individual.
And it will profit us nothing to conserve what we have remaining of
the great national resources
that were the dower of this continent unless we preserve the
national credit as more precious than
BEAT." --- E.C. Knuth author of "The Empire of The City"
The Weimar Republic (Weimarer
Republik is the name given by
historians to the parliamentary republic established in 1919
Germany to replace the
imperial form of government. It was named after
Weimar, the city where the
constitutional assembly took place. Its official name was Deutsches
Reich (sometimes translated as German Empire, but
Reich can also mean
realm or federal level of government), however it was usually
referred to as Germany by English speakers. Following
World War I, the republic emerged from the
German Revolution in November 1918. In 1919, a
national assembly convened in
Weimar, where
a new constitution for the German Reich was written, then
adopted on 11 August of that same year. Germany's period of
liberal democracy lapsed in the early 1930s, leading to the
ascent of the
Adolf Hitler in 1933. Although the constitution of 1919 was
never officially repealed, the legal measures taken by the Nazi
government in February and March 1933, commonly known as
Gleichschaltung ("coordination") meant that the
government could legislate contrary to the constitution. The
constitution became irrelevant; thus, 1933 is usually seen as the
end of the Weimar Republic and the beginning of Hitler's
Third Reich
In its 14 years, the Weimar
Republic was faced with numerous problems, including
hyperinflation, political extremists on the left and the
right and their paramilitaries, and hostility from the victors of
World War I. However, it overcame many of the oppressive
requirements of the
Treaty of Versailles, reformed the
currency, and unified tax politics and the
railway system.....Wikipedia
Is the freest country on earth moving
toward totalitarian dictatorship? What were the factors that enabled the Nazis
to seize power in pre-war Germany? Do those same conditions exist in America
These are the questions raised - and
answered, with frightening clarity - by Leonard Peikoff, Ayn Rand's intellectual
heir, in his powerful book The Ominous Parallels.
"We are drifting to the future, not
moving purposefully," Peikoff warns. "But we are drifting as Germany moved, in
the same direction, for the same kind of reason."
Some of the "ominous parallels" between
pre-Hitler Germany and the United States that Peikoff identifies are:
Liberals who demand public control
over the use and disposal of private property - social security, more taxes,
more government control over the energy industry, medicine, broadcasting,
Conservatives who demand government
control over our intellectual and moral life - prayer in the schools,
literary censorship, government intervention in the teaching of biology, the
anti-abortion movement, etc.
Political parties devoid of
principles or direction and moved at random by pressure groups, each
demanding still more controls.
A "progressive," anti-intellectual
educational system that, from kindergarten to graduate school, creates
students who can't read or write - students brainwashed into the feeling
that their minds are helpless and they must adapt to "society," that there
is no absolute truth and that morality is whatever society says it is.
A student radical movement (from the
1960's through the violent anti-nukers and ecology fanatics of today) who
are, Peikoff maintains, the "pre-Hitler youth movement resurrected." The
radicals are nature worshippers who attack the middle class, science,
technology, and business.
The rise of defiant old-world racial
hatreds disguised as "ethnic-identity" movements and "affirmative action."
A pervasive atmosphere of decadence,
moral bankruptcy, and nihilist art accompanied by the rise of escapist
mystic cults of every kind - astrology, "alternative medicine," Orientalists,
extrasensory perception, etc.
First they
came for the
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the
trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me
- Martin Niemoller
they came for the constitutionalist,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a constitutionalist.
Then they came for the
Anti-Federal Reserve protestors,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Anti-Federal
Reserve protestor.
Then they came for the
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Patriot.
Then they came for me dragged me to the gallows – I screamed out loud
I’m one of you – then they hung me.
The Stuttgarter Schuldbekenntnis, below: known in English as
the Stuttgart Declaration of Guilt, was a declaration issued
on October 19, 1945 by the Council of the
Evangelical Church in Germany (Evangelischen
Kirche in Deutschland or EKD), in which it confessed
guilt for its inadequacies in opposition to the
Nazis and the
Third Reich
"Through us infinite wrong was brought over many peoples and
countries. That which we often testified to in our
communities, we express now in the name of the whole church:
We did fight for long years in the name of Jesus Christ
against the mentality that found its awful expression in the
National Socialist regime of violence; but we accuse
ourselves for not standing to our beliefs more courageously,
for not praying more faithfully, for not believing more
joyously, and for not loving more ardently"
NOV. 26, 2011 - 7:15-9PM CST -
George and Charlotte welcome
Douglas Duane DietrichBio - : Internationally Recognized Renegade Military Historian/Global
Crisis Analyst, Author, & Motivational Speaker
"Weapons of Mass-Deception unleashed generations ago by increasingly
self-deluded American élites have since warped the U.S. electorate's
very perception of reality --NOW is the time for TOTAL disclosure."
Douglas Dietrich was a D.O.D. (Department of Defense)
Research Librarian for almost a decade, responsible for
incinerating highly classified materials on critical
historical topics such as Pearl Harbor, Roswell, Viêt-Nam,
different ethnic holocausts; as well as documents exposing
the reality behind vampires, zombies, Soviet psychic
warfare, and other occult phenomena. Volumes of notes on
Tesla, H.P. Lovecraft, L. Ron Hubbard, the Vatican and
United Nations were destroyed, along with reams of reports
detailing everything from military/intelligence-sponsored
drug-smuggling operations to experimental mind-control
programs. Records plundered from both Allied and enemy
states articulated the hidden objectives of modern
mass-movements such as Nat-Zism, Zionism, Izamicism (Wähhä'bīst/Islamist
Fundamentalism[s]), Vouhodouxnism ("Voodooism"), and other
His Post was El Presidio Real de San Francisco's Western
Defense Command Center, which was seething with Satanism,
child abuse, and controversial medical experimentation. An
assassination plot on presidential candidate William Clinton
was even attempted. Since base-closure, his background in
military reference and his experiences in mercenary/security
enforcement exposed him to startling insights into
geopolitics, the current demographic apocalypse, and the
medical-industrial complex thanatizing our future.
Weapons of Mass-Deception unleashed generations ago by
increasingly self-deluded American élites have since warped
the U.S. electorate's very perception of reality -- NOW is
the time for TOTAL disclosure.
Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791
George and Charlotte welcome David McRaney author of
"You Are
Not So Smart"
- I David McRaney am a journalist who loves psychology,
technology and the internet.Before
going to college, I tried waiting tables, working construction,
selling leather coats, building and installing electrical control
panels, and owning pet stores. As a journalist, I cut my teeth
covering Hurricane Katrina on the Gulf Coast and in the Pine Belt
for several newspapers. Since then I’ve been a beat reporter, an
editor, a photographer and everything in between. I work in new
media for a broadcast television company where I also produced a
television show focusing on the music of the Deep South. I
started this blog because I missed writing and love the topic. I
never expected it would become so popular or result in a book. I
thank all the people who come here daily and share my stuff. This is
so much fun.
"From the
greatest scientist to the most humble artisan, every brain within
every body is infested with preconceived notions and patterns of
thought that lead it astray without the brain knowing it. So you are
in good company. No matter who your idols and mentors are, they too
are prone to spurious speculation.” ~ David McRaney
The central theme here is that
you are unaware of how unaware you are. There is branch of
psychology and an old and growing body of research with findings
that suggest you have little idea why you act or think the way you
do. Despite this, you create narratives to explain your own
feelings, thoughts and behaviors, and these narratives become the
story of your life.
Concerning the book – the
bookplate offer has been a great success (as evidenced by those
beautiful faces up there), so now you can get a free, signed
bookplate just by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to…Signed
Bookplate, P.O. Box 15792, Hattiesburg, MS 3940
and I’ll send you back one of
these with my scribbles on it. Sorry, U.S.A. only.
If you would like a free chapter,
just head over to the
YANSS Facebook page. If you aren’t already a fan, you will
see the prompt when you click over. If you are already a fan, just
look at the profile picture for instructions. Kindle owners can
download a free sample chapter from the Kindle store at Amazon.
If you would like your Kindle
copy of YANSS signed, just head to
this link.
You can also read excerpts at
Boing Boing,
The Atlantic,
Gawker, and the
New York Post. If you want a review, check out this one at
Brain Pickings or this one at the
Onion A.V. Club. Lastly, I’m partnering with the awesome and
popular Now I Know
newsletter – subscribers will now be getting fresh YANSS content in
addition to the other cool stuff Dan Lewis puts out.
See you soon.
Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791
NOV. 12, 2011 - First Segment - George and Charlotte welcome Ben Taylor and Dr. Ken O'Neal
7:30-8:30 - We welcome
Salbuchi - We'll be discussing the dynamic of destroying Nation States.
and he's also founder of the
Second Republic Project - to attain freedom for all the worlds peoples.
The Zionist Model
for National Destruction uses Orwellian Newspeak and works something
like this:
1. The Global Power Mafia start
by targeting a country ripe for “Regime Change” and brand it a
“Rogue State”
2. Then, they arm, train, finance local terrorists through CIA, MI6,
Mossad, Drug Cartels and call them “Freedom Fighters”
3. Then, they stage mock UN Security Council Resolutions that rain
death and destruction upon millions of civilians and they call it
“UN sanctions to protect civilians”.
4. Then, they spread flagrant lies through their media monopolies
and paid journalists, and call it “International Community’s concern
expressed by the Western Media”.
5. Then, they invade and control the target country and call it
”Liberation” (poor Libya is in this stage right now)
6. Then, when the target country falls fully under their control,
they impose “The kind of democracy we want to see” (as Hillary
Clinton said of Egypt on 22-March-2011)
7. Finally, they steal appetizing oil reserves and all resources and
call it “Foreign Investment and Reconstruction”
8. Their keynotes are: Force and Hypocrisy, used to destroy whole
countries in the name of “freedom”, “democracy”, “human rights” and
“free trade”. They use utmost force and violence to achieve their
9. Their Elders described their blueprint for world power many, many
decades ago in a hoary manuscript…
8:30-9pm - We cover the
latest news
NOV. 05, 2011 - FIRST HOUR - 7:15-8pm - George and Charlotte welcome Bob Chapman Publisher of
"The International Forecaster"
we'll discuss World Economics, the eminent Eurozone crash, stock
market conditions and more............ .
Mr. Chapman is 72 years old. He
was born in Boston, MA and attended Northeastern University majoring
in business management. He spent three years in the U. S. Army
Counterintelligence, mostly in Europe. He
German and French and is conversant in Spanish. He lived in Europe
for six years, off and on, three years in Africa, a year in Canada
and a year in the Bahamas.
Mr. Chapman became a stockbroker
in 1960 and retired in 1988. For 18 of those years he owned his own
brokerage firm. He was probably the largest gold and silver
stockbroker in the world during that period. When he retired he had
over 6,000 clients.
From 1962 through 1976 he
specialized in South African gold shares. He and his family lived in
Salisbury, Rhodesia (now Harare, Zimbabwe) and Johannesburg, South
Africa from 1970 to 1973. During that time he did a great deal of
further study into the South African mining industry.
Mr. Chapman belonged to The
Traders Association for 25 years. He did all his own trading. During
his South African years some was done directly through Johannesburg,
but 95% was done through London brokerage firms. Hence, he has
extensive contacts, both in London and on the Continent.
Starting in 1967 Mr. Chapman
began writing articles on business, finance, economics and politics
having been printed and reprinted over the years in over 200
publications. He owned and wrote the Gary Allen Report, which had
30,000 subscribers. He currently is owner and editor of The
International Forecaster, a compendium of information on business,
finance, economics and social and political issues worldwide, which
reaches 10,000 investors and brokers monthly directly, and parts of
his publication are picked up by 60 different websites weekly
exposing his ideas to over 10 million investors a week.
In 1976, after the Soweto riots,
Mr. Chapman began buying North American shares exclusively for his
clients. Up to that point only a handful of American and Canadian
issues interested him, due to the high dividends the South African
shares had paid out over the years. Between 1976 and 1988 his
business surged from 1,000 to 6,000 clients, so the bulk of his
business ended up being Vancouver Stock Exchange issues. For this
reason he is very conversant with the quality of management,
geologists, properties and traders on today’s North American scene.
He is well known.
From 1976 to present he has spoke
and given workshops at over 200 business conferences worldwide, and
has been on radio and TV hundreds of times. Until his retirement he
was always judged by the attendees to be one of the top three
speakers and never once was lower than first in workshops due to his
vast knowledge of the mining business and his grasp of worldwide
financial markets and political scenes.
In June of 1991, at the request
of business associates, and due to retirement boredom, he began
writing the International Forecaster
OCT. 29, 2011 - FIRST HOUR - 7:15-8pm - George and Charlotte welcome Bob Chapman Publisher of
"The International Forecaster"
we'll discuss World Economics, the eminent Eurozone crash, stock
market conditions and more............ .
Mr. Chapman is 72 years old. He
was born in Boston, MA and attended Northeastern University majoring
in business management. He spent three years in the U. S. Army
Counterintelligence, mostly in Europe. He
German and French and is conversant in Spanish. He lived in Europe
for six years, off and on, three years in Africa, a year in Canada
and a year in the Bahamas.
Mr. Chapman became a stockbroker
in 1960 and retired in 1988. For 18 of those years he owned his own
brokerage firm. He was probably the largest gold and silver
stockbroker in the world during that period. When he retired he had
over 6,000 clients.
From 1962 through 1976 he
specialized in South African gold shares. He and his family lived in
Salisbury, Rhodesia (now Harare, Zimbabwe) and Johannesburg, South
Africa from 1970 to 1973. During that time he did a great deal of
further study into the South African mining industry.
Mr. Chapman belonged to The
Traders Association for 25 years. He did all his own trading. During
his South African years some was done directly through Johannesburg,
but 95% was done through London brokerage firms. Hence, he has
extensive contacts, both in London and on the Continent.
Starting in 1967 Mr. Chapman
began writing articles on business, finance, economics and politics
having been printed and reprinted over the years in over 200
publications. He owned and wrote the Gary Allen Report, which had
30,000 subscribers. He currently is owner and editor of The
International Forecaster, a compendium of information on business,
finance, economics and social and political issues worldwide, which
reaches 10,000 investors and brokers monthly directly, and parts of
his publication are picked up by 60 different websites weekly
exposing his ideas to over 10 million investors a week.
In 1976, after the Soweto riots,
Mr. Chapman began buying North American shares exclusively for his
clients. Up to that point only a handful of American and Canadian
issues interested him, due to the high dividends the South African
shares had paid out over the years. Between 1976 and 1988 his
business surged from 1,000 to 6,000 clients, so the bulk of his
business ended up being Vancouver Stock Exchange issues. For this
reason he is very conversant with the quality of management,
geologists, properties and traders on today’s North American scene.
He is well known.
From 1976 to present he has spoke
and given workshops at over 200 business conferences worldwide, and
has been on radio and TV hundreds of times. Until his retirement he
was always judged by the attendees to be one of the top three
speakers and never once was lower than first in workshops due to his
vast knowledge of the mining business and his grasp of worldwide
financial markets and political scenes.
In June of 1991, at the request
of business associates, and due to retirement boredom, he began
writing the International Forecaster
SECOND HOUR - George and
Charlotte welcome (Cathlyn) Cathy Wilkerson
wikipedia - who is now no longer an activist and is teaching
mathematics in the New York City.area. - we'll get her comments on
Occupy Wallstreet and cover a liitle of her background as a
weatherman a member of
The Weathermen Underground -
Weather Underground Declaration of a State of War -
OCT. 22, 2011 - FIRST HOUR - George and Charlotte - welcome Audrey, she knows a lot about a
bunch - she became concerned about the children on her residential
block being sick with illnesses just too much so she set out to find
out why?
SECOND HOUR - George and
Charlotte cover currents affairs and the news -
Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791
OCT. 15, 2011 - FIRST HOUR -
George and Charlotte welcome back John Breeding PhD, Psychologist,
Counselor and Activist author of "The Wildest Colts Make The Best
John's Site
I have been working as a
counseling psychologist for over 25 years with individuals, couples
and families of all ages. I know and trust the goodness of human
nature and the natural path of human development. I understand that
we live in a very stressful and challenging world, and that various
physical and emotional hurts cause distress and tend to interfere
with our inherent loving and intelligence. I know we all need as
much help as we can get, and I am honored to provide support in
handling life's challenges and in the natural process of
psychological recovery and restoration of well-being - John
Office Counseling and
Consultation for Individuals, Couples and FamiliesTelephone
Counseling and Consultation
For those out of town or unable
to travel to my office, I offer telephone counseling and
consultation. I can be a resource for parents in handling the
challenge of a child who is labeled a "problem." I may also be of
help to adults on issues other than parenting. Contact Dr. Breeding
by phone (512) 326-8326, or e-mail him at, offering three time possibilities for
an appointment.
For more than 20 years, Lloyd
Chapman has worked to protect the interests of our nation's 27
million small businesses. In 2002, Mr. Chapman founded the American
Small Business League (ASBL) with a goal of stopping the diversion
of federal small business contracts to large corporations. Mr.
Chapman has been credited with prompting the first federal
investigation and congressional hearing looking into the diversion
of small business contracts to large corporations. During the last
seven years, Mr. Chapman and the ASBL have been instrumental in
prompting the removal of 600 large firms from federal small business
databases, more than 25 federal investigations and nearly 1000
stories in various media outlets across the nation. Additionally, on
six separate occasions Mr. Chapman has filed suit against the
federal government and won. As a result of Chapman's work, small
businesses across the country are doing more business with the
federal government, and business owners are more aware of the
challenges facing their small businesses. A relentless champion and
vocal crusader for the rights of small businesses, Mr. Chapman is a
familiar figure at the Small Business Administration (SBA) and on
Capital Hill where he has continued to work tirelessly during the
last two presidential administrations to prevent widespread fraud
and abuse.
Mr. Chapman began his career working for legendary Texas political
leader Bob Bullock. He spent eight years in the Texas Controller's
office, before moving to California in 1986 to enter the computer
industry. It was at this time that he first became aware of major
problems in federal small business contracting programs, and soon
became an advocate for small technology firms. In this role, he
closely monitored federal "set-aside" contracts for small
businesses. In 1991, his work triggered a Congressional
investigation into the F-22 Stealth fighter program, which forced
the Air Force and Lockheed Martin to allocate an additional $501
million to small and minority-owned firms.
