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Cliven Bundy Responds to New York Times Racism Report



Nevada Rancher Warns Land Dispute With BLM 'Could Turn Into' Next Waco

Tony Gosling - special interview from Bristol England! - March 29, 2014


George interviews James Corbett founder of Fukushima Update and very knowleageble about the Fukushima Catastrophe - News Special interview

In addition is Prime Minister Abe's speech that was presented before the audience in Davos, Switzerland - Abe is reforming the Country into Neo-Liberalism - listen to the build-up the host Klaus Schwab gives to Prime Minister Abe who mentions only briefly the Fukushima Catastrophe

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  HELP FUND THE SECRET TRUTH RADIO PROGRAM BY DOWNLOADING OR PURCHASING - george butler's latest Print Version and or E-Book publication entitled "CHRISTMAS STORIES" containing 9 original short stories, his original "Christmas Star" -  choral composition and 10 traditional Christmas Carols.  the price is only $2.99 and free kindle readers can be found Here - Purchase or Download Here to help george and Charlotte - this is the perfect gift to send to someone or even read to your children at Christmas time, the stories transcend our feeling from  sadness  to ecstasy, the  macabre,  the sublime  from  the dream  to  reality.   If you desire a paperback edition than you can order the book from the click off below (Available Here!) and give to friends.  
  A New book by author george butler - entitled "Christmas Stories: and Carols" is Available - Inside you'll find 9 original short stories set at Christmas Time plus an original Christmas Carol entitled "Christmas Star" - at the end of the book are 9 traditional Christmas Carols - this book is an excellent house warming gift for Christmas Party guests to be used to sing Christmas Carols at the party and then later taken home to enjoy the Short Stories - the short stories will even make grown men cry

Saturday Dec.  7,  2013

Tony Gosling 32 minute report


george greenville butler
  Available Here! Shocking Information! Available Here!  

Sacrifices changing China Forever!




George Greenville Butler

Today the Egyptian Economy seems to be in shambles. Due to several major upheavals the society has entered into chaos and several factors such as a rising foreign debt service, decline in tourism, trade deficits, consumer inflation and other factors have diminished economic viability. Since the large demonstrations and overturn of Former President Hosni Mubarak (while Mubarak was in power Egypt participated in America's rendition flights) who had violated the basic freedoms of many Egyptians using The Emergency Law. Egypt has been in turmoil and when societies are in turmoil economies suffer. President Morsi was removed on July 3, 2013 by the military suspending the constitution, which is a demonstration of similar tactics of the past.

Economic Problems Article – US Today

Economic Statistics

The Plantation Prior to 1952

The Overseer of The Egyptian Plantation prior to 1952 was King Farouk I of Egypt who had the support of the landed rich, the secret societies and the wealthy. King Farouk led a life of excess and opulence that his subjects resented. The land ownership before 1952 was concentrated in few hands. The reference information below sets out the major problems with land ownership in Egypt prior to Nasser's reforms.

Problems prior to 1952

Prior to the 1952 coup that installed Naguib as President, less than six percent of Egypt's population owned more than 65% of the land in Egypt, and less than 0.5% of Egyptians owned more than one-third of all fertile land. These major owners had almost autocratic control over the land they owned and charged high rents which averaged 75% of the income generated by the rented land. These high rents coupled with the high interest rates charged by banks plunged many small farmers and peasants into debt. Furthermore, peasants who worked as laborers on farms also suffered, receiving average wages of only eight to fifteen piastres a day. The combination of these circumstances led historian Anouar Abdel Malek to call the pre-reform Egyptian peasantry "an exploited mass surrounded by hunger, disease and death". Another historian, Robert Stephens has compared the state of Egyptian peasants before land reform to that of French peasants before the French Revolution.............wikipedia

Nasser For The People

The deposing of King Farouk by The Free Officers led by Gamal Abdel Nasser Hussein - in 1952 set a pattern through present times of the military acting through coup d'états to install or remove political leaders from power. The Egyptian military has always portrayed itself as carrying out the will of the people in protecting Egypt. During the 1950s Nasser acting through President Naguib as his Deputy enacted land reforms that lasted up to the mid 1980s and were finally abolished under Anwar Sadat. The land reform laws brought about by Nasser were as follows:

Law Number 178

On September 11, 1952, Law Number 178 began the process of land reform in Egypt. The law had numerous provisions that attempted to remedy the Egyptian land problems:

  • Land owners were prohibited to possess more than 200 feddans of land. However, fathers with more than 2 children were allowed to own 300 feddans.

  • A limit on the rental rate for land was set at seven times the land tax value of the plot of land.

  • All land leases were given a minimum duration of three years.

  • The government established cooperatives for farmers holding less than five feddans. The members of these cooperatives worked together to obtain supplies such as fertilizers, pesticides, and seeds as well as cooperating to transport their products to market.

  • A minimum wage for agricultural workers was set at 18 piastres per day.

Additionally, the law provided for the redistribution of any land that owners held over the limits it established:

  • Each affected owner would receive compensation for his excess land in government bonds worth a total of ten times the rental value of the land. These bonds would pay three percent interest and mature in thirty years.

  • All land bought by the government would be sold to peasants though no person could obtain more than five feddans from the government. Peasants who bought land would pay the government the cost of the land and a 15% surcharge over a period of thirty years.

Law 178 initially met opposition from Prime Minister Ali Maher Pasha who supported a limit of 500 feddans for land ownership. However, the Revolutionary Command Council demonstrated its power by forcing him to resign, replacing him with Muhammad Naguib and passing the law.

Modifications to Land Reform

In 1958, three provisions of the land reform law were revised:

  • The interest on the bonds the government used to repay owners of seized land was lowered to 1.5%.

  • People who purchased land from the government were given forty years (in place of thirty) to complete repayment.

  • The government surcharge to be paid by purchasers was lowered to 10%.

In 1961, the government again revised the land reform program by lowering the land ownership maximum to one hundred feddans.


Initially, land reform essentially abolished the political influence of major land owners. However, land reform only resulted in the redistribution of about 15% of Egypt's land under cultivation, and by the early 1980s, the effects of land reform in Egypt drew to a halt as the population of Egypt moved away from agriculture. The Egyptian land reform laws were greatly curtailed under Anwar Sadat and eventually abolished........wikipedia

The Infitah

Anwar Sadat during his presidency tried to reform the economy calling this reform “The Infitah”. International bankers such as David Rockefeller and William Simon encouraged him to expand needed reforms more quickly. These reforms such as cutting subsidies and devaluing the Egyptian Pound ended in food riots losing Sadat much past support.

The Politics of Economic Strategy

“Once infitah was established as Egypt's economic strategy, intraelite conflicts centered on its proper scope and management. These conflicts typically pitted liberalizing economists, who were convinced that a fully capitalist economy would be more efficient than an economy incorporating a public sector, against more statist-minded bureaucrats and state managers, who wanted to reform, rather than to dismantle, the public sector. The latter were often allied with politicians fearful of public reaction to the rollback of populist measures such as subsidies and public- sector employment. One major episode in this conflict came in 1976 over pressures from the International Monetary Fund (IMF-- see Glossary) and foreign banks to cut subsidies and devalue the Egyptian pound (for value of the Egyptian pound--see Glossary) as necessary steps in the liberalization of the economy. Sadat's minister of economy, Zaki Shafii, and his minister of finance, Ahmad Abu Ismail, fearful of the consequences on the mass standard of living, urged him to resist pressures for rapid reform. But other economists, chief among them Abdul Munim Qaysuni, argued that Egypt could not afford costly welfare programs if it were to revitalize its productive bases. Top Western bankers, such as David Rockefeller and William Simon, urged Sadat to go beyond half measures if he wanted to make the infitah a success. Sadat overruled his own ministers and replaced them with a new team headed by Qaysuni, who began to cut the subsidies. But decision makers had misjudged their political environment. The subsidy cuts triggered the 1977 food riots, which shattered much of the support Sadat had carefully built up. The government backed down and did not again attempt such a radical cut in the social safety net for the poor.

Managing infitah remained the major problem of public policy under Mubarak. Rather than producing a dynamic capitalist alternative to Nasserite statism, infitah had stimulated a consumption boom that put Egypt in debt and made it heavily dependent on external revenues, which declined in the mid-1980s, plunging the country into economic crisis. Mubarak insisted that infitah would be reformed, not reversed, but the government's freedom of action was limited by conflicting domestic constraints. The interests created under Nasser remained obstacles to capitalist rationalization and belt-tightening. The public sector was still the main engine of investment, and public sector managers and unionized labor tenaciously defended it. The bureaucracy, employing a large portion of the middle class, was a formidable constituency. Meanwhile, Egypt's huge army had not been demobilized, and, indeed, Sadat had bought its acquiescence to his policy by replacing weapons from the Soviet Union with more expensive arms from the United States, for which the military showed a voracious appetite. Marshal Abu Ghazala rejected demands by Prime Minister Ali Lutfi that he pay off Egypt's military debts from revenues of arms sales overseas; instead he plowed funds into subsidized apartments, shops, and sports clubs for the officer corps. Populist "rights" acquired under Nasser had grown into a tacit social contract by which the government provided subsidized food to the masses in return for their tolerance of growing inequality. The contrast between the conspicuous new wealth and the mass poverty generated a moral malaise, making Egypt's debt a political issue. "We're asked to pay the debt," chanted demonstrators in 1986, "while they live in palaces and villas." Thus, attacking populist policies seemed likely to fuel Islamist political activism......excerpt from “The Politics of Political Strategy”

Mubarak inherited this reform called “The Infitah but was unable to effective develop this economic reform so he instead grew the Armed Forces dominance of the economy. This not only left the huge public sector in place but didn't threatened the giant bureaucracy. It must be noted before his death Nasser became aware of the problem of this large bureaucracy but died before he could solve this problem.

Today Egypt cannot feed itself and 50% of the wheat needed for bread is imported. In addition there is a subsidy that lowers flat bread to less than 1 cent a piece.

Food price rises put restive Egypt on edge

Imported Wheat Stocks Dwindle Amid Egypt's Currency Crisis

Egypt faces struggle to maintain cheap bread programme

Govt: Wheat reserve enough for 81 days

Farmers say Egypt's wheat crop hopes are "a dream

Higher prices and lower incomes burden Egyptian families

Armed Forces Owns Economy – Secret Budget - Egypt’s junta keeps budget secret

Products produced by military - Arab Organization for Industrialization

During Nasser's Presidency he instituted many reforms, these reforms resulted in many industries and businesses being nationalized which later provided to subsequent regimes a greater ownership and control by the government. The government has always been dominated by the Armed Forces of which power and control has over decades since 1952 migrated to the military resulting in an increased ownership over the economy by the military. Thus the Armed Forces of Egypt owns a major portion of the economy. Like stated before starting in the 1950s the nationalizing of industries and businesses by Nasser laid a foundation that later the Armed Forces built upon. The peace treaty in 1979 between Egypt and Israel led to the Egyptian Armed Forces being reoriented to establishing business and industries. The cash flow set up future retirement and income benefits available to the top military leadership. In addition many associates and friends of the military leadership benefited. Once again in this latest crisis the armed forces is demonstrating their dominance and control, for its a life and death struggle for their continued ownership of their portion of the economy.

The Army and The Economy in Egypt

The Role of the Egyptian Military in Domestic Society - LTC Stephen H. Gotowicki, U.S. Army

Inside The Egyptian Military's Brutal Hold on Power

Egyptian military industry

Egypt military economic empire

Egypt's Generals and Transnational Capital

President Morsi's First Year – Now History

President Morsi assumed office on June 30, 2012 and on July 3, 2013 - Egypt’s Defense Minister Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi dismissed President Morsi and leader of The Muslim Brotherhood.

General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi's – speech in dismissing President Morsi

“The Egyptian Armed Forces first declared, is still declaring and will always declare that it stands distant from political forces. The Armed Forces, based on its insightfulness, has been called by the Egyptian people for help, not to hold the reins of power, yet to discharge its civil responsibility and answer demands of responsibility. This is the message received by the EAF and heard in all of the country.

In turn this call was heeded by the EAF, and it has understood the essence of this message. Before it has come close to the political scene adhering to its responsibility, the EAF over the past month has inserted efforts, direct and indirect to contain the situation within and achieve national reconciliation among all institutions, including the presidency.

Since the past, the army has called for national dialogue, yet it was rejected by the presidency in the last moment. Many calls, initiatives followed until to date. The EAF similarly on more than one occasion presented a strategic assessment domestically and internationally, which contained the most eminent (this part unclear).

The EAF as a patriotic institution to contain division and confront challenges and perils to exit the current crisis. As we closely monitored the current crisis, the command of EAF met with the president on June 2nd where it presented the opinion of the AF on the state of (the country) and (relayed) the cause of masses and Egyptian people. Hopes were all pinned on national conciliation. Yet, the address of the president yesterday and before the expiry of the 48-hour ultimatum did not meet the demands of the people.

As a result, it was necessary for the EAF to act on its patriotic and historic responsibility without sidelining, marginalising any party, where during the meeting a road map was agreed upon which includes the following:

Suspending the constitution provisionally; The chief justice of the constitutional court will declare the early presidential elections; Interim period until president elected. Chief Justice will have presidential powers; A technocrat, capable national government will be formed; The committee will offer all its expertise to review the new constitution; The Supreme Constitutional Law will address the draft law and prepare for parliamentary elections;

Securing and guaranteeing freedom of expression, freedom of media. All necessary measures will be taken to empower youth so they can take part in decision making processes. The EAF appeal to the Egyptian people with all its spectrum to steer away from violence and remain peaceful. The Armed Forced warn it will stand up firmly and strictly to any act deviating from peacefulness based on its patriotic and historic responsibility.

May God save Egypt and the honorable, defiant people of Egypt.”.......provided by El Jazerra

General Sisi also announced on state television that the armed forces had suspended the country’s constitution provisionally. President Morsi's removal from office on July 3, 2013 is being disputed by President Morsi. He was criticized by many for concentrating on, the consolidation of his power centered around Islamic Politics. Additional criticizes are that he was not being inclusive enough, ignoring economic issues and he really failed when he announced his Presidential Decrees last November 22, 2012 which were ill advised. The decrees were well enumerated in this article “Egypt President Morsi grants himself far-reaching powers”.

Power Grabs

The single biggest mistake by President Morsi were his actions by decrees to consolidate a greater power unto himself and The Presidency. The reference and article below spells it out!

Nov. 22, 2012 - “Egypt's president on Thursday issued constitutional amendments that placed him above judicial oversight and ordered the retrial of Hosni Mubarak for the killing of protesters in last year's uprising.

Mohammed Morsi also decreed immunity for the Islamist-dominated panel drafting a new constitution from any possible court decisions to dissolve it, a threat that had been hanging over the controversial assembly.

Liberal and Christian members withdrew from the assembly during the past week to protest what they say is the hijacking of the process by Morsi's allies, who they saw are trying to push through a document that will have an Islamist slant marginalizing women and minority Christians and infringing on personal liberties. Several courts have been looking into cases demanding the dissolution of the panel.

The Egyptian leader also decreed that all decisions he has made since taking office in June and until a new constitution is adopted and a new parliament is elected -- which is not expected before next spring -- are not subject to appeal in court or by any other authority. He also barred any court from dissolving the Islamist-led upper house of parliament, a largely toothless body that has also faced court cases”............Read More Fox News coverage

These Presidential decrees set off very strong and virulent demonstrations which eroded President Morsi's influence especially with the opposition. They considered his decrees to be a power grab not inclusive and downright unconstitutional. He eventually had to back off from seeking those new powers. On Thursday July 4, 2013 it was announced that President Morsi was arrested on charges of ‘insulting the judiciary'.

Was Washington Behind Egypt’s Coup d’Etat? - Did the Pentagon give the "Green Light"

Adly Mansour – was appointed interim president at the Supreme Constitutional Court building on July 4, 2013 in Cairo. Mansour had been head of the Supreme Constitutional Court for only two days before the army named him interim president. Mansour suggested during his swearing in ceremony that all parties including the Muslim Brotherhood would be welcome in joining the political process but the Muslim Brotherhood has announced that they would be boycotting the process.

Court upholds verdict sacking Morsi's PM Qandil, sentencing him to prison

Mohamed ELBaradei not confirmed for Prime Minister Yet!

Prominent Egyptian Liberal Says He Sought West’s Support for Uprising - "In tandem with the military’s ouster of Mr. Morsi, the judicial authorities replaced the attorney general he had appointed, reinstating the prosecutor installed by Hosni Mubarak, the autocratic president ousted in Egypt’s 2011 revolution." The Mubarak appointee, Abdel Meguid Mahmoud, spent years in office prosecuting Islamists. But Mr. ElBaradei said the generals had assured him that this time would be different because they intended to operate as an institution in a civilian democracy, with respect for due process and the rule of law.”..............N.Y. Times

Mohamed ElBaradei has been lobbying for the I.M.F. Loans and helped the Neoliberals to carry out change in Egypt. So now the neoliberal economic plan placed into effect under Hosni Mubarak will be re-instituted in Egypt. In 2011 before Morsi's rise to power, Hasan Malek of The Muslim Brotherhood had this to say about the neoliberal policies placed into effect by Mubarak in the 80s "Manufacturing, a trained labor force and enabling the private sector are the solution to Egypt's economic slump," said Hasan Malek, one of the Muslim Brotherhood's leading businessmen.

One of the main financiers and business strategists of the Brotherhood, Malek said “the economic policies in force during Hosni Mubarak's rule were on the right track, but were overshadowed by blatant corruption and a culture of favoritism.”................Reuters

“What has happened to the country in his (Morsi's) first year of power?
Egypt has moved up the list of failed states from 45th to 34th place (the higher up the list, the worse the degree of failure). Police have essentially stopped doing their job — significantly, they were nowhere to be seen when protesters torched the Muslim Brotherhoods’ headquarters in Cairo on the weekend. In 2012, murders were up 130%, robberies 350% and kidnappings 145%, writes opposition leader Mohammed El Baradei in Foreign Policy magazine. “You see people being lynched in public, while others take pictures of the scene. Mind you, this is the 21st century — not the French Revolution!”

What about the economy?
That’s also been a continuing disaster. Youth unemployment is at 25% and job creation is almost non-existent. Prices have soared and there are continuing shortages of gasoline, leading to long lineups at the pumps. Power cuts are frequent and farmers (the heart of Morsi’s support) can’t afford fuel for their tractors to cultivate their land. Investors and tourists are staying away in droves, the Egyptian stock market has hit new lows, along with the currency”........Read More - National Post

The President's Adversaries – July 2013 Demonstrations

There was a plethora of different kinds of adversaries during the latest demonstrations and protests. There were young people, city people, liberals, secularists of all kinds and the Nour Party also gave support to President Morsi's adversaries. This motley group has found it increasingly more difficult to live and feed their families and President Morsi should have addressed Egypt's economic problems first. This rising secular power group with ties to military and bureaucratic institutions on the streets were the military's excuse to dismiss President Morsi.

911 Conspiracy Advocate

One of the main reasons that the military might have dismissed President Morsi is his advocacy of 911 Truth theories. Writing in The Washington Post By Robert Satloff and Eric Trager, had this to say “Getting Egypt’s Morsi to give up his 9/11 ‘truther’ talk”

Washington is worried that if enough of the American Public wakes up to 911 Truth then their little charade of myths and lies about 911 will unravel their control and domineering mechanism of 'The War on Terrorism”. In other words the American public is being used by the myth of 911 being an attack from foreign terrorists which is manifesting in a martial law and National Security lock down of America resulting in our liberties and freedoms being destroyed.

The Hijacked Revolution

Has this seemingly revolution of reform since 2011 been high jacked by certain players?

Neoliberal Egypt: The hijacked revolution

Chaos is Breaking out in Egypt

The Daily Mirror in an article released a video (caution graphic violent video) opposing groups fighting in the north-east city of Alexandria and in one segment of the video young men are seen being thrown off a high pedestal onto a concrete roof top where their bodies are further abused with machetes. On top of the roof is milling around a roving marauder with large beard carrying an al Qaeda flag sticking from out of his back pocket.

“The head of al Qaeda ordered its supporters to strike back after Islamist leader President Morsi was ousted in a military coup and arrested along with more than 200 Islamist leaders. And in a worrying development, a new Islamist group was formed in the country after what it called a ‘declaration of war’ on its faith. Ansar Al Sharia, a terrorist group linked to the death of the American ambassador to Libya in an attack on the American embassy in Benghazi, said it would gather arms and start training its members to use violence in imposing Islamic law.”...........Daily Mirror

Conclusion: Army in Control

Since Nasser's days the Egyptian Army has portrayed itself as the people's army. Once again in this latest crisis, the armed forces is demonstrating their dominance and control. During the 1950s the Free Officers lead by Nasser reformed the economy and instituted a change of politics, so too today did the modern Armed Forces of Egypt exert their power. Today's Egyptian economy is an extension of Nasser's revolution which was a milestone in the transformation of Egypt from being dominated by a rich monarch to a people's army. Nasser demonstrated leadership when King Farouk and his family were allowed to leaved Egypt unmolested. The Armed Forces of Egypt has been a major owner of the economy so it resists any threat to its economic dominance. King Farouk was the overseer to an Agricultural Plantation and now the Armed Forces of Egypt are overseers to an Industrial Plantation. We have just witnessed in Egypt a strong military whose business interests have never been audited, disregarding a large part of the voters (The Muslim Brotherhood) of Egypt and the will of these people, suspending the constitution in overthrowing President Morsi and appointing an interim President. Politics as usual in Egypt. Than did not President Morsi and The Muslim Brotherhood over reach in their ambitions, finding in the end that they had become disconnected from the mainstream Egyptian public and threatened the foundations of the opposing power groups.

How Morsi, Brotherhood Lost Egypt

Did Uncle Sam Funded Programs - oust Morsi?

1984 War is Peace

The military at this time present tense is placing back into office Abdel Meguid Mahmond as Attorney General and they assured Mohamed ElBaradei as follows:

The Mubarak appointee, Abdel Meguid Mahmoud, spent years in office prosecuting Islamists. But Mr. ElBaradei said the generals had assured him that this time would be different because they intended to operate as an institution in a civilian democracy, with respect for due process and the rule of law.”..............N.Y. Times

A few contradicts after having ignored due process and the rule of law just recently in dismissing President Morsi”................




  1. The subsidies must be adjusted

  2. The Too Large Bureaucracy must be decreased

  3. Farm Land – provide additional ownership to more farmers

  4. Care not to increase foreign loans

  5. Increase the small businesses numbers

  6. Audit The Armed Forces – bring their ownership of the economy under control

  7. No Secret Budgets

The Armed Forces still have a monopoly of force so I'm not optimistic about real reform in Egypt occurring!

Resources and Notes

"The doctrine and culture of the Armed Forces do not allow the adoption of any 'military-coup-based' policies. The Egyptian military always stands by the will and aspirations of the glorious Egyptian people for change and reform

1 feddan = 24 kirat = 60 metre x 70 meter = 4200 square metres (m²) = 0.42 hectares = 1.038 acres

In Syria, the feddan ranges from 2295 square metres (m²) to 3443 square metres (m²).

If the U.S. describes this as coup than us aid to Egypt cannot to be extended.

Today's Egyptian economy is an extension of Nasser's revolution which was a milestone in the transformation of Egypt from being dominated by a rich monarch to a people's army. King Farouk and family were allowed to leaved Egypt unmolested.

© 2013 George Butler


Special Note our encore presentation tonight June 22, 2013 will showcase an interview with Stephen Kinzer about his book entitled "Reset" an idea about the U.S. building a new relationship with Turkey and Iran in the Middle-East, helping to reconcile differences.



By George Greenville Butler

Today to decipher the events rapidly unfolding in Turkey is difficult if not impossible, without looking back in history. The struggle today in Turkey is between Secular forces led by The Secret Societies and their supporters and a newly emerging pro Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP) led by the present Prime Minister Erdogan. In addition a new player on the scene is The Gulen Movement which is taking sides with Erdogan and is friendly to the west. Erdogan's opposition is coming primarily from the The Republican People's Party (Turkish: Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi, CHP) which is a Kemalist, social-liberal Party This Party has strong secret society backing and also secularist support with addition support from a hodgepodge of groups. In the past the very authoritarian Kemalist regimes being very dominant and violence prone (List of Massacres in Turkey) carried out severe crackdowns on labor, socialist and communist groups while supporting Pan-Turkism Policies which manifested against the Kurds and Armenians. One important insight is that within a very upper class Turkish elite are Dönmeh members moving and residing in masonic circles giving them anonymity and protection and their ties to Israel are an important dynamic, this fact is necessary in understanding the true reality of Turkish politics.

Secret Society Beginnings

The first Masonic Lodge was founded in Istanbul in 1721 by Levantines (mainly Genoese people) living in the tower quarters. Later the history of Freemasonry would experience a tumultuous up and down roller coaster ride into the 21 century. In the late 1800s Alexandre Saint-Yves, Marquess of Alveydre (26 March 1842, Paris – 5 February 1909 Pau) envisioned rule by an oligarchy, this became known later as Synarchism. He was a Freemason and occultist and his work about an elite group governing from behind the scenes became a powerful tool to dominate government. The real power of the secret societies was securing the monopoly of money creation thus controlling all business through their privately owned banks and central banks. The membership into the secret societies was controlled, to only admit loyal associates who would further the interest of the Brotherhood.

Secret Society Influence

We must look back and see the initial effect on Turkey of Ataturk's takeover and special note should be made that his hometown of Salonica which was home to the Dönmeh.

The activities of the Grand Lodge of Turkey reached a climax during the Presidency of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1923-1938). Ataturk, a reformer, soldier, advocate of women’s rights, and the founder of the Turkish republic, was initiated in 1907 into Lodge Veritas - warranted by the French Grand Orient - in Salonica. When he landed at Samsun on 19 May 1919 to begin the struggle of independence, six out of his seven high ranking military staff officers were Freemasons. During his time of rule there were always some members of his Cabinet who were Freemasons, indeed, from 1923 to 1938 some sixty Members of Parliament were members of the Craft......Palestine Lodge No.189 AF&AM

The Gülen Movement

The Gülen Movement is an Islamic Based world-wide education movement headed by Imam Fethullah Gulen who immigrated to The United States 1999.

The Deep State

The Prime Minister is revered as a moderate, but how far will he go to stay in power?

by Dexter Filkins

March 12, 2012


The most widely held perception in Turkey is that the Gülenists have taken control of the Turkish National Police—and that they are behind the arrests in the Ergenekon and Sledgehammer cases. James Jeffrey, a former Ambassador to Turkey, wrote in a cable to Washington, revealed by WikiLeaks, that at least part of that proposition appeared to be true: “The assertion that the T.N.P. is controlled by the Gülenists is impossible to confirm, but we have found no one who disputes it.”

Gülen has cultivated some powerful friends in the United States. When U.S. officials were trying to expel him to face criminal charges in Turkey, he was able to call on Graham Fuller, a former senior official in the C.I.A., to help him remain. When he applied for permanent residency, Morton Abramowitz, another former Ambassador to Turkey, wrote a letter on his behalf. Fuller’s relationship with Gülen, in particular, has prompted conspiracy theories in Turkey about the C.I.A.’s involvement in Gülen’s rise”...........The New Yorker Magazine

Imam Fethullah Gulen &the Grey Eminence behind Turkeys Erdogan & AKP

The open press statement of denial by senior reportedly former CIA official Graham Fuller in April of a line between the Boston Bombings and the CIA, labeling the reports absurd, may go down in history as one of the worst intelligence blunders in the past century. The public admission by Fuller, on a website reported tied to the CIA, of his relationship to the Uncle of the alleged but not ever convicted Boston Bombers opened a can of worms the CIA might well wish never had been opened....boiling frogs post

See more at:

Erdogan Elected

Beginning in 2003 with the election of Erdogan as Prime Minister was a signal to secular forces of a new more fundamentalist Islamic government assuming power which unknown then would uncover a coup operation “Sledgehammer” resulting in literally hundreds of defendants being prosecuted who were involved in this operation. ”Sledgehammer”, which was an operation to overthrow the legitimate government of Prime Minister Erdogan and in addition another scandal Ergenekon” was a Gladio like operation akin to an earlier proven “Counter-Guerilla” organization that can only be described as a Gladio organization and when prosecutions began these furthered Erdogan's power base. Erdogan was viewed by secular forces including the secret society groups as a threat to the secular government of Turkey, which has always been first based upon the Six Arrows below exemplified by the symbol and graphics.


Atatürk is the founder of Kemalism. The six arrows in the symbol and graphics figure above represent the six fundamental pillars of the ideology as listed below:

Changes in The National Security Council

After Erdogan's new government assumed power in 2003 there were a series of changes made to The National Security Council and Secretariat-General resulting in a weakening of the dominance and control of The National Council Council enjoyed by the Turkish Military for decades.

The Weakening of Turkey's Military

Author: Steven A. Cook, Hasib J. Sabbagh Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies March 1, 2010 – follows is an excerpt from this article........

The most important changes were made to the National Security Council (known more commonly by its Turkish acronym, MGK), which had been the primary channel through which the officers influenced Turkish politics. First, the number of officers on the council was reduced from five to one--the chief of staff. Second, the legislation required that a civilian hold the office of MGK secretary-general, a position previously reserved for a military officer who reported directly to the chief of staff. The council was also stripped of its executive authority and its budget placed under the prime minister's control”.......March 1, 2010 Foreign Affairs – Council on Foreign Relations

The NSC and the Secretariat General of the NSC that appointed members are the following:

President: Abdullah Gül

The above changes and realignment gave Erdogan absolute control over the Council while his continued prosecutions of the coup leaders of “Sledgehammer” enabled him to start reorganizing the power base in addition favoring his party and worldview. ”Ergenekon” is believed by some to be part of the "deep state." The existence of the "deep state" was affirmed in Turkish opinion after the Susurluk scandal in 1996. In addition “Ergenekon” was a Gladio like operation scandal which was exposed later by the earlier Susurlik scandal. manifesting in many more prosecutions and convictions.

The present clashes in Istanbul and other major Turkish cities is a struggle between secret society and good old boy networks plus a hodgepodge of groups against a moderate Islamic leader Erdogan who is viewed by the opposition as not being friendly enough to Israel. During one of the Free Gaza Movement Boat Relief sailings on May 31, 2010 Israeli commando some maintain in violation of International Law forcibly boarded the "Blue Marmara Ship"(Mavi Marmara Gemisi) resulting in 9 deaths. This caused Prime Minister Erdogan to issue a statement castigating Israel for their actions. Recently with President Obama urgings has reconciled his differences with Israel over the incident.

The President - Turkey

The powers of The Turkish President are great and are stated below.

In addition to better describing the Turkish Government The President of Turkey Abdullah Gül since 28 August 2007 has greater powers than the public appreciates and his election by The General Assembly was resisted by The Republican People's Party.

Enumerated below are The President's powers:

Legislative functions

  • to deliver, if he deems it necessary, the opening address of the parliament on the first day of the legislative year,

  • to summon the parliament to meet, when necessary,

  • to promulgate laws,

  • to return laws to the parliament to be reconsidered,

  • to submit to referendum, if he deems it necessary, legislation regarding amendment of the constitution,

  • to appeal to the Constitutional Court for the annulment of certain provisions or the entirety of laws, decrees having the force of law, and the Rules of Procedure of the parliament on the grounds that they are unconstitutional in form or in content,

  • to call new elections for the parliament

Executive functions

  • to appoint and to accept the resignation of the prime minister,

  • to appoint and dismiss ministers upon the proposal of the prime minister,

  • to preside over the council of ministers or to call the council of ministers to meet under his chairmanship whenever he deems it necessary,

  • to accredit representatives of the Turkish State to foreign states, and to receive the representatives of foreign states appointed to the Republic of Turkey,

  • to ratify and promulgate international treaties,

  • to represent the Supreme Military Command of the Turkish Armed Forces on behalf of the Turkish Grand National Assembly,

  • to decide on the mobilization of the Turkish Armed Forces,

  • to appoint the Chief of the General Staff,

  • to call the National Security Council to meet,

  • to preside over the National Security Council,

  • to proclaim martial law or state of emergency, and to issue decrees having the force of law, upon a decision of the council of ministers meeting under his chairmanship,

  • to sign decrees,

  • to grant full or partial clemency, on grounds of chronic illness, disability, or old age, all or part of the sentences imposed on certain individuals

  • to appoint the members and the chairman of the State Supervisory Council,

  • to instruct the State Supervisory Council to carry out inquiries, investigations and inspections,

  • to appoint the members of the Higher Education Council,

  • to appoint rectors of universities.

Judiciary functions

  • to appoint the members of the Constitutional Court, one-fourth of the members of the Council of State, the Chief Public Prosecutor and the Deputy Chief Public Prosecutor of the Higher Court of Appeals, the members of the Military High Court of Appeals, the members of the Supreme Military Administrative Court and the members of the Supreme Council of Judges and Public Prosecutors.

The Turkish President performs also the duties of selection and appointment, and other duties conferred by the constitution and laws.

Accountability and non-accountability

All presidential decrees, except those which the president is empowered to enact on his own without the signatures of the prime minister and the minister concerned, in accordance with the provisions of the constitution and other laws, must be signed by the prime minister, and the ministers concerned. The prime minister and the ministers concerned are accountable for these decrees. The decisions and orders signed by the president on his own initiatives may not be appealed against to any judicial authority, including the Constitutional Court. The president may be impeached for high treason on the proposal of at least one-third of the total number of the members of the parliament, and by the decision of at least three-fourths of the total number of the members.

Major Influential Institution

The Preidency of Religious Affairs also called the Diyanet is truly a state within a state and is being used by the secular state to continue the dominance of the secular state within Turkey. The information that follows comes from the annual budget of The Diyanet which we refer to in this PDF file laying out the Turkish Budget.

With more than 100,000 employees, the Diyanet is a kind of state within the state.
In 2013, with over 4.6 billion TL (Turkish Lira), Diyanet or Ministry of Religious Affairs, occupies the 16th position of central government expenditure.
The budget allocated to Diyanet is:”............wikipedia

Diyanet's Budget in 2013 - Source : TBMM, Turkish Parliament, 2013.

  • 1.6 times larger than the budget allocated to the Ministry of the Interior

  • 1.8 times larger than the budget allocated to the Ministry of Health

  • 1.9 times larger than the budget allocated to the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology

  • 2.4 times larger than the budget allocated to the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning

  • 2.5 times larger than the budget allocated to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

  • 2.9 times larger than the budget allocated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • 3.4 times larger than the budget allocated to the Ministry of Economy

  • 3.8 times larger than the budget of the Ministry of Development

  • 4.6 times larger than the budget allocated to MIT – Secret Services

  • 5,0 times larger than the budget allocated to the Department of Emergency and Disaster Management

  • 7.7 times larger than the budget allocated to the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources

  • 9.1 times larger than the budget allocated to the Ministry of Customs and Trade

  • 10.7 times greater than the budget allocated to Coast Guard

  • 21.6 times greater than the budget allocated to the Ministry of the European Union

  • 242 times larger than the budget for the National Security Council

  • 268 times more important than the budget allocated to the Ministry of Public Employee

Diyanet's budget represents:

  • 79% of the budget of the Police

  • 67% of the budget of the Ministry of Justice

  • 57% of the budget of the Public Hospitals

  • 31% of the budget of the National Police

  • 23% of the budget of the Turkish Army, that is 23% of the budget of NATO's second army.

Persecution of Journalists and Reporters

Turkey according to some sources has the most imprisoned journalists and reporters of any nation in the world. The struggle between powers in Turkey is resulting in a high level of the curbing of free speech, we as Americans must remember that Turkey is not like America and has been subjected to several strongman rulers over the 20th into the 21th centuries.


Turkey has been dominated by Freemasonry, The Dönmeh, The Secret Societies and “The Good Ole Boy” networks before and especially since Ataturk's takeover. Since Erdogan's election as Prime Minister coupled with the uncovering and expose of two major scandals “Sledgehammer” and the ”Ergenekon” terror organization has resulted in a power shift.

Ergenekon is the name given to an alleged clandestine, Kemalist ultra-nationalist organization in Turkey which, according to an instructor at the Police Academy in Ankara, most likely has ties to members of the country's military and security forces. The would-be group, named after Ergenekon, a mythical place located in the inaccessible valleys of the Altay Mountains, is accused of terrorism in Turkey.

Ergenekon is by some believed to be part of the "deep state." The existence of the "deep state" was affirmed in Turkish opinion after the Susurluk scandal in 1996. Alleged members have been indicted on charges of plotting to foment unrest, among other things by assassinating intellectuals, politicians, judges, military staff, and religious leaders, with the ultimate goal of toppling the incumbent government.

Ergenekon's modus operandi has been compared to Operation Gladio's Turkish branch, the Counter-Guerrilla

By April 2011, over 500 people had been taken into custody and nearly 300 formally charged with membership of what prosecutors described as "the Ergenekon terrorist organization," which they claimed had been responsible for virtually every act of political violence – and controlled every terrorist group – in Turkey over the last 30 years.........wikipedia

These two scandals “Sledgehammer” and The ”Ergenekon Affair”, and prosecutions coupled with Erdogan's majority in The Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM, Turkish: Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi), usually referred to simply as the Meclis enabled him to wrestle power from the secularists, secret societies, Freemasons and good ole boy networks. Thus he has effected a power shift from the Kemalist networks into his hands. In addition two important institutions are The Gülen Movement and The Diyanet which have great influence among its members and workers in Turkey. The Real Politic view is since Erdogan has assumed power Turkey has been in the process of seeking EU membership and has been aligning it's government to The European Union Model and has joined in with N.A.T.O. operations and initiatives, so Erdogan is carrying out the continued secular government of Turkey. So irregardless of the perceived power shift initiated by Erdogan the existing Turkish government is still very much so, a secular one and the secular forces waging street warfare are merely agents knowingly or unknowingly of past power masters especially the military. Turkey is a corrupt and violent country and this we must focus on to understand the present Geo-Political chaos of modern day Turkey. We must also bear in mind the ultra secret turkish elite known as The Dönmeh and try to predict their alliances, movements and influences.

Resources and End Notes

The 1982 constitution gives the president a stronger and more extensive role than did the 1961 constitution, under which the presidency was a largely ceremonial office. The president is empowered to summon meetings of the National Assembly, promulgate laws, and ratify international treaties. The president also may veto legislation passed by the National Assembly, submit constitutional amendments proposed by the assembly to popular referendum, and challenge the constitutionality of assembly laws and cabinet decrees. The president's responsibilities include appointing the prime minister, convening and presiding over meetings of the Council of Ministers, and calling for new elections to the National Assembly. The president also is authorized to dispatch the Turkish armed forces for domestic or foreign military missions and to declare martial law.

The constitution also provides the president with appointive powers that he or she may exercise independently of the Council of Ministers. For example, the president is empowered to appoint the members of the Constitutional Court, one-quarter of the members of the Council of State, all diplomatic representatives, the chief of the General Staff, members of the Supreme Military Administrative Court, the Supreme Council of Judges and Public Prosecutors, the State Supervisory Council, the Council of Higher Education, and all university presidents.

Alexandre Saint-Yves, Marquess of Alveydre - (26 March 1842, Paris – 5 February 1909, Pau) was a French occultist who adapted the works of Fabre d'Olivet (1767–1825) and, in turn, had his ideas adapted by Papus. He developed the term Synarchy—the association of everyone with everyone else—into a political philosophy, and his ideas about this type of government proved influential in politics and the occult.

He then began a career as a civil servant. In 1877 Saint-Yves met and married Countess Marie de Riznitch-Keller, a relative of Honoré de Balzac, and friend of the Empress Eugénie de Montijo, a move which made him independly wealthy. He dedicated the rest of his life to research and had a large number of influential contacts including Victor Hugo. Saint-Yves later knew many of the major names in French occultism such as Marquis Stanislas de Guaita, Joséphin Péladan and Oswald Wirth and was a member of a number of Rosicrucian, and Freemason style orders. Saint-Yves supposedly inherited the papers of one of the great founders of French occultism, Antoine Fabre d'Olivet (1762–1825)”......wikipedia


NATO SECRET ARMIES” – Dr. Daniel Ganser

This fascinating new study shows how the CIA and the British secret service, in collaboration with the military alliance NATO and European military secret services, set up a network of clandestine anti-communist armies in Western Europe after World War II.

These secret soldiers were trained on remote islands in the Mediterranean and in unorthodox warfare centres in England and in the United States by the Green Berets and SAS Special Forces. The network was armed with explosives, machine guns and high-tech communication equipment hidden in underground bunkers and secret arms caches in forests and mountain meadows. In some countries the secret army linked up with right-wing terrorist who in a secret war engaged in political manipulation, harrassement of left wing parties, massacres, coup d'états and torture.

Codenamed 'Gladio' ('the sword'), the Italian secret army was exposed in 1990 by Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti to the Italian Senate, whereupon the press spoke of "The best kept, and most damaging, political-military secret since World War II" (Observer, 18. November 1990) and observed that "The story seems straight from the pages of a political thriller." (The Times, November 19, 1990). Ever since, so-called 'stay-behind' armies of NATO have also been discovered in France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Austria, Greece and Turkey. They were internationally coordinated by the Pentagon and NATO and had their last known meeting in the NATO-linked Allied Clandestine Committee (ACC) in Brussels in October 1990.

The Weakening of Turkey's Military

Author: Steven A. Cook, Hasib J. Sabbagh Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies
March 1, 2010

Turkey: Alleged Members of Revolutionary Headquarters Indicted on Terrorist Charges

(Mar 03, 2011) It was reported on February 5, 2011, that Istanbul's 12th High Criminal Court has accepted an indictment against 22 persons suspected of being linked to the leftist terrorist organization the Revolutionary Headquarters (RH). The group reportedly carried out a deadly shootout in April 2009 in Istanbul that claimed the lives of a police officer and two civilians and wounded eight other persons. The trial is to commence on April 13. (Osman Arslan, Court Accepts Indictment on Avci-Linked Terror Group, TODAY'S ZAMAN (Feb. 5, 2011).)

One of the suspects, Hanefi Avci, the former police chief of Eskisehir Province, was arrested and imprisoned in late September 2010. The indictment charges Avci and 13 other imprisoned suspects with "membership in a terrorist organization," as well with falsification of documents, possession of weapons and munitions, violation of the principle of confidentiality of an ongoing investigation, and the seizure of personal data. Prosecutors seek to obtain a prison sentence of 51 years for Avci and sentences of 7½ years to life for the suspects involved in the attack. They are also demanding a sentence of up to 12 years for Avci's wife, who is among the other suspects in the RH case who are not yet under arrest. (Id.)

The court has sent notices to the Interior Ministry, the Security General Directorate, the National Intelligence Organization (MIT), the General Staff, and the Gendarmerie General Command for the provision of information on the structure and activities of the RH. It has also asked the 9th High Criminal Court for a digital copy of the trial of RH members accused of the shootout with police in April 2009. The current indictment suggests that the RH is part of Ergenekon, "a clandestine criminal network charged with plotting to overthrow the government." (Id.)