By law, the federal government is
obligated to award a fair portion (currently 23%) of its contracts
to small businesses. That said, a series of federal investigations
and private studies have found that the government is reporting
billions of dollars in contracts to large companies as federal small
business awards.
In his continuing role as a small business advocate, Mr. Chapman
spearheaded litigation to acquire information on small business
utilization in government contracts. In 1993, the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the 9th Circuit ruled against the Defense Logistics
Agency, forcing it to release vital information documenting small
business contracting awards. This has paved the way for greater
participation by small businesses in federal contracting by exposing
the lack of enforcement of congressionally mandated small business
SECOND HOUR -{We had technical problems getting Lloyd on
the air so he graciously consented to return next week on Oct. 15,
2011} George and Charlotte welcome Lloyd Chapman
founder of
American Small Business League
Founder's Bio
For more than 20 years, Lloyd
Chapman has worked to protect the interests of our nation's 27
million small businesses. In 2002, Mr. Chapman founded the American
Small Business League (ASBL) with a goal of stopping the diversion
of federal small business contracts to large corporations. Mr.
Chapman has been credited with prompting the first federal
investigation and congressional hearing looking into the diversion
of small business contracts to large corporations. During the last
seven years, Mr. Chapman and the ASBL have been instrumental in
prompting the removal of 600 large firms from federal small business
databases, more than 25 federal investigations and nearly 1000
stories in various media outlets across the nation. Additionally, on
six separate occasions Mr. Chapman has filed suit against the
federal government and won. As a result of Chapman's work, small
businesses across the country are doing more business with the
federal government, and business owners are more aware of the
challenges facing their small businesses. A relentless champion and
vocal crusader for the rights of small businesses, Mr. Chapman is a
familiar figure at the Small Business Administration (SBA) and on
Capital Hill where he has continued to work tirelessly during the
last two presidential administrations to prevent widespread fraud
and abuse.
Mr. Chapman began his career working for legendary Texas political
leader Bob Bullock. He spent eight years in the Texas Controller's
office, before moving to California in 1986 to enter the computer
industry. It was at this time that he first became aware of major
problems in federal small business contracting programs, and soon
became an advocate for small technology firms. In this role, he
closely monitored federal "set-aside" contracts for small
businesses. In 1991, his work triggered a Congressional
investigation into the F-22 Stealth fighter program, which forced
the Air Force and Lockheed Martin to allocate an additional $501
million to small and minority-owned firms.
By law, the federal government is
obligated to award a fair portion (currently 23%) of its contracts
to small businesses. That said, a series of federal investigations
and private studies have found that the government is reporting
billions of dollars in contracts to large companies as federal small
business awards.
In his continuing role as a small business advocate, Mr. Chapman
spearheaded litigation to acquire information on small business
utilization in government contracts. In 1993, the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the 9th Circuit ruled against the Defense Logistics
Agency, forcing it to release vital information documenting small
business contracting awards. This has paved the way for greater
participation by small businesses in federal contracting by exposing
the lack of enforcement of congressionally mandated small business
OCT. 1, 2011 - FIRST HOUR - George and
Charlotte welcome our listening audience - we dedicate the
second hour to Dr. Fred Bell - who passed away just recently after
completing a show taping in Minneapolis for Jesse Ventura's
"Conspiracy Theory" broadcast on TRU Tv
Japan - Deadly Radiation -
Linda Moulton Howe reports on dangerous levels of radiation in Japan
“We in Otsu-City, Shiga Prefecture, 311 miles (500 km)
from Fukushima, are seeing readings around 0.15 microsieverts on
which is around five times what the
Japanese government is reporting. My wife
and children will leave Japan as early as possible because I perceive a
exodus will come and it might become hard to place kids in schools.””
Frank Daulton, Ph.D., Applied Linguistics, Ryukoku Univ., Kyoto, Japan
Luke Rudkowski interviews Michael
Moore and Peter Schiff
Bellweb site
- He was born in Ann Arbor Michigan. His father was a
scientist whom worked with the late Henry Ford Sr. of the automobile
fame. His great uncle Alexander Graham Bell was also a well-known
inventor. Dr. Bell's family is slightly eclectic. For example, his
father Allan Bell brought a London Bridge over from England and put
it in the middle of an Arizona desert and built a city with a pond
around it. Today is called Havasu City.
of his entire heritage young Dr. Fred was propelled into science at
a very early age. And at age 14, he was not only working at the
University of Michigan on nuclear energy projects, but was also
inducted into the U.S. government's project called M. K. Ultra. This
early mind control research covered such topics as past life
regression, and the popular remote viewing used today by the CIA and
other intelligence gathering factions worldwide.
At 16 years of age he moved on to join
the U.S. Air Force. Although technically, he could not wear a
uniform until his 17th birthday, he began working in the Air Force
on highly classified projects, several involving early warning radar
defense systems and the detection and tracking of extraterrestrial
craft. He was one of the first to bring the awareness of the famed
DDS form 213 to public awareness.
Later on in the United States of
America, when people began to exercise their freedoms to previously
classified information, it was discovered that the DDS form 213 was
used in fact by the U.S. Air Force to report internally to the
government of the presence of extraterrestrials and their craft.
Today Dr. Bell still works with the government on a project known as
the Disclosure project, along with the famed Dr. Steven Greer in
de-compartmentalizing the various agencies that are working in
concert with extraterrestrials, on such projects such as of them to
advance propulsion systems and weaponry.
After his tenure in the military, he
joined the private industry and worked on projects such as Star Wars
(the military version), laser development submarine and missile
guidance systems, and finally the lunar lander project known as the
Apollo missions. During this time he worked with Scott Crosfield, of
the X. 15 fame and the late Warner von Braun.
After he left his NASA related
position, he went into the private sector and consulted to over 3000
companies on topics such as computer science, biological science,
medical science, environmental testing, quality control, weaponry,
aircraft research, and a variety of other technical realities.
Because of his vast background in instrumentation, his services were
applicable almost anywhere worldwide.
He then left the defense sector and
began studying with Himalayan Masters. During this time he became
internationally known as a contactee to a Pleiadean group of
extraterrestrial humanoids whom were here to help the people on
earth save themselves from their own destructive tendencies. This
group comes from a star system 500 light-years from earth. For this
effort the Russian society of cosmonauts (astronauts), awarded Dr.
Bell the distinguished scientific progress award.
Dr. Bell was a practicing naturopath,
scientist and environmentalist, and was working worldwide with
programs that include a proper conduct of school systems, autistic
children, and other problems that develop and effect the growth
factor of our young up-and-coming society. He spent 20 years with a
National Health Federation, a U.S. based group that has promoted an
individuals freedom, to choose the type of health-care, freedom to
choose the various vitamins and minerals and dietary elements that
best works for them. In addition, he has brought attention to
various forms of world attrition, which have caused the formation of
many oceanic and rain forest projects.
Dr. Bell invented the famed and
patented Nuclear Receptor. Dr. Bell has also written several books
and been the subject of several others. The Promise, written by
famed author Brad Steiger is selling well in America and abroad. The
Promise is also written in German and Japanese languages. The
Promise is available.
The Promise.i
SEPT. 24, 2011 - FIRST HOUR -
George and Charlotte welcome Bob Chapman Publisher
"The International Forecaster"
we'll discuss World Economics, the eminent Eurozone crash, stock
market conditions and more............ .
Mr. Chapman is 72 years old. He
was born in Boston, MA and attended Northeastern University majoring
in business management. He spent three years in the U. S. Army
Counterintelligence, mostly in Europe. He
German and French and is conversant in Spanish. He lived in Europe
for six years, off and on, three years in Africa, a year in Canada
and a year in the Bahamas.
Mr. Chapman became a stockbroker
in 1960 and retired in 1988. For 18 of those years he owned his own
brokerage firm. He was probably the largest gold and silver
stockbroker in the world during that period. When he retired he had
over 6,000 clients.
From 1962 through 1976 he
specialized in South African gold shares. He and his family lived in
Salisbury, Rhodesia (now Harare, Zimbabwe) and Johannesburg, South
Africa from 1970 to 1973. During that time he did a great deal of
further study into the South African mining industry.
Mr. Chapman belonged to The
Traders Association for 25 years. He did all his own trading. During
his South African years some was done directly through Johannesburg,
but 95% was done through London brokerage firms. Hence, he has
extensive contacts, both in London and on the Continent.
Starting in 1967 Mr. Chapman
began writing articles on business, finance, economics and politics
having been printed and reprinted over the years in over 200
publications. He owned and wrote the Gary Allen Report, which had
30,000 subscribers. He currently is owner and editor of The
International Forecaster, a compendium of information on business,
finance, economics and social and political issues worldwide, which
reaches 10,000 investors and brokers monthly directly, and parts of
his publication are picked up by 60 different websites weekly
exposing his ideas to over 10 million investors a week.
In 1976, after the Soweto riots,
Mr. Chapman began buying North American shares exclusively for his
clients. Up to that point only a handful of American and Canadian
issues interested him, due to the high dividends the South African
shares had paid out over the years. Between 1976 and 1988 his
business surged from 1,000 to 6,000 clients, so the bulk of his
business ended up being Vancouver Stock Exchange issues. For this
reason he is very conversant with the quality of management,
geologists, properties and traders on today’s North American scene.
He is well known.
From 1976 to present he has spoke
and given workshops at over 200 business conferences worldwide, and
has been on radio and TV hundreds of times. Until his retirement he
was always judged by the attendees to be one of the top three
speakers and never once was lower than first in workshops due to his
vast knowledge of the mining business and his grasp of worldwide
financial markets and political scenes.
In June of 1991, at the request
of business associates, and due to retirement boredom, he began
writing the International Forecaster
SECOND HOUR - George and
Charlotte welcome
Hay, author of the critically acclaimed book already in its second
The Social Media Survival Guide, is a veteran Web
developer, publisher, and a pioneer of social media and Web 2.0,
especially as it applies to small business and the publishing
industry. She is an avid writer, presenter, educator, and Blogger
Hay’s deep working
knowledge of social media concepts as well as how to
apply them in the real world make her writings and
presentations some of the most exciting and accessible
in the industry today. Currently, she educates
businesses on the strategies, technologies, and tools
for creating a sustainable and optimized presence in the
Social Web. She presently teaches the graduate level
Social Media Certificate program online for Drury
As a publisher and small business owner, Hay knows
firsthand the amount of traffic that social media
optimization and marketing can drive to a Website, as
well as the millions of potential customers and readers
it can reach and influence. Her writings are filled with
practical training in social media due to her in-depth
knowledge of the tools. She intuitively knows how to
apply social media technologies because she can actually
develop and adapt those applications for business
A long-time advocate
of open source technologies, Hay has been programming
and doing Web development in one form or another for
over 25 years. Her graduate education includes computer
science, applied mathematics, numerical analysis, fluid
dynamics, nonlinear dynamics, and psychology – so,
she is a poet
A native Alaskan and
naturalist, Deltina currently lives in Austin, Texas
where she is constantly surprised at the beauty and
ecological diversity of the
Texas State
Parks .
Contact her for
consulting, speaking, training, or development:
Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791
17, 2011 - FIRST HOUR -
George welcomes Dr. Ken O'Neal to the first segment and the rest of
the hour he'll discuss his recent web cast live from Toronto of -
The International Hearings on the events of Sept. 11, 2001
SECOND HOUR - George welcomes
Tod Fletcher, he has assisted David Ray Griffin in the writing of
nine books on 9/11 (from The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions
and Distortions to 9/11 Ten Years Later: When State Crimes
Against Democracy Succeed). He
is a co-producer of "Guns and Butter," a weekly radio program on
KPFA-FM in Berkeley, CA, which has aired many ground-breaking shows
on the truth of 9/11 since October, 2001. He also helps get vital
information to the public at He has written and given interviews on
9/11 truth since January, 2002. He blogs at
SEPT. 10, 2011 - George and
Charlotte discuss the Hearings in Toronto - International Hearings
on the events of Sept. 11, 2001 - we welcome
Dave Chandler is known for his 9/11
videos and his success in getting NIST to admit free-fall
acceleration for WTC building 7. He is a graduate of Harvey
and has an MA from Claremont Graduate University, and an MS in
mathematics from Cal Poly, Pomona. David’s article, WTC7: NIST
Admits Freefall focuses on significant errors and incandescence in
the final NIST report on the collapse of tower 7 and includes
excerpts from a technical briefing held by NIST on August 26, 2008.
During this briefing, questions were put to the panel by Chandler.
David’s videos related to the destruction of the WTC have made
significant inroads in educating the public about the problems with
the official investigations.
SEPT. 3, 2011 - FIRST HOUR - 7:15-8pm - George and Charlotte welcome Ted Walter Director of New York City
Coalition For Accountability Now - -
Tenth Anniversary of 911 Tragedy
George and Charlotte welcome Tod Fletcher sitting in for David Ray
Griffin author of
"9/11 Ten Years Later: When
State Crimes Against Democracy Succeed"
David Ray Griffin
Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Theology, Emeritus,
Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University
in Claremont, California, where he remains a co-director of the
Center for Process Studies.
He has published (as author or
editor) 35 books, primarily in theology, philosophy, and
philosophy of religion, with special emphases on the problem of
evil and the relation between science and religion.
Ten of his books deal with
9/11: The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the
Bush Administration and 9/11
(2004), The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and
Distortions (2005), Christian Faith and the Truth about
9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action (2006), 9/11 and
American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out (2006, co-edited
with Peter Dale Scott), Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer
to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official
Conspiracy Theory (2007), 9/11 Contradictions: An
Open Letter to Congress and the Press, The New
Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, the Cover-Up, and the Exposé
Osama bin Laden: Dead or Alive? (2009), The Mysterious
Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report
about 9/11 is Unscientific and False (2010), and
Cognitive Infiltration: an Obama Appointee's Plan to Undermine
the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory (2010) and 9/11 Ten Years
Later: When State Crimes Against Democracy Succeed
Tod Fletcher has assisted David
Ray Griffin in the writing of nine books on 9/11 (from The 9/11
Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions to 9/11 Ten
Years Later: When State Crimes Against Democracy Succeed). He
is a co-producer of "Guns and Butter," a weekly radio program on
KPFA-FM in Berkeley, CA, which has aired many ground-breaking shows
on the truth of 9/11 since October, 2001. He also helps get vital
information to the public at He has written and given interviews on
9/11 truth since January, 2002. He blogs at
What They Say
About Latest Book
“In this, his tenth book on 9/11 and its consequences,
David Ray Griffin continues to report the facts and
marshal the evidence that the mainstream media continue
to ignore. Having previously demolished the official
9/11 story, Griffin now explains how the government got
away with its crime against democracy.”-Paul
Craig Roberts, formerly assistant secretary of the
treasury and associate editor of the Wall Street
Journal, has most recently writtenHow
the Economy Was Lost.
“Anyone who has actually studied Griffin's writings on
9/11 knows that the evidence against the truth of the
official account is overwhelming. It is not surprising
that the mainstream response has been to ridicule and
ignore rather than to engage in reasoned discussion.
What is disappointing is that leading liberals and
responsible journalists have joined in by affirming
ideas that contradict basic science and condescendingly
rejecting solid research without examining it. In this
book, Griffin describes the behavior of these
journalists and attempts, in a remarkably charitable
spirit, to understand it.” -John
B. Cobb, Jr., author ofThe
Earthist Challenge to Economismand
(with Herman Daly)For the Common Good.
Publisher’s Description:9/11
Ten Years Lateris
David Ray Griffin's tenth book about 9/11. Asking in the
first chapter whether 9/11 justified the war in
Afghanistan, he explains why it did not.
In the following three
chapters, devoted to the destruction of the World Trade
Center, Griffin asks why otherwise rational journalists
have endorsed miracles (understood as events that
contradict laws of science). Also, introducing the
book's theme, Griffin points out that 9/11 has been
categorized by some social scientists as a state crime
against democracy.
Turning next to debates
within the 9/11 Truth Movement, Griffin reinforces his
claim that the reported phone calls from the airliners
were faked, and argues that the intensely debated issue
about the Pentagon - whether it was struck by a Boeing
757 - is quite unimportant.
Finally, Griffin suggests
that the basic faith of Americans is not Christianity
but "nationalist faith" - which most fundamentally
prevents Americans from examining evidence that 9/11 was
orchestrated by U.S. leaders - and argues that the
success thus far of the 9/11 state crime against
democracy need not be permanent.
“Why yet another book on 9/11? Because, as David Ray
Griffin points out clearly and persuasively, 9/11
continues to be not only the greatest crime in American
history, but also the most strenuously covered up, and
certainly the crime with the greatest political
consequences. He shows how over a decade the events of
9/11 and the reports on them have been used to attack
the American democratic system. Above all, he documents
the success of this attack -- by the refusal of the
media, the academy, and religious institutions to openly
discuss these matters, and by the numbers of critics who
at one extreme have made fools of themselves in echoing
the Orwellian official version, and at the other extreme
have been either fired or silenced after their dissent
from it.”-Peter
Dale Scott,a
poet, a former Canadian diplomat, and a professor at the
University of California (Berkeley), whose most recent
prose book isAmerican
War Machine.
“Our civilization cannot survive if we do not confront
the unanswered questions about 9/11. David Ray Griffin
does that with the same clarity and meticulous
documentation that characterized his preceding books.
Frightening as the enormity of the truth about 9/11 may
be, we should also bear in mind that it is a window of
opportunity for addressing a whole range of problems
threatening the lives of our children and grandchildren.
I am sure those who follow will recognize David Ray
Griffin’s body of work as one of the most important
contributions of the last decade.”-Niels
Harrit, Associate Professor Emeritus, Nano-science
Center, Department of Chemistry, University of
August 27, 2011 -FIRST HOUR -
George and Charlotte welcome Sean Bonner last week we were not able
to connect to Sean but he graciously agreed to return - and I
apologize for our inability last week to connect to him - george
Sean is a Director of
Home Page
- out of L.A.
and Tokyo - Sean will discuss his recent trip to Japan - His Article
Sean is a Los Angeles based
entrepreneur, journalist, activist and enthusiast.