Avci wrote a book, entitled Halic'te Yasayan Simonlar Dün Devlet Bugün Cemaat [Simons in the Golden Horn: Yesterday the State, Today the Religious Community], that brought him notoriety.In it, he contends that the government's ongoing criminal investigations to tackle illegal activities in Turkey, including the Ergenekon probe, "lack evidence and are based on illegal wiretapping." (Id.) Experts on criminal law, however, dismiss the work as biased, and it is said to be "well known that the telephone conversations of Ergenekon suspects were legitimately wiretapped by prosecutors overseeing the probe on court orders." (Id.) According to the indictment, Avci, through his book – which describes his being wiretapped on a SIM card – violated the principle of confidentiality of an ongoing investigation, because RH members allegedly learned of the investigation into Ergenekon from the book. (Id.; Former Police Chief in Jail for Writing Book, TURKEYEMERGENCY.COM (last visited Mar. 1,



New World Order Secrecy: Who will be Attending the Bilderberg Meeting? What Will be Discussed Behind Closed Doors?

“The True Story of the Bilderberg Group” and What They May Be Planning NowA Review of Daniel Estulin's book


Henry Kissinger is taken as a credible and influential presidential adviser, despite the fact that there is an abundance of legal evidence that he is a war criminal. He is also being pursued by Spanish and French authorities. When viewed from purely legal stand point, author Christopher Hitchens, in his book The Trial of Henry Kissinger”, points out that Kissinger was responsible for acts of genocide, assassination, and unlawfully interfering with government operations both in the United States and in foreign countries. One such example and article is “Operation Condor” written by Tito Tricot.

This article was originally published in 1999. Image Chilean Sociologist Tito Tricot – below is an excerpt from the article:

“These military regimes hunted down dissidents and leftists, union and peasant leaders, priests and nuns, intellectuals, students and teachers and other people not just guerrillas (who, under international law are also entitled to due legal process). These illegal military regimes defied international law and traditions of political sanctuary to carry out their ferocious state terror and destroy democratic opposition forces.”


Another example of Kissinger’s treachery is pointed out in the 2001 published book entitled: 

 “No Peace, No Honor: Nixon and Kissinger Betrayal in Vietnam”

Description of Book referenced in Amazon write-up: “In this carefully researched, authoritative and highly readable book, Larry Berman unravels for the first time the tawdry endgame in Vietnam. No Peace No Honor takes readers inside the negotiations that lead to the agreement Nixon famously called 'peace with honor' and reveals that the entire process was a sham. Through exhaustive, meticulous research, Larry Berman provides conclusive evidence that Kissinger crafted a deal he and Nixon expected and actually wanted North Vietnam to violate because it would allow them to continue the bombing with no threat of a congressional cut-off. Their secret plans to extend the war, he argues, were aborted only with the onset of the Watergate debacle. Tracing the step-by-step deception of both the South Vietnamese and the American public from initiatives that began as early as 1969, through the disgraceful peace agreement that cost the country it's honor, this extraordinary book is a benchmark in the literature of Vietnam.” ………Amazon Book Section

PEACE PRIZE? Addition Book Description:

In 1973, Henry Kissinger shared the Nobel Peace Prize for the secret negotiations that led to the Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam. Nixon famously declared the 1973 agreement to be "peace with honor"; America was disengaging, yet South Vietnam still stood to fight its own war. Kissinger promptly moved to seal up his personal records of the negotiations, arguing that they are private, not government, records, and that he will only allow them to be unsealed after his death. No Peace, No Honor deploys extraordinary documentary bombshells, including a complete North Vietnamese account of the secret talks, to blow the lid off the true story of the peace process. Neither Nixon and Kissinger's critics, nor their defenders, have guessed at the full truth: the entire peace negotiation was a sham. Nixon did not plan to exit Vietnam, but he knew that in order to continue bombing without a congressional cutoff, he would need a fig leaf. Kissinger negotiated a deal that he and Nixon expected the North to violate. Ironically, their long-maintained spin on what happened next is partially true: only Watergate stopped America from sending the bombers back in. This revelatory book has many other surprises. Berman produces new evidence that finally proves a long-suspected connection between candidate Nixon in 1968 and the South Vietnamese government. He tells the full story of Operation Duck Hook, a large-scale offensive planned by Nixon as early as 1969 that would have widened the war even to the point of bombing civilian food supplies. He reveals transcripts of candidate George McGovern's attempts to negotiate his own October surprise for 1972, and a seriocomic plan by the CIA to overthrow South Vietnam's President Thieu even as late as 1975. Throughout, with page turning dialogue provided by official transcriptions and notes, Berman reveals the step-by-step betrayal of South Vietnam that started with a short-circuited negotiations loop, and ended with double-talk, false promises, and outright abandonment. Berman draws on hundreds of declassified documents, including the notes of Kissinger's aides, phone taps of the Nixon campaign in 1968, and McGovern's own transcripts of his negotiations with North Vietnam. He has been able to double- and triple-check North Vietnamese accounts against American notes of meetings, as well as previously released bits of the record. He has interviewed many key players, including high-level South Vietnamese officials. This definitive account forever and completely rewrites the final chapter of the Vietnam war. Henry Kissinger's Nobel Prize was won at the cost of America's honor…… description excerpt



"AN ENORMOUS CRIME" - seven past American governments have failed to bring our veterans home, Bill Hendon's book "An Enormous Crime" exposes the scandalous betrayal by successive governments  including Henry Kissinger, John McCain and John Kerry in 1992 in  turning their backs on veterans left behind as POWs in Vietnam.





Kissinger was born in Furth Bavaria Germany just down the street from The Hall of Justice in Nuremberg  where Nazis were hung after World War II. His criminal resume spans the globe and includes the mass murder of civilians in East Timor, Pakistan, Greece, Cyprus, Chile, Argentina, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. In places such as Chile and Argentina, Kissinger supervised the assassination of democratically-elected heads of state and the establishment of brutally repressive and murderous military dictatorships. Some defend Kissinger, arguing he did what had to be done, practicing a brutal but necessary variant of real politics. While Kissinger’s actions personally benefited him and his patrons, they in no way helped the United States. Yet, somehow he remains a credible adviser?

Henry Kissinger does not represent the citizenry of the United States of America but the Bilderberg Group. He will be attending the next Bilderberg Group meeting from June 6-9, 2013 in Watford England.

This 2013 Bilderberg Group steering committee: Official Site


Henri de Castries

Chairman and CEO, AXA Group

DEU       Ackermann, Josef           

Chairman of the Board, Zurich Insurance Group Ltd

GBR       Agius, Marcus    Former Chairman, Barclays plc

USA       Altman, Roger C.              Executive Chairman, Evercore Partners

PRT        Balsemão, Francisco Pinto            Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA

FRA        Baverez, Nicolas               Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP

ITA         Bernabè, Franco               Chairman and CEO, Telecom Italia

NOR       Brandtzæg, Svein Richard             President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA

ESP         Cebrián, Juan Luis            Executive Chairman, Grupo PRISA

CAN       Clark, W. Edmund            President and CEO, TD Bank Group

GBR       Clarke, Kenneth               Member of Parliament

BEL         Davignon, Etienne           Minister of State

DEU       Enders, Thomas                CEO, EADS

DNK       Federspiel, Ulrik               Executive Vice President, Haldor Topsøe A/S

NLD        Halberstadt, Victor          Professor of Public Economics, Leiden University

USA       Jacobs, Kenneth M.        Chairman and CEO, Lazard

USA       Johnson, James A.           Chairman, Johnson Capital Partners

GBR       Kerr, John           Independent Member, House of Lords

USA       Kleinfeld, Klaus Chairman and CEO, Alcoa

TUR        Koç, Mustafa V.                Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.

USA       Kravis, Marie-Josée        Senior Fellow and Vice Chair, Hudson Institute

USA       Mathews, Jessica T.        President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

USA       Mundie, Craig J.                Senior Advisor to the CEO, Microsoft Corporation

FIN         Ollila, Jorma                      Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc

USA       Perle, Richard N.              Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

CAN       Reisman, Heather M.     CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.

AUT       Scholten, Rudolf               Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische     Kontrollbank AG

IRL          Sutherland, Peter D.       Chairman, Goldman Sachs International

USA       Thiel, Peter A.   President, Thiel Capital

INT         Trichet, Jean-Claude       Honorary Governor, Banque de France; Former President, European Central Bank

GRC       Tsoukalis, Loukas             President, ELIAMEP

CHE        Vasella, Daniel L.              Honorary Chairman, Novartis AG

SWE       Wallenberg, Jacob           Chairman, Investor AB

USA       Warsh, Kevin     Distinguished Visiting Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University

Member Advisory Group

USA       David Rockefeller

Hertfordshire, 3 June 2013 - The 61st Bilderberg meeting is set to take place from 6 until 9 June 2013 in Hertfordshire, UK. A total of around 140 participants from 21 European and North American countries have confirmed their attendance. As ever, a diverse group of political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media have been invited. The list of participants is available on

The key topics for discussion this year include:
•    Can the US and Europe grow faster and create jobs?
•    Jobs, entitlement and debt
•    How big data is changing almost everything
•    Nationalism and populism
•    US foreign policy
•    Africa’s challenges
•    Cyber warfare and the proliferation of asymmetric threats
•    Major trends in medical research
•    Online education: promise and impacts
•    Politics of the European Union
•    Developments in the Middle East
•    Current affairs

Bilderberg Meetings

Hertfordshire, England 6-9 June 2013

Current list of Participants

Status 3 June 2013



Castries, Henri de

Chairman and CEO, AXA Group


Achleitner, Paul M.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG


Ackermann, Josef

Chairman of the Board, Zurich Insurance Group Ltd


Agius, Marcus

Former Chairman, Barclays plc


Alexander, Helen

Chairman, UBM plc


Altman, Roger C.

Executive Chairman, Evercore Partners


Apunen, Matti

Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA


Athey, Susan

Professor of Economics, Stanford Graduate School of Business


Aydıntaşbaş, Aslı

Columnist, Milliyet Newspaper


Babacan, Ali

Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs


Balls, Edward M.

Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer


Balsemão, Francisco Pinto

Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA


Barré, Nicolas

Managing Editor, Les Echos


Barroso, José M. Durão

President, European Commission


Baverez, Nicolas

Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP


Bavinchove, Olivier de

Commander, Eurocorps


Bell, John

Regius Professor of Medicine, University of Oxford


Bernabè, Franco

Chairman and CEO, Telecom Italia S.p.A.


Bezos, Jeff

Founder and CEO,


Bildt, Carl

Minister for Foreign Affairs


Borg, Anders

Minister for Finance


Boxmeer, Jean François van

Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO, Heineken N.V.


Brandtzæg, Svein Richard

President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA


Bronner, Oscar

Publisher, Der Standard Medienwelt


Carrington, Peter

Former Honorary Chairman, Bilderberg Meetings


Cebrián, Juan Luis

Executive Chairman, Grupo PRISA


Clark, W. Edmund

President and CEO, TD Bank Group


Clarke, Kenneth

Member of Parliament


Corydon, Bjarne

Minister of Finance


Cowper-Coles, Sherard

Business Development Director, International, BAE Systems plc


Cucchiani, Enrico Tommaso

CEO, Intesa Sanpaolo SpA


Davignon, Etienne

Minister of State; Former Chairman, Bilderberg Meetings


Davis, Ian

Senior Partner Emeritus, McKinsey & Company


Dijkgraaf, Robbert H.

Director and Leon Levy Professor, Institute for Advanced Study


Dinçer, Haluk

President, Retail and Insurance Group, Sabancı Holding A.S.


Dudley, Robert

Group Chief Executive, BP plc


Eberstadt, Nicholas N.

Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy, American Enterprise Institute


Eide, Espen Barth

Minister of Foreign Affairs


Ekholm, Börje

President and CEO, Investor AB


Enders, Thomas



Evans, J. Michael

Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs & Co.


Federspiel, Ulrik

Executive Vice President, Haldor Topsøe A/S


Feldstein, Martin S.

Professor of Economics, Harvard University; President Emeritus, NBER


Fillon, François

Former Prime Minister


Fishman, Mark C.

President, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research


Flint, Douglas J.

Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings plc


Gallagher, Paul

Senior Counsel


Geithner, Timothy F.

Former Secretary of the Treasury


Gfoeller, Michael

Political Consultant


Graham, Donald E.

Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company


Grillo, Ulrich

CEO, Grillo-Werke AG


Gruber, Lilli

Journalist - Anchorwoman, La 7 TV


Guindos, Luis de

Minister of Economy and Competitiveness


Gulliver, Stuart

Group Chief Executive, HSBC Holdings plc


Gutzwiller, Felix

Member of the Swiss Council of States


Halberstadt, Victor

Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary  General of Bilderberg Meetings


Heinonen, Olli

Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School of Government


Henry, Simon

CFO, Royal Dutch Shell plc


Hermelin, Paul

Chairman and CEO, Capgemini Group


Isla, Pablo

Chairman and CEO, Inditex Group


Jacobs, Kenneth M.

Chairman and CEO, Lazard


Johnson, James A.

Chairman, Johnson Capital Partners


Jordan, Thomas J.

Chairman of the Governing Board, Swiss National Bank


Jordan, Jr., Vernon E.

Managing Director, Lazard Freres & Co. LLC


Kaplan, Robert D.

Chief Geopolitical Analyst, Stratfor


Karp, Alex

Founder and CEO, Palantir Technologies


Kerr, John

Independent Member, House of Lords


Kissinger, Henry A.

Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.


Kleinfeld, Klaus

Chairman and CEO, Alcoa


Knot, Klaas H.W.

President, De Nederlandsche Bank


Koç, Mustafa V.

Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.


Koch, Roland

CEO, Bilfinger SE


Kravis, Henry R.

Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.


Kravis, Marie-Josée

Senior Fellow and Vice Chair, Hudson Institute


Kudelski, André

Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group


Kyriacopoulos, Ulysses

Chairman, S&B Industrial Minerals S.A.


Lagarde, Christine

Managing Director, International Monetary Fund


Lauk, Kurt J.

Chairman of the Economic Council to the CDU, Berlin


Lessig, Lawrence

Roy L. Furman Professor of Law and Leadership, Harvard Law School; Director, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University


Leysen, Thomas

Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group


Lindner, Christian

Party Leader, Free Democratic Party (FDP NRW)


Löfven, Stefan

Party Leader, Social Democratic Party (SAP)


Löscher, Peter

President and CEO, Siemens AG


Mandelson, Peter

Chairman, Global Counsel; Chairman, Lazard International


Mathews, Jessica T.

President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace


McKenna, Frank

Chair, Brookfield Asset Management


Micklethwait, John

Editor-in-Chief, The Economist


Montbrial, Thierry de

President, French Institute for International Relations


Monti, Mario

Former Prime Minister


Mundie, Craig J.

Senior Advisor to the CEO, Microsoft Corporation


Nagel, Alberto

CEO, Mediobanca


Netherlands                                   H.R.H. Princess Beatrix of The


Ng, Andrew Y.

Co-Founder, Coursera


Ollila, Jorma

Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell, plc


Omand, David

Visiting Professor, King's College London


Osborne, George

Chancellor of the Exchequer


Ottolenghi, Emanuele

Senior Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies


Özel, Soli

Senior Lecturer, Kadir Has University; Columnist, Habertürk Newspaper


Papahelas, Alexis

Executive Editor, Kathimerini Newspaper


Pavey, Şafak

Member of Parliament (CHP)


Pécresse, Valérie

Member of Parliament (UMP)


Perle, Richard N.

Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute


Petraeus, David H.

General, U.S. Army (Retired)


Portas, Paulo

Minister of State and Foreign Affairs


Prichard, J. Robert S.

Chair, Torys LLP


Reding, Viviane

Vice President and Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, European Commission


Reisman, Heather M.

CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.


Rey, Hélène

Professor of Economics, London Business School


Robertson, Simon

Partner, Robertson Robey Associates LLP; Deputy Chairman, HSBC Holdings


Rocca, Gianfelice

Chairman,Techint Group


Rostowski, Jacek

Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister


Rubin, Robert E.

Co-Chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury


Rutte, Mark

Prime Minister


Schieder, Andreas

State Secretary of Finance


Schmidt, Eric E.

Executive Chairman, Google Inc.


Scholten, Rudolf

Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG


Seguro, António José

Secretary General, Socialist Party


Senard, Jean-Dominique

CEO, Michelin Group


Skogen Lund, Kristin

Director General, Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise


Slaughter, Anne-Marie

Bert G. Kerstetter '66 University Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University


Sutherland, Peter D.

Chairman, Goldman Sachs International


Taylor, Martin

Former Chairman, Syngenta AG


Thiam, Tidjane

Group CEO, Prudential plc


Thiel, Peter A.

President, Thiel Capital


Thompson, Craig B.

President and CEO, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center


Topsøe, Jakob Haldor

Partner, AMBROX Capital A/S


Urpilainen, Jutta

Minister of Finance


Vasella, Daniel L.

Honorary Chairman, Novartis AG


Voser, Peter R.

CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc


Wall, Brad

Premier of Saskatchewan


Wallenberg, Jacob

Chairman, Investor AB


Warsh, Kevin

Distinguished Visiting Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University


Weston, Galen G.

Executive Chairman, Loblaw Companies Limited


Williams of Crosby, Shirley

Member, House of Lords


Wolf, Martin H.

Chief Economics Commentator, The Financial Times


Wolfensohn, James D.

Chairman and CEO, Wolfensohn and Company


Wright, David

Vice Chairman, Barclays plc


Zoellick, Robert B.

Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics



INT      International



IRL      Ireland



ITA      Italy



NLD    Netherlands



NOR   Norway



POL    Poland



PRT    Portugal



SWE   Sweden



TUR    Turkey


Great Britain

USA    United States of America




The meeting in 2013 it is fair to say, will likely include North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members , several monarchs of Europe and other kingdoms of significance, sovereign wealth funds, international corporatists, world financiers and bankers. This includes members of the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

Naturally, infrequent attendees, or pre-selected people of interest, are heavily indoctrinated, even pressured, into pursuing and supporting Public Private Partnerships (PPP), which effectively transfer public assets and resources into private hands. The PPPs are promoted on the premise of creating more efficient organizations that will provide goods at lower costs and provide more efficient services. In some cases, the outcomes initially do effectively create good results, but the ownership transfer from public to private has significant legal consequences.

DISCUSSION AND PAST SUBJECTS: at past Bilderberg Group Meetings

31 May-3 June 2012 Chantilly, Virginia, USA

    The State of Trans-Atlantic Relations

    Is Vigorous Economic Growth Attainable?

    The Future of Democracy in the Developed World

    The US Political Landscape

    The European Political Landscape

    A Conversation on US Foreign Policy

    The Politics and Geo-Politics of Energy

    Stability and Instability in the Middle East

    Imbalances, Austerity and Growth

    Sustainability of the Euro and its Consequences

    What Does Putin 2.0 Mean?

    What Can the West Do about Iran?

    How Do Sovereign States Collaborate in Cyber Space?

    China's Economic and Political Outlook


9-12 June 2011 St. Moritz, Switzerland

    The Middle East: What Does Democracy Mean?

    Emerging Economies: Roles and Responsibilities

    Economic and National Security in a Digital Age

    Technological Innovation in Western Economies: Stagnation or Promise?

    The Appetite for Reform: Can Governments Deliver?

    Switzerland: Can It Remain Successful in the Future?

    European Union's Challenges

    A Sustainable Euro: Implications for European Economies

    China's Domestic Challenges

    China's Regional and Global Challenges

    Connectivity and the Diffusion of Power

    Current Conflict Areas

    Demographic Stresses


3-6 June 2010 Sitges, Spain

    Current Events: North Korea, Iran and Non-Proliferation

    Global Cooling: Implications of Slow Economic Growth

    The Growing Influence of Cyber Technology

    Is Financial Reform Progressing?

    US and European Fiscal and Financial Challenges

    The European Union and the Crisis of the Euro

    Promises of Medical Science

    Energy's Promises and Challenges

    Security in a Proliferated World

    Social Networking: From the Obama Campaign to the Iranian Revolution

    Europe-US: A New Approach

    Pakistan, Afghanistan and the Region

    Can We Feed the World?

Despite his potential apprehension and conviction as a war criminal, Kissinger was honored June 15, 2011 at The Asia Society annual awards dinner at the Ritz-Carlton in Washington D.C. Kissinger appeared on stage in front of an Asia Society audience with Orville Schell, a preeminent China scholar, and Arthur Ross, director of the Asia Society’s Center on the U.S.

Kissinger made these comments during the dinner: that the United States and China must “adjust their traditional thinking” and “move toward a sense of community” in order to avoid conflict. “We are now in an international situation for which there is no precedent in history.” … “On the one hand, there is turmoil in many parts of the world. At the same time, there are a series of problems that can only be dealt with on a global basis. … And that makes it imperative for the two strongest nations that are existing in the world today to move in a cooperative manner.”

In the video, “Henry Kissinger: Toward a China U.S. Community”, he makes a case for facilitating the investment, acquisition and buy out with the Chinese-Communists of the United States so they will own all of America, via Public Private Partnerships.

Another recent award presented given to Kissinger on May 23, 2013 was the Intrepid Freedom Award by the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum for ‘preserving freedom and democracy.’ This award was personally presented to Kissinger by Retired General David Howell Petraeus  who kissed him on the cheek - Luke Rudkowski confronted Kissinger at the presentation and dinner and what follows is an excerpt of that confrontation:

RUDKOWSKI: "I just wanted to know, what did you mean when you said 'Illegal we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer,' the Wikileaks document. What did you mean by that."

KISSINGER: "What are you doing this for?"

RUDKOWSKI: "We want to know what the agenda of the Bilderberg Group meeting's going to be."

KISSINGER: "Oh come on, get lost please, I said get lost!"

RUDKOWSKI: "How does it feel winning the freedom award when you're wanted as a mass murderer and wanted in many countries and butchered millions of people?"

KISSINGER: "You coward! You self-serving coward — get lost!"

RUDKOWSKI: "You know this freedom award's a lie and you're wanted for mass murder in different countries — you know it's a lie."


The dismemberment of America is proceeding. “Divide and conquer” has been the internationalist and monarchical battle cry. Victory is assimilation, not division or separatism on our primary principles of liberty, justice and freedom. American heritage is to be the great “melting pot”, not the great “salad bowl”. We no longer have Americans, but African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Anglo-Americans, Asian-Americans, Native Americans and so on and so forth.

America is being dismembered. United we stand with our U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights and our righteous Declaration of Independence which proclaims with the greatest of authority “all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with inalienable rights”. In this equation is the sacred requirement of state, individual and minority rights. Both dictatorial theocracy and monarchy blocked under our collection of founding documents and contracts. To be American means it is self-evident that we are created equal, and we proclaim our inalienable rights provided by natural law of our Creator.  Originally as promulgated all men are kings and government the servant, this we must return too.

Tragically, our taxpayer-funded Public Broadcast Systems, along with Aspen Institute vultures, are looking upon us from their perches. Presumably, they have bestowed a great gift upon America: the concept of multiculturalism. But what is needed is an America enlivened and united to defend the principles of our founding document, not separatist division by ethnicity, religion or creed. United we stand, divided we fall.


Destroy America’s founding principles and those who still profess those principles and presumably the country will be destroyed. Stalin and Antonio Gramsci differed in their strategy in spreading Communism. Gramsci believed that the first priority was to culturally defeat the west’s institutions, and then the nations would fall to the Communists. Sadly, that is what the old monarchies and international bankers have done in destroying our institutions with money-based systems. These money-based systems have no heart and no soul, but consist of corporate structures that seemingly garner the same rights of a flesh-and-blood natural person.

Corporate law has to be seriously reconsidered, major revisions applied and profound principle changed. The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), contrary to the power elite, is not what rules the United States of America, nor should any of our principles of government to be taken from it. However, the erosion and conversion is obvious and nearly complete.

If the Constitution is a living breathing document, then that implies that it can also die. Contracts do not live or die. They are amended by agreement of all parties to the contract; hence why the concept of the Constitution being a “living, breathing” document is illogical and dangerous. What is required today is an unburdening of ourselves from unconstitutional legislation, executive orders, and the subversive influence of Uniform Commercial Code bring about a greater statist, international world state and government.

Further, we must not only recognize, but reverse, the very real transfer of power that has occurred from the legislative branch to the judicial; but more dangerously, the executive branch as with the power to wage war or the supposed nullification of the great Posse Comitatus  Act  of June 18, 1878. We must change the laws concerning what rights international and local corporations have in our land and nullify the cumbersome liberty-stealing UCC (and other Uniform Codes) as required. Last but not least, we must no longer tolerate the over-empowered Federalists, backed by big money, dictating to us, the grassroots (and State political parties) who we will or will not endorse for either party’s Presidential candidate via the Electoral College.

The corporate takeover is proceeding organized around the establishment of international trade organizations and agreements which undermine and superseded nation-state laws. An example of one such dangerous trade agreement is The Trans-Pacific-Partnership Agreement which members of Congress have been denied access to draft organizing documents.   


Even today the cult of the all seeing  eye is unfortunately alive and well,  and is being build out by a partnership of The Super-Security-State, NSA, Google and coordinating the build-out is The Bilderberg Group.  Currently in England Jeremy Bentham creator and designer of The Panopticon and vitriolic critic of Natural Law and Natural Rights and supporter of evil usury is being resurrected from the past as some great Philosopher-King, that even Plato would envy.


The most defining one commonality that ties all these psychopath elites together is The Occult. The hustle they go for is they are Gods so they do as they please or as their great teacher said “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law” ……and damn the morals.


1. Unburden the U.S. Constitution by repealing damaging legislation.

2. Uphold protection of state, individual and minority groups’ rights.

3. Step back from tyrannical federalism and collectivism.

4. Demand an audit of – and an end to – the privately-owned Federal Reserve.

5. Uphold man’s freedom from theocracy and monarchy.

6. Demand an end to public-private partnerships.

7. Support nullification movement, also Jury Nullification

8. End the top-down dictatorial nature of the two-party system.

9. People use the Electoral College, not the federalist top-down approach.

10. Repeal all International Trade Agreements

11. Outlaw all secret communications by government – Total Transparency

12. Allow all citizens of all countries to use unrestricted strong cryptographic methods to communicate

13. Financial Bill of Rights for all citizens

14. Reiterate Natural Law, Natural Rights teachings

15. Re-industrialize America

16. Institute Protective Tariffs

17. Establish an honest money system, Community Banks – Stakeholder Owned


November 11, 2007 from in front of The Wall

On November 11, 2007 Charlotte Littlefield Brown and I visited Washington D.C. and setup a broadcast table in front of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington D.C. We broadcast on We The People Radio Network with the help of Wes Perkins one of the founders of We The People Radio Network who handled the engineering from Austin, Texas. Before the broadcast  Charlotte dropped me off with our broadcast equipment about three blocks from the Wall and I struggled and with some help from veterans in  the area managed to luke, carry and drag the broadcast equipment to a location in front of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall. While Charlotte was parking accomplanied by her youngest daughter Megan I commenced to set up the broadcast table and while setting up I spied a  local television station affiliate who was also doing a remote from the Wall. I begged pleaded and asked polititely for power from their expensive broadcast truck and generator, we had planned on going remote on batteries but soon I got the word back from the local news anchor, yes they would supply us power from their generator, so we were home free from there. When you listen to our two hour broadcast you'll hear me at the beginning of hour one working with Wes in Austin to get the broadcast setup and I was mad at Charlotte for she had not gotten back from parking the car, I learned later that she had to park two miles away so later, I apologized for being mad at her. Charlotte's a real trooper and she's really a fine person, fellow broadcaster, mom and friend. To the right is a poem a good friend of mine Opie R. Houston wrote in honor of our Nations veterans and below are images from Arlington. There were squadrons and all kinds of vets in their colors marching up and down the trails around the Wall honoring their fellow veterans, very touching. I was corrected in mis-calling it The Vietnam War Memorial to The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall. 

HOUR  1   &    HOUR   2

Brochure of Veterans Day November 11, 2007  - Below are images from Arlington National Cemetery


    The crowd drowns out

the wheelchair's groan

as, with left arm,

he pushes himself upward

onto all but useless legs,

Then, as the flag passes,

his back straightens

and the arm braces

smartly against his side,

while the memory

of the right arm

snaps in invisible salute

- Opie R. Houston

Tonight April 27, 2013 we present an encore presentation. Unfortunately America is being propelled toward a Fascist State, with Communism at the bottom for ALL. The mechanism being used to corrupt original American ideals is THE 911 Attack on America and if the American public does not awaken to this fact in time, then Americans will allow a National Security State being established. - To the right is an article I wrote about 911, please read this and try and come out of the great delusion of The 911 Myth. Below are excerpts from Robert Paxton's book entitled "The Anatomy of Fascism".....scroll down to the program description, the two hour encore presentation is on demand so listen intently.

George Greenville Butler's "The Weapon of Mass Reconstruction" Solution!


The IDEA that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction was used as propaganda to go to war with Iraq. Later and especially today many draconian laws based since 911 are being used to put America down and impose upon America a New World Order, an order created and controlled by an international cartel of financial interests. In “Cinderella” time was running out after the Ball for Cinderella to return home, also time unfortunately is running out for America, so time is truly of the essence.- More.....

P. 41.... fascism is more plausibly linked to a set of "mobilizing passions" that shape fascist action than to a consistent and fully articulated philosophy. At bottom is a passionate nationalism. Allied to it is a conspiratorial and Manichean view of history as a battle between the good and evil camps, between the pure and the corrupt, in which one's own community or nation has been the victim. In this Darwinian narrative, the chosen people have been weakened by political parties, social classes, inassimilable minorities, spoiled rentiers, and rationalist thinkers who lack the necessary sense of community. These "mobilizing passions," mostly taken for granted and not always overtly argued as intellectual propositions, form the emotional lava that set fascism's foundations

P. 201...The language and symbols of an authentic American fascism would, of course, have little to do with the original European models. They would have to be as familiar and reassuring to loyal Americans as the language and symbols of the original fascisms were familiar and reassuring to many Italians and Germans, as Orwell suggested. Hitler and Mussolini, after all, had not tried to seem exotic to their fellow citizens. No swastikas in an American fascism, but Stars and Stripes (or Stars and Bars) and Christian crosses. No fascist salute, but mass recitations of the pledge of allegiance. These symbols contain no whiff of fascism in themselves, of course, but an American fascism would transform them into obligatory litmus tests for detecting the internal enemy.

P. 201...Around such reassuring language and symbols and in the event of some redoubtable setback to national prestige, Americans might support an enterprise of forcible national regeneration, unification, and purification. Its targets would be the First Amendment, separation of Church and State (creches on the lawns, prayers in schools), efforts to place controls on gun ownership, desecrations of the flag, unassimilated minorities, artistic license, dissident and unusual behavior of all sorts that could be labeled antinational or decadent

P. 220......Giving up free institutions," especially the freedoms of unpopular groups, is recurrently attractive to citizens of Western democracies, including some Americans. We know from tracing its path that fascism does not require a spectacular "march" on some capital to take root; seemingly anodyne decisions to tolerate lawless treatment of national "enemies" is enough


The George W. Bush Presidential Library and Center was recently dedicated in Dallas, Texas on the campus of S.M.U. - Southern Methodist University on April 25, 2013. - The Library has an extensive collection on 911. Recently on The Rachel Maddow Show, Rachel proclaimed that the best most definitive books on 911 were these three books "The 911 Commission Report" -  "The 9/11 Report: A Graphic Adaptation" and "Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up to the Facts"  - see her program here!

I guess with her advanced degrees in philosophy by way of a Rhodes Scholarship she has advanced her knowledge to bring to America the Truth about 911. On her show she attacked Alex Jones who without a Rhodes Scholarship has established more truth about 911 than Maddow will ever realize. Maddow is a puppet of  "The City of London", and the monied interests of a fallen America which she is nurturing. I suggest to the curator of the new Bush Library to build a special security room and inside in the middle, display the three books that Maddow has proclaimed as 911 Truth, placing them side by side inside a special Bullet Proof Glass so no one can steal these invaluable books, in this way these three books might eventually eclipse The known existing original Gutenberg Bibles.   

To The Right is Bill Maher and company's recent comments on The Bush Library




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 Green City

World Review Commentary

"Men distribute
Human Rights,
and  God
-  g. butler

"An Occult Capstone Dominating
Complexes "
- g butler

"Yes Men
- g butler



George e-mail me


UK banks abandon Eurozone over Greek default fears

The Collapse of Nations by the Hand of Corrupt Bankers - Bob Chapman

Charlotte e-mail me




MONEY SORCERY: Bankers vs Freedom


Honor Roll /WAR


Operation Honor
Our Heroes


The War on Ron Paul
by Susan Westfall

Wei Jing Sheng

Ron Paul delivers a courageous speech against the actions  of the U.S. House in voting in favor of "The Defense Authorization Act" or H.R. 1540 - this Law will give perpetual war making power to The President. 

June 17, 2011 New Orleans

Dr. Nick Begich



Book Shelf

Dr. Michael Andregg

Archives - over 6 years

The Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791


Lynn Lansford


Research Articles - read these two articles before listening to our program tonight, they a have special relevance to the first hour interview with Dr. Donald Gibson on his book entitled "Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency" - Kennedy was a threat to several powerful groups and they liquidated him!

JFK, Indonesia,
CIA & Freeport Sulphur

by Lisa Pease
What is Past is Prologue.
Inscribed on the National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Colonel Lolo Soetoro-Obama, and his mother Ann

Obama's CIA "Mommy Dearest" — identifying Indonesians for assassination

By Wayne Madsen




Japan Nuclear Lie - Buys Uranium From Uzbekistan

Fukushima One Of Most Contaminated Places On Earth

Military To Continue Bombing Nuke Waste Dumps In HI

DTSC Subverts Rocketdyne Cleanup - Boeing's Meltdown Makeover - 4

Operation Astroturf - Boeing's Meltdown Makeover - 3

Japan Tsunami Debris May Hurt US Food Supply - Vid


Magnitude 7.3 - Off The East Coast of Honshu, Japan

Japan 7.3 - Strong Trembler Strikes NE Coast; Tsunami Warning

Insane Japan Wants To Restart Offline Reactors In Spring!

Rage As Scientists Found Taking Money From Nuke Power

AlGore - 'Nuke Power Waste Can Probably Be Solved'

HI Doctors Finding Uranium In Peoples Urine - Vid

Radiation Causing Fastest-Growing US Metro Area

World In Denial - Underestimating Japan's Nuclear Disaster

Water With Extreme Radiation Pouring Into Pacific - Vid

Japan Doctors Said Laughing At Patients With Cysts - Vid

TEPCO Again Edits R4 Building Pics - Hides Something - Photos

USS Ronald Reagan Sailed Near Center Of Fukushima Radiation

USS Reagan Sailors Suffer Pain, Destroyed Health From Radiation

Alarms Going Off In Radiation Scans On USS Ronald Reagan - Vid

10 Million Bq Cesium 134/137 Every Hour From Fukushima

Tokyo Almost As Irradiated As Fukushima


Mayor - Radioactive Particles Were Falling On Us - Vid

Workers Dumping Radioactive Waste Into Rivers

Radioactive Cesium In 25 Of 26 Fukushima Area Foods

Law To Force Stores To Sell Fukushima Produce?


NRC Wants Machine Guns To Guard US Nuclear Sites

125,000 Bq/Kg Cesium From Soil Of Ag Water Reservoir

3 Police Die Of Leukemia - Sent To Fukushima Area

Elderly Death Rate Spikes Among Fukushima Evacuees

New Japan Govt Wants Return To Full Nuke Power

TEPCO Drops 1.5 Tons Of Debris Into Depths Of R3 SFP

Helen Caldicott - The Truth About Fukushima - Vid



May 17, 2014 – FIRST HOUR- Rebroadcast originally broadcast OCT. 16, 2019  – George and Charlotte welcome Jeff Sharlet author of  ”C Street:  The Fundamentalist Threat to American Democracy”he writes books and essays. I’m the author of The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power (Harper, 2008), a national bestselling narrative history; co-author with Peter Manseau of the experimental travelogue Killing the Buddha: A Heretic’s Bible (Free Press, 2004); and co-editor of Believer, Beware: First-Person Dispatches from the Margins of Faith (Beacon, 2009). I recently completed a collection of essays to be published by W.W. Norton titled What They Wanted, and I’m working on a short book about love, guns, and democracy to be published by Little, Brown, and an even shorter book about sex, violence, and a folk song to be published by Basic Books. I’m editing an anthology of literary journalism about American religion for Yale University Press tentatively titled “American Religion: A History in Pieces.” I’m an assistant professor of creative nonfiction at Dartmouth College and a contributing editor for Harper’s and Rolling Stone.


May 17, 2014 - SECOND HOUR - Rebroadcast – originally broadcast Oct. 2, 2010

George welcomes Robert Paxton author of “The Anatomy of Fascism” From the author of Vichy France, a fascinating, authoritative history of fascism in all its manifestations, and how and why it took hold in certain countries and not in others. excerpts follow from the book

P. 41…. fascism is more plausibly linked to a set of “mobilizing passions” that shape fascist action than to a consistent and fully articulated philosophy. At bottom is a passionate nationalism. Allied to it is a conspiratorial and Manichean view of history as a battle between the good and evil camps, between the pure and the corrupt, in which one’s own community or nation has been the victim. In this Darwinian narrative, the chosen people have been weakened by political parties, social classes, inassimilable minorities, spoiled rentiers, and rationalist thinkers who lack the necessary sense of community. These “mobilizing passions,” mostly taken for granted and not always overtly argued as intellectual propositions, form the emotional lava that set fascism’s foundations

P. 201…The language and symbols of an authentic American fascism would, of course, have little to do with the original European models. They would have to be as familiar and reassuring to loyal Americans as the language and symbols of the original fascisms were familiar and reassuring to many Italians and Germans, as Orwell suggested. Hitler and Mussolini, after all, had not tried to seem exotic to their fellow citizens. No swastikas in an American fascism, but Stars and Stripes (or Stars and Bars) and Christian crosses. No fascist salute, but mass recitations of the pledge of allegiance. These symbols contain no whiff of fascism in themselves, of course, but an American fascism would transform them into obligatory litmus tests for detecting the internal enemy.

P. 201…Around such reassuring language and symbols and in the event of some redoubtable setback to national prestige, Americans might support an enterprise of forcible national regeneration, unification, and purification. Its targets would be the First Amendment, separation of Church and State (creches on the lawns, prayers in schools), efforts to place controls on gun ownership, desecrations of the flag, unassimilated minorities, artistic license, dissident and unusual behavior of all sorts that could be labeled antinational or decadent

P. 220……Giving up free institutions,” especially the freedoms of unpopular groups, is recurrently attractive to citizens of Western democracies, including some Americans. We know from tracing its path that fascism does not require a spectacular “march” on some capital to take root; seemingly anodyne decisions to tolerate lawless treatment of national “enemies” is enough




May 10, 2014 - FIRST HOUR - Rebroadcast - George and Charlotte welcome Stan Deyo Bio whose main love is still advanced propulsion and "Free" energy research which took him to Australia in 1971 to work on these systems as part of a global project under the direction of such men as Dr. Edward Teller and Dr. Andrei Sakharov. Currently Stan is working on a Tesla-based energy system and several propulsion projects, is giving radio interviews, is an active partner in Deyo Enterprises LLC and is the CEO of Halo Orbital Technologies LLC. Stan's Site Stan Deyo 



May 10, 2014 - SECOND HOUR - Rebroadcast - Dr. Fred Bell, Fred  became aware of and connected with MK-ULTRA at an early age. He later worked on many government projects and can speak with authority and depth on such subjects as "HAARP", The Stargate and Montauk Projects and many other projects. One Fred_bird2important topic of discussion will be his opinion on the recent Stephenville, Texas sightings and in addition we're out to explore the possibility of government hustle or truth of the alien UFO phenomena. Call us and get that curious question answered. He also has insights about Hurricane Katrina, a plethora of other insider knowledge and has given much to the world with his insightful and altruistic endeavors. One such example is his tireless work with the National Health Federation. He has many in depth insights. Dr. Bell's Web Sites 1-800-729-2603 


Special Note: In September of 2011 aged 68, Dr. Fred Bell passed away whilst on a trip to Minneapolis after filming an interview with Jesse Ventura for his cable television program "Conspiracy Theories".


The Real McCarthy Record

The CIA and Jornalism


May 03, 2014 – FIRST HOUR - Benghazi scandal will it ignite an impeachment charge against President Obama? – or will it be used instead to capture the Nov. elections for the Republicans – this hour ties many things together – Speculation might be that this attack on Obama is being launched because he would not attack Iran? Richard Haass is President of the CFR so he’s leading the criticism of Obama’s Foreign Policy.

Paula Broadwell spilling beans on Benghazi

Fearless Whistleblower exposes Benghazi


White House Briefing Turns Contentious Over Benghazi Lies [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

Carney’s Response to Benghazi Emails is Criminal | Judicial Watch

U.S. Foreign Policy: In Troubling Disarray – The American Interest

Foreign Policy Begins at Home – Council on Foreign Relations Richard Haass:

A Foreign Policy Flirting With Chaos –

State sovereignty must be altered in globalized era – Taipei Times

Research: these links will provide you of the techniques secret governments practice on their citizens

The Secret Wars of a Spymaster – British Army Killings Gordon Kerr (British Army officer) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Guardian – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia British Army Killings in Ireland, Iraq and Afghanistan – British Army Killings War Criminals – British Army Killings The Stevens Enquiry – British Army Killings Force Research Unit (FRU) / MI5 Agents – British Army Killings

May 03, 2014 – SECOND HOUR – Rebroadcast – Satyajit Das

Original Broadcast Date – DEC. 18, 2010 – George and Charlotte welcome Satyajit Das  a former trader who worked for CitiGroup and Merrill Lynch as well as a corporate Treasurer. A global authority on and author of several key reference works on derivatives and risk management, he is the also author of Traders, Guns & Money: Knowns and Unknowns in the Dazzling World of Derivatives – Revised Edition (2006 and 2010, FT-Prentice Hall), an insider’s account of the financial products business filled with black humour and satire, described by the Financial Times, London as “fascinating reading … explaining not only the high-minded theory behind the business and its various products but the sometimes sordid reality of the industry“. In the 2006 book and in subsequent public speeches and articles published before the crisis, he pointed out the dangers of derivatives and financial products and the risk they constituted to the financial system. During the current financial crisis, Das has continued to provide insightful and thoughtful commentary on the evolution of markets.

May 03, 2014 - THIRD HOUR – Rebroadcast bonus hour with  – Satyajit Das



April 26, 2014 – FIRST HOUR - George welcomes Bill Blunden author of “Behold A Pale Farce: Cyberwar, Threat Inflation, and the Malware Industrial Complex








April 26, 2014 - SECOND HOUR - George covers the news



Nevada Rancher Warns Land Dispute With BLM 'Could Turn Into' Next Waco

Aprl 19, 2014 - FIRST HOUR - Rebroadcast - George covers the breaking news of Cliven Bundy's struggles to fend off a armed take-over of his ranching interests - george covers other news items below are hypertext links about the stand-off

County Commissioner Says Bundy Supporters 'Better Have Funeral Plans'...
Lawmaker: Cattle Roundup 'Reminded Me Of Tiananmen Square'...
Family: 'Wake up America...they are taking everything from us'...
Militia Members Arrive: We're not 'afraid to shoot'...
Supporters gather outside LVPD headquarters...
Rangers Brought in From Out of State...
Charlie Daniels: First test of military against citizens?
Feds Refuse to Say If They've Euthanized Cattle...
BREAK: Sen. Reid/Chinese gov't takeover of ranch for solar farm?