He has been featured in GOOD,
Wired, Playboy, Salon, Forbes, been included in Yahoo!’s Best
of the Web, and has spoken at conferences, events, and coffee shops
around the world.
Currently Sean’s time is split
Safecast (an open global sensor
network currently monitoring radiation levels in Japan),
Neoteny Labs (an early stage
consumer internet startup fund focusing on South East Asia) and
Coffee Common (a customer
education brand collaboration launched at TED 2011). He is one of
the founders of Crash Space,
a Los Angeles hackerspace and has been a regular contributor to
A frequent speaker, Sean explores
topics ranging from lifestyle hacks to blogs, media, and grassroots
journalism. Recently he’s spoken at TechCrunch Disrupt (NYC),
TEDxVienna [video],
Ignite Toronto, SXSWi (Austin, TX), Roboexotica (Vienna, Austria)
and Re:Publica (Berlin, Germany). Sean has organized conferences and
unconferences including the first BarCamp in Los Angeles and The New
Context Conference in Tokyo.
As co-founder of
Bode Media Inc, Sean helped create
the first global network of local media sites. As a consultant, he’s
helped The Groop, Jack In The Box, LAPD, Suicide Girls, Obey Giant,
Shopzilla and others interact with their customers, clients, and
fans online. Sean has also hosted the iPhone game review show
iPhun and recently designed the
cover of Die Antwoord’s
“$O$” album.
Prior to all this, Sean helped
build the groundbreaking contemporary art gallery
exhibiting artists such as Glen E. Friedman, Shepard Fairey, Coop,
Chad Robertson and others. He also ran a record label and produced
several records by Hot Water Music and Less Than Jake to name a few.
He’s managed a design firm, worked as Sr. Designer for
and Creative Director for Victory Records. Way before that he was a
“Sean Bonner is a pioneer of
social software, Internet memes and online publishing. In
addition to being an excellent and highly sought-after speaker,
he is quickly becoming known as one of the celebrated icons of
the modern Internet subculture – his mere presence attracting
huge crowds of fans. I for one am a true believer.”
Joi Ito, Chairman
Creative Commons / Director MIT Media Lab
August 20, 2011 - FIRST HOUR - George and Charlotte discuss recent reports published by Safecast
of high radiation readings across Japan.
SECOND HOUR - George and
Charlotte welcome back Bill Still to discuss his latest book:
"No More National Debt"
About the Author - Bill
In 1996, we produced the highly
acclaimed documentary, The MoneyMasters (
It predicted the economic events that are just starting to
befall this country. This is now considered THE classic work on
monetary reform. Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman
guided us during the editing process for this 3 hour 23 minute
documentary and provides his endorsement of it on our website.
Bill Still (
) is a former newspaper editor and publisher. He has written for
USA Today, The Saturday Evening Post, the Los
Angeles Times Syndicate, OMNI magazine, and produced
the syndicated radio program, Health News.
He has written 22 books and two
documentary videos, including:
1.The Hormone Headache -
New ways to prevent, manage, treat, migranes and other
headaches. , 222 pages, soft-backed, published by Macmillian,
1995. $20. Over 20,000 in print.
2.The Truth About TMJ - How
to Help Yourself, the leading book on the temporomandibular
joint problem. 148-pages, 1994, soft-backed. $20
3.The Money Masters 203
minutes, 1996, a documentary history of the privately-owned
central banking scheme and its effects on American history. $20
retail (2 VHS tapes or 1 DVD). Over 50,000 in print.
4.On the Horns of the
Beast: the Federal Reserve and the New World Order - How a group
of private bankers have been given a monopoly over our money.
158 page, softback. $20.
5.Legend of the Holy Lance
- A fact-based novel about the lance that pierced the side of
Jesus. 240 pages, Hardback, $27.95; softback, $20.
6.Breathing for Musicians -
a 96-page manual for music students showing them common mistakes
made in the teaching of wind instruments and voice. $20.
7.Why America Is Free: A
History of the Founding of the American Republic 1750-1800 – A
208-page 7-grade hard-backed text on the American revolutionary
period, 1998, published by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association
for The Society of the Cincinnati, Washington, D.C., $20.
Over 60,000 in print.
August 13, 2011 - First Hour - open
phones and news updates
Second Hour - George and
Charlotte welcome Charles Hooper author of "The Next American
book information and ordering
About the Author
R. Hooper is the author of The Next American
Revolution: How to Demand Congressional Reform Now. Like
millions of other Americans, he has become increasingly distressed
by the unprecedented expansion of the federal government and the
numerous ways this unchecked power is destroying our country. He has
over twenty years experience as a professional patient advocate and
social worker. In this innovative “how-to” manual for instituting
real change to reclaim our country for its people, Hooper pleads the
case for a return to government of, by and for the people.
Hooper's writing reveals his
careful research into our country's beginnings and the creation of
our Constitution. He discusses the limitations our founders
purposely placed on each branch of government, and gives specific
examples illustrating how the federal government has been exceeding
its constitutional power for decades.
Through his book, Mr. Hooper
emerges as an advocate for those who agree that the current
political system has broken down to the point that it no longer
responds to the will of the American people. This breakdown has left
average American citizens feeling frustrated, apathetic, and even
fearful and distrustful of their own national government.
Charles R. Hooper earned a
Bachelor of Arts degree with a concentration in Sociology and
Political Science from the University of North Carolina at
Asheville. He also received a Master's degree in Social Work from
the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Since the Revolutionary War,
my family has upheld a strong heritage of military service to
America. Like my ancestors, I love my country; and I have not lost
faith in the American people. The intent of this book is to show my
fellow citizens how they can re-discover the one Constitutional tool
left to the American people and how it can be used to restore the
national legislature to a citizen's Congress. ~ Charles R. Hooper
August 6, 2011 - George and
Charlotte honor the memory of Ted Gunderson who passed away on July
31, 2011.
was a fine and honorably who sought truth and goodness. - In Ted's
memory we will replay a 26 minute interview that we had with Ted in
2007 in Addison, Texas. - we will take phone calls at the end of the
After retiring from the FBI,
Gunderson set up a private investigation firm, Ted L. Gunderson and
Associates, in
Santa Monica. In 1980, he became a defense investigator for
Green Beret Doctor
Jeffrey R. MacDonald, who had been convicted of the 1970
murders of his pregnant wife and two daughters. Gunderson obtained
affidavits from Helena Stoeckley
confessing to her involvement
in the murders. Gunderson is also co-author, with Roger McGovern, of
How to Locate Anyone Anywhere Without Leaving Home.Since his retirement, Gunderson has publicly claimed
that several high profile deaths or crimes have been committed by
cults, also often claiming involvement by high level
government officials. Cases where he has made such claims include
the death of
Sonny Bono, the
Oklahoma City bombing, the
MacDonald case, and the
Franklin child-prostitution ring allegations. He recently
provided an affidavit about Gang
Stalking regarding Freedom of Information Request No.
10-00169.. .......wikipedia
He was a member of the
Constitution Party. Ted died on July 31st 2011 from
complications from pneumonia. He had stage 4 cancer.
It is with great sorrow
that I must share with you very sad news. Shane Geiger has
died. He died of pulmonary embolism. Some three
weeks ago Shane sprained his ankle and it was not healing well.
He sprained it while walking a new puppy his girlfriend Marie
and he had adopted. He knew it wasn't healing that well
but he had no idea that he was suffering dangerous blood clots
and awoke one morning not feeling well. He collapsed not
long after waking up and his girlfriend immediately dialed 911.
They worked for 2.5 hours to resuscitate and keep him alive but
according to his brother, Adam, a trained EMT, even with 50
doctors standing at the table, a pulmonary embolism is so
serious even they would not be able to save him. Although
an odd chain of events no foul play is suspected.
The first responders put forth
heroic efforts due to Shane's relative youth but to no avail.
He was pronounced dead sometime Thursday. His family has flown
in from Nebraska to be with him and Shane's an organ donor so he has
been on "life support" as the organ donations precede. As soon
as all these generous organ donations are received Shane's body will
be the custody of the New York coroner’s officer and then finally
released to the family after autopsy. They do not expect to
take custody of Shane's body until Tuesday sometime.
Shane's remains will be
cremated and flown back to Norfolk Nebraska to be laid to rest next
to his mother.
They do not know when this
will happen yet.
I was asked to send out this
information out by Adam, Shane's brother as they cannot access his
phone or computer but want his friends to know. Adam Geiger can be
Shane has left behind his father, brother Adam and sister Tammy.
All cards, letters, flowers
and condolences can be sent to:
"In Loving Memory of Shane
c/o Adam Geiger
1803 Carmel Dr.
Norfolk, NE 68701.
I am truly sorry to
communicate such sad news to you in this manner. Shane was
dearly beloved by many and please know you are not alone in your
shock and grief.
JULY 30,
2011 - George and Charlotte welcome Tony Gosling his siteto our program
Ongoing phone hacking scandal
and Murdoch's evil
Israel NATO's assassination/provocation policy rolling out Norway
No rule of law - UK/US/Israel/ misgovernance problems &
Who does
that Tony Gosling think he is?
A brief biog.
I was born in Gravesend, Kent in
1962 and brought up in Bromley, South London. I ended my formal
education at Ilkley College in West Yorkshire with a Humanities
degree, specializing in English Literature, from
University. After working for a few years in the family aviation
business I decided to have a go at radio journalism.
Volunteering at the GLC funded
Radio Thamesmead(now Time FM 106.8) in South East London I
eventually became their full-time volunteer editor of community
programmes. RTM applied for, and got, an FM license from the Radio
Authority but as part of the financial deal manager Bob Smith took
many of the best presenters off the air. I therefore left in 1991
for a researchers job at
Greater London Radio, the BBC's station for London.
In 1992 I moved to
BBC Radio Solentas a reporter and then on to
BBC Wiltshire Sound, where I worked as Salisbury reporter,
relief presenter and documentary maker. When Wiltshire Sound had a
'cash crisis' the BBC decided they no longer required my services. I
moved to the Lake District where I took a year out then moved to
Oxford where I got involved with environmental campaigning,
volunteering at
The Land Is Ours helping to organize land occupations in the
mid to late 1990's.
After moving to Bristol and getting into investigative journalism I
helped establish
i-Contact video network and
Ecovillage network UK. I spent a year on the National
Executive of the NUJ and eight years as Secretary, then Vice-Chair
of the Bristol branch of the
National Union of Journalists until the 2009 AGM when I
resigned from the Bristol executive.
I joined the Religious Society of Friends, or Quakers, in June 2005
and I delivered my first lecture on the Seventeenth Century
Illuminati in October 2006.
Since Easter 2009 I have produced and presented
Friday Drivetime, the weekly politics show on Bristol Community
FM which gives a provincial perspective on the news 'in Bristol
Britain and around the world'.
You can contact me
here and get good quality photos of me
JULY 23,
2011 - FIRST HOUR - George and Charlotte welcome Bob Chapman - Publisher
"The International Forecaster"
we'll discuss the Oslo attacks both the downtown bombing and the
attack on the island of Utoeya. The result of the attacks were over
92 deaths. - a car bomb in downtown Oslo, Norway targeting the
National Government Building housing the Prime Minister's office
killed 7 while over 85 deaths occurred on the Utoeya Island. Anders
Behring Breivik, 32 is in police custody suspected of both the
downtown bombing and the killings on Utoeya Island, which is
approximately 39-40 km by car from Oslo. .
Mr. Chapman is 72 years old. He
was born in Boston, MA and attended Northeastern University majoring
in business management. He spent three years in the U. S. Army
Counterintelligence, mostly in Europe. He
German and French and is conversant in Spanish. He lived in Europe
for six years, off and on, three years in Africa, a year in Canada
and a year in the Bahamas.
Mr. Chapman became a stockbroker
in 1960 and retired in 1988. For 18 of those years he owned his own
brokerage firm. He was probably the largest gold and silver
stockbroker in the world during that period. When he retired he had
over 6,000 clients.
From 1962 through 1976 he
specialized in South African gold shares. He and his family lived in
Salisbury, Rhodesia (now Harare, Zimbabwe) and Johannesburg, South
Africa from 1970 to 1973. During that time he did a great deal of
further study into the South African mining industry.
Mr. Chapman belonged to The
Traders Association for 25 years. He did all his own trading. During
his South African years some was done directly through Johannesburg,
but 95% was done through London brokerage firms. Hence, he has
extensive contacts, both in London and on the Continent.
Starting in 1967 Mr. Chapman
began writing articles on business, finance, economics and politics
having been printed and reprinted over the years in over 200
publications. He owned and wrote the Gary Allen Report, which had
30,000 subscribers. He currently is owner and editor of The
International Forecaster, a compendium of information on business,
finance, economics and social and political issues worldwide, which
reaches 10,000 investors and brokers monthly directly, and parts of
his publication are picked up by 60 different websites weekly
exposing his ideas to over 10 million investors a week.
In 1976, after the Soweto riots,
Mr. Chapman began buying North American shares exclusively for his
clients. Up to that point only a handful of American and Canadian
issues interested him, due to the high dividends the South African
shares had paid out over the years. Between 1976 and 1988 his
business surged from 1,000 to 6,000 clients, so the bulk of his
business ended up being Vancouver Stock Exchange issues. For this
reason he is very conversant with the quality of management,
geologists, properties and traders on today’s North American scene.
He is well known.
From 1976 to present he has spoke
and given workshops at over 200 business conferences worldwide, and
has been on radio and TV hundreds of times. Until his retirement he
was always judged by the attendees to be one of the top three
speakers and never once was lower than first in workshops due to his
vast knowledge of the mining business and his grasp of worldwide
financial markets and political scenes.
In June of 1991, at the request
of business associates, and due to retirement boredom, he began
writing the International Forecaster
JULY 16, 2011 - George has no
guests tonight, open phones
Today the ceremony is held in front of a 40' high stone owl on the
banks of a lake with robe-draped worshippers in attendance
“Anybody can be President of
the United States, but very few canever have any hope of
becoming President of the Bohemian Club.” - President
Richard Nixon, 1972
They secretly meet for seventeen days each Juemote “sacred grove” of
ancient redwood trees in the deep forests surrounding San Francisco.
Some 1,500 in number, their membership roll is kept secret, but
includes the super-rich, blood dynasty member families of the
Illuminati; heavy-hitting corporate chieftains and high government
officials. Mingling among them are a number of Hollywood movie
stars, Broadway producers, famous entertainers, musicians, authors,
painters and poets. Great statesmen and – so we’re told – gentlemen.
The names you’ll recognize: Former U.S. Presidents William Howard
Taft, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Dwight Eisenhower, Richard
Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr. and Jr. Most of
our present Bush administration’s top officials, such as Colin
Powell, are also members of this exclusive men’s club. California
Governor Pete Wilson, the mayors of Los Angeles, San Francisco and
other major cities; astronauts Wally Schirra and Frank Borman;
former FBI and CIA directors; former Secretaries of State George
Schultz and Henry Kissinger; international bankers; heads of big oil
companies (ARCO, Mobil, Pennzoil, Texaco), and corporate CEO’s
frolic in the redwoods with some of the most famous creative people
in history: Mark Twain, Ambrose Bierce, Bret Harte, Jack London,
Will Rogers, Douglas Fairbanks, Charlie Chaplin and Art Linkletter
all “let their hair down” here.
Even Great Britain’s Queen Elizabeth showed up in 1983. Her Majesty
was honored with an ecstatic pagan dance ceremony, complete with
expensive, elaborate stage props such as Egyptian pyramids and
Babylonian ziggurats. Yet, even the Queen of England could not join
this club if she applied for membership. Why? Because this club is
exclusively all male. Women have not ever been allowed since the
club’s founding in 1873.
So what is this ultra-elite club with the bizarre Druid customs?
They are the Bohemians, formally known as the Bohemian Club. They
practically own their own county north of San Francisco, a
2,700-acre summer camp they call the Bohemian Grove. Since the
1890s, the “Grovers” (as they are known to intimates) have gathered
amongst these redwood trees to “get away from it all,” have a little
summer vacation fun, and avoid business dealings altogether for two
weeks. At least, that’s the official story.
Then, there are the other stories…some of them too strange to
believe. Tales of world leaders plotting the world’s destiny there
in secret “war rooms,” hand-picking Presidents and future leaders
from the Bohemian Grove. Reports of occult rituals being conducted
by these same powerful men, clad only in hooded red, black and white
robes, offering an effigy of a human being to be sacrificed by fire
to a towering 45-foot stone owl God, the “Great Owl of Bohemia” in a
ceremony called “The Cremation of Care.” Sometimes, they discard the
robes, don women’s clothing and parade around onstage in theatrical
productions or – if the spirit so moves them - they wear no clothes
at all!
Things get even stranger still. Stories have come out of the Grove
about wild homosexual orgies, male and female prostitutes being
engaged in what can only be described as extreme sexual games, young
children being exploited in unspeakable ways, up to and including
cold-blooded ritual murder. There are stories involving actual human
sacrifice on the “altar” of the owl God statue. Understandably, it’s
all very hard to believe.
But is any of it true? Does the Bohemian Grove emulate the ancient
mystery cults of Babylon, Rome, and Greece? Do its members celebrate
the old Gods such as Molech, Ishtar, Lilith, Attis, Mithra, Apollo,
Zoroaster, and others? Or is it a western secret society like the
freemasons and Yale’s exclusive Skull and Bones? Are they just
having “good clean fun” at the Grove? Or are they covertly plotting
to take over the world? Why do our world leaders meet here to share
a fascination with the arts and all things Bohemian? Why the
obsession with the occult and ancient Babylon? This book proposes to
answer many of the most frequently asked questions about Bohemian
Grove, investigate the rumors, fully document what is known to be
true, and hopefully destroy a few misconceptions.
Closed to the public, sealed off by helicopters, a private security
force, and armed guards, there can be no doubt that without the
prying eyes of the public upon them, the power elite may engage in
whatever activities they wish at the Grove. Whether it’s crafting
policy matters in secret, dancing around in drag, cheating on their
wives with prostitutes, taking drugs, practicing black magic, or
even committing murder, the pristine isolation of the Bohemian Grove
provides a convenient cover for any immoral, illegal, or
“un-gentlemanly” behavior one desires.