April 19, 2014 - SECOND HOUR - Rebroadcast - George replays the speeches from a year ago from the University of Baylor Institute For Studies of Religion (scroll down to April 18, 2013 to view the video presentations) - the first audio clip in hour two is Clive Doyle and Sheila Martin both Branch Davidian survivors, the second clip is a presentation by Stuart Wright Sociology professor from Lamar University - the subject the Branch Davidian event - should the attack have ever ocurred?




Nevada Rancher Warns Land Dispute With BLM 'Could Turn Into' Next Waco

Aprl 12, 2014 - FIRST HOUR - - George covers the breaking news of Cliven Bundy's struggles to fend off a armed take-over of his ranching interests - george covers other news items below are hypertext links about the stand-off

County Commissioner Says Bundy Supporters 'Better Have Funeral Plans'...
Lawmaker: Cattle Roundup 'Reminded Me Of Tiananmen Square'...
Family: 'Wake up America...they are taking everything from us'...
Militia Members Arrive: We're not 'afraid to shoot'...
Supporters gather outside LVPD headquarters...
Rangers Brought in From Out of State...
Charlie Daniels: First test of military against citizens?
Feds Refuse to Say If They've Euthanized Cattle...
BREAK: Sen. Reid/Chinese gov't takeover of ranch for solar farm?

April 12, 2014 - SECOND HOUR - - George replays the speeches from a year ago from the University of Baylor Institute For Studies of Religion (scroll down to April 18, 2013 to view the video presentations) - the first audio clip in hour two is Clive Doyle and Sheila Martin both Branch Davidian survivors, the second clip is a presentation by Stuart Wright Sociology professor from Lamar University - the subject the Branch Davidian event - should the attack have ever ocurred?

Aprl 5, 2014 - FIRST HOUR - - George welcomes Shane Widner - recipient of an unprecedented 3 Austin Music Wards For Strange Brew in Austin Texas

April 5, 2014 - SECOND HOUR - - David Yurth - speaks on remediation of radiation a real expert


Mar. 29, 2014 - FIRST HOUR - - George welcomes Tony Gosling - who is currently a broadcaster from Bristol, England we will discuss not only current affairs but the Malaysian Flight 370 mystery and the Ukraine Crisis

Mar. 29, 2014 - SECOND HOUR - - Dr. Steve Hines speaks on cancer and radiation sickness - His Web Site is


Mar. 22, 2014 - FIRST HOUR - rebroadcast - George welcomes Dr. John Apsley - who is currently treating sailors off of the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan - we will discuss not only his medical practice but discuss the Fukushima event he will be speaking at the upcoming Fukushima Solutions World Conference - Web Site

Mar. 22, 2014 - SECOND HOUR - Rebroadcast - - George and Charlotte interviewed Helen Caldicott on May 12, 2012 on The Fukushima Catastrope Web Site her schedule in Japan - we discussed Fukushima Daiichi and the danger to the world of the tragic event- she will be in Japan during March 2014 to speak


Mar. 15, 2014 - FIRST HOUR - rebroadcast - George welcomes Dr. John Apsley - who is currently treating sailors off of the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan - we will discuss not only his medical practice but discuss the Fukushima event he will be speaking at the upcoming Fukushima Solutions World Conference - Web Site

Mar. 15, 2014 - SECOND HOUR - Rebroadcast - - George and Charlotte interviewed Helen Caldicott on May 12, 2012 on The Fukushima Catastrope Web Site her schedule in Japan - we discussed Fukushima Daiichi and the danger to the world of the tragic event- she will be in Japan during March 2014 to speak


Mar. 8, 2014 - FIRST HOUR - rebroadcast - George welcomes Dr. John Apsley - who is currently treating sailors off of the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan - we will discuss not only his medical practice but discuss the Fukushima event he will be speaking at the upcoming Fukushima Solutions World Conference - Web Site

Mar. 8, 2014 - SECOND HOUR - Rebroadcast - - George and Charlotte interviewed Helen Caldicott on May 12, 2012 on The Fukushima Catastrope Web Site her schedule in Japan - we discussed Fukushima Daiichi and the danger to the world of the tragic event- she will be in Japan during March 2014 to speak


Mar. 1, 2014 - FIRST HOUR - George welcomes Farrell Montgomery - retired air force who supported AWACS during his military career we will discuss not only his military career but his Associate Producer role in the upcoming Fukushima Solutions World Conference - Web Site

Mar. 1, 2014 - SECOND HOUR - Rebroadcast - - George and Charlotte interviewed Helen Caldicott on May 12, 2012 on The Fukushima Catastrope Web Site her schedule in Japan - we discussed Fukushima Daiichi and the danger to the world of the tragic event- she will be in Japan during March 2014 to speak


Feb. 22, 2014 - FIRST HOUR - George welcomes Mikkel Clair Nissen Web Site - author of "Manipulism" a new dynamic book

Feb. 22, 2014 - SECOND HOUR - Rebroadcast - - George welcomes Wayne Madsen Web Site - we discuss the NSA and the survellience of America


Feb. 15, 2014 - FIRST HOUR - George welcomes Greg Palast Web Site - we discuss the passing of Aaron Swartz and the good things he accomplished

Rest in peace, Aaron Swartz

By Greg Palast

But that's impossible, isn't it?

Like the restless Jewish prophets before you, you are an outcast in your own land. And like the prophets before you, you are trouble, Aaron, a lot of trouble.

Thank you for troubling us, Aaron. You are trouble, but very good trouble.

Socrates' suicide, like yours, was a state-sponsored execution. And like Socrates in death, you've conferred an immortal obligation on the living to resist the temptation to let the rulers attach their strings, the strings that turn us from people with hearts into puppets with property.

Rest in peace, Aaron Swartz. And I promise you, I won't.

Feb. 15, 2014 - SECOND HOUR - Rebroadcast - George covers the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, with audio clips and speeches made by Anat Ahmati author of "The Bankers Have no Clothes" and economist and financial expert, Paul Singer CEO Elliot Management, Governor of Texas Rick Perry and President of Columbia Juan Manuel Santos go after the banks for laundrying drug money


Feb. 8, 2014 - FIRST HOUR - George welcomes James Tracy Host of  The

Feb. 8, 2014 - SECOND HOUR REBROADCAST author of "TransEvolution: The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction"

Arguing that the race to better humankind is about to go to a new dimension as a result of a nanotechnological revolution, this enthralling read purports that the depth of progress and technological development is such that people in the very near future may no longer be fully human. TransEvolution discusses the transition from human to someone—or something—new and different and the increasing trend of implementing prosthetics, organ implants, bionic eyes, hearing aids, and other technological augmentations. Humans are capable of doing things they never imagined would be possible 20 years ago, and the rapid growth of this trend is nowhere near its end. But do the benefits of these advancements come with a price? Is humanity in danger because of this domination of science and technology? Bestselling author Daniel Estulin describes his vision of the future in which he believes the elite will employ their Promethean plans


Feb. 1, 2014 - FIRST HOUR - George welcomes Daniel Estulin author of "TransEvolution: The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction"

Arguing that the race to better humankind is about to go to a new dimension as a result of a nanotechnological revolution, this enthralling read purports that the depth of progress and technological development is such that people in the very near future may no longer be fully human. TransEvolution discusses the transition from human to someone—or something—new and different and the increasing trend of implementing prosthetics, organ implants, bionic eyes, hearing aids, and other technological augmentations. Humans are capable of doing things they never imagined would be possible 20 years ago, and the rapid growth of this trend is nowhere near its end. But do the benefits of these advancements come with a price? Is humanity in danger because of this domination of science and technology? Bestselling author Daniel Estulin describes his vision of the future in which he believes the elite will employ their Promethean plans



Feb. 1, 2014 - SECOND HOUR - George welcomes Anat Admati co-author of book"The Bankers Have New Clothes: What's Wrong with Banking and What to Do about It"

What is wrong with today's banking system? The past few years have shown that risks in banking can impose significant costs on the economy. Many claim, however, that a safer banking system would require sacrificing lending and economic growth. The Bankers' New Clothes examines this claim and the narratives used by bankers, politicians, and regulators to rationalize the lack of reform, exposing them as invalid. Admati and Hellwig argue we can have a safer and healthier banking system without sacrificing any of the benefits of the system, and at essentially no cost to society. They show that banks are as fragile as they are not because they must be, but because they want to be--and they get away with it. Whereas this situation benefits bankers, it distorts the economy and exposes the public to unnecessary risks. Weak regulation and ineffective enforcement allowed the buildup of risks that ushered in the financial crisis of 2007-2009. Much can be done to create a better system and prevent crises. Yet the lessons from the crisis have not been learned. Admati and Hellwig seek to engage the broader public in the debate by cutting through the jargon of banking, clearing the fog of confusion, and presenting the issues in simple and accessible terms. The Bankers' New Clothes calls for ambitious reform and outlines specific and highly beneficial steps that can be taken immediately


Jan. 25, 2014 - FIRST HOUR - George covers the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, with audio clips and speeches made by Anat Ahmati author of "The Bankers Have no Clothes" and economist and financial expert, Paul Singer CEO Elliot Management, Governor of Texas Rick Perry and President of Columbia Juan Manuel Santos go after the banks for laundrying drug money

HSBC pays record $1.9bn fine to settle US money-laundering accusations Bank guilty of 'blatant failure' to implement money-laundering controls and wilfully flouted sanctions, US prosecutors say


Jan. 25, 2014 - SECOND HOUR - George Presents Prime Minister Abe's speech and commentary - Abe is reforming the Country into Neo-Liberalism - listen to the build-up the host Klaus Schwab gives to Prime Minister Abe - other reports are statements and predictions by Axel Weber Chairman of UBS and insights into The global Economy with several central bank heads plus the IMF chief



Jan. 18, 2014 - FIRST HOUR - George covers the upcoming World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland


Jan. 18, 2014 - SECOND HOUR - Greg Palast web site - blows the lid off a secret meeting Chris Christie had in Vail Colorado with Billionaires and the promises he made?


Jan. 11, 2014 - Nov. 30, 2013 - REBROADCAST FIRST HOUR - George welcomes Trevor Loudon - author of "The Enemies Within"


Jan. 11, 2014 - Nov. 30, 2013 - SECOND HOUR - Rebroadcast Ray McGovern - former C.I.A. briefer for the Whitehouse


Jan. 4, 2013 - FIRST HOUR - Rebroadcast - George covers current news and a number of topics - he at times goes off topic"


Jan. 4, 2013 - SECOND HOUR - Rebroadcast - George reviews some 2013 stories and comments on Hillary's run for the Whitehouse, the Chicago power group and other topics - he at times goes off subject ballistic


Dec. 28, 2013 - FIRST HOUR - George covers current news and a number of topics - he at times goes off topic"


Dec. 28, 2013 - SECOND HOUR - George reviews some 2013 stories and comments on Hillary's run for the Whitehouse, the Chicago power group and other topics - he at times goes off subject ballistic


Dec. 21, 2013 - FIRST HOUR - George and Charlotte discuss a number of topics - they cover Obama care etc. current news"


Dec. 21, 2013 - SECOND HOUR - George brings in Tony Gosling for a quick update from Bristol England about the latest news on The Facebook case in England plus George recites two of his short stories from his latest book entitled "Christmas Stories"


Dec. 14, 2013 - FIRST HOUR - George welcomes Greg Palast his site  - Author and Producer of his laterst DVD entitled "Vultures and Vote Rustlers"


Dec. 14, 2013 - SECOND HOUR - George covers the latest news and brings onto the program Tony Gosling from Bristol, England with an update


Dec. 7, 2013 - REBROADCAST FIRST HOUR - George welcomes Wayne Madsen - former employee of the N.S.A.


Dec. 7, 2013 - SECOND HOUR - Rebroadcast Karen Hudes - formerly with The World Bank


Nov. 30, 2013 - REBROADCAST FIRST HOUR - George welcomes Trevor Loudon - author of "The Enemies Within"


Nov. 30, 2013 - SECOND HOUR - Rebroadcast Ray McGovern - former C.I.A. briefer for the Whitehouse


Nov. 23, 2013 - REBROADCAST FIRST HOUR - George welcomes Dr. John Apsley - - author of "Fukushima Meltdown and Modern Radiation - Dr. John Apsley is a physician and researcher who for the past 30 years has specialized in the rehabilitation and reversal of chronic degenerative illnesses through accelerated tissue repair and cellular regeneration. Dr. Apsley's research has concluded that the emergence of chronic degenerative diseases and premature aging (before the age of 90) is due to the decay over generations of the human constitution. He has documented this decay occurs due to lack of vital minerals in our soils, taking the low road in our choices for lifestyle, and a lack of continuity with exemplary elders who live healthfully beyond their 90th year of life


Nov. 23, 2013 - SECOND HOUR - Rebroadcast James Tracy - Conspiracy Theory Dynamics


Nov. 16, 2013 - FIRST HOUR - George welcomes Dr. John Apsley - - author of "Fukushima Meltdown and Modern Radiation - Dr. John Apsley is a physician and researcher who for the past 30 years has specialized in the rehabilitation and reversal of chronic degenerative illnesses through accelerated tissue repair and cellular regeneration. Dr. Apsley's research has concluded that the emergence of chronic degenerative diseases and premature aging (before the age of 90) is due to the decay over generations of the human constitution. He has documented this decay occurs due to lack of vital minerals in our soils, taking the low road in our choices for lifestyle, and a lack of continuity with exemplary elders who live healthfully beyond their 90th year of life


Nov. 16, 2013 - SECOND HOUR - Rebroadcast James Tracy - Conspiracy Theory Dynamics  


Nov. 9, 2013 - FIRST HOUR - George welcomes James Tracy - His Site - author of  "" a Professor who objectively is trying to establish a greater truth  - he's an Associate Professor of Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. He received his Ph.D. in Mass Communication from the University of Iowa in 2002. His research and teaching focus on journalism history, political communication, and public opinion. Tracy has authored eighteen journal articles and book chapters, and some of his more recent work may be found at


Nov. 9, 2013 - SECOND HOUR - George welcomes Lance deHaven-Smith His Site author "Conspiracy Theory in America" we will discuss the theory of conspiracy and he'll even uncover the origin of the attack on Conspiracy Theorists



Nov. 2, 2013 - FIRST HOUR - George welcomes Wayne Madsen His Site - author of "National Security Agency Surveillance" a crusader against abusive violation of warantless search, he also worked inside The N.S.A.

Wayne Madsen Biography:

Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist, author and columnist. He has written for The Village Voice, The Progressive, Counterpunch, Online Journal, CorpWatch, Multinational Monitor, News Insider, In These Times, and The American Conservative. His columns have appeared in The Miami Herald, Houston Chronicle, Philadelphia Inquirer, Columbus Dispatch, Sacramento Bee, and Atlanta Journal-Constitution, among others.

Madsen is the author of The Handbook of Personal Data Protection (London: Macmillan, 1992), an acclaimed reference book on international data protection law; Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa 1993-1999 (Edwin Mellen Press, 1999); co-author of America's Nightmare: The Presidency of George Bush II (Dandelion, 2003); author of Jaded Tasks: Big Oil, Black Ops & Brass Plates; Overthrow a Fascist Regime on $15 a Day; The Manufacturing of a President: the CIA's Insertion of Barack H. Obama, Jr. into the White House; L'Affaire Petraeus; and National Security Agency Surveillance: Reflections and Revelations.

Madsen has been a regular contributor on RT and PressTV. He has been a frequent political and national security commentator on Fox News and has also appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, and MS-NBC. Madsen has taken on Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity on their television shows.  He has been invited to testify as a witness before the US House of Representatives, the UN Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and a terrorism investigation judicial inquiry of the French government.

Madsen has some twenty years experience in security issues. As a U.S. Naval Officer, he managed one of the first computer security programs for the U.S. Navy. He subsequently worked for the National Security Agency, the Naval Data Automation Command, Department of State, RCA Corporation, and Computer Sciences Corporation. Madsen was a Senior Fellow for the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), a privacy public advocacy organization.

Madsen is a member of the National Press Club.

Nov. 2, 2013 - SECOND HOUR - George welcomes Tony Gosling for a quick update from Bristol, England and then we review the news and georgie discusses The N.S.A. and the upcoming JFK Memorial Ceremony in Dallas on Nov. 22, 2013 -


Shining A Light On The NSA's 'Shadow Factory

Guns and Butter - "The Assassination of JFK, Part One" - November 3, 2010 at 1:00pm

Guns and Butter - "The Assassination of JFK, Part Two" - November 10, 2010 at 1:00pm

BBC SAYS IN SPECIAL - Conspiracy Theorists Threaten Democracy? 

Oct. 26, 2013 - FIRST HOUR - George welcomes Karen Hudes - Her Site - a crusader against corruption inside The World Bank -

Oct. 26, 2013 - REBROADCAST - SECOND HOUR - George reviews the news and speaks about Egypt -



Oct. 19, 2013 - Rebroadcast - FIRST HOUR - George welcomes Trevor Loudon author of "The Enemies Within" - Socialists, Communists and Progressives in Congress


HOUR 2  - Bonus Interview with Deborah Dupre Author of Vampire of Macondo - all about the Gulf Oil Spill

"Vampire of Macondo"

Deborah Dupre

New Orleans native Deborah Dupré reports censored human rights news stories. With Science and Ed. Specialist Grad Degrees from U.S. and Australian universities, Dupré’s been a human and Earth rights advocate over 30 years in those countries and Vanuatu. Her unique humanitarian-based research and development work, including in some of the world’s least developed and most remote areas, led her to write articles appearing in dozens of popular print and Internet media internationally.


Visit her column at Examiner:

George - Welcomes Stephen Kinzer author of "THE BROTHERS" - all about John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles


Oct. 12, 2013 - FIRST HOUR - George welcomes Tony Gosling talk show host Bristol, England

Oct. 12, 2013 - REBROADCAST - SECOND HOUR - George - Welcomes Stephen Kinzer author of "THE BROTHERS" - all about John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles


Oct. 5, 2013 - REBROADCAST - FIRST HOUR - George - Welcomes Stephen Kinzer author of "THE BROTHERS" - all about John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles

Oct. 5, 2013 - REBROADCAST - SECOND HOUR - George welcomes James Tracy - Associate Professor of Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. He received his Ph.D. in Mass Communication from the University of Iowa in 2002. His research and teaching focus on journalism history, political communication, and public opinion. Tracy has authored eighteen journal articles and book chapters, and some of his more recent work may be found at

Sept. 28, 2013 - REBROADCAST - FIRST HOUR - George - Speaks about "Changing Images of Man", Money Sorcery and other important subjects of our day  - STUDY AND DOWNLOAD NLP - NEURO LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING FILE BELOW TO BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND THE TECHNIQUES BEING USED TO CONTROL THE POPULATION -

"Changing Images of Man" - Changing Images of Man is an unusual work, one that enthuses some, displeases others, and leaves few neutral. It was undertaken for a specific purpose: to chart, insofar as possible, what changes in the conceptual premises underlying Western society would lead to a desirable future. Obviously a research objective containing many value-laden assumptions! Thus it is perhaps not surprising that a number of questions about the background of this study have been asked by students in classes at the dozen or so colleges and universities that have used Changing Images of Man as a text. The most common questions concern the study's origins. Why was it undertaken? Who supported it? What kinds of researchers wrote it? Additionally, most have wanted to know how it is viewed now, some 7 years later, by the researchers who wrote it. And what it may have led to by way of social change.



Source Period

Approximate Date

Dominant Image

Culture in which Image is at Present Active

Significance For Post-Industrial Era

Middle Paleolithic 250,000- 40,000 B.C. The Hunter, focus of the male- dominated culture field of "Great Hunt" Few cultures in its pure form most in its militaristic equivalent Jeopardize cross-cultured peace; likely necessary for police operations, however
Upper Paleolithic 30,000-15,000 B.C. Including sense of spiritual affinity between beasts and man, of which toteism is an expression Various American Indian cultures with traditions intact Has relevance for a renewed sense of partnership with other life forms on the planet
Neolithic After 9,000 B.C. The planter, the child of the Goddess; the giver of life Hindu and certain other cultures Has possible relevance for balancing male-emphasis of Western culture
  3500 B.C. The human civilized through submission to seasonal variations and ruling elites Most cultures Has relevance as historical analogy: man systematically explores his inner world
Semite 2350 B.C. The human as a mere creature fashioned of clay to serve the gods, as a slave; but superior to and having dominion over nature. Notion of "chosen people" Orthodox Jewish, Christian, Islamic faiths Stands in its present form as an obstacle to emergence of new ecological understandings
Zoroastrian 1200 B.C. The human having free will, having to choose between good and evil, mythology of individual salvation All Western cultures, in a secular form Presents a basic polarity needing to be dialectically transcended / synthesized
Age of the Polis 500 B.C. Representing the absolute fulfillment of the Indian image of man as yogi released from the wheel of karma, death and rebirth. Intrinsic divinity of man realizable through own efforts Hindu/ Buddhist Could contribute to a new "self realization ethic" for our culture if incorporated into a larger synthesis
    China: Confucius and the paradigm of the "superior man" as politically and socially concerned sage Oriental cultures Could contribute to a new "ecological ethic" for our culture if incorporated into a larger synthesis
    Levant: as a slave, submissive to God in the image of a despot Some forms of Islam,


Possible to see ecological requirements in this light
    Greece: Aeschylus and image of human as tragic hero, Most Western cultures to some degree Could provide a guiding image for personal/ societal Transformation in time of crisis
    Greece: Mystery religions, the person becomes so attached to the material things of this world that he has lost touch with his own true nature, which is not of these things, but of spirit--himself the very being and model of that Spirit of which each is but a particle All cultures, but never very visible Could contribute to deemphazing material over consumption and ecological understanding
    Greece: science and objective knowledge as aesthetic rather than utilitarian activity; naturalistic emphasis in science art, and philosophy None in which dominant Has relevance to counterbalancing the "technological ethic."
Early Christian 100 A.D. Two contrary images--(1) following the Semite and Zoroastrian tradition God's servant--obey or be damned; (1) Traditional Judaeo / Christian/Muslim cultures; (1) A dominant image that needs to be incorporated into a larger synthesis
    (2) that of the Gnostics, similar to the image of the Greek mystery religions man "saved" by self-knowledge (2) Most cultures as an underground view (2) Could contribute to new "self - realization
Industrial Revolution/


1500 A.D. "Economic man" --individualistic, materialistic, rationalistic; objective knowledge, utilitarian/economic values coming into dominance Most modern industrial nations Likely inappropriate for transition to post industrial era
Modern Social


1900 A.D. Man as "beast" -- instinctual drives predominant, a "creature" of evolution" whose survival depends on competitive adaptation and/ or suppression of base instincts Most modern industrial nations An image needing to be incorporated into a larger synthesis
Modern Behavioral


1913 A.D. Man as "mechanism"-- to be understood in ways found successful by nineteenth century physics Primarily United States Promoted as providing the most appropriate basis for man's next era, perhaps now itself needing to be incorporated into larger synthesis
Modern Trans-disciplinary Science 1954 A.D. Man as a "goal-directed, adaptive learning system" Image has not yet reached "takeoff point" Provides a possible conceptual basis for integrating most other images of man in an evolutionary frame of reference
Various times and places from circa 1500B.C. to the present   Man as "Spirit"--the "philosophia perennis" view of man and the universe as essentially consciousness in manifest form Most cultures, in various degrees of purity Could contribute to needed synthesis of "opposing" images as it sees apparent opposites as differing aspects of the same underlying reality


An Examination of Obama’s Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches:

THE EVIDENCE IS HERE: This document contains over 60 pages of evidence and analysis proving Barack Obama’s use of a little-known and highly deceptive and manipulative form of “hack” hypnosis on millions of unaware Americans, and reveals what only a few psychologists and hypnosis/NLP experts know.

Barack Obama’s speeches contain the hypnosis techniques of Dr. Milton Erickson, M.D. who developed a form of “conversational” hypnosis that could be hidden in seemingly normal speech and used on patients without their knowledge for therapy purposes. Obama’s speeches intentionally contain:

Obama’s techniques are the height of deception and psychological manipulation, remaining hidden because one must understand the science behind the language patterns in order to spot them. This document examines Obama’s speeches word by word, hand gesture by hand gesture, tone, pauses, body language, and proves his use of covert hypnosis intended only for licensed therapists on consenting patients. Obama’s mesmerized, cult-like, grade-school-crush-like worship by millions is not because “Obama is the greatest leader of a generation” who simply hasn’t accomplished anything, who magically “inspires” by giving speeches. Obama is committing perhaps the biggest fraud and deception in American history. Obama is not just using subliminal messages, but textbook covert hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming techniques on audiences that are intentionally designed to sideline rational judgment and implant subconscious commands to think he is wonderful and elect him President. Obama is eloquent. However, Obama’s subconscious techniques are shown to elicit powerful emotion from his audience and then transfer those emotions onto him, to sideline rational judgment, and implant hypnotic commands that we are unaware of and can’t even consciously question. The polls are misleading because some of Obama’s commands are designed to be triggered only in the voting booth on November 4th. Obama is immune to logical arguments like Wright, Ayers, shifting every position, character, and inexperience, because hypnosis affects us on an unconscious and emotional level. To many people who see this unaccomplished man’s unnatural and irrational rise to the highest office in the world as suspicious and frightening and to those who welcome it, this document uncovers, explains, and proves the deceptive tactics behind true “Obama Phenomenon” including why younger people are more easily affected.

- Trance Inductions

- Hypnotic Anchoring

- Pacing and Leading

- Pacing, Distraction and Utilization

- Critical Factor Bypass

- Stacking Language Patterns

- Preprogrammed Response Adaptation

- Linking Statements/ Causality Bridges

- Secondary Hidden Meanings/Imbedded


- Emotion Transfer

- Non-Dominant Hemisphere Programming


Sept. 28, 2013 - REBROADCAST - SECOND HOUR - George - Speaks about "The Egyptian Plantation, and other important subjects of our day 


Sept. 21, 2013 - FIRST HOUR - George welcomes Trevor Loudon  web site author of "THE ENEMIES WITHIN: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress

Trevor speaks in San Antonio Sept. 24, 2013 

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution

Explaining Global Communism Today

Submitted by on September 18, 2013 – 9:44 am

By J.R. Nyquist

In discussions with former KGB and GRU officers you will run across two apparently contradictory statements. Sometimes you will hear them say that the former USSR is still run by Communists, suggesting that the rulers there believe in Communism. On the other hand, they will tell you to forget about the Communist label; that the rulers of the USSR never really believed in Communist ideology, which was a deception used to manipulate large numbers of unintelligent people.

Former KGB Lt. Col. Victor Kalashnikov recently wrote several paragraphs on this subject, and it is worth presenting. Kalashnikov’s key point is that Communism is strategy, not ideology. Useful idiots believe in Communist dogma, while Communist strategists do not. Here is what Kalashnikov had to say on the subject:

Ideology as such has not ever been the real driving force guiding Russia’s rulers, from the Bolsheviks until the present. Ideological explanations are irrelevant. Consider the deeds of the Bolsheviks rather than the explanations or justifications given by them. Don’t forget that criminals may be very eloquent and even well educated, and are capable of offering convincing-sounding rhetoric. The real problem is located elsewhere. A lot of people, those ‘useful’ ones, will take that rhetoric … seriously, giving it attention and respect, and even protection. Yet if we rely on ‘Occam’s razor,’ we may remove the superficial misunderstandings caused by taking rhetoric seriously.

The Bolsheviks were basically nothing but professional gangsters and terrorists, killers and robbers, and that is unquestionably more relevant than all the ideological explanations provided by them. They were part of a broader terrorist spectrum which spread across Russia since the late 19th century and grabbed power and national wealth UNDER COVER of Marxist and Leftist-sounding slogans. They did so to mislead the Russians themselves and the foreign public – the latter often longing for ‘real’ socialism or communism.The slogans of the gangsters have varied substantially over time, according to the changing needs up until our day. Compare the types of Marxism preached and practiced under various general secretaries, even during different parts of their respective tenures. Marxism-Leninism was used in the USSR rather as a DECEPTION TOOL; whereas, in reality, the regime was a gangster-run state with all the unmistakable features of organized criminal activity.

I can only confirm what Viktor Suvorov once told me about the GRU as applying to the KGB: namely, that if any faithful communists happened to penetrate the intelligence staff by chance, they would be filtered out. ‘You may not entrust serious matters to the people believing in all that rubbish,’ Suvorov said. Take ‘proletarian solidarity’ for example. When and how did it work? Or take ‘pauperization of the imperialist states,’ or ‘inter-imperialist wars,’ etc. What really remained untouched among all the ‘Marxists’ in state power [was] the ever present and aggressive anti-Americanism. Why? – Because the United States is reasonably regarded as an INHERENT OPPONENT of ‘Leftist’ rule and policies. All of this also implies more power for the secret police to suppress dissent and opposition, along with the crucial role of BUREAUCRACY and all its perquisites like nepotism, corruption, etc. That’s where the COMMON DENOMINATOR with Russia is to be found. Such regimes are incompatible with normal countries and doomed to seek conflict rather than cooperation.

Anti-Americanism would probably be the most distinct and unifying feature among them – so that you may take it as the only workable and articulated ideology of substance that they espouse. And, of course, Moscow supplies all anti-American forces worldwide with arms, training, secret police and subversion know-how, plus diplomatic and political cover. Clearly, the KGB and GRU have laid down firm foundations for such international alliances on institutional, material, financial and personal levels. The General Staff of the Russian armed forces has definitely integrated those Leftist regimes of Latin American into its strategic planning, including subversion, terrorism and various forms of soft power, targeting the United States and its allies. As already noted, the ‘Marxist’ or so-named ‘liberation’ ideology rather plays an operational role for the purposes of propaganda and deception.

The West seems to live with a self-made, or partly imposed from the outside, fairy tale about Russia. I’m really getting tired of continually explaining this wherever I can. Probably, the Western culture and the overall state of mind are in need, for the sake of inner balance and comfort, of an alternative to a decadent Western society. This alternative is somehow thought to be Russia, which still belongs to the European realm with all its great writers and composers of the 19thcentury. This artificial idea about a Russia that never really existed, and by no means is Putin’s ‘Russian Federation’ anyway, is eagerly supported in Moscow. In fact, the present-day Russia is engulfed by CULTURAL REGRESS which is increasingly apparent if you look straight at arts, literature, architecture, media or public life. However paradoxically, this regress may become an effective survival strategy for Russia. Remember that a mollusk can outlive every other thing on earth because of its simple adaptive abilities. That makes Putin’s Russia even more dangerous, and requires a truly fresh look at an ominous phenomenon.

Here we discover, in Kalashnikov’s analysis, the keys to the whole puzzle. Not all Communists believe in the sense of religious belief. Their Communism boils down to a set of strategies. In practice, they are gangsters and terrorists. Their strategy was (and is) to destroy the United States in order to lay the entire world open to plunder. As Lenin once said, “Communism is nothing more than the scientific management of human affairs.” Of all sciences, strategy involves the mass manipulation and management of people. For a criminal, this manipulation signifies mass murder and mass robbery.

It is beyond doubt, of course, that the Cold War did not end in 1991. Inside the former Soviet Union we can discern criminal totalitarian structures at work behind the scenes. These structures appear to control the large Russian corporations, media and, at minimum, maintain a veto power over government agencies in former Warsaw Pact countries and former Soviet republics. If these structures are not Communist in a strict sense, they are Communist in the sense that their actual ideology is anti-Americanism (as stated by Kalashnikov).

In terms of global strategy, these structures aim at the elimination of American power. Furthermore, these structures no longer require Marxist-Leninist ideology to function (though they do require anti-Americanism). At the same time they successfully make use of those Marxist true-believers in the West who still dream of socialist revolution.

When we look at Russian support to Venezuelan arms production, or to Russian support for Nicaragua’s new military preparation, it appears that global communist revolution is still supported as part of this anti-American strategy. Kalashnikov would say that this is “part of the deception.” Effectively, it doesn’t matter whether the FSB/KGB and the Russian General Staff believe in Marxism-Leninism or not. Their behavior is objectively the same as Marxist-Leninist behavior – only without the attending ideological clichés.

What does Putin actually believe? Since Marxism itself is a deception aimed at a specific audience, Putin must sound like a Marxist when speaking to Marxists, but must sound like a non-Marxist when interfacing with Western leaders. In the year 2000 Vladimir Putin was asked by Larry King about the cross he wears around his neck. Putin was evasive and refused to acknowledge a belief in God. When King pressed him for an answer, he said, “I believe in the power of man.” He had to give this answer because true-believing Communists in dozens of countries were listening, and he could not let them down.

When Putin first visited Cuba a journalist asked if he was still a Communist. Putin said, “Call me a pot, but heat me not.” The thing that is most difficult to understand and to relate to readers is that Marxism is two things with regard to two sets of people. Marxism is a lie – a deception strategy – for the strategists. At the same time, it is a religion to the true believers.

When a Communist revolution succeeds, the regime organizes everything around the concept of maximizing strategic power. Society itself is transformed into a tool of strategy. The true-believer always finds that the final end is not Communist revolution but strategic dominance to the point of universal tyranny. This produces the actual phenomenon of so-called “Communist states.” And this is, in fact, what Communism actually signifies in practice.


HOUR 2  - Bonus Interview with Deborah Dupre Author of Vampire of Macondo - all about the Gulf Oil Spill

"Vampire of Macondo"

Deborah Dupre

New Orleans native Deborah Dupré reports censored human rights news stories. With Science and Ed. Specialist Grad Degrees from U.S. and Australian universities, Dupré’s been a human and Earth rights advocate over 30 years in those countries and Vanuatu. Her unique humanitarian-based research and development work, including in some of the world’s least developed and most remote areas, led her to write articles appearing in dozens of popular print and Internet media internationally.


Visit her column at Examiner:




 Sept. 14, 2013 - FIRST HOUR - George covers current news and commentary, he covers Le Cercle the top level power group - Kitchen Grade Sarin versus Top Weapons Grade Sarin, Knights Malta and the C.I.A. - New peace initiative in Syria, Dedicates program to Robert Bowman, Radical Jihasdists increasing in Syria. 

Membership of Le Cercle

SECOND HOUR - We welcome Ray McGovern - Ray's Web Site  Raymond McGovern (born August 25, 1939) is a retired CIA officer turned political activist. McGovern was a Federal employee under seven U.S. presidents over 27 years, presenting the morning intelligence briefings at the White House for many of them. McGovern has been an outspoken commentator on intelligence-related issues since the late 1990s. He was heavily critical of the government's handling of the Wen Ho Lee case in 2000. In 2002 he was publicly critical of President George W. Bush's use of government intelligence in the lead-up to the war in Iraq. In 2003, together with other former CIA employees, McGovern founded the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity or VIPS. The organization is dedicated to analyzing and criticizing the use of intelligence, specifically relating to the War in Iraq. In January 2006, McGovern began speaking out on behalf of the anti-war group Not in Our Name. According to the group's press release, McGovern served symbolic "war crimes indictments" on the Bush White House from a "people's tribunal."



 Sept. 7, 2013 - FIRST HOUR - George welcomes Sameh Habeeb - Founder of The Palestine Telegraph Newspaper and Former CEO of The Palestine Telegraph Newspaper - he's currently in London working on a PhD in Media Studies 

SECOND HOUR - We welcome Kathleen Barry  PH.D. Author of "UNMAKING WAR, REMAKING MEN: How Empathy Can Reshape Our Politics, Our Soldiers and Ourselves she is a Professor Emerita, Penn State University Kathleen Barry holds two doctorates – in sociology and in education - from the University of California, Berkeley. Having taught at major universities for over twenty years, she is now a university Professor Emerita. A Distinguished Visiting Professor at several universities, she was the recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship to Ireland and an invited scholar at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences) in Paris. The author of five books and an internationally recognized feminist-human rights activist, she lectures widely in the U.S. and abroad. Her work may be found at - Her Site




HOUR 1  HOUR 2  - HOUR 3 OVERDRIVE - Bonus Interview with Deborah Dupre Author of Vampire of Macondo - all about the Gulf Oil Spill

Aug. 31, 2013 - FIRST HOUR - George reviews the news Syria - the recent chemical attack who did IT! 

SECOND HOUR - We welcome James Tracy he is Associate Professor of Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. He received his Ph.D. in Mass Communication from the University of Iowa in 2002. His research and teaching focus on journalism history, political communication, and public opinion. Tracy has authored eighteen journal articles and book chapters, and some of his more recent work may be found at Memory Gap at  



A Century of Lies

If President Barack Obama and his administration are not lying in the lead-up to a probable bombing campaign of Syria it will be a rare exception among US Presidents, particularly since their public duplicity concerning war dates to at least the early twentieth century. Indeed, being forthrightly dishonest to the American people concerning the rationales for engaging in foreign wars has become a century-old White House tradition. The historical record of past presidents’ prewar and wartime hucksterism is  unambiguous, greatly contributing to the immense bloodshed and destruction that continues under the country’s reckless international leadership to this day.




Aug. 24, 2013 - FIRST HOUR -
George reviews the news Syria - the recent chemical attack who did IT! 

SECOND HOUR - We welcome Greg Palast we will discuss Sovereign Debt and the reprecussions of the present suit in New York against Argentina - Greg Palast Site

he's author of "Vultures' Picnic: In Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates and High-Finance Carnivores" - and his latest book Billionaires & Ballot Bandits – Greg Palast reports on and Investigates the Election Games 

Palast is best known as the investigative reported who uncovered how Katherine Harris purged thousands of African-Americans from Florida voters rolls in the 2000 Presidential Election.

Author of the New York Times and international bestsellers, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy and Armed Madhouse, Palast is Patron of the Trinity College Philosophical Society, an honor previously held by Jonathan Swift and Oscar Wilde.

"A cross between Sam Spade and Sherlock Holmes" (Jim Hightower, The Nation), Greg Palast turned his skills to journalism after two decades as a top investigator of corporate fraud and racketeering. Palast's reports appear on BBC's Newsnight and in Britain's Guardian, Rolling Stone and Harper's.

Palast directed the US' government's largest racketeering case in history (that garnered a $4.3 billion jury award) and the investigation of the Exxon Valdez.

Palast is recipient of the George Orwell Courage in Journalism Prize for his BBC television documentary,
Bush Family Fortunes


In 2008, our voter guide/comic book Steal Back Your Vote written by Greg Palast and Bobby Kennedy reached over half a million voters. And we’re going to do it again in our new ballot-protection weapon:



Aug. 17, 2013 - FIRST HOUR - George welcomes Gerrard Williams co-author and producer of "Grey Wolf:
The escape of Adolph Hitler"
Press Release  - Summary        MOVIE -- BOOK
Gerrard Williams has been an International Television Journalist and film-maker for over 30 years.

After graduating from Journalism College he was hired by Visnews, the international TV News Agency, where he spent two years before moving to Australia, working for ABC and Australian Associated Press as well as being Independent Radio News correspondent for two years.

On his return to the U.K. he rejoined Visnews and after various jobs elsewhere in TV news was eventually appointed Duty Editor at Reuters Television.
He has worked as a Foreign Duty Editor at The BBC, Sky News and APTN.

Gerrard has worked and reported in over 65 countries and has set up and managed/edited projects as diverse as Superchannel News, European Business Today for BSB/SKY, Breakfast Editor at European Business News and Managing Editor at Africa Journal.

He directed his first documentary in 1983. He has been responsible for hundreds of live hours of broadcast television.

He has covered most of the top international news stories of the last 20 years, including the fall of the Soviet Union, the war in Yugoslavia, the Rwanda Genocide, the first Gulf War, the aftermath of the second and the US occupation of Iraq,and the 2004 Tsunami.

Gerrard returned to long-form film making after successfully running an independent news production company, News-Source U.K. that produced news, entertainment and documentary programming for Sony Entertainment Television and the breakfast program for European Business News (now CNBC Europe).

He has also produced corporate videos for various United Nations departments, Hilton Hotels, Berjaya Bay Hotels, Seychelles Airlines, Weavering Capital and has advised on the use of video inserts into many web-based products.

He has recently made documentary films in Kenya, Argentina and Albania, which have been broadcast by Al-Jazeera International, SIC in Portugal, Channel 4 News in the UK and SKY News.

He is currently post-producing a major Drama-Documentary "Grey Wolf" and is developing various feature film proposals.

Gerrard is married with two grown-up children, a Labrador called Max and an ancient cat "Suki".



When Truman asked Stalin in 1945 whether Hitler was dead, Stalin replied bluntly, “No.” As late as 1952, Eisenhower declared: “We have been unable to unearth one bit of tangible evidence of Hitler's death.” What really happened?

Simon Dunstan and Gerrard Williams have compiled extensive evidence--some recently declassified--that Hitler actually fled Berlin and took refuge in a remote Nazi enclave in Argentina. The recent discovery that the famous “Hitler's skull” in Moscow is female, as well as newly uncovered documents, provide powerful proof for their case. Dunstan and Williams cite people, places, and dates in over 500 detailed notes that identify the plan's escape route, vehicles, aircraft, U-boats, and hideouts. Among the details: the CIA's possible involvement and Hitler's life in Patagonia--including his two daughters



Research: These following sites are excellent research sources to further your knowledge of the world system

Top Secret America

The 72 Threat Fusion Centers Were Designed To Threaten You

Aug. 17, 2013 - SECOND HOUR -  George will review with Tony Gosling from Bristol England the book entitled "The Tower of Basel" by Adam Lebor - at the top of this page watch the interview of Adam Lebor by Matthew Valencia with The Economist Magazine


Christian Noyer: The end of the financial dictatorship?
Introduction by Mr Christian Noyer, Governor of the Bank of France and Chairman of the
Board of Directors of the Bank for International Settlements, to Session 5 “The end of the
financial dictatorship?”, Aix-en-Provence Economic Forum, Aix-en-Provence, 6 July 2013.

1. Firstly, is finance really a dictatorship? This question isn’t new: already Petronius, in Roman times, at the start of our modern era, asked: “What use are laws when money is king?” The question seems rhetorical, and you can sense in its resignation that the Latin writer (who, incidentally, was born in the nearby city of Marseille) was already worried about the difficulties of establishing the primacy of politics over finance.

i) It is true that the world of finance does have considerable powers:
• The power to create and support economic development. In its most traditional forms, this is finance’s most crucial role – and power: it is an essential cog in the wheel of economic activity, allocating capital, supplying credit and enabling the
management of risk. More than just “the sinews of war”, it can be seen as the lifeblood flowing through our veins.
• But also a highly destructive power: it was the unchecked sophistication of finance and the excesses this caused that lay behind the 2007-2008 financial crisis, a crisis that subsequently transformed into an economic, social and political crisis. Limited
losses on subprime loans ultimately led to the destruction of millions of jobs throughout the world, and the links between finance and the real economy were cruelly laid bare.
ii) But finance can certainly not be considered “all powerful”: in my opinion, the world of finance only has the political power that State governments choose to give it......Excerpt...Christian Noyer Full Speech

Below is an excerpt from the Novel that Petronius wrote "THE SATYRICON" that is referred to by Christian Noyer in his above speech 

Encolpius has his foot in both worlds of Roman society. Because he is educated and well spoken he is thought to be a member of the higher class, yet by his actions and lack of money he is obviously associated with the lower ones depicted in the opening. Even though he and some of his more educated companions are able to cross class boundaries, it is still important to realize that Encolpius is equally guilty in committing crimes common among those poor people he is surrounded by—even if it is to pay for food. In a poetic response to the world that surrounds him, he ponders, in verse, “What use are laws when money is king / where poverty’s helpless and can’t win a thing…There’s no justice in law—it’s the bidding that counts / and the job of the judge is to fix the amounts” (43). He sees the inequities of the class system around him and in many ways, it almost seems as though he is justifying his own criminal actions by claiming that the leaders do the same thing as they do—that the corruption is at all levels thus his own actions are balanced out.