For most the club’s long history, the public could only speculate as
to what these men were doing in there. Books and news articles about
the Bohemian Grove have been scarce; we could only rely on a little
“leaked” information from insiders and the tireless work of a few
dedicated researchers and activists.
Now the truth can finally be revealed. Mike Hanson is a first-hand
eyewitness who has been inside the Bohemian Grove. In the summer of
2000, Mike secretly “infiltrated” the Grove with radio talk show
host Alex Jones. They filmed several hours of footage, including the
entire “Cremation of Care” ritual, which will be published in full
here for the first time. He peers behind the deep, green foliage and
twisted vines, and the moss-covered brown limbs and trunks of
ancient, gnarled trees to discover what really goes on at the
Bohemian Grove.
On this, the 130-year anniversary of the founding of the Bohemian
Club, Bohemian Grove: Cult of Conspiracy
promises to uncover the Grove’s hidden history and expose the
secrets of the redwoods
JULY 2, 2011 - George and
Charlotte will discuss The Weimar Republic where Nazi Germany
blossomed from and compare Nazi Germany to America today - The book
entitled "Ominous Parallels" authored by Leonard Peikoff will
energize the conversation - a book within which Leonard Peikoff made
some insightful and meaningful assertions.
The Weimar Republic (Weimarer
Republik is the name given by
historians to the parliamentary republic established in 1919
Germany to replace the
imperial form of government. It was named after
Weimar, the city where the
constitutional assembly took place. Its official name was Deutsches
Reich (sometimes translated as German Empire, but
Reich can also mean
realm or federal level of government), however it was usually
referred to as Germany by English speakers. Following
World War I, the republic emerged from the
German Revolution in November 1918. In 1919, a
national assembly convened in
Weimar, where
a new constitution for the German Reich was written, then
adopted on 11 August of that same year. Germany's period of
liberal democracy lapsed in the early 1930s, leading to the
ascent of the
Adolf Hitler in 1933. Although the constitution of 1919 was
never officially repealed, the legal measures taken by the Nazi
government in February and March 1933, commonly known as
Gleichschaltung ("coordination") meant that the
government could legislate contrary to the constitution. The
constitution became irrelevant; thus, 1933 is usually seen as the
end of the Weimar Republic and the beginning of Hitler's
Third Reich
In its 14 years, the Weimar
Republic was faced with numerous problems, including
hyperinflation, political extremists on the left and the
right and their paramilitaries, and hostility from the victors of
World War I. However, it overcame many of the oppressive
requirements of the
Treaty of Versailles, reformed the
currency, and unified tax politics and the
railway system.....Wikipedia
Is the freest country on earth moving
toward totalitarian dictatorship? What were the factors that enabled the Nazis
to seize power in pre-war Germany? Do those same conditions exist in America
These are the questions raised - and
answered, with frightening clarity - by Leonard Peikoff, Ayn Rand's intellectual
heir, in his powerful book The Ominous Parallels.
"We are drifting to the future, not
moving purposefully," Peikoff warns. "But we are drifting as Germany moved, in
the same direction, for the same kind of reason."
Some of the "ominous parallels" between
pre-Hitler Germany and the United States that Peikoff identifies are:
Liberals who demand public control
over the use and disposal of private property - social security, more taxes,
more government control over the energy industry, medicine, broadcasting,
Conservatives who demand government
control over our intellectual and moral life - prayer in the schools,
literary censorship, government intervention in the teaching of biology, the
anti-abortion movement, etc.
Political parties devoid of
principles or direction and moved at random by pressure groups, each
demanding still more controls.
A "progressive," anti-intellectual
educational system that, from kindergarten to graduate school, creates
students who can't read or write - students brainwashed into the feeling
that their minds are helpless and they must adapt to "society," that there
is no absolute truth and that morality is whatever society says it is.
A student radical movement (from the
1960's through the violent anti-nukers and ecology fanatics of today) who
are, Peikoff maintains, the "pre-Hitler youth movement resurrected." The
radicals are nature worshippers who attack the middle class, science,
technology, and business.
The rise of defiant old-world racial
hatreds disguised as "ethnic-identity" movements and "affirmative action."
A pervasive atmosphere of decadence,
moral bankruptcy, and nihilist art accompanied by the rise of escapist
mystic cults of every kind - astrology, "alternative medicine,"
Orientalists, extrasensory perception, etc.
First they
came for the
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the
trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me
- Martin Niemoller
they came for the constitutionalist,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a constitutionalist.
Then they came for the
Anti-Federal Reserve protestors,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Anti-Federal
Reserve protestor.
Then they came for the
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Patriot.
Then they came for me dragged me to the gallows – I screamed out loud
I’m one of you – then they hung me.
The Stuttgarter Schuldbekenntnis, below: known in English as
the Stuttgart Declaration of Guilt, was a declaration issued
on October 19, 1945 by the Council of the
Evangelical Church in Germany (Evangelischen
Kirche in Deutschland or EKD), in which it confessed
guilt for its inadequacies in opposition to the
Nazis and the
Third Reich
"Through us infinite wrong was brought over many peoples and
countries. That which we often testified to in our
communities, we express now in the name of the whole church:
We did fight for long years in the name of Jesus Christ
against the mentality that found its awful expression in the
National Socialist regime of violence; but we accuse
ourselves for not standing to our beliefs more courageously,
for not praying more faithfully, for not believing more
joyously, and for not loving more ardently"
JUNE 25, 2011 - FIRST HOUR
George and Charlotte discuss first current news and Texas
State Politics
Henry Kissinger - we need to be a
community with China
The United States and China must
"adjust their traditional thinking" and "move toward a sense of
community" in order to avoid conflict, Dr. Henry
Kissinger told an Asia Society audience Wednesday.
"We are now in an international
situation for which there is no precedent in history," the Nobel
Peace Prize winner and former Secretary of State said.
"On the one hand there is turmoil
in many parts of the world. At the same time, there are a series of
problems that can only be dealt with on a global basis. ... And that
makes it imperative for the two strongest nations that are existing
in the world today to move in a cooperative manner."
JUNE 18, 2011 -
George and Charlotte welcome special guest Charles
Torello - open lines - I must retract a statement I
made live on this program Sat. June 18, 2011. I
stated that Texas Governor Rick Perry had
placed H.R. 1937 onto the Special Session agenda -
Governor Perry has not placed H.R. 1937 onto
the present Special Session - follows is a video
produced at The Southern Republican Leadership
confirming that fact -
JUNE 18, 2011 - George and Charlotte
welcome special guest Charles Torello
JUNE 11, 2011 - George and
Charlotte welcome Tony Gosling from Bristol, England the leading
Bilderberg Group watcher -
His Site
Who does
that Tony Gosling think he is?
A brief biog.
I was born in Gravesend, Kent in
1962 and brought up in Bromley, South London. I ended my formal
education at Ilkley College in West Yorkshire with a Humanities
degree, specialising in English Literature, from Bradford
University. After working for a few years in the family aviation
business I decided to have a go at radio journalism.
Volunteering at the GLC funded
Radio Thamesmead(now Time FM 106.8) in South East London I
eventually became their full-time volunteer editor of community
programmes. RTM applied for, and got, an FM licence from the Radio
Authority but as part of the financial deal manager Bob Smith took
many of the best presenters off the air. I therefore left in 1991
for a researchers job at
Greater London Radio, the BBC's station for London.
In 1992 I moved to
BBC Radio Solentas a reporter and then on to
BBC Wiltshire Sound, where I worked as Salisbury reporter,
relief presenter and documentary maker. When Wiltshire Sound had a
'cash crisis' the BBC decided they no longer required my services. I
moved to the Lake District where I took a year out then moved to
Oxford where I got involved with environmental campaigning,
volunteering at
The Land Is Ours helping to organise land occupations in the
mid to late 1990's.
After moving to Bristol and getting into investigative journalism I
helped establish
i-Contact video network and
Ecovillage network UK. I spent a year on the National
Executive of the NUJ and eight years as Secretary, then Vice-Chair
of the Bristol branch of the
National Union of Journalists until the 2009 AGM when I
resigned from the Bristol executive.
I joined the Religious Society of Friends, or Quakers, in June 2005
and I delivered my first lecture on the Seventeenth Century
Illuminati in October 2006.
Since Easter 2009 I have produced and presented
Friday Drivetime, the weekly politics show on Bristol Community
FM which gives a provincial perspective on the news 'in Bristol
Britain and around the world'.
You can contact me
here and get good quality photos of me
here - GCN: The Genesis Communications
Network. GCNLive Listen Live: On Air, Online, On Demand
& Mobile!
JUNE 4, 2011
- 7:30-9pm
CDT - George and Charlotte welcome
Springstead -
Her site
- Peaceful, Kind and Loving unless I see someone try to hurt
the people that I love. I don't need guns, I have my mouth. I will
not tolerate injustices or cruelty by Corporations against the good
of man, that is outright Bullying. I am a LION. Advocate for people
who have been poisoned by the environment and Chemicals, RN, Masters
in Biological Science, UCSB, Loma Linda University, PHCC, Riverside,
36 years in Healthcare.
Nursing Instructor, Psychiatric Technology Degree Calif State,
ER Trained, Administration, Wound Care, Med Surg. ACLS, PALS,
Instructor Certification. Clinical Nurse Educator for 2 HCA
Hospitals, Director for 44 bed Cardiac Unit and set up of 6 Bed ICU
overflow. Working on Doctorate in Alternative Medicine. Patented
Inventor Organic Skin Care #7060306 Pres and Owner Springstead LLC
New Hope. New Options. A
New Future
Only by shining the light into the darkness will we be
able to drive it away, and the truth is that light, and the lies
and deceptions about companies and their toxins is darkness.
~Trisha Springstead
Our world is full of
toxic pollutants: radiation, man made mercury,
petroleum distillates in our makeup, our hand and
body lotions, our hair products and even in our
drinking water (where jet fuel was recently
discovered in “small” and “acceptable” amounts).
Chemicals of every kind and in every
combination surround us in our homes, in our cars, at work, in our
clothes, and in the air we breathe. Plastics leech deadly chemicals
into our bottled drinking water, our soft drinks and the frozen
foods we microwave and boil.
The effect is deadly. The effect
is cumulative (it builds up continually). the effect is long term.
The effect, if we do nothing and continue to use these things the
way we always have, is irreversible. People in America are suffering
diabetes and thyroid problems in epidemic proportions – and the
problem is only going to continue to get worse.
Garden chemicals manufactured by
chemical giants like Monsanto and Dupont saturate our soil, our
ecosystem, seeping into our ground water, our wells and our
aquifers. Phosphates from golf courses run off into our rivers and
streams, our ponds and our eddies and algae blooms from the
unnaturally high amount of nutrients, choking out native species and
causing death.
Dispersants from BP mixed with
oil destroy the plankton, and kill the whales, the dolphins, the
coral, infect the crabs, the shrimp and harm swimmers and children
playing on the sandy shores. Fish are dying and local, state and
federal government officials say it’s all ok.
…But wait, I’m not finished – it
gets worse! There’s lead in our environment, and arsenic, and the
millions upon millions of old and excreted drugs, steroids and
antibiotics flushed down our toilets every single day not being
cleaned by our municipal water companies – then there’s the fracking
(oil companies fracturing rock in rural and not so rural areas and
injecting tons and tons of cheap toxic cancer causing deadly
chemicals deep into the earth to dissolve and squeeze out whatever
little “oil” (they call it oil, but it’s not) that they can.
So how many parts per million of
“this” and how many parts per million of “that” and how many parts
per million of ten thousand toxins combined together, all
interacting in God only god knows which ways, are we absorbing into
our bodies through food, our lungs through breathing and our skin
through contact with everything in our environment?
The CDC, the FDA, the AMA and the
big pharmaceutical companies all say it’s under control – there’s
nothing wrong – there’s a another pill for that – and television
networks, radio networks and all major newspapers are all owned by
just five powerful men.
We the people, those of us who
are awake and thinking, know what’s really going on. We know what
we’re seeing, what we’re feeling, and see the ill effects upon
ourselves, our families, our neighbors and our friends.
Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791
MAY 28, 2011 - George and
Charlotte honor the Vets and we'll discuss who in Congress has
backed up and really cares about our fighting men and those that
have sold them out. In addition we want to welcome Susan Westfall. A
mother, a libertarian, an educator and above all an individual. Life
and liberty are the most precious of God's gifts. She's a
Constitutionalist as well. She has worked in schools in
Saudi Arabia for approximately 20 years either as a teacher
and/or an administrator. She and her husband have five boys (2
mine/3 my husbands) and 2 grandchildren. She's a practicing Muslim
and supports a Republic as the best form of government for attaining
and maintaining individual liberty.
She's author of a recent article
appearing in entitled
"The War on Ron Paul"
- this is an excellent article about what we feel is an intentional,
concerned effort by the big money to defeat Ron Paul's bid for the
Presidency at any cost.
On 19 May
1967, while on his 81st combat mission over North Vietnam, Eugene
"Red" McDaniel was shot down while flying his A-6 Intruder aircraft.
He was listed as "missing in action" until 1970, when the Hanoi
government acknowledged that he was being held prisoner. A POW
for more that six years, McDaniel was released 4 March 1973, after
the Vietnam cease-fire.
Red McDaniel was one of the most brutally tortured prisoners of the
Vietnam War. This torture resulted from his active role in
camp communications during an organized escape attempt by his fellow
prisoners. He is the author of
Scars and Stripes,
a book telling about his six years in a communist prison.
When Red
McDaniel returned home
Vietnam, he was awarded the Navy's highest award for bravery, the
Navy Cross. Among his other military decorations are two
Silver Stars, the Legion of Merit with Combat "V", the
Distinguished Flying Cross, three Bronze Stars with Combat "V", and
two Purple Hearts for wounds received at the hands of the North
Vietnamese torturers.
McDaniel resumed active duty and served as Commanding Officer of
USS Niagara Falls and Commanding Officer of the
aircraft carrier USS Lexington. Under
his command, Lexington experienced no serious accidents while
accomplishing more than 20,000 carrier landings.
McDaniel served as Director of Navy/Marine Corps Liaison to the U.S.
House of Representatives from 1979 to 1981. In this capacity,
Captain McDaniel worked daily with Congress on national defense
planning and provided legislators with information vital to the
strategic development of Navy forces throughout the world. He
retired from the Navy in 1982.
Captain "Red" McDaniel is President of the American
Defense Institute, a non-profit organization
headquartered in Washington, D.C. He founded ADI to
increase public awareness of the need for a strong national defense.
- seven past American governments have failed to bring our
veterans home, Bill Hendon's book
"An Enormous Crime"exposes
the scandalous betrayal by successive governments including
John McCain and John Kerry in 1992 in turning their backs on
veterans left behind as POWs in Vietnam. Bill Hendon. and
co-author Elizabeth Stewart, whose father is Missing in
Action in North Vietnam, began writing a history of the POW
issue, An Enormous Crime,
soon after Hendon’s forced return from Vietnam in June
1995. The book is based on now-declassified postwar
intelligence and now-declassified official U.S. records
chronicling how seven presidential administrations; a House
investigatory committee (in 1975-76); a presidential
investigatory commission (in 1977) and a Senate
investigatory committee (in 1991-93) dealt with what
President Ronald Reagan so correctly called this “sorest
wound” of the Vietnam War. An Enormous Crime is
published by Thomas Dunne Books, a division of St.
Martin’s Press
7:30-8;30pm We welcome Karl
web site -
resume to our program who has spend decades in
computer security and in addition he has examined The Obama Birth
Certificate. - we'll discuss the results of his examination.
OPEN LINES 1-800 259-5791
MAY 14, 2011 - FIRST HOUR -
George and Charlotte cover the Disappearance of Hamza Bin Laden son
of Osama Bin Laden - in addition we'll report on the New Madrid
controversy and mystery.
chosen heir Hamza dodged US Navy Seals? - Did Hamza
escape from the Abbottabad house? -
SECOND HOUR - Debbie McKee -
State Coordinator for Texas - Campaign For Liberty - We'll
discuss very threatening and dangerous State and Federal Legislation
You might find a familiar voice... who has been speaking
up on your behalf, Ms. Heather Fazio, a woman dedicated
to Liberty who should be compensated with a law school
endorsement. I mean pay for her to go to law school. I
mean make sure she receives copious amounts of your
appreciation for the great work she is doing on behalf
of Texas. Oh, yes, and you had better say, THANK YOU.
BTW... Facebook and Google are at war. Yesterday I was
aggressively hacked and everything I had posted after May
11th has now been wiped out off of my
account, sponsored by google. Let's just say I have NO
FRIENDS at Facebook becuase, as Wikileaks' Julian Assange
has said, "Facebook
is an appalling spying machine" and a lapdog for US
intelligence agencies. Make no mistake - I was/am one of
the few oppressed bloggers who would dare report the
constructive Facebook connection of InQtel and FBI and was
aggressively hacked for featuring FOIA exposure of
Facebook's collusive role with the US government. Let's
just say the enemy of my enemy is my friend. And Facebook
is now suffering death by a thousand papercuuts.. I mean
CIVIL privacy violation LAWSUITS.
Per the Great State of Texas -- KEEP FIGHTIN', IT AIN'T OVER
In a
significant turn-around, a jury has rejected
charges that the maker of ground-breaking
video 7/7 Ripple Effect had attempted to
‘pervert the course of justice’
MAY 7, 2011 - 7-7;30 CDT -
George and Charlotte cover the news the first thirty minutes and
then get into a deep discussion of
911myth a.....Delusion?
The 911 event was the most important
tragedy to ever occur in the United States. There exists a
divergence of opinion as to whether or not this event was an inside
job, some say that yes indeed it was an inside job, while detractors
of the inside job theory call those yelling yes an inside job as
whacked out nut cake loonies. The mind is a land at times of
desolation and winding roads, leading nowhere, but somewhere deep
down within our hearts is a yearning for truth. This so called truth
is interfered by systems of thought, so tonight we will discuss the
911 truth movement and the biases and mechanisms, snares that
obstruct our sight, our vision our minds that we cannot see, cannot
and want not to realize truth, it's too horrible a thought, no that
just couldn't be true those people love America.
Premises - can be misleading!