Derivatives: The Unregulated Global Casino for Banks
SHORT STORY: Pick something of value, make bets on the future value of "something", add contract & you have a derivative. Banks make massive profits on derivatives, and when the bubble bursts chances are the tax payer will end up with the bill. This visualizes the total coverage for derivatives (notional). Similar to insurance company's total coverage for all cars.
LONG STORY: A derivative is a legal bet (contract) that derives its value from another asset, such as the future or current value of oil, government bonds or anything else. Ex- A derivative buys you the option (but not obligation) to buy oil in 6 months for today's price/any agreed price, hoping that oil will cost more in future. (I'll bet you it'll cost more in 6 months). Derivative can also be used as insurance, betting that a loan will or won't default before a given date. So its a big betting system, like a Casino, but instead of betting on cards and roulette, you bet on future values and performance of practically anything that holds value. The system is not regulated what-so-ever, and you can buy a derivative on an existing derivative.
Most large banks try to prevent smaller investors from gaining access to the derivative market on the basis of there being too much risk. Deriv. market has blown a galactic bubble, just like the real estate bubble or stock market bubble (that's going on right now). Since there is literally no economist in the world that knows exactly how the derivative money flows or how the system works, while derivatives are traded in microseconds by computers, we really don't know what will trigger the crash, or when it will happen, but considering the global financial crisis this system is in for tough times, that will be catastrophic for the world financial system since the 9 largest banks shown below hold a total of $228.72 trillion in Derivatives - Approximately 3 times the entire world economy. No government in world has money for this bailout. Lets take a look at what banks have the biggest Derivative Exposures and what scandals they've been lately involved in. Derivative Data Source: ZeroHedge



FIRST HOUR - Power Connections - George and Charlotte will discuss a number of problems 

 MISLED! The radical intellectual left has been intentionally misled. The left truly believes in the establishment of a Communist State even at a minimum a Socialist State. Their focus and attack is against Capitalism which they ferociously and endlessly critizize as the problem for the common working man. They believe that the system of capitalism robs the poor working man of their labors. Seldom do I hear the left describing capitalism as Monopolistic Capitalism or even Babylonian Capitalism. The problem lies in the monopoly of money creation through a fractional banking system that privately owns The Federal Reserve System thus granting loans to their good-olde-boy network which only functions to corrupt the system. So are men the problem, YES and their human nature which they have never been able to awaken to or overcome is the problem. Institutions are made up of men and most men have never been able to overcome their human nature weaknesses so depraved men dominate depraved institutions, which look very much like Corporate Fascism in today's world. The universities and colleges do not teach about the money problem but instead concentrate their educational activities on system based soutions through the creation of programs and even larger institutions. Follows is a list of characteristics of a Communist State judge for yourself and see if America has been transformed from a Republic to a Communist State.

The 10 PLANKS stated in the Communist Manifesto and some of their American counterparts are...

1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes.
Americans do these with actions such as the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (1868), and various zoning, school & property taxes. Also the Bureau of Land Management (Zoning laws are the first step to government property ownership)

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
Americans know this as misapplication of the 16th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, 1913, The Social Security Act of 1936.; Joint House Resolution 192 of 1933; and various State "income" taxes. We call it "paying your fair share".

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
Americans call it Federal & State estate Tax (1916); or reformed Probate Laws, and limited inheritance via arbitrary inheritance tax statutes.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
Americans call it government seizures, tax liens, Public "law" 99-570 (1986); Executive order 11490, sections 1205, 2002 which gives private land to the Department of Urban Development; the imprisonment of "terrorists" and those who speak out or write against the "government" (1997 Crime/Terrorist Bill); or the IRS confiscation of property without due process. Asset forfeiture laws are used by DEA, IRS, ATF etc...).

5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
Americans call it the Federal Reserve which is a privately-owned credit/debt system allowed by the Federal Reserve act of 1913. All local banks are members of the Fed system, and are regulated by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) another privately-owned corporation. The Federal Reserve Banks issue Fiat Paper Money and practice economically destructive fractional reserve banking.

6. Centralization of the means of communications and transportation in the hands of the State.
Americans call it the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Department of Transportation (DOT) mandated through the ICC act of 1887, the Commissions Act of 1934, The Interstate Commerce Commission established in 1938, The Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Communications Commission, and Executive orders 11490, 10999, as well as State mandated driver's licenses and Department of Transportation regulations.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
Americans call it corporate capacity, The Desert Entry Act and The Department of Agriculture… Thus read "controlled or subsidized" rather than "owned"… This is easily seen in these as well as the Department of Commerce and Labor, Department of Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Mines, National Park Service, and the IRS control of business through corporate regulations.

8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
Americans call it Minimum Wage and slave labor like dealing with our Most Favored Nation trade partner; i.e. Communist China. We see it in practice via the Social Security Administration and The Department of Labor. The National debt and inflation caused by the communal bank has caused the need for a two "income" family. Woman in the workplace since the 1920's, the 19th amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, assorted Socialist Unions, affirmative action, the Federal Public Works Program and of course Executive order 11000.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries, gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of population over the country.
Americans call it the Planning Reorganization act of 1949 , zoning (Title 17 1910-1990) and Super Corporate Farms, as well as Executive orders 11647, 11731 (ten regions) and Public "law" 89-136. These provide for forced relocations and forced sterilization programs, like in China.

10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.
Americans are being taxed to support what we call 'public' schools, but are actually "government force-tax-funded schools " Even private schools are government regulated. The purpose is to train the young to work for the communal debt system. We also call it the Department of Education, the NEA and Outcome Based "Education" . These are used so that all children can be indoctrinated and inculcated with the government propaganda, like "majority rules", and "pay your fair share". WHERE are the words "fair share" in the Constitution, Bill of Rights or the Internal Revenue Code (Title 26)?? NO WHERE is "fair share" even suggested !! The philosophical concept of "fair share" comes from the Communist maxim, "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need! This concept is pure socialism. ... America was made the greatest society by its private initiative WORK ETHIC ... Teaching ourselves and others how to "fish" to be self sufficient and produce plenty of EXTRA commodities to if so desired could be shared with others who might be "needy"... Americans have always voluntarily been the MOST generous and charitable society on the planet.

Do changing words, change the end result? ... By using different words, is it all of a sudden OK to ignore or violate the provisions or intent of the Constitution of the united States of America?????

The people (politicians) who believe in the SOCIALISTIC and COMMUNISTIC concepts, especially those who pass more and more laws implementing these slavery ideas, are traitors to their oath of office and to the Constitution of the united States of America... KNOW YOUR ENEMY ...Remove the enemy from within and from among us.

None are more hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free....fleas can dream too....?

"Fleas dream of buying themselves a dog, and nobodies dream of escaping poverty: that, one magical day, good luck will suddenly rain down on them - will rain down in buckets. But good luck doesn’t rain down, yesterday, today, tomorrow or ever. Good luck doesn’t even fall in a fine drizzle, no matter how hard the nobodies summon it, even if their left hand is tickling, or if they begin the new day on their right foot, or start the new year with a change of brooms. The nobodies: nobody’s children, owners of nothing. The nobodies: the no-ones, the nobodied, running like rabbits, dying through life, screwed every which way. Who are not, but could be. Who don’t speak languages, but dialects. Who don’t have religions, but superstitions. Who don’t create art, but handicrafts. Who don’t have culture, but folklore. Who are not human beings, but human resources. Who do not have faces, but arms. Who do not have names, but numbers. Who do not appear in the history of the world, but in the crime reports of the local paper. The nobodies, who are not worth the bullet that kills them." — Eduardo Galeano, "The Nobodies"

SECOND HOUR -  Chicago Connections - George and Charlotte will discuss the importance during the Obama administration of The City of Chicago. 







Early Capital  Base

Monopoly of Trading

Secret Partnerships

Crime and Labor Partners

Secret societies

1.  Chicago's Richest People: Top 10 Wealthiest Chicago Billionaires

2. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs - Chairman  and Board of Directors - Lester Crown Chairman, Michelle Obama Director

3. The Daley Machine - Old Man Daley - Richard Joseph Daley, who never lost his blue-collar Chicago accent, was known for often mangling his syntax and other verbal gaffes. Daley made one of his most memorable verbal missteps in 1968, while defending what the news media reported as police misconduct during that year's violent Democratic Convention. "Gentlemen, get the thing straight once and for all– the policeman isn't there to create disorder, the policeman is there to preserve disorder."

Richard Joseph Daley (May 15, 1902 – December 20, 1976) served for 21 years as the mayor and undisputed Democratic boss of Chicago and is considered by historians to be the "last of the big city bosses." He played a major role in the history of the Democratic Party, especially with his support of John F. Kennedy in 1960 and of Hubert Humphrey in 1968.

Daley was Chicago's third mayor in a row from the working-class, heavily Irish American Bridgeport neighborhood on Chicago's South Side, where he lived his entire life.

Daley had two bases of power, serving as a Committeeman and Chairman of the Cook County Democratic Central Committee from 1953, and as mayor of Chicago from 1955. He used both positions until his death in 1976 to dominate party and civic affairs. Daley's Democratic political machine was often accused of corruption, but while many of Daley's subordinates were jailed, Daley was never formally charged with corruption.

He is remembered for doing much to avoid the declines that some other "rust belt" cities like Cleveland, Buffalo and Detroit experienced during the same period. He had a strong base of support in Chicago's Irish Catholic community, and he was treated by national politicians such as Lyndon B. Johnson as a preeminent Irish American, with special connections to the Kennedy family.....wikipedia

He is the second longest-serving Chicago mayor in history.

The Younger Daley - Richard M. Daley, his son, is the former and longest-serving mayor of Chicago.[1]

Richard Michael Daley (born April 24, 1942), sometimes known as "Richie" Daley, is a former Mayor of Chicago, Illinois. Daley was elected mayor in 1989 and reelected in 1991, 1995, 1999, 2003, and 2007.[1] At 22 years, he was the longest serving Chicago mayor, surpassing the tenure of his father, Richard J. Daley.[2] Prior to serving as mayor, Daley served in the Illinois Senate and then as the Cook County State's Attorney.[1]

Mayor Daley took over the Chicago Public Schools, developed tourism, the construction of Millennium Park, increased environmental efforts and the rapid development of the city's North Side, as well as the near South and West sides. Mayor Daley expanded benefits to same-sex, domestic partners of City employees, and advocated for gun control. As Mayor of Chicago Daley was a national leader in privatization and the lease and sale of public assets to private corporations. Mayor Daley's budgets ran up the largest deficits in Chicago history.

Police use of force was an issue in Daley's tenures as States Attorney and Mayor....wikipedia

As Mayor of Chicago Daley was a national leader in privatization and the lease and sale of public assets to private corporations.....wikipedia

4. The Crowns of Chicago - Lester Crown

Mr. Crown and the President

Israel, Big Money and Obama - By Margaret Kimberly

5. The Masonic Temple Building Chicago

6. Commercial Club of Chicago - Valerie Jarrett , William M. Daley, and Lester Crown all come together

7. Valerie Jarrett -  first hired Michelle Obama  onto Daley staff

Relationship with President Obama

Obama speaks with Jarrett in a West Wing corridor.

In 1991, as Deputy Chief of Staff to Mayor Richard Daley, she interviewed Michelle Robinson for an opening in the mayor’s office, and offered her the job immediately.[22] Michelle Robinson asked for time to think and also asked Jarrett to meet her fiancé, Barack Obama. The three ended up meeting for dinner. After the dinner, Michelle took the job with the mayor's office, and Valerie Jarrett reportedly took the couple under her wing and “introduced them to a wealthier and better-connected Chicago than their own,” and taking Michelle with her when she left the mayor's office to head Chicago’s Department of Planning and Development.[23]...wikipedia

8. Albert E.  Jenner - jenner and chicago connections


Jesse Jackson, Wright 'arranged' Obama marriage - Chicago sources claim president was part of dark subculture

Mexican drug cartels fight turf battles in Chicago

CME Group Inc.
Type Public
S&P 500 Component
Industry Security & commodity exchanges
Headquarters Chicago, Illinois, The USA
Key people Terrence A. Duffy
(Executive Chairman & President)
Phupinder Gill

US$3 billion (2010),

US$2.56 billion (2008)
Operating income

US$1.83 billion (2010),

US$1.58 billion (2008)
Net income

US$0.95 billion (2010),

US$0.72 billion (2008)
Total assets

US$38 billion (2010),

US$48.13 billion (2008)
Total equity

US$20 billion (2010),

US$18.69 billion (2008)
Employees 2300 (12/31/2008)
Subsidiaries The Kansas City Board of Trade, The Chicago Mercantile Exchange, The Chicago Board of Trade, The New York Mercantile Exchange, S&P Dow Jones Indices (24.4% ownership), COMEX

CME Group Inc. (NASDAQCME) owns and operates large derivatives and futures exchanges in Chicago and New York City, as well as online trading platforms. It also owns the Dow Jones stock and financial indexes, and CME Clearing Services, which provides settlement and clearing of exchange trades. The exchange-traded derivative contracts include futures and options based on interest rates, equity indexes, foreign exchange, energy, agricultural commodities, rare and precious metals, weather and real estate.[1]

The corporate world headquarters are in the Chicago Loop financial district. The corporation was formed by the 2007 merger of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT). On March 17, 2008, it announced its acquisition of NYMEX Holdings, Inc., parent company of the New York Mercantile Exchange and Commodity Exchange, Inc (COMEX), which was formally completed on August 22, 2008.[2] The four exchanges now operate as designated contract markets (DCM) of the CME Group.[3]

On February 10, 2010, CME announced its purchase of 90% of Dow Jones Indexes including the Dow Jones Industrial Average.[4]

CME Group as the world's largest future exchanges has announced that the company will allow international investors to use the Chinese currency Renminbi as collateral for trading in all its futures products starting January 2012.[5]

CME Group owns 5% of BM&F Bovespa, the São Paulo stock exchange operator. BM&F Bovespa also owns 5% of CME Group.[6]



August 3, 2013 - 7-9 pm CDT - FIRST HOUR - George Welcomes Tod Fletcher "mind extraordinaire" - we will be discussing a plethora of subjects 911, NSA programs, Scandals, Phony Scandals?...where are they? :(  

Representative Mike Rogers - said this on "Meet The Press on July 28, 2013 "audio clip" - he said this to gain support and rationalize his non support of a bill that would have reigned in the NSA - paraphrasing he said something like this, "had these Collection and interception methods been in place before 911 then they would have resulted in the terrorist living in San Diego being stopped from being on Flight 77" which he states crashed into the Pentagon. His statement is a fabrication because the Pentagon was never crashed bombed by a Boeing 757, it didn't happen the way the government has portrayed the event no plane ever crash into the Pentagon. - these politicians are using lies to continue their mind control of the American Public. This news video was the initial reaction and comments live from the Pentagon video

This is the clearest photograph of several photographs taken of the Pentagon shortly after the attack. Special note must be made of no large fuselage parts, bodies, luggage or other evidence that a Boeing 757 crashed into the Pentagon. See the Docummentary below produced by The Power Hour as additional evidence and information of what many term "The 911 Myth" - The government version of 911 is a LIE! -
"IN PLANE SIGHT" - the true story about the Pentagon attack! 
The 9/11 Consensus Panel is at
"9/11 In Context with Tod Fletcher" at BlogTalkRadio:

SECOND HOUR - We welcome Greg Palast we will discuss Sovereign Debt and the reprecussions of the present suit in New York against Argentina - Greg Palast Site

he's author of "Vultures' Picnic: In Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates and High-Finance Carnivores" - and his latest book Billionaires & Ballot Bandits – Greg Palast reports on and Investigates the Election Games 

Palast is best known as the investigative reported who uncovered how Katherine Harris purged thousands of African-Americans from Florida voters rolls in the 2000 Presidential Election.

Author of the New York Times and international bestsellers, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy and Armed Madhouse, Palast is Patron of the Trinity College Philosophical Society, an honor previously held by Jonathan Swift and Oscar Wilde.

"A cross between Sam Spade and Sherlock Holmes" (Jim Hightower, The Nation), Greg Palast turned his skills to journalism after two decades as a top investigator of corporate fraud and racketeering. Palast's reports appear on BBC's Newsnight and in Britain's Guardian, Rolling Stone and Harper's.

Palast directed the US' government's largest racketeering case in history (that garnered a $4.3 billion jury award) and the investigation of the Exxon Valdez.

Palast is recipient of the George Orwell Courage in Journalism Prize for his BBC television documentary,
Bush Family Fortunes


In 2008, our voter guide/comic book Steal Back Your Vote written by Greg Palast and Bobby Kennedy reached over half a million voters. And we’re going to do it again in our new ballot-protection weapon:

Billionaires & Ballot Bandits – Election Games 2012 – The Comic Book and voter guide.

This time, investigative reporter Greg Palast, who busted the story of the purge of Black voters in Florida in 2000, has teamed

with genius comic pen-man Ted Rall and the crew of the Palast Investigative Fund to produce a kick-butt-and-take-down-names

In 2008, Steal Back Your Vote was distributed to thousands of at-risk voters in cooperation with Operation Rainbow/PUSH, Rock the Vote, VotoLatino, the Congressional Black Caucus and 150 other non-partisan and comic book with working subtitle: Election Games 2012:  Played by Karl Rove, the Koch Gang and their


-Repeat of Last Week's Program: We're moving our Studio! 

JULY 27, 2013 - 7-9 pm CDT - FIRST HOUR - George Welcomes Dr. James Vaughn Dept. - Award - we will be discussing The British East India Company"  2ND HOUR - Current News and Struggles



JULY 20, 2013 - 7-9 pm CDT - FIRST HOUR - George Welcomes Dr. James Vaughn Dept. - Award - we will be discussing The British East India Company"  2ND HOUR - Current News and Struggles





Jim and Joanne Moriarty will present their story about Libya Monday night July 22, 2013 at Spring Creek BBQ 270 North Central Expressway Richardson Texas ...East side of Central South of Arapaho - Eye-Witness Accounts about life/atrocities in Libya Joanne and Jimmy Moriarty tell all!


Spring Creek BBQ 270 North Central Expressway Richardson Texas ...East side of Central South of Arapaho

Dr Jerome Corsi will Skype in during the Moriarty's power point presentation! Dr Corsi has used Jimmy and Joann's information in several of his articles. This is a rare opportunity. The information is first hand and powerful! for more info or call 206-339-5409


JULY 13, 2013 - 7-9 pm CDT - FIRST HOUR - George covers "Changing Images of Man PDF Download"  2ND HOUR Current News




JULY 6, 2013 - 7-9 pm CDT - FIRST HOUR - George covers "The Egyptian Plantation"  2ND HOUR Current News





Encore Program of

MAY 1, 2010 - George and Charlotte welcome Dr. Roy W. Spencer - Site
Roy W. Spencer received his Ph.D. in meteorology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1981. Before becoming a Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville in 2001, he was a Senior Scientist for Climate Studies at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, where he and Dr. John Christy received NASA’s Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal for their global temperature monitoring work with satellites. Dr. Spencer’s work with NASA continues as the U.S. Science Team leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer flying on NASA’s Aqua satellite. He has provided congressional testimony several times on the subject of global warming.

Dr. Spencer’s research has been entirely supported by U.S. government agencies: NASA, NOAA, and DOE. He has never been asked by any oil company to perform any kind of service. Not even Exxon-Mobil.

The Great Global Warming Blunder: How Mother Nature Fooled the World’s Top Climate Scientists

April 20th, 2010 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.
Today (April 20) is the official release date of my new book entitled: “The Great Global Warming Blunder: How Mother Nature Fooled the World’s Top Climate Scientists“, published by Encounter Books.

About one-half of Blunder is a non-technical description of our new peer reviewed and soon-to-be-published research which supports the opinion that a majority of Americans already hold: that warming in recent decades is mostly due to a natural cycle in the climate system — not to an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide from fossil fuel burning.

Believe it or not, this potential natural explanation for recent warming has never been seriously researched by climate scientists. The main reason they have ignored this possibility is that they cannot think of what might have caused it. You see, climate researchers are rather myopic. They think that the only way for global-average temperatures to change is for the climate system to be forced ‘externally’…by a change in the output of the sun, or by a large volcanic eruption. These are events which occur external to the normal, internal operation of the climate system.

Dr. Spencer’s first popular book on global warming, Climate Confusion (Encounter Books), is available at and






Encore Program of - HOUR 1

AUG. 7, 2010  George, and Charlotte welcome  HeadshotStephen Kinzer - Guest's SiteGeorge, and Charlotte welcome  S

Stephen Kinzer is an award-winning foreign correspondent who has covered more than 50 countries on five continents. His articles and books have led the Washington Post to place him "among the best in popular foreign policy storytelling."

Kinzer's most recent book is "Reset: Iran, Turkey, and America's Future" in addition to other writings and books.

A Thousand Hills: Rwanda's Rebirth and the Man Who Dreamed It. Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa called it "a fascinating account of a near-miracle unfolding before our very eyes".