OUTSIDE ENEMY - the al-Qaeda did it - view
911 is a terrorist act,
al-Qaeda committed the 911 attack so al-Qaeda is a terrorist
911 was committed by an
outside entity and our enemies are outside of our country so
that outside entity is our enemy
INSIDE ENEMY - the conspiracy
false flag - view
911 was an inside job, our enemies committed 911 so our
enemies are inside
our country with addition enemies outside and are in control
of our government
continuing the delusion
CONDITIONING - most of the public is suffering under a heavy
conditioned state of patriot conditioning from decades of being
indoctrinated about Americanism the way it use to be is taught - but
they are not being clued in and have not been educated about what I
call street smart-world smart power cartels. Delusion exists in the
fact that their patriot conditioning is now being used to
limit their freedoms and liberties in the name of security
911 was an attack by outside forces, al Qaeda did it, then all else
flows from this accepted premise and all proposed security measures
can be more easily accepted by the public - if the contrarian view
is correct than the manipulators lose their control and power over
PERSONALITY GREAT MEN ARE THESE - leaders are touted as great
solvers and solution makers a Panacea, worship of leaders is grown -
men have always failed over men
AND HIERARCHY - money is everything and the ultimate goal is to
accumulate all you can, so the result is that the ruthless
accumulate more money and they dominate - the monopoly of money
creation out of thin air must be revealed
WORLD-ESSENCE EDUCATION - distortions of the essence of the way
things really operate - The Fed should be revealed to be privately
owned - true power and who rules from behind the scenes must be
RESENTMENT CAULDRON - fueled continuously by video replays of
the actual 911 event, reinforcement of ego, false self -
forgiveness is the path the way
DID - DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER - the 911 event induced into
millions a state of dissociation which provides a mechanism
for our controllers to maintain control over us through
confusion, in a dissociated state individuals find it more difficult
to resolve conflicts and overcome differences in comprehending the
truth - awaken and come out of the darkness
PREPOSTEROUSNICITY - it would be so preposterous to even entertain
the thought that our government could have pulled this off -
impossible the simple minded say - gotta think way outside the Box
On the 10th anniversary of
9/11, the International Center for 9/11 Studies will sponsor
four days of citizen hearings at Ryerson University in the
city of Toronto, Canada. These international hearings will
be commonly referred to as the Toronto Hearings and more
information can be found at .
The objectives of the hearings are as follows:
1. To present evidence
that the U.S. government’s official investigation into the
events of September 11, 2001, as pursued by various
government and government-appointed agencies, is seriously
flawed and has failed to describe and account for the 9/11
2. To single out the most
weighty evidence of the inadequacy of the U.S. government’s
investigation; to organize and classify that evidence; to
preserve that evidence; to make that evidence widely known
to the public and to governmental, non-governmental and
inter-governmental organizations.
3. To submit a record and
a summary of the Hearings, together with signed Statutory
Declarations by witnesses, to relevant governments, groups
and international agencies with the request that a full and
impartial investigation be launched into the events of
September 11, 2001, which have been used to initiate
military invasions and to restrict the rights of citizens.
4. To engage the attention
of the public and media through witness testimony as well as
through public talks and media events during the four day
- Former CIA officer and hugely respected intelligence & foreign
policy expert Robert Baer,who
in 2008 when asked about Bin Laden by a radio host responded,
“Of course he is dead.”
- On
December 26, 2001, Fox News, citing a Pakistan Observer
story, reported that the Afghan Taliban had pronounced Bin Laden
dead and buried him in an unmarked grave.
- On
January 18, 2002, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf
announced: “I think now, frankly, he is dead.”
- On
July 17, 2002, the then-head of counterterrorism at the FBI,
Dale Watson, told a conference of law enforcement officials that “I
personally think he [Bin Laden] is probably not with us anymore.”
- In 2003, former Secretary
of State Madeleine Albright told Fox News Channel analyst
Morton Kondracke she suspected Bush knew the whereabouts of Osama
bin Laden and was waiting for the most politically expedient moment
to announce his capture.
- In November 2005, Senator
Harry Reid revealed that he was told Osama may have died in
the Pakistani earthquake of October that year.
- In
February 2007, Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke
University’s Religious Studies program, stated that the purported
video and audio tapes that were being released of Bin Laden were
fake and that he was probably dead.
- In March 2009, former US foreign intelligence officer and
professor of international relations at Boston University Angelo
Codevilla stated: “All the evidence suggests Elvis Presley is
more alive today than Osama Bin Laden.”
- In May 2009, Pakistani
President Asif Ali Zardari confirmed that his “counterparts
in the American intelligence agencies” hadn’t heard anything from
Bin Laden in seven years and confirmed “I don’t think he’s alive.”
!....... ....IT REALLY
Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791
The 19th Annual
International Military & Civilian Combat
Stress Conference
This Combat Stress Conference is the
longest running and one of the best of
its kind in the world. It has been
referred to by many who attend as the
“Gold Standard” of all Combat Stress
Conferences. Throughout the years, this
conference has trained both military and
civilian staff to provide services to
military personnel experiencing Combat
Stress related problems, as well as
problems experienced by civilian
disaster workers and victims.
This is one of the few conferences that
invites spouses and/or family members
(number depends on available seating) to
attend free of charge so they can also
be informed of the latest information
possible on Combat Stress related
• Thursday,
May 12, 2011
Conference •
May 13-15,
Dr. Billings
will be our guest tonight and the
discussion will center on the dangers of
ant-depressant drugs.
APRIL 30, 2011 7:30-9pm CDT -
George and Charlotte welcome Dr. Bart Billings
Full Bio - Dr.
Billings has been working in the fields of Human Services and
Management for over forty years. He possesses licenses in Clinical
Psychology, Marriage and Family Therapy and has expertise as a
certified rehabilitation counselor.
He also has an extensive background in
Management and Program Development, which include, but is not
limited to, Chief of Professional Services/Assistant Director at the
University of California, Davis Teaching Hospital’s Physical
Medicine & Rehabilitation Department, and Commanding Officer for a
General Hospital Section in the US Army Reserves. He has founded and
directed: The Annual International Military and Civilian Combat
Stress Conferences (15 yrs.), National Tri-Service Prisoner of War
Conference and the military wide Human Assistance Rapid Response
Team (HARRT).
On June 5th, 2003, he was named
as a member of the Governors Advisory Board to Patton State
Hospital, California. He currently oversees all psychological
services for the San Diego District of the California Department of
Rehabilitation. He has developed residential treatment programs in
substance abuse and alcoholism as well as human assistance programs
for the civilian and military community.
He has been senior faculty at the
William Glasser, MD Institute for over thirty five years and has
taught classes at the University of San Francisco, University of
California Davis, United States International University, etc., as
well as workshops on counseling and management throughout the United
He is the founder and president
of a manufacturing company called TBH Productions that produces
OmniSonic audio speakers. With TBH Productions, he developed a state
of the art non-obtrusive professional loud speaker that has the
potential to revolutionize the professional sound touring business.
He directed factory operations for three and a half years to enable
development of injection molds, write a manufacturing manual, and
develop manufacturing procedures for future large-scale
manufacturing. For over fifteen years he directed all research and
development, field-testing and endorsements in preparation for
worldwide marketing and sales. His work with sound and vast
experience in the medical field has resulted in him writing an
article in Navy Medicine Journal titled, “The Sound You Feel Can Be
Dangerous To Your Health “(Jan-Feb 2002, p.22-26), which deals with
vibroacoustic disease. He has also worked as a performing arts /
special events director, producer and writer for over twenty-five
Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791
APRIL 23, 2011 - FULL TWO HOURS - George and Charlotte welcome Dr. Lawrence "Larry" Lessig.
Dr. Lessig
Bio (born June 3, 1961) is an
academic and political activist. He is best known as a
proponent of reduced legal restrictions on
trademark, and
radio frequency spectrum, particularly in technology
Meme -A meme- is a
relatively newly coined term which identifies ideas, behaviors,
or styles that spreads from person to person within a culture.The concept comes from an analogy: as genes
transmit biological information, memes can be said to
transmit idea and belief information...wikipedia
John Smart, lead author of the Metaverse Roadmapechoes Sharma's perspective, defining Web 3.0 as
the first-generation
Metaverse (convergence of the
virtual and physical world), a web development layer that
includes TV-quality open video, 3D simulations, augmented
reality, human-constructed semantic standards, and pervasive
broadband, wireless, and sensors. Web 3.0's early geosocial
(Foursquare, etc.) and augmented reality (Layar, etc.) webs are
an extension of Web 2.0's participatory technologies and social
networks (Facebook, etc.) into 3D space. Of all its
metaverse-like developments, Smart suggests Web 3.0's most
defining characteristic will be the mass diffusion of
NTSC-or-better quality
open video to TVs, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices,
a time when "the internet swallows the television. Smart
considers Web 4.0 to be the
Semantic Web and in particular, the rise of statistical,
machine-constructed semantic tags and algorithms, driven by
broad collective use of conversational interfaces, perhaps circa
2020. David Siegel's perspective in Pull: The Power of the
Semantic Web, 2009, is consonant with this, proposing that
the growth of human-constructed se mantic standards and data
will be a slow, industry-specific incremental proce
for years to come, perhaps unlikely to tip into broad social
utility until after 2020....from Wikipedia
Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791
LIVE interviews from - Kadena Air Base in Okinawa and Yokota Air
Base near Tokyo, Japan
APRIL 16, 2011 - 7:15-8pm CDT -
George and Charlotte welcome Col. Robert P. Toth and service
personnel who helped from the beginning to save people during the
crisis, reopen runways fly in supplies etc.
Colonel Robert P. Toth is the Commander, 353rd
Special Operations Group (SOG),
Air Force Special
Operations Command (AFSOC). As commander of the 353rd SOG, Colonel
Toth is triple-hatted as the Commander of Air Force Special
Operations Forces (COMAFSOF) and the Combined Joint Special
Operations Air Component (CJSOAC) Commander for both Special
Operations Command Pacific (SOCPAC) and Korea (SOCKOR).
He commands nearly 800 special operations personnel across five
squadrons supporting special operations forces throughout U.S.
Pacific Command's (USPACOM) area of responsibility by providing
combat-ready special tactics forces, MC-130H Combat Talon II, and
MC-130P Combat Shadow aircraft.
I cannot put into
words the carnage left behind by the 9.0 earthquake and
subsequent 33-foot tsunami March 11, 2011. More than 300
miles of eastern coastline along Japan's main island of
Honshu was destroyed.Some of the most
graphic initial images were of Sendai Airport and its nearby
cities of Natori and Sendai.
As shocking as it was to see videos of Sendai Airport and
the surrounding towns being overrun by the tsunami, nothing
could prepare us for the firsthand view of the area when we
arrived at Sendai Airport March 16.
The images of an unusable airport covered with thousands of
smashed vehicles, twisted aircraft, uprooted trees,
shattered houses, water, sand, fish and seashells are
recorded on film and in our memories. However, in stark
contrast, today's image of Sendai Airport is one of hope and
From the beginning, our vision was to coordinate with our
Japanese counterparts to facilitate the reopening of Sendai
Airport which would enable delivery of humanitarian aid
directly to the heart of the disaster area.On March 16, we achieved our vision as we landed the
first fixed-wing aircraft on Sendai Airport's main runway.
Four days after that first MC-130 landed, our Japanese and
American team cleared the entire runway, allowing C-17s to
land.Together, we established a hub and
aid began to flow into the epicenter of the disaster.Little did I know this would inspire the people of
Miyagi Prefecture to view the opening of Sendai Airport as a
symbol of hope. Prior to our arrival, the Japanese Ministry
of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the Civil
Aviation Bureau, and the Sendai Airport Authority believed
Sendai's Airport would never open again.
The process of restoring Sendai Airport to pre-tsunami form
required a great deal of cooperation between the Japanese
Government and Self Defense Forces, the U.S. Air Force,
Marines, Army, Navy and government agencies. A bilateral
coordination board was established.
Initially, the board developed a plan for SOF Airmen to
temporarily handle all airfield operations to allow delivery
of aid while Japanese workers performed recovery operations.
When units from the Army and Marines arrived on March 20,
they were quickly integrated into this process.With additional help on hand, the bilateral
coordination board developed a plan to transition all
airport operations back to Japanese control based on key
We reached one of those key milestones April 1 when U.S. Air
Force combat controllers transferred tower operations over
to Japanese air traffic controllers at Sendai Airport.As I flew into Sendai Airport that day, I was
thrilled to hear the voice of a Japanese controller in the
Sendai tower, proudly clearing us to land.
In those short 21 days, U.S. Air Force combat controllers at
Sendai Airport controlled over 250 aircraft from the Air
Force, Marines, Army, Navy, and Royal Australian Air Force
participating in Operation Tomodachi.
Those aircraft delivered more than 2.31 million pounds of
humanitarian aid and more than 15,000 gallons of diesel and
gasoline to fuel humanitarian convoys and recovery vehicles.
While U.S. forces worked around the clock to run airport
operations and deliver aid, teams of Japanese workers at the
airport worked furiously with heavy equipment to clean the
airport and repair infrastructure.
As I approached Sendai Airport for the last time April 3, I
could not believe I was looking at the same airport that was
in utter ruin only 19 days ago.Even more
unbelievable was what I saw on final approach to the runway.As we crossed the beach on a half-mile final to
runway 27,
I looked down
and noticed the Japanese word Arigato "thank you" spelled
out using 20 to 30 foot pine trees that were knocked down by
the tsunami.
Our effort here on Honshu pales in comparison to the effort
put forward by the people of Japan, and when we depart,
their struggle will continue.They have
put forth tremendous effort in the midst of struggling for
survival and searching for those lost.
Japan Ground Self Defense Force Lt. Gen. Eiji Kimisuka,
commanding general of Joint Task Force Tohoku, visited
Sendai Airport April 5 and oversaw the final transfer of
airport operations from U.S. military personnel to the
airport authority.As Sendai Airport
opened April 6, the airport returned to the state it was in
the morning of March 11 - fully operated by the people of
All U.S. forces that participated in Operation Tomodachi at
Sendai Airport are stationed in Japan on the islands of
Honshu and Okinawa.I think I can speak
for them when I say it was our honor to help the people of
Japan: our hosts, friends and neighbors.
To the men and women of the U.S. Air Force's 353rd Special
Operations Group, United States Marine Corps Task Force
Fuji, Marine Logistics Regiment 35, and Army Logistics Task
Force 35: I thank you for your hard work to help re-open
Sendai Airport and restore hope to the people of Japan.
Saint Augustine once said, "We deserve no praise when we do
things we ought to do and they are right."
To the people of Japan: a thank you is not necessary.
8:00pm - 8:30pm CDT - George
and Charlotte welcome Major Robert Eninger, the team chief for the
Air Force Radiation Assessment Team - Yokota Air Force Base Japan
Major Robert Eninger, Bio Environmental
Engineer with the U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine was
awarded the Swift Memorial Award for his work on a paper titled
“What Does Respirator Certification Tell Us About Filtration of
Ultrafine Particles?”
The Air Force Radiation Assessment Team (AFRAT) provides
the manpower and equipment necessary to support all aspects of
nuclear and radiological threats. We provide rapid, global response
for radiation and nuclear accidents/incidents to deliver
radiological risk assessment for contingency planning, consequence
management, and site recovery.
The AFRAT is organizationally aligned under the U.S. Air Force
School of Aerospace Medicine, part of the Air Force Research
Laboratory's 711th Human Performance Wing at Wright-Patterson Air
Force Base, Ohio.
The AFRAT is a tailorable, composite team consisting of seven
specialized teams organized as Unit Type Codes (UTCs) to support the
following mission areas:
Radiological/Nuclear Counter
Contingency Planning
Crisis Response
Consequence Management
Operational Sustainment and
The AFRAT provides commanders and other
key decision-makers with risk-based recommendations to maximize
force protection while meeting critical mission requirements.
TOKYO (AP) — Wearing gas masks and baggy gray body suits, a special
U.S. Marine Corps unit trained to rescue people in chemical,
biological or nuclear emergencies held drills Saturday with Japanese
counterparts, standing ready to help out if needed around the
crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant.
The 145-member Chemical Biological Incident Response Force, based
at a naval support facility in Indian Head, Maryland, near
Washington, D.C., flew to Japan on April 2 to offer its assistance,
officials said.
MONEY AND THE MEDIA - two conferences this
weekend! Special Rebroadcast below
- Nov. 15, 2008 - speaks at George Mason University on "Your
World Your Financial Future - From Bretton Woods I to Bretton Woods
II - From Independent Nation-States to a Integrated Interdependent
This introductory video describing
"The Institute of New Economic Thinking" has all the
Neuro-linguistic programming tools embed besides we according to the
narrator "The International Community" will come together led by the
financiers and benefit humankind.WHAT A HUSTLE!
Web search the
following terms provided by David Yurth - to increase your
understanding of nuclear waste remediation processes and
High Density Charge
Clusters - Kenneth Shoulders
Sonication of radioactive nuclear waste - Argonne
National Laboratories
Low Energy Nuclear Transmutation - Dr. George Miley
and the Cincinatti Group
Nuclear Spallation - Dr. Paul Brown
Photo Remediation - Dr. Paul Brown
27 Ways to Treat Nuclear Waste - Gary Vesperman,
Suppressed Technologies
Mr. Yurth's professional focus
has been in the field of technology development, invention
management, and integration consulting. His role as managing
partner, founder, director, and CEO of companies such as Page Turn,
LLC, Diversified Holdings, Ltd., X Out Corporation, Nu OmniComm
Technologies, Primary Technologies, Inc., and as Director of Science
for the Nova Institute of Technology, have provided a leadership
edge in the technology industry. Mr. Yurth's experience is heavily
weighted in industry networking, technology analytics and research,
and product market delivery. He has invented or co-invented a number
of innovative technology-based integrations including the X Chip,
Guayule Rubber Latex Commercialization Process, Dialog Language
Replacement System, Wireless Video Conferencing System, computer
display system, Collective Ion Accelerator System [for treating
radioactive nuclear waste], Electronically Shaded Glass, Float
Fisher personal watercraft, SREV [Self-Recharging Electric Vehicle],
V-Car Personal Aerial Vehicle, Thorium Nuclear Reactor and energy
generation systems, and others. He is the author of seven books, 15
screen plays and 12 scientific papers, articles and monographs. He
serves as a scientific peer reviewer for Science Journals
International and other scientific publications. He received his
B.A. in English from Weber State University, Ogden, Utah: MBA in
Organizational Leadership from Capella University, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, and is currently finishing his PhD in International
Business. His model for personal development, The Pyramid of
Agendas, has been used as the basis for curriculum development,
conflict resolution, experiential processes and team building
programs by numerous other groups. His book, The Island of My Life,
was released for general consumption on the Internet in 2008. The
book explains the concepts embodied in the Pyramid of Agendas model
and provides guidelines for using its principles to heal wounded
ness and facilitate personal empowerment. His recent book CODE:
Eraser [science fiction] is being developed into a motion picture by
Zero Point Films. His current project, The Ho Chi Minh Guerilla
Warfare Handbook: A Guide to Innovation Technology Management” has
been completed and is being published this year. His cosmology
research is contained in the book entitled Seeing Past The Edge,
which is now in its 5th edition. The new model of scalar physics
entitled “Y-Bias & Angularity: The Dynamics of Self-Organizing
Criticality From the Zero Point to Infinity” has been released for
public consumption on the Internet. His current project entitled
“Heartbeat of the Cosmos” will explain the concepts contained in the
Y-Bias model for consumption by non-science readers.. Mr. Yurth
currently serves as Director of Science & Technology for the Nova
Institute of Technology and as a consultant -project manager for
several prototype development groups. He is married and lives with
his wife and four cats in Holladay, Utah.
Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791
Dr. Bell will Address these Questions !
MARCH 26, 2011 - George and
Charlotte welcome
Dr. Fred Bellweb site
- He was born in Ann Arbor Michigan. His father was a
scientist whom worked with the late Henry Ford Sr. of the automobile
fame. His great uncle Alexander Graham Bell was also a well-known
inventor. Dr. Bell's family is slightly eclectic. For example, his
father Allan Bell brought a London Bridge over from England and put
it in the middle of an Arizona desert and built a city with a pond
around it. Today is called Havasu City.
of his entire heritage young Dr. Fred was propelled into science at
a very early age. And at age 14, he was not only working at the
University of Michigan on nuclear energy projects, but was also
inducted into the U.S. government's project called M. K. Ultra. This
early mind control research covered such topics as past life
regression, and the popular remote viewing used today by the CIA and
other intelligence gathering factions worldwide.
At 16 years of age he moved on to join
the U.S. Air Force. Although technically, he could not wear a
uniform until his 17th birthday, he began working in the Air Force
on highly classified projects, several involving early warning radar
defense systems and the detection and tracking of extraterrestrial
craft. He was one of the first to bring the awareness of the famed
DDS form 213 to public awareness.
Later on in the United States of
America, when people began to exercise their freedoms to previously
classified information, it was discovered that the DDS form 213 was
used in fact by the U.S. Air Force to report internally to the
government of the presence of extraterrestrials and their craft.
Today Dr. Bell still works with the government on a project known as
the Disclosure project, along with the famed Dr. Steven Greer in
de-compartmentalizing the various agencies that are working in
concert with extraterrestrials, on such projects such as of them to
advance propulsion systems and weaponry.
After his tenure in the military, he
joined the private industry and worked on projects such as Star Wars
(the military version), laser development submarine and missile
guidance systems, and finally the lunar lander project known as the
Apollo missions. During this time he worked with Scott Crosfield, of
the X. 15 fame and the late Warner von Braun.
After he left his NASA related
position, he went into the private sector and consulted to over 3000
companies on topics such as computer science, biological science,
medical science, environmental testing, quality control, weaponry,
aircraft research, and a variety of other technical realities.
Because of his vast background in instrumentation, his services were
applicable almost anywhere worldwide.
He then left the defense sector and
began studying with Himalayan Masters. During this time he became
internationally known as a contactee to a Pleiadean group of
extraterrestrial humanoids whom were here to help the people on
earth save themselves from their own destructive tendencies. This
group comes from a star system 500 light-years from earth. For this
effort the Russian society of cosmonauts (astronauts), awarded Dr.
Bell the distinguished scientific progress award.
Today Dr. Bell is a practicing
naturopath, scientist and environmentalist, and has been currently
working worldwide with programs that include a proper conduct of
school systems, autistic children, and other problems that develop
and effect the growth factor of our young up-and-coming society. He
spent 20 years with a National Health Federation, a U.S. based group
that has promoted an individuals freedom, to choose the type of
health-care, freedom to choose the various vitamins and minerals and
dietary elements that best works for them. In addition, he has
brought attention to various forms of world attrition, which have
caused the formation of many oceanic and rain forest projects.
Dr. Bell invented the famed and
patented Nuclear Receptor. Dr. Bell has also written several books
and been the subject of several others. The Promise, written by
famed author Brad Steiger is selling well in America and abroad. The
Promise is also written in German and Japanese languages. The
Promise is available.
The Promise.iny
MARCH 19, 2011 - FIRST HOUR -
George and Charlotte welcome Roger Hayes
Chairman of
The British Constitution Group- this group has been workin g to recovery
freedom, rights and Liberties guaranteed earlier to
all British subjects.
We, the
British People have a right to govern ourselves.
That right has been subjugated as a consequence of
acts of treason having been committed by the
collective political establishment, aided and
abetted by corrupt segments of the judiciary, the
police, the Church and the civil service.
Furthermore, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, whose
position has been usurped by a corrupt House of
Commons and who has been forced into the destruction
of her Kingdom and the breaking of her coronation
oath, no longer governs us in accordance with our
laws and customs, as was the situation when she was
elected by the people as our Sovereign and our Head
of State.
Why Her Majesty
has failed in her duty is not for us to judge at
this point in time - Her Majesty has however been
made aware of the situation and is now duty bound to
make amends.
A political elite
has for some time manipulated the electoral system
to deprive the people of true democratic
representation by constructing a party political
system that has allowed, indeed encouraged, acts of
treason to have been committed.
As a direct
consequence of the betrayal of the British people by
the collective political establishment, and others,
the British Constitution Group is calling for Lawful
Rebellion, as is our right under article
61 Magna Carta 1215.
Libyan Revolution
MARCH 12, 2011
George and Charlotte bring you an update of the Libyan Revolution
followed by a special presentation covering the recent earthquake
that occurred in Japan on March 11 2011 - The earthquake focus was
reported to be off the Oshika Peninsula, the east coast of Tōhoku on
11 March 2011, at 05:46 UTC (14:46 local time) at a depth of 24.4
kilometres (15.2 mi).
SECOND HOUR - George and
Charlotte welcome Geophysicist Dr. Gerard Fryer live from The
Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii -
The era of tsunami warnings began in the United States with Thomas
Jaggar's (founder of the
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO)) attempt to warn the Hilo
harbormaster of the possibility of a tsunami generated by the 1923
Kamchatka earthquake. His warning was not taken seriously, and at
least one fisherman was killed.
Official tsunami warning capability
in the U.S. began in 1949 as a response to the 1946 tsunami
generated in the Aleutian Islands that devastated Hilo. The U.S.
federal government already had a sizable piece of property in Ewa
Beach to house the
Honolulu Geomagnetic Observatory. The Tsunami Warning Center
was co-located with this facility, which is maintained by PTWC staff
the aftermath of the 1960 Chilean earthquake and tsunami which
devastated Chile, killed dozens in Hawaii and perhaps as many as 200
people in Japan, the nations of the Pacific decided to coordinate
efforts to prevent such loss of life from ever occurring again in
the Pacific Basin due to destructive ocean-crossing tsunamis. Under
the auspices of the United Nations, the
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) established
Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning
System (ICG/PTWS) in 1968. The U.S. offered the ʻEwa Beach
center as the operational headquarters for the Pacific Tsunami
Warning System, and the facility was re named the Pacific Tsunami
Warning Center.
issued tsunami warnings to Alaska until 1967 when the
West Coast & Alaska Tsunami Warning Center (WC/ATWC) was
established in response to the 1964 Alaskan earthquake and tsunami.
In 1982, the WC/ATWC area of responsibility was enlarged to include
the issuing of tsunami warnings to California, Oregon, Washington,
and British Columbia for potential tsunamigenic earthquakes
occurring in their coastal areas. PTWC continued to issue
tsunami warnings to these areas for Pacific-wide tsunamigenic
sources until 1996 when that responsibility was also given to the
Following the 1975 Kalapana earthquake and tsunami on Hawaii's Big
Island, PTWC began issuing official tsunami warnings to the state of
Hawaii for local earthquakes. In 2005, PTWC similarly began issuing
local tsunami warnings to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands,
but in June 2007 that area of responsibility passed to WC/ATWC.
the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, PTWC has taken on
areas of responsibility including the
Indian Ocean, South China Sea,
Caribbean Sea, and
Puerto Rico & U.S. Virgin Islands (until June 2007). PTWC's
staff size has increased from 8 to 15 as a result of the tsunami,
and it now staffs the center 24 hours per day everyday.
Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791
MARCH 5, 2011 - George and
Charlotte welcome Butler Shaffer - our discussion will be about
Shaffer latest two books
Calculated Chaos: Institutional Threats to
Peace and Human Survival.
His latest book is
Boundaries of Order -
and his theories he proposed in his
(The demonstrations that have been taking
place in such Middle Eastern countries as Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain,
Yemen, and Libya, carry a much deeper meaning than what the
institutionally-serving news media have expressed. When millions of
men and women can peacefully come together in the center of major
cities to protest the legitimacy of their being ruled by others, one
ought to ask whether we might be witnessing what the pyramidalists
would most fear: an open expression of the decentralization of our
common interests, not as "citizens," but as human beings.
THE ARTICLE - might explain
the dynamics of the wave of revolutions occurring across the
The reasoning and analytical
skills that
ButlerShaffer developed in law
school where he served as associate editor of the law review, have
helped him pursue "the continuous process of inquiry that Socrates
referred to as 'the examined life.'"
From the view of a "modern social
historian and philosopher," Professor
Shaffer has written numerous books and articles on social
theory, business and labor law, and has spoken on these topics
before a variety of academic and special interest forums. In his
book, Calculated Chaos: Institutional Threats to Peace and Human
Survival, he explores the theory that "institutions are the
principle means by which conflict is produced and managed in
society." He considers how leaders of industry influenced the
creation of the New Deal's National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933
in his book, In Restraint of Trade: The Business Campaign
Against Competition. Professor
Shaffer has also been interviewed on these subjects on
network television, cable and radio.
Following graduation from law
school, Professor
Shaffer was a labor
relations consultant to the Midwest Employers Council in Lincoln,
Nebraska, and went on to establish a private law practice in Omaha.
He subsequently joined the firm of Nelson, Harding, Marchetti,
Leonard & Tate, and then began a career in academia at the
University of Nebraska College of Business Administration where he
taught courses in business and law. Professor
Shaffer has been a member
of the Southwestern faculty since 1977. In 2002, he was named as the
Irwin R. Buchalter Professor of Law in recognition of his
outstanding contributions to legal education and scholarship. He
says, "I like to explore, with my students and in my research, the
nature and purpose of government.
TED talk - Clay Shirky
- in this talk Clay speaks about the new way we gather our news
-"Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they
are the solution," the "Shirky Principle"
Rule by secret societies (Synarchy) - this is an
excerpt from out of Wikipedia
Some authors have claimed that
Saint-Yves was a "theocratic
occultist" who used "synarchy" to describe a form of
government where
political power effectively rests with
secret societies or, more precisely,
esoteric societies, which are composed of
Furthermore he is supposed to have associated "synarchy" with the
rule of "ascended
masters" who lived in the subterranean caverns of
Agartha and
supposedly communicated with him
However, other authors have described these claims about Saint-Yves
as false and originating in occult
conspiracy theories
The truth of the existing
governance system can be described by one of my aphorism .........
Superiority of Force orchestrating Money-Mind Sorcery
SECOND HOUR - George and
Charlotte will host some live interviews from Libya updating the
ongoing Revolution in Libya, any direct interview will be conducted
so long as we are assured that the Libyan government can't monitor
and or arrest the interviewees. There are reports of citizens being
arrested for making foreign calls and we certainly don't want to
have any freedom fighter citizens arrested. In our zest to report we
respect the security of the Libyan citizens trying to free Libya.
Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791
FEB. 26, 2011 - George and
Charlotte cover the news and the rest of the program they will
discuss money and politics with Dr. Lawrence "Larry" Lessig
Bio (born June 3, 1961) is an
academic and political activist. He is best known as a
proponent of reduced legal restrictions on
trademark, and
radio frequency spectrum, particularly in technology
Feb. 28, 2011 at 6pm - Lawrence
Lessig, Professor at Harvard Law School, will present a talk on
the corrosive effects of money in politics, and will recommend
The talk will be followed by a
panel discussion moderated by Harvey Kronberg of the Quorum
Report. In addition to Prof. Lessig, panelists will include Hon.
Sherri Greenberg, Interim Director of the UT Center for Politics
and Governance, LBJ School of Public Affairs; Steve Bickerstaff,
Adjunct Professor, UT Law School; Brian Roberts, Professor of
Government, UT College of Liberal Arts; and Mark McKinnon of No
Labels. Questions from the audience will be invited.
The Thompson Conference Center is
at 2504 East Campus Drive. Behind the Center there’s plenty of
free parking in the lot whose entrance is on Red River St., just
south of E. Dean Keeton St.
SECOND HOUR - George, and
Charlotte welcome Stephen
Kinzer -
Guest's Site
- we'll discuss Libya and touch also on Bahrain
Kinzer is an award-winning foreign correspondent who has covered
more than 50 countries on five continents. His articles and
books have led the
Washington Post to place him "among the best in popular
foreign policy storytelling."
A Thousand
Hills: Rwanda's Rebirth and the Man Who Dreamed It.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa called it "a fascinating
account of a near-miracle unfolding before our very eyes".
In 2006 Kinzer
published Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from
Hawaii to Iraq. It recounts the 14 times the United States
has overthrown foreign governments. Kinzer seeks to explain why
these interventions were carried out and what their long-term
effects have been. He is also the author of All the Shah's
Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror.
It tells how the CIA overthrew Iran's nationalist government in
Kinzer spent
more than 20 years working for the New York Times, most
of it as a foreign correspondent. His foreign postings placed
him at the center of historic events and, at times, in the line
of fire. While covering world events, he has been shot at,
jailed, beaten by police, tear-gassed and bombed from the air.
FEB. 19, 2011 - FIRST SEGMENT -
HOUR 1 -
HOUR 2 - George and Charlotte
cover the news and the rest of the program they will discuss the 911
Truth Movement - OPEN PHONES FULL 1.75
HOURS - Call us tell us what you think.............
911myth a.....Delusion?
The 911 event was the most important
tragedy to ever occur in the United States. There exists a
divergence of opinion as to whether or not this event was an inside
job, some say that yes indeed it was an inside job, while detractors
of the inside job theory call those yelling yes an inside job as
whacked out nut cake loonies. The mind is a land at times of
desolation and winding roads, leading nowhere, but somewhere deep
down within our hearts is a yearning for truth. This so called truth
is interfered by systems of thought, so tonight we will discuss the
911 truth movement and the biases and mechanisms, snares that
obstruct our sight, our vision our minds that we cannot see, cannot
and want not to realize truth, it's too horrible a thought, no that
just couldn't be true those people love America.
Premises - can be misleading!
911 is a terrorist act,
al-Qaeda committed the 911 attack so al-Qaeda is a terrorist
911 was committed by an
outside entity and our enemies are outside of our country so
that outside entity is our enemy
911 was an inside job, our enemies committed 911 so our
enemies are inside
our country
A delusion is a fixed
belief that is
either false, fanciful, or derived from
Delusions - are categorized into
four different groups:
Bizarre delusion: A delusion
that is very strange and completely implausible; an example of a
bizarre delusion would be that aliens have removed the affected
person's brain.
delusion: A delusion that, though false, is at least possible,
e.g., the affected person mistakenly believes that he is under
constant police surveillance.
Mood-congruent delusion: Any
delusion with content consistent with either a depressive or
manic state, e.g., a depressed person believes that news anchors
on television highly disapprove of him, or a person in a manic
state might believe he is a powerful deity.
Mood-neutral delusion: A
delusion that does not relate to the sufferer's emotional state;
for example, a belief that an extra limb is growing out of the
back of one's head is neutral to either depression or mania.[5]
In addition to these categories,
delusions often manifest according to a consistent theme. Although
delusions can have any theme, certain themes are more common. Some
of the more common delusion themes are:[5]
Delusion of control: This is a false belief that another person,
group of people, or external force controls one's thoughts,
feelings, impulses, or behavior.
Nihilistic delusion: A person with this type of delusion may
have the false belief that the world is ending.
Delusion of guilt or sin (or
delusion of self-accusation): This is a false feeling of remorse
or guilt of delusional intensity.
Delusion of mind being read:
The false belief that other people can know one's thoughts.
Delusion of reference: The person falsely believes that
insignificant remarks, events, or objects in one's environment
have personal meaning or significance.
Erotomania A delusion where someone believes another person
is in love with him.
Grandiose delusion: An individual is convinced he has
special powers, talents, or abilities. Sometimes, the individual
may actually believe he or she is a famous person or character
(for example, a rock star).
Persecutory delusion:
These are the most common type of delusions and involve the
theme of being followed, harassed, cheated, poisoned or drugged,
conspired against, spied on, attacked, or obstructed in the
pursuit of goals.
delusion: Any delusion with a religious or spiritual content.
These may be combined with other delusions, such as grandiose
delusions (the belief that the affected person is a god, or
chosen to act as a god, for example).
Somatic delusion: A delusion
whose content pertains to bodily functioning, bodily sensations,
or physical appearance. Usually the false belief is that the
body is somehow diseased, abnormal, or changed—for example,
infested with parasites.
Delusion of poverty: The
person strongly believes that he is financially incapacitated.
Although this type of delusion is less common now, it is however
interesting to note that it was parti
Many of these biases are studied
for how they affect belief formation, business decisions, and
scientific research.
Anchoring – the common human
tendency to rely too heavily, or "anchor," on one trait or piece
of information when making decisions.
Attentional Bias
– implicit cognitive bias defined as the tendency of emotionally
salient stimuli in one's environment to preferentially draw and
hold attention.
Bias blind spot
– the tendency to see oneself as less biased than other people.[2]
Choice-supportive bias
– the tendency to remember one's choices as better than they
actually were.
Confirmation bias
– the tendency to search for or interpret information in a way
that confirms one's preconceptions.[3]
Congruence bias
– the tendency to test hypotheses exclusively through direct
testing, in contrast to tests of possible alternative
Contrast effect
– the enhancement or diminishing of a weight or other
measurement when compared with a recently observed contrasting
Denomination effect – the tendency to spend more money when
it is denominated in small amounts (e.g. coins) rather than
large amounts (e.g. bills).[5]
Distinction bias
– the tendency to view two options as more dissimilar when
evaluating them simultaneously than when evaluating them
Endowment effect
– "the fact that people often demand much more to give up an
object than they would be willing to pay to acquire it".[7]
Expectation bias
– the tendency for experimenters to believe, certify, and
publish data that agree with their expectations for the outcome
of an experiment, and to disbelieve, discard, or downgrade the
corresponding weightings for data that appear to conflict with
those expectations.[8]
Extraordinarity bias – the tendency to value an object more
than others in the same category as a result of an
extraordinarity of that object that does not, in itself, change
the value.[citation
Focusing effect – the tendency to place too much importance
on one aspect of an event; causes error in accurately predicting
the utility of a future outcome.[9]
Framing effect – drawing different conclusions from the same
information, depending on how that information is presented.
Hostile media effect - the tendency to see a media report as
being biased due to one's own strong partisan views.
Hyperbolic discounting – the tendency for people to have a
stronger preference for more immediate payoffs relative to later
payoffs, where the tendency increases the closer to the present
both payoffs are.[10]
Illusion of control – the tendency to overestimate one's
degree of influence over other external events.[11]
Impact bias – the tendency to overestimate the length or the
intensity of the impact of future feeling states.[12]
Information bias – the tendency to seek information even
when it cannot affect action.[13]
Interloper effect – the tendency to value third party
consultation as objective, confirming, and without motive. Also
consultation paradox, the conclusion that solutions proposed by
existing personnel within an organization are less likely to
receive support than from those recruited for that purpose.
Irrational escalation
– the phenomenon where people justify increased investment in a
decision, based on the cumulative prior investment, despite new
evidence suggesting that the decision was probably wrong.
Post-purchase rationalization – the tendency to persuade
oneself through rational argument that a purchase was a good
Pseudocertainty effect – the tendency to make risk-averse
choices if the expected outcome is positive, but make
risk-seeking choices to avoid negative outcomes.[19]
Reactance – the urge to do the opposite of what someone
wants you to do out of a need to resist a perceived attempt to
constrain your freedom of choice.
Restraint bias – the tendency to overestimate one's ability
to show restraint in the face of temptation.
Semmelweis reflex
– the tendency to reject new evidence that contradicts an
established paradigm.[20]
Social comparison bias – the tendency, when making hiring
decisions, to favour potential candidates who don't compete with
one's own particular strengths.[21]
Unit bias — the tendency to want to finish a given unit of a
task or an item. Strong effects on the consumption of food in
Wishful thinking
– the formation of beliefs and the making of decisions according
to what is pleasing to imagine instead of by appeal to evidence
or rationality.[25]
Zero-risk bias
– preference for reducing a small risk to zero over a greater
reduction in a larger risk.
Biases in probability and
Many of these biases are often
studied for how they affect business and economic decisions and how
they affect experimental research.
Ambiguity effect
– the tendency to avoid options for which missing information
makes the probability seem "unknown."[26]
Anchoring effect
– the tendency to rely too heavily, or "anchor," on a past
reference or on one trait or piece of information when making
decisions (also called "insufficient adjustment").
Attentional bias
– the tendency to neglect relevant data when making judgments of
a correlation or association.
Authority bias
– the tendency to value an ambiguous stimulus (e.g., an art
performance) according to the opinion of someone who is seen as
an authority on the topic.
Availability heuristic – estimating what is more likely by
what is more available in memory, which is biased toward vivid,
unusual, or emotionally charged examples.
Availability cascade
– a self-reinforcing process in which a collective belief gains
more and more plausibility through its increasing repetition in
public discourse (or "repeat something long enough and it will
become true").
Base rate neglect'
or Base rate fallacy – the tendency to base judgments on
specifics, ignoring general statistical information.[27]
Belief bias – an effect where
someone's evaluation of the logical strength of an argument is
biased by the believability of the conclusion.[28]
Capability bias – the tendency to believe that the closer
average performance is to a target, the tighter the distribution
of the data set.
Conjunction fallacy – the tendency to assume that specific
conditions are more probable than general ones.[29]
Forward Bias - the tendency to create models based on past
data which are validated only against that past data.
Gambler's fallacy
– the tendency to think that future probabilities are altered by
past events, when in reality they are unchanged. Results from an
erroneous conceptualization of the
Law of large numbers.
For example, "I've flipped heads with this coin five times
consecutively, so the chance of tails coming out on the sixth
flip is much greater than heads."
Hindsight bias
– sometimes called the "I-knew-it-all-along" effect, the
tendency to see past events as being predictable.[30]
Illusory correlation
– inaccurately perceiving a relationship between two events,
either because of prejudice or selective processing of
Overconfidence effect
– excessive confidence in one's own answers to questions. For
example, for certain types of questions, answers that people
rate as "99% certain" turn out to be wrong 40% of the time.[33][34]
Pareidolia – a vague and random stimulus (often an image or
sound) is perceived as significant, e.g., seeing images of
animals or faces in clouds, the
man in the moon, and hearing
hidden messages on records played in reverse.
Pessimism bias
– the tendency for some people, especially those suffering from
depression, to overestimate the likelihood of negative
things happening to them.
Primacy effect
– the tendency to weigh initial events more than subsequent
Stereotyping – expecting a member of a group to have certain
characteristics without having actual information about that
Subadditivity effect – the tendency to judge probability of
the whole to be less than the probabilities of the parts.
Subjective validation
– perception that something is true if a subject's belief
demands it to be true. Also assigns perceived connections
between coincidences.
Well travelled road effect – underestimation of the duration
taken to traverse oft-traveled routes and over-estimate the
duration taken to traverse less familiar routes.
Actor–observer bias – the tendency for explanations of other
individuals' behaviors to overemphasize the influence of their
personality and underemphasize the influence of their situation
(see also
Fundamental attribution error). However, this is coupled
with the opposite tendency for the self in that explanations for
our own behaviors overemphasize the influence of our situation
and underemphasize the influence of our own personality.
Dunning–Kruger effect
– a twofold bias. On one hand the lack of
metacognitive ability
deludes people, who overrate their capabilities. On the other
hand, skilled people underrate their abilities, as they assume
the others have a similar understanding.[citation
Egocentric bias
– occurs when people claim more responsibility for themselves
for the results of a joint action than an outside observer
Forer effect (aka Barnum effect) – the tendency to give high
accuracy ratings to descriptions of their personality that
supposedly are tailored specifically for them, but are in fact
vague and general enough to apply to a wide range of people. For
False consensus effect – the tendency for people to
overestimate the degree to which others agree with them.[36]
Halo effect – the tendency for a person's positive or
negative traits to "spill over" from one area of their
personality to another in others' perceptions of them (see also
attractiveness stereotype).[38]
Herd instinct
– common tendency to adopt the opinions and follow the behaviors
of the majority to feel safer and to avoid conflict.
Illusion of transparency – people overestimate others'
ability to know them, and they also overestimate their ability
to know others.
Illusory superiority – overestimating one's desirable
qualities, and underestimating undesirable qualities, relative
to other people. (Also known as "Lake Wobegon effect,"
"better-than-average effect," or "superiority bias").[40]
Ingroup bias – the tendency for people to give preferential
treatment to others they perceive to be members of their own
Just-world phenomenon – the tendency for people to believe
that the world is just and therefore people "get what they
Moral luck – the tendency for people to ascribe greater or
lesser moral standing based on the outcome of an event rather
than the intention
Outgroup homogeneity bias – individuals see members of their
own group as being relatively more varied than members of other
Projection bias
– the tendency to unconsciously assume that others (or one's
future selves) share one's current emotional states, thoughts
and values.[42]
Self-serving bias
– the tendency to claim more responsibility for successes than
failures. It may also manifest itself as a tendency for people
to evaluate ambiguous information in a way beneficial to their
interests (see also
group-serving bias).[43]
System justification
– the tendency to defend and bolster the status quo. Existing
social, economic, and political arrangements tend to be
preferred, and alternatives disparaged sometimes even at the
expense of individual and collective self-interest. (See also
status quo bias.)
Trait ascription bias – the tendency for people to view
themselves as relatively variable in terms of personality,
behavior and mood while viewing others as much more predictable.
Ultimate attribution error – similar to the fundamental
attribution error, in this error a person is likely to make an
internal attribution to an entire group instead of the
individuals within the group.
Consistency bias – incorrectly remembering one's past
attitudes and behavior as resembling present attitudes and
Cryptomnesia – a form of misattribution where a
memory is mistaken for imagination.
Egocentric bias
– recalling the past in a self-serving manner, e.g. remembering
one's exam grades as being better than they were, or remembering
a caught fish as being bigger than it was.
False memory
– confusion of imagination with memory, or the confusion of true
memories with false memories.
Hindsight bias
– filtering memory of past events through present knowledge, so
that those events look more predictable than they actually were;
also known as the "I-knew-it-all-along effect."[30]
Reminiscence bump
– the effect that people tend to recall more personal events
from adolescence and early adulthood than from other lifetime
Rosy retrospection – the tendency to rate past events more
positively than they had actually rated them when the event
Self-serving bias
– perceiving oneself responsible for desirable outcomes but not
responsible for undesirable ones.
– a form of misattribution where ideas suggested by a
questioner are mistaken for memory.
Telescoping effect – the effect that recent events appear to
have occurred more remotely and remote events appear to have
occurred more recently.
Von Restorff effect – the tendency for an item that "stands
out like a sore thumb" to be more likely to be remembered than
other items.
Common theoretical causes of
some cognitive biases
Availability heuristic
– estimating what is more likely by what is more available
in memory, which is biased toward vivid, unusual, or
emotionally charged examples[31]
hostile media effect, sometimes called the hostile media
phenomenon, refers to the finding that people with strong biases
toward an issue (partisans) perceive
coverage as biased against their opinions, regardless of the
reality. Proponents of the hostile media effect argue that this
finding cannot be attributed to the presence of bias in the news
reports, since partisans from opposing sides of an issue rate
the same coverage as biased against their side and biased in
favor of the opposing side.[1]
The phenomenon was first proposed and studied experimentally by
Robert Vallone,
Lee Ross
Mark Lepper.[1][2]
In the first major study of
this phenomenon,[1]
students and pro-Israeli
students at
Stanford University were shown the same news filmstrips
pertaining to the then-recent
Sabra and Shatila massacre of Palestinian
refugees by
Christian Lebanese militia fighters in
Beirut during the
Lebanese Civil War.
On a number of objective measures, both sides found that these
identical news clips were slanted in favor of the other side.
Pro-Israeli students reported seeing more anti-Israel references
and fewer favorable references to Israel in the news report and
pro-Palestinian students reported seeing more anti-Palestinian
references, and so on. Both sides said a neutral observer would
have a more negative view of their side from viewing the clips,
and that the media would have excused the other side where it
blamed their side.
It is important to note that
the two sides were not asked questions about subjective
generalizations about the media coverage as a whole, such as
what might be expressed as "I thought that the news has been
generally biased against this side of the issue." Instead, when
viewing identical news clips, subjects differed along partisan
lines on simple, objective criteria such as the number of
references to a given subject. The research suggests the hostile
media effect is not just a difference of opinion but a
difference of perception
Studies have also found
hostile media effects related to other political conflicts, such
as strife in
and in
U.S. presidential elections.[4]
This effect is interesting to
psychologists because it appears to be a reversal of the
otherwise pervasive effects of
confirmation bias:
in this area, people seem to pay more attention to information
contradicts rather than supports their pre-existing
views. This is an example of
disconfirmation bias.
An oft-cited forerunner to
Vallone's et al. study was conducted by Albert Hartorf and
Hadley Cantril in
Princeton and
Dartmouth students were shown a filmstrip of a
controversial Princeton-Dartmouth
football game. Asked to count the number of infractions
committed by both sides, students at both universities "saw"
many more infractions committed by the opposing side, in
addition to making very different generalizations about the game
in general. Hartorf and Cantril concluded that "there is no such
'thing' as a 'game' existing 'out there' in its own right which
people merely 'observe.' ... For the 'thing' simply is not
the same for different people whether the 'thing' is a football
game, a presidential candidate, Communism, or spinach."[6]
Selective exposure theory
From Wikipedia, the free
exposure theory is a theory of communication, positing that
individuals prefer exposure to arguments supporting their
position over those supporting other positions, media consumers
have more privileges to expose themselves to selected medium and
media contents. People tend to engage in information that
comforts and agrees with their own ideas and as a result, they
avoid information that argues against their opinion. People
don’t want to be told that they are wrong and they do not want
their ideas to be challenged either. Therefore, they select
different media outlets that agree with their opinions so they
do not come in contact with this form of dissonance.
Furthermore, these people will select the media sources that
agree with their opinions and attitudes on different subjects
and then only follow those programs.
is crucial that communication scholars arrive at a
more comprehensive and deeper understanding of
consumer selectivity if we are to have any hope of
mastering entertainment theory in the next iteration
of the information age. Essentially, understanding
selective-exposure theory is a prerequisite for
constructing a useful psychology of entertainment."
When prejudiced people
confront anti-prejudice
involuntarily, even though they might avoid the message from the
first time, the process of evasion would occur in their mind.
Cooper and Jahoda (1947) studied how the anti-prejudice
propaganda can be misunderstood by prejudiced people. When the
prejudiced reader confronted the Mr. Biggott cartoon, which
contained anti-minority propaganda, their effort to evade their
feelings and understand Mr. Biggott’s identification with their
own identity would bring about misunderstanding. This kind of
evasion occurs because of what individuals often face to
accomplish uniformity in everyday life. There is a fear to be
isolated from what they belong and also threat for shivering
their ego. Therefore, the concept of selective exposure was in
the same thread with small effect studies in mass communication
in 1940s.
Cognitive dissonance theory
Before the selective exposure
theory was put forward,
Festinger(1957) published a book, Theory of Cognitive
Dissonance, and explained the
cognitive dissonance theory, which assumes that all human
beings pursue consistency in their mind.
Basic Hypotheses
It is a state of
mental unease and discomfort which helps explain
selective perception. It is produced when new
information contradicts existing beliefs, attitudes,
social norms, or behaviors.
Many times people
favor consonance because their ideas flow freely into
one another and do not create an unbalance.
The existence of
dissonance, being psychologically uncomfortable, will
motivate the person to try to reduce the dissonance and
achieve consonance.
When dissonance is
present, in addition to trying to reduce it, the person
will actively avoid situations and information that
would likely increase the dissonance.
Festinger’s cognitive
dissonance theory, which was one of the roots of selective
exposure, explained people’s effort to reduce their dissonance
of something against their existing beliefs. Nonetheless, his
theory was broad enough to be elucidated in general social
behavior, not just for selecting medium and media contents.
Festinger suggested situations that increase dissonance.
Firstly, logical inconsistency brings about dissonance. If a
person who believes it is not possible to build a device to
leave Earth's atmosphere observes man reach the moon, their
belief and experience are dissonant with each other. Secondly,
cultural morals entail dissonance. A person picks up a chicken
bone with their hands, and it is dissonant with what they
believe is formal etiquette. At this point, culture defines what
is consonant and what is dissonant. Thirdly, if specific opinion
is included in a more general opinion, dissonance should be
followed. A person, who has been Democrat, prefers Republican
candidates for certain election. This situation creates
dissonance, because “Being a Democrat” needs to be attributed to
favoring Democratic candidates. Lastly, past experience causes
dissonance. If a person is standing in the rain, but is not wet,
these two cognitions would be dissonant, because they might know
standing in the rain leads to getting wet through past
experience. Festinger (1957) also suggests the ways of reducing
dissonance. For reducing dissonance, one may change a behavioral
cognitive element or change an environmental cognitive element.
However, sometimes, behavior change and environmental change do
not help reducing dissonance. Festinger, then, suggested adding
new cognitive elements. If people cannot reduce dissonance, they
might seek new information, which is consonant with their
beliefs or attitude; therefore, people might actively seek new
information that would decrease dissonance and avoid new
information that would increase dissonance. This third
explanation of reducing dissonance is similar with selective
exposure, which mass communication reinforces the existing
Another example of
the Cognitive Dissonance Theory can be found in the
article entitled, “Theories of Persuasion,” by Daniel J.
O’Keefe. It describes the different theories of
persuasion and how media outlets use them to their
advantage to influence their audience. The author’s
example is that people donate to the Red Cross because
they believe in what it stands for which represents
consonance. However, on the other hand, the author
suggests that a person who smokes and also believes it
causes cancer, would be an example of dissonance and
hypocrisy. Many times people try to sway against
dissonance because it puts them in an uncomfortable
position. Therefore, these feelings of consonance and
dissonance lead to the “Selective Exposure Theory”
because some believe that people will select the media
sources that agree with their opinions and attitudes on
different subjects and then only follow those programs.
Klapper's selective
Joseph Klapper (1960)
considered mass communication do not directly influence people,
but just reinforce people’s predisposition. Mass communications
play a role as a mediator in persuasive communication.
Klapper's five mediating
factors and conditions to affect people
Predispositions and
the related processes of selective exposure, selective
perception, and selective retention.
The groups, and the
norms of groups, to which the audience members belong.
dissemination of the content of communication
The exercise of
opinion leadership
The nature of mass
media in a free enterprise society.
Three basic concepts
Selective exposure -
people keep away from communication of opposite hue.
Selective Perception
- If people are confronting unsympathetic material, they
do not perceive it, or make it fit for their existing
Selective retention
- Furthermore, they just simply forget the unsympathetic
Groups and group norms work
as a mediator. For example, one can be strongly disinclined to
change to the Democratic Party if their family has voted for
Republican for a long time. In this case, the person’s
predisposition to the political party is already set, so they
don't perceive information about Democratic Party or change
voting behavior because of mass communication. Klapper’s third
assumption is inter-personal dissemination of mass
communication. If someone is already exposed by close friends,
which creates predisposition toward something, it will lead
increase of exposure to mass communication and eventually
reinforce the existing opinion. Opinion leader is also a crucial
factor to form predisposition of someone, lead someone to be
exposed by mass communication, and after all, existing opinion
would be reinforced. Nature of commercial mass media also leads
people to select certain type of media contents. Klapper (1960)
claimed that people are selecting entertainment, such as family
comedy, variety shows, quizzes, and Westerns, because of nature
of mass media in a free enterprise society.
Selective exposure in
entertainment theory perspective
Selective exposure is an
instinctive activity of human beings. Early human beings needed
to be sensitive to the sounds of animals. This kind of exposure
was closely related with their survival from an external threat.
Survival is still a very crucial matter for human beings;
however, selective exposure is also important for human beings
for other purposes, such as entertainment.
"Selective exposure designates behavior that is
deliberately performed to attain and sustain
perceptual control of particular stimulus events."
Affective-dependent theory
of stimulus arrangement
Zillmann and Bryant (1985)
developed affective-dependent theory of stimulus arrangement in
the chapter of their edited book, Selective exposure to
Basic Assumptions
people tend to
minimize exposure to negative, aversive stimuli
people tend to
maximize exposure to pleasurable stimuli.
After all, people try to
arrange the external stimuli to maintain their pleasure, which
ultimately let people select certain affect-inducing program,
such as music, movie, or other entertainment program. In other
words, people manage their mood by selecting certain kind of
entertainment to exposure themselves;
mood management theory was also rooted by this
affective-dependent theory.
Furthermore, people will
select media based on their moods. An example of this is if a
person is happy they would probably select a comedic movie. If
they are bored they might choose action and if they are sad they
might select tragedy or a depressing romance. These attitudes
and moods also convince people to watch different news outlets
based on how they feel. People with conservative beliefs tend to
watch Fox news and Democrats usually watch MSNBC.
1**A person with liberal
beliefs, who comes home from a hard day at work will probably
turn on MSNBC. They would not be in the mood to fight with a
news station that has conservative beliefs constantly being
portrayed. 2**A woman who just broke up with her boyfriend would
probably not be in the mood to watch a romantic movie and would
therefore tend to pick a movie that falls into the genre of
Selective exposure
processes in mood management
Homeostasis - Tendency of individuals to choose
entertainment to achieve an optimal level of arousal.
Potential - Ability of a message to engage or absorb an
aroused individual's attention or cognitive-processing
Affinity - Communication that has a high degree of
similarity with affective state.
Valence - Positive or negative nature of a
Exposure is a state
of protected or unprotected risk or danger;
Exposure can be
positive (adaptive) or negative (maladaptive)
Protected exposure
presupposes the use of identification or projection to
permit the feeling of security or safety despite the
reality of risk or danger
Unprotected exposure
is a state of risk or danger without the availability of
identification or projection to obviate feelings
producing maladaptive paralysis
Application to Selective
exposure processes
People desire
protected exposure, so desire to identify with what
induces such, for example, favored opinions
People desire to
avoid unprotected exposure, so attempt to project away
from a possible identification with undesirable
triggers/stimuli, thus away from undesirable ideas or
Possible influence by
factors other than a person's emotional state.
Difficulty to measure
long-term effect.
Overlook the importance
of cognitive processes.
Not suit for information
and education media.
Possibility that
negative stimuli provide enjoyment by overcoming
REAL !....... ....IT REALLY IS!
Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791
FEB. 12, 2011 - FIRST HOUR -
George and Charlotte welcome William J. Federer who will discuss
Egyptian History during the 20th and 21st centuries with an
explanation of
Coptic Christianityfont> in
relationship to Egyptian History.
WILLIAM J. FEDERER is a nationally
known speaker, best-selling author, and president
Amerisearch, Inc., a publishing company dedicated to researching
America's noble heritage.
TELEVISION: A former U.S. Congressional Candidate, Bill has appeared
on: CSPAN, FOX, Hannity & Colmes, O'Reilly Factor, NPR, MSNBC,
ABC-Time Warner Affiliates, CBN, TBN, INSP, TCT, FamilyNet,
FamilyLand TV, Coral Ridge Hour, 700 Club, AT&T Cable, Charter
Cable, Danny Fontana Show, iLife TV, FOX Strategy Room with Brian
Kilmeade, hosted CSPAN's George Washington Book Festival-February
26, 2000, CTN with Herman & Sharron Bailey, Grizzly Adams Television
Production documentaries, and numerous local programs.
RADIO: Bill has been interviewed on thousands of radio programs,
including Focus on the Family, Janet Parshall's America, Point of
View, USA Radio Network, Salem Radio Network, Bott Radio Network,
Michael Medved, Common Sense Radio w/Ollie North, D. James Kennedy's
Truths that Transform, Phyllis Schlafly Live, Beverly LaHaye Live,
G. Gordon Liddy, Janet Folger's Faith to Action, Clear Channel
Radio, VCY America, RadioAmerica, BQ, Armstrong Williams, American
Family Radio, Family Life Radio, USA Radio Network, Judicial Watch,, Martha Zoller Show, Chuck Harder's For the People,
Derry Brownfield, Michael Reagan and others.
AMERICAN MINUTE radio feature is
broadcast daily across America and by the Internet.
SECOND HOUR - We welcome Amir
Hassanpour - communications and Middle-East expert
Amir Hassanpour (Kurdish: Emír Hesenpúr, ئهمیر
حهسهنپوور) was
born in 1943 in Mahabad in Mukríyan Province in
Kurdistan. He did his primary school in Mehabad before
he moved to Tehran for his secondary school at
Dar-ol-Fonun Secondary School in 1961. He began his
undergraduate studies in economics at University of
Tehran (1961), and finished a B.A. in English language
in 1964. He studied in Teacher's Training College in
Tehran (1965), and for a short time taught in the
secondary schools of Mahabad in 1965-66. He was drafted
into the Development and Extension Corp of the army and
worked at the Land Reform office of Mahabad 1966-68.
1968, he began studying linguistics at Tehran University
(M.A., 1970) and finished his doctoral work (ABD, 1972),
while teaching for a year at the University of Tehran;
he went to the university of Illinois in
Urbana-Champaign, where he studied communications (Ph.D,
1989), sociolinguistics and contemporary Middle Eastern
Hassanpour moved to Canada in 1986, and taught
communications studies at the University of Windsor and
Concordia University in Montreal. He is now an Assistant
Professor at the Department of Near and Middle Eastern
Civilizations, University of Toronto. His research and
teaching interests include international communication,
Canadian communication and culture, broadcasting policy,
communication theory, and Middle Eastern and Kurdish
politics and culture.
He is
the author of "Nationalism
and Language in Kurdistan, 1918-1985"
(San Francisco: Mellen Research University Press, 1992).
He has made numerous contributions to academic journals,
the Encyclopedia of Television, and Encyclopaedia
Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791
FEB. 5, 2011 - George and
Charlotte cover the protest and Crisis in Egypt -
Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791
JAN. 29, 2011 - FIRST HOUR -
George and Charlotte welcome Bob Chapman founder of
International Forecaster.
The focus will be on International finance, economics and the world
system especially discussing
The World
Economic Forumcurrently meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Mr.
Chapman is 72 years old.
was born in Boston, MA and attended Northeastern University majoring
in business management. He spent three years in the U. S. Army
Counterintelligence, mostly in Europe. He speaks German and French
and is conversant in Spanish. He lived in Europe for six years, off
and on, three years in Africa, a year in Canada and a year in the
Mr. Chapman became a stockbroker
in 1960 and retired in 1988. For 18 of those years he owned his own
brokerage firm. He was probably the largest gold and silver
stockbroker in the world during that period. When he retired he had
over 6,000 clients.
From 1962 through 1976 he
specialized in South African gold shares. He and his family lived in
Salisbury, Rhodesia (now Harare, Zimbabwe) and Johannesburg, South
Africa from 1970 to 1973. During that time he did a great deal of
further study into the South African mining industry.
Mr. Chapman belonged to The
Traders Association for 25 years. He did all his own trading. During
his South African years some was done directly through Johannesburg,
but 95% was done through London brokerage firms. Hence, he has
extensive contacts, both in London and on the Continent.
Starting in 1967 Mr. Chapman
began writing articles on business, finance, economics and politics
having been printed and reprinted over the years in over 200
publications. He owned and wrote the Gary Allen Report, which had
30,000 subscribers. He currently is owner and editor of The
International Forecaster, a compendium of information on business,
finance, economics and social and political issues worldwide, which
reaches 10,000 investors and brokers monthly directly, and parts of
his publication are picked up by 60 different websites weekly
exposing his ideas to over 10 million investors a week.
In 1976, after the Soweto riots,
Mr. Chapman began buying North American shares exclusively for his
clients. Up to that point only a handful of American and Canadian
issues interested him, due to the high dividends the South African
shares had paid out over the years. Between 1976 and 1988 his
business surged from 1,000 to 6,000 clients, so the bulk of his
business ended up being Vancouver Stock Exchange issues. For this
reason he is very conversant with the quality of management,
geologists, properties and traders on today’s North American scene.
He is well known.
From 1976 to present he has spoke
and given workshops at over 200 business conferences worldwide, and
has been on radio and TV hundreds of times. Until his retirement he
was always judged by the attendees to be one of the top three
speakers and never once was lower than first in workshops due to his
vast knowledge of the mining business and his grasp of worldwide
financial markets and political scenes.
In June of 1991, at the request
of business associates, and due to retirement boredom, he began
writing the International Forecaster.
JAN. 22, 2011 - FIRST HOUR -
George and Charlotte cover the news - Ben Taylor owner of Utopia
Silver will join midway thru the first segment and discuss some of
his special protocols. - beginning at 7:30-8pm John Stacy
organizer of next Saturday's Rally on Jan. 29, 2011 in front of The
Texas State Capitol will update us on the progress and preliminary
agenda of that event - Event web site
SECOND HOUR - We will discuss
Odious Debt and the
ramifications for America
JAN. 15, 2011 - George and
Charlotte welcome back David Barrow a rebroadcast
Dec. 27, 2008 - George and Charlotte welcome
David Barrow III. Cinematographer, Sound Production Engineer,
Photographer and "Neuro- Linguistic Programming Master
The Focus tonight will be on NLP with other related subjects also
discussed such as The National Training Laboratories, The Tavistock
Institute, Humanistic Psychology and related subjects.
David Barrow Productions has been
serving the Austin and Central Texas area since 1988 with a variety
of audio and visual production services, including live and studio
engineering, sound system rentals, audio equipment rentals, remote
digital recording of live events and audio consulting. We also offer
web and graphic design services.
David Barrow Productions was
started by David Barrow in 1988 for the purpose of providing live
sound reinforcement for a popular local cover band, The Bizness.
Since then David has steadily expanded both the equipment inventory
and scope of the business to include a whole range of services
supporting local bands, live musical and multimedia performances,
clubs, area festivals, seminars, sports events, church events, etc.
In the last few years David
Barrow Productions has expanded into the areas of web design,
graphics design, digital photography and video. Any new technologies
and techniques that can enhance or add to the services we offer are
continuously being explored.
8, 2011 - FIRST HOUR -
George and Charlotte cover the news and welcome Dr. Fred Bell -
We'll discuss the danger of the looming New World Order
Dr. Fred. Bell became aware of and
connected with MKULTRA at an early age. He later worked on many
government projects and can speak with authority and depth on such
subjects as "HAARP", The Stargate and Montauk Projects and many
other projects. One important topic of
will be his opinion on the Stephenville, Texas sightings and in
addition we're out to explore the possibility of government hustle
or truth of the alien UFO phenomena. Call us and get that curious
question answered. He also has insights about Hurricane Katrina, a
plethora of other insider knowledge and has given much to the world
with his insightful and altruistic endeavors. One such example is
his tireless work with the National Health Federation. He has many
in depth insights. Dr. Bell's Web Sites 1-800-729-2603
SECOND HOUR - George and
Charlotte welcome Jim Marrs and discuss his latest book entitled
"Trillion Dollar Conspiracy"
Jim Marrs was born
in Fort Worth, Texas, on 5th December 5, 1943. His father,
Baptist, sold structural steel for a company in
Louis. Marrs began working as a journalist while at junior
high school. After graduating from University of North Texas in 1966
he attended Graduate School at Texas Tech in Lubbock.
After graduating
from University of North Texas he joined the
States Army. On his release in 1968 he joined the Fort
Worth Star-Telegram. He served as police reporter
and general assignments reporter covering stories locally, in Europe
and the Middle East. After a leave of absence to serve with a Fourth
Army intelligence unit during the
War, he became military and aerospace writer for the
newspaper and an investigative reporter.
Marrs began to
take an interest in the assassination of John
F. Kennedy. After interviewing several members
of the Dallas Police Department he became convinced him that the
Commission was a cover-up. Marrs continued to
investigate the case and interviewed several important witnesses as
well as city and county officials.
In 1976 Marrs
began teaching a course about the assassination for the University
of Texas at Arlington. He left the
Fort Worth Star-Telegram in 1980 and worked as a
freelance journalist while continuing to investigate the death of
Kennedy. Marrs eventually became convinced that
Harvey Oswald had been set up by the government and in
1989 he published
Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy. Published
to critical acclaim and reached the New
York Times Paperback Non-Fiction Best Seller list in
mid-February 1992. It also became a basis for the
Stone film JFK
and he served as a chief consultant for both the film's screenplay
and production.
Since 1980, Mr.
Marrs has been a freelance writer, author and public relations
consultant. He also published a rural weekly newspaper along with a
monthly tourism tabloid, a cable television show and several videos.
Beginning in 1992,
Mr. Marrs spent three years researching and completing a non-fiction
book on a top-secret government program involving the psychic
phenomenon known as remote viewing only to have it mysteriously
canceled as it was going to press in the summer of 1995. Within two
months, the story of military-developed remote viewing broke
nationally in the
Washington Post after the
held a press conference revealing the program but putting their own
spin on psychic studies.
Psi Spies is now available from
In May, 1997,
Marrs' in-depth investigation of UFOs,
Alien Agenda, was published by HarperCollins.
Marrs has been a featured speaker at a number of national
conferences including the Annual International UFO Congress and the
Annual Gulf Breeze UFO Conference. Publisher's Weekly
described the book as "the most entertaining and complete overview
of flying saucers and their crew in years." The paperback edition
was released in mid-1998 and has since become the best-selling UFO
book ever in the
United States.
Beginning in 2000, he began teaching a course on UFOs at the
University of Texas at Arlington.
In early 2000,
HarperCollins published
Rule by Secrecy, which traced the hidden history
that connects modern secret societies to the Ancient Mysteries. In
2003, his book
The War on Freedom probed the conspiracies of the
9/11 attacks and their aftermath.
with Tom Valone - two full hours:
Thomas Valone, PhD:
is the President of
Integrity Research Institute
and Editor of the well respected Future Energy newsletter and
Enews. He has
6 books and numerous scientific studies, articles and papers related
to energy in all forms. He provides consultations on electrical
product design/development, engineering testing,
environmental/electromagnetic field/energy, expert testimony and
opinion. He meets regularly with congressional and senate leaders
and briefs them on the latest energy developments. His views
regarding energy-related matters have been featured on national
media including CNN.
Policy Recommendations
For a Comprehensive
National Energy Initiative
Attention: Energy & Environment Transition Team member
Heather Zichal
Thomas F. Valone, PhD, PE
January, 2009
Dr. Valone was a Patent Examiner
for the Physics, Measuring, Testing, Instrumentation Class 324, Art
Unit 2858, GS-12. He examined and approved patents related to
Electric and nonelectric properties, testing in specific
environments, calibrating electric meters, sensing electricity,
internal combustion engine ignition system, electromechanical
switching devices, thermoelectric properties, electrostatic field
sensing, fault detection, impedance/admittance testing, power
measurement, motors/generators. He was elected as Board member of
the PTO Society in 1999.He is the inventor of several instruments,
including the PREMIER (Photonic Rejuvenation Energizing Machine &
Immunizing Electrification Radiator) machine, Dental Vapor Ionizer,
Powerline Gaussmeter,
static field gaussmeter, ELF spectrum analyzer, and a
geomagnetometer which are still on the market today.
Responsible for Engineering Department projects, at Integrity
Electronics, he managed engineers and technicians, initiated several
instrument lines, trained industrial interns from SUNY at Buffalo,
designed 2% accuracy calibration procedures, specification sheets
and training manual, represented the company at shows and
conferences. A Professor at a SUNY-accredited, Erie Community
College in Buffalo NY, he taught courses from 1976 to 1981 that
included Engineering Physics, Technical Physics, Introductory
Physics, AC Electricity, Electronics, Digital Logic, Microprocessors
(6502), Environmental Science, as well as laboratory sessions for
above courses. Dr. Valone also designed an Instrumentation & Process
Control Curriculum at the direction of the College President. He
participated in Project Outreach by teaching SUNY-contract
microprocessor courses (6800) at Chevrolet Plant, Tonawanda, NY.
While at Scott Aviation, he was Director of R&D and developed gas
detection linearization circuit for Series 9000 instruments,
directed planning/installation of computerized test facility for
catalytic sensors, performed feasibility study of non-pressurized
zeolite oxygen tank for firemen, published design articles, managed
acquisition and installation of computer network, numerous sensor
circuit design and testing projects.Dr Valone is a Consulting Fellow
of the
World Innovation Foundation,
is listed in the Who’s Who of American Writers and Poets, received
the Marcel Vogel Service Award from the USPA and several
Certificates of Appreciation from the SUNYAB Faculty of Engineering
and Applied Sciences for participation in the Industrial Internship
Program. He is a member of the Institute of Electrical and
Electronic Engineers, National Space Society, the Union of Concerned
Scientists, the Bioelectromagnetics Society and formerly, the
American Physical Society.
Dr. Valone holds a PhD in General
Engineering from Kennedy-Western University, an M.A. in Physics from
SUNY at Buffalo, B.S. Physics and B.S. in Electrical Engineering,
from SUNY at Buffalo and is a Licensed Professional Engineer with
the state of New York. His resume is also