In 2006 Kinzer published Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq.  It recounts the 14 times the United States has overthrown foreign governments.  Kinzer seeks to explain why these interventions were carried out and what their long-term effects have been. He is also the author of All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror.  It tells how the CIA overthrew Iran's nationalist government in 1953.

Kinzer spent more than 20 years working for the New York Times, most of it as a foreign correspondent. His foreign postings placed him at the center of historic events and, at times, in the line of fire. While covering world events, he has been shot at, jailed, beaten by police, tear-gassed and bombed from the air.

SECOND HOUR - George and Charlotte review last week's "The Truth Tellers Conference" held in Salt Lake Cityephen Kinzer - Guest's Site

Sepn Kinzer is  award-winning foreign correspondent w




Encore Program of

DEC. 18, 2010 - George and Charlotte welcome Satyajit Das  a former trader who worked for CitiGroup and Merrill Lynch as well as a corporate Treasurer. A global authority on and author of several key reference works on derivatives and risk management, he is the also author of Traders, Guns & Money: Knowns and Unknowns in the Dazzling World of Derivatives – Revised Edition (2006 and 2010, FT-Prentice Hall), an insider's account of the financial products business filled with black humour and satire, described by the Financial Times, London as "fascinating reading … explaining not only the high-minded theory behind the business and its various products but the sometimes sordid reality of the industry". In the 2006 book and in subsequent public speeches and articles published before the crisis, he pointed out the dangers of derivatives and financial products and the risk they constituted to the financial system. During the current financial crisis, Das has continued to provide insightful and thoughtful commentary on the evolution of markets.  




"The Delusion Hides The Delusion"  - george butler

Maybe David McRaney's book entitled "You Are Not So Smart" explains the reason why people don't get it or understand that 911 was an Inside Job - people are unaware of how unaware they are.


HOUR 1    HOUR 2

Encore Program of

NOV. 19, 2011 - FIRST AND SECOND HOUR - George and Charlotte welcome David McRaney author of  "You Are Not So Smart" - I David McRaney am a journalist who loves psychology, technology and the internet.Before going to college, I tried waiting tables, working construction, selling leather coats, building and installing electrical control panels, and owning pet stores. As a journalist, I cut my teeth covering Hurricane Katrina on the Gulf Coast and in the Pine Belt for several newspapers. Since then I’ve been a beat reporter, an editor, a photographer and everything in between. I work in new media for a broadcast television company where I also produced a television show focusing on the music of the Deep South. I started this blog because I missed writing and love the topic. I never expected it would become so popular or result in a book. I thank all the people who come here daily and share my stuff. This is so much fun.

"From the greatest scientist to the most humble artisan, every brain within every body is infested with preconceived notions and patterns of thought that lead it astray without the brain knowing it. So you are in good company. No matter who your idols and mentors are, they too are prone to spurious speculation.” ~

The central theme here is that you are unaware of how unaware you are. There is branch of psychology and an old and growing body of research with findings that suggest you have little idea why you act or think the way you do. Despite this, you create narratives to explain your own feelings, thoughts and behaviors, and these narratives become the story of your life...David McRaney



HOUR 1    HOUR 2

Encore program of AUGUST 2, 2008 -  A CRIME HAS BEEN COMMITTED "AN ENORMOUS CRIME" - seven past American governments have failed to bring our veterans home, Bill Hendon's book "An Enormous Crime" exposes the scandalous betrayal by successive governments including John McCain and John Kerry in 1992 in turning their backs on veterans left behind as POWs in Vietnam. George welcomes author Bill Hendon.

William Martin Hendon

Born 9 November 1944 in Asheville, North Carolina.

Attended Asheville public schools. Graduated Lee Edwards (now Asheville) High School 1962.

B.S., M.S. in Business Administration, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Thesis: An Analysis of the Businessman’s Demand for Commercial Airline Services [A semantic differential analysis].

Graduate Teaching Assistant and later fulltime Instructor, Department of Marketing and Transportation, College of Business Administration, UT-K.

No military service. College deferment 1962-1966; medical deferment 1967.

Returned to Asheville from Knoxville in 1969. Worked in family business and, following death of father, as Manager of a West German-based manufacturing plant in the Asheville area.

Active in church, civic and political affairs. Episcopalian. Republican.

Chairman, 11th District Republican Party, 1979-1980.

Elected to U.S. House of Representatives 1980. First Republican to represent Western North Carolina’s 11th District in the U.S. House in 52 years.

Served during 97th Congress as member of House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs and as ex-officio member of the House Task Force on POWs and MIAs. Made six secret, official trips to Laos during 1981 and 1982.

Narrowly defeated in 1982 mid-term election.

Served as Consultant on POW/MIA Affairs with an office in the Pentagon, January-June 1983.

Reelected to House seat in 1984.

Served during 99th Congress on Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, Committee on Veterans Affairs and as ex-officio member of the House Task Force on POWs and MIAs. Traveled to Hanoi as member of congressional delegation in February 1986.

Narrowly defeated in 1986 mid-term election. Announced he would not seek another term as Congressman.

Served as fellow at the American Defense Institute, a pro-defense Washington think tank during 1987 and from late 1987-1991 as Chairman of the non-profit POW Publicity Fund. Traveled extensively to Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines and Hong Kong to publicize a $2.5 million reward the Fund offers for the safe return of an American POW from the Vietnam War. (See

Served from fall 1991- June 1992 as Intelligence Investigator assigned (fulltime) to the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs from the office of Sen. Robert Smith, (R-NH), Committee Vice-Chairman.

Traveled extensively throughout northern Vietnam from 1993-June 1995 inspecting or attempting to inspect numerous prisons and/or locations where postwar U.S. intelligence indicated American POWs were being detained after Operation Homecoming. Protested publicly in Hanoi in early June 1995 when Vietnamese authorities barred him from inspecting several prisons where large numbers of American POWs had reportedly been held long after Operation Homecoming. Vietnamese officials responded by declaring Hendon persona non grata and ordering him deported.

From September 1981, when he first traveled to Laos, until June 1995, when he was deported from Vietnam, Hendon traveled to South and Southeast Asia and other locations in the Far East some 33 times in an effort to help determine the fate of the approximately 2,500 Americans who remained unaccounted for at war’s end. He is considered one of the free world’s foremost authorities on the postwar Vietnamese and Lao prison systems and the postwar intelligence telling of American servicemen detained in those prisons. He has appeared on CBS’s 60 Minutes, ABC’s 20/20, Dateline NBC, ABC’s Good Morning America, the NBC Today Show, Saturday Today, CNN’s Larry King Live and on a number of network news and talk shows.

Hendon and co-author Elizabeth Stewart, whose father is Missing in Action in North Vietnam, began writing a history of the POW issue, An Enormous Crime, soon after Hendon’s forced return from Vietnam in June 1995. The book is based on now-declassified postwar intelligence and now-declassified official U.S. records chronicling how seven presidential administrations; a House investigatory committee (in 1975-76); a presidential investigatory commission (in 1977) and a Senate investigatory committee (in 1991-93) dealt with what President Ronald Reagan so correctly called this “sorest wound” of the Vietnam War. An Enormous Crime is published by Thomas Dunne Books, a division of St. Martin’s Press. - Spring 2007



HOUR 1    HOUR 2


JULY 12, 2008 - FIRST HOUR - George welcomes Texe Marrs author of his latest book "Mysterious Monuments: Encyclopedia of Secret Illuminati Designs, Masonic Architecture, and Occult Places" check out his Power of Prophecy site.

Well-known author of three #1 national Christian bestsellers, including the landmark bestselling book, Dark Secrets of the New Age, Texe Marrs has also written over 40 other books for such major publishers as Simon & Schuster, John Wiley, Prentice Hall/Arco, Stein & Day, and Dow Jones-Irwin. His books have sold over two million copies and have been published in many foreign languages, including Turkey, Greece, Romania, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. His books have been featured as main selections of the Christian Book Club, the Conservative Book Club, and the Computer and Electronics Book Clubs.

Texe Marrs was assistant professor of aerospace studies, teaching American Defense Policy, strategic weapons systems, and related subjects at the University of Texas at Austin from 1977 to 1982. He has also taught international affairs, political science, and psychology for two other universities. A graduate Summa Cum Laude from Park University, Kansas City, Missouri, he earned his Master’s degree at North Carolina State University.

As a career USAF officer (now retired), he commanded communications-electronics and engineering units. He holds a number of military decorations, including the Vietnam Service Medal and the Presidential Unit Citation., and served in Germany, Italy, and throughout Asia. He was chosen Airman of the Year while serving in Korat Air Base, Thailand.

President of Power of Prophecy Ministries and RiverCrest Publishing in Austin, Texas, Texe Marrs is a  frequent guest on radio and TV talk shows throughout the U.S.A. and Canada in response to the public’s search for greater insight into Bible prophecy, secret societies, politics, and world affairs. His reference book, New Age Cults and Religions, is the classic guide exposing New Age occult groups while his bestselling books, Circle of Intrigue, Project L. U. C.I.D., and Days of Hunger, Days of Chaos, explain world events and the drive by conspiratorial forces for a New World Order. His latest book is the highly acclaimed Codex Magica.

In addition to his many books, Texe Marrs has produced over 20 bestselling video documentaries. Texe Marrs’ monthly newsletter is distributed to tens of thousands of subscribers around the world. His radio program, Power of Prophecy, is beamed to over 125 nations around the globe.

Texe Marrs and his wife, Wanda, live in Spicewood, Texas, overlooking beautiful Lake Travis, with their dog, Miss Daisy. Texe and Wanda have four grandchildren. 

SECOND HOUR - George welcomes John McManus President of  The John Birch Society - John F. McManus was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1935. At graduation from Holy Cross College in Worcester, Massachusetts, he received a bachelor's degree in physics and a commission in the United States Marine Corps. After serving three years of active duty, he entered the field of electronics engineering, where he won an award from the U.S. Air Force for designing a component used in fighter aircraft. Jack left the engineering field in 1966 to accept a full-time position with our organization. Working closely with Founder Who is Robert Welch for many years, he was named the Society's Public Relations Director and its official spokesman. In 1991, he was appointed President.


It fell upon Robert Welch to rescue the memory of this selfless Christian patriot from the shameful oblivion to which it had been assigned. In December 1958, Welch named the new organization he created the John Birch Society to preserve the memory of this patriotic exemplar. Wrote Mr. Welch, "If we rediscover some of our sounder spiritual values in the example of his life ... and learn essential truths about our enemy from the lesson of his murder, then his death at twenty-six ceases to be a tragedy."

In addition to being President of The John Birch Society he has authored several books and numerous articles, Jack has represented the Society in hundreds of media appearances, spoken from JBS platforms in all 50 states, and written and produced several JBS films and videos. With his wife, Mary, Jack resides in Wakefield, Massachusetts.


 MAY 18, 2013 - ENCORE PRESENTATION - 7-9 pm CDT - HOUR 1    HOUR 2

Part One : What is the Hegelian Dialectic?

Part Two : The Historical Evolution of
Communitarian Thinking
niki f. raapana and nortica m. friedrich

This program was broadcast Jan. 24, 2009 - George and Charlotte welcome Niki Raapana - a fifty-one year old first-generation Alaskan grandmother, co-founder of the online research project known as the Anti-Communitarian League, author of 2020.  

Writing background
From 1982 to 1985 I was university trained in traditional investigative journalism; my studies were directed towards writing for mainstream news publications. After an intensive independent study where I wrote and produced a video documentary detailing economic policy in Central America (before anything came out about the Ollie North/Contra/Iran-Drugs-for-Arms scandal) I realized how much of what I found was a lie. Uncomfortable with the reality of my future prospects, I left school, had a baby, and never applied for work in my field. I worked in the restaurant/bar business for most of my adult life.  Until I began researching the changing property laws and the National ID database pilot tests in Seattle, Wa in 1999, the only thing I'd published since college was a waiter's training book and program.

Current Involvements
Recently I've shifted my focus to being a proponent of what I understand to be the National System of Political Economy. I believe the strength of the American Union of Free and Independent States was in the way our founders acted out the new American principles for individual freedom. It was fascinating to learn they were never influenced by Marx or Hegel. I wondered at their reasons for staying out of foreign banking and entanglements, and I still don't know why they decided to establish a national bank or what motivated them to coin their own money. I only know it's what they implemented and it was a huge success. As an average Jane, I figure all I need to "get" is that our brilliant founders thought it was essential to build up the infrastructure necessary to get small producer's goods to market, and they agreed on why it was necessary to establish federal tariffs. Free trade was always an imperialist policy for controlling world markets. The naive American in me simply likes the fact that the established government's original "job" was to protect our local, cottage industry and agriculture against cheap foreign (Imperial-UK) imports. 

While I'm still actively studying and writing a new series about Hegel and Etzioni, my goal expanded from exposing the communitarians to physically acting upon the knowledge I've gained after years of studying their documents. This is a great improvement on my general lifestyle and outlook, and a wonderful opportunity to see if the original American economic "theory" works. It's been very interesting doing this kind of "marketing" research. What a challenge it is to build an online shopping mall and to think of innovative ways that may provide an infrastructure for cottage industrialists and agriculturalists to get their goods online.



HOUR 1    HOUR 2


FIRST HOUR  - 7:15 - 8 pm CDT - George and Charlotte welcome Greg Palast  - he's author of "Vultures' Picnic: In Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates and High-Finance Carnivores" - and his latest book Billionaires & Ballot Bandits – Greg Palast reports on and Investigates the Election Games 

Palast is best known as the investigative reported who uncovered how Katherine Harris purged thousands of African-Americans from Florida voters rolls in the 2000 Presidential Election.

Author of the New York Times and international bestsellers, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy and Armed Madhouse, Palast is Patron of the Trinity College Philosophical Society, an honor previously held by Jonathan Swift and Oscar Wilde.


"A cross between Sam Spade and Sherlock Holmes" (Jim Hightower, The Nation), Greg Palast turned his skills to journalism after two decades as a top investigator of corporate fraud and racketeering. Palast's reports appear on BBC's Newsnight and in Britain's Guardian, Rolling Stone and Harper's.

Palast directed the US' government's largest racketeering case in history (that garnered a $4.3 billion jury award) and the investigation of the Exxon Valdez.

Palast is recipient of the George Orwell Courage in Journalism Prize for his BBC television documentary, Bush Family Fortunes


In 2008, our voter guide/comic book Steal Back Your Vote written by Greg Palast and Bobby Kennedy reached over half a million voters. And we’re going to do it again in our new ballot-protection weapon:

Billionaires & Ballot Bandits – Election Games 2012 – The Comic Book and voter guide.

This time, investigative reporter Greg Palast, who busted the story of the purge of Black voters in Florida in 2000, has teamed

with genius comic pen-man Ted Rall and the crew of the Palast Investigative Fund to produce a kick-butt-and-take-down-names

In 2008, Steal Back Your Vote was distributed to thousands of at-risk voters in cooperation with Operation Rainbow/PUSH, Rock the Vote, VotoLatino, the Congressional Black Caucus and 150 other non-partisan and comic book with working subtitle: Election Games 2012:  Played by Karl Rove, the Koch Gang and their


ENCORE PRESENTATION FROM THE PAST FIRST BROADCAST ON DEC. 15, 2012 - SECOND HOUR  - 8-9 PM CST - SPECIAL REPORT ON CONNECTICUT SHOOTING: George and Charlotte welcome John R. Lott Jr. - Author of  "More Guns Less Crime"  Blog


John Lott


"Third Edition"

Gender Male
Industry Education
Occupation Academic
Location Virginia, United States
Introduction Amazed how lucky I am that I have had jobs where I could just think about whatever I wanted to think about. I have published over 90 articles in academic journals. I received my Ph.D. in economics from UCLA in 1984.
Interests Economics, law, crime, public choice, education, writing
Favorite Movies Grosse Pointe Blank, Casablanca, Groundhog Day, Harry Brown, Rudy, High Noon, The Godfather, The Graduate, Shakespeare in Love, Braveheart, Hoosiers
Favorite Music Classic Rock, Country, Creed, Steely Dan (Ricki Don't Lose that Number), John Waite (Missing You), Harry Chapin, Eric Clapton, Johnny Cash, Joe Nichols, Tom T. Hall, James Blunt, Gordon Lightfoot
Favorite Books Economic Forces at Work, Hidden Order: The Economics of Everyday Life, Free to Choose, The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, Lord of the Rings, Atlas Shrugged, . . .


MAY 4, 2013 - ENCORE PRESENTATION - 7-9 pm CDT - HOUR 1    HOUR 2


George and Charlotte welcome Jim Marrs author of the following books:

A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Marrs earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from the University of North Texas in 1966 and attended Graduate School at Texas Tech in Lubbock. He has worked for several Texas newspapers, including the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, where, beginning in 1968, he served as police reporter and general assignments reporter covering stories locally, in Europe, and in the Middle East. After a leave of absence to serve with a Fourth Army intelligence unit during the Vietnam War, he became military and aerospace writer for the newspaper and an investigative reporter.

Since 1980, Marrs has been a free-lance writer, author, and public relations consultant. He has also published a rural weekly newspaper along with a monthly tourism tabloid, a cable television show, and several videos.

since 1976, Marrs has taught a course on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy at the University of Texas at Arlington. In 1989, his book, Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy, was published and reached the New York Times Paperback Non-Fiction Best Seller list in mid-February 1992. It became a basis for the Oliver Stone film JFK. Marrs served as a chief consultant for both the film’s screenplay and production.

Beginning in 1992, Marrs spent three years researching and completing a non-fiction book on a top-secret government program involving the psychic phenomenon known as remote viewing, only to have it canceled as it was going to press in the summer of 1995. Within two months, the story of military-developed remote viewing broke nationally in the Washington Post after the CIA revealed the program.

In May 1997, Marrs’ investigation of UFOs, Alien Agenda, was published by HarperCollins Publishers. Publishers Weekly described Alien Agenda as "the most entertaining and complete overview of flying saucers and their crew in years". The paperback edition was released in mid-1998. It has been translated into several foreign languages and become the top-selling UFO book in the world.

In early 2000, HarperCollins published Rule by Secrecy, which claimed to trace a hidden history connecting modern secret societies to ancient and medieval times. This book also reached the New York Times Best Seller list. In 2003, his book The War on Freedom probed the alleged conspiracies of the 9/11 attacks and their aftermath. It was released in 2006 under the title The Terror Conspiracy.

Marrs has been a featured speaker at a number of national conferences including the annual International UFO Congress and the annual Gulf Breeze UFO Conference, but he also speaks at local conferences, such as Conspiracy Con and The Bay Area UFO Expo. Beginning in 2000, he began teaching a course on UFOs at the University of Texas at Arlington.

Marrs has appeared on ABC, Alex Jones Show, NBC, CBS, CNN, C-SPAN, The Discovery Channel, TLC, The History Channel, This Morning America, Geraldo, The Montel Williams Show, Today, TechTV, Larry King (with George Noory), and Art Bell radio programs, as well as numerous national and regional radio and TV shows.



APRIL 27, 2013 - ENCORE PRESENTATION - 7-9 pm CDT - HOUR 1    HOUR 2



George welcomes Robert Paxton author of "The Anatomy of Fascism" From the author of Vichy France, a fascinating, authoritative history of fascism in all its manifestations, and how and why it took hold in certain countries and not in others. excerpts follow from the book

P. 41.... fascism is more plausibly linked to a set of "mobilizing passions" that shape fascist action than to a consistent and fully articulated philosophy. At bottom is a passionate nationalism. Allied to it is a conspiratorial and Manichean view of history as a battle between the good and evil camps, between the pure and the corrupt, in which one's own community or nation has been the victim. In this Darwinian narrative, the chosen people have been weakened by political parties, social classes, inassimilable minorities, spoiled rentiers, and rationalist thinkers who lack the necessary sense of community. These "mobilizing passions," mostly taken for granted and not always overtly argued as intellectual propositions, form the emotional lava that set fascism's foundations

P. 201...The language and symbols of an authentic American fascism would, of course, have little to do with the original European models. They would have to be as familiar and reassuring to loyal Americans as the language and symbols of the original fascisms were familiar and reassuring to many Italians and Germans, as Orwell suggested. Hitler and Mussolini, after all, had not tried to seem exotic to their fellow citizens. No swastikas in an American fascism, but Stars and Stripes (or Stars and Bars) and Christian crosses. No fascist salute, but mass recitations of the pledge of allegiance. These symbols contain no whiff of fascism in themselves, of course, but an American fascism would transform them into obligatory litmus tests for detecting the internal enemy.

P. 201...Around such reassuring language and symbols and in the event of some redoubtable setback to national prestige, Americans might support an enterprise of forcible national regeneration, unification, and purification. Its targets would be the First Amendment, separation of Church and State (creches on the lawns, prayers in schools), efforts to place controls on gun ownership, desecrations of the flag, unassimilated minorities, artistic license, dissident and unusual behavior of all sorts that could be labeled antinational or decadent

P. 220......Giving up free institutions," especially the freedoms of unpopular groups, is recurrently attractive to citizens of Western democracies, including some Americans. We know from tracing its path that fascism does not require a spectacular "march" on some capital to take root; seemingly anodyne decisions to tolerate lawless treatment of national "enemies" is enough

SECOND HOUR - Tod Fletcher sitting in for David Ray Griffin author of "Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee's Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory"

David Ray's web site

David Ray Griffin is Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Theology, Emeritus, Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, California, where he remains a co-director of the Center for Process Studies.

He has published (as author or editor) 34 books, primarily in theology, philosophy, and philosophy of religion, with special emphases on the problem of evil and the relation between science and religion.

Ten of his books deal with 9/11: The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 (2004), The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions (2005), Christian Faith and the Truth about 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action (2006), 9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out (2006, co-edited with Peter Dale Scott), Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory (2007),  9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the PressThe New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, the Cover-Up, and the Exposé (2008), Osama bin Laden: Dead or Alive? (2009), The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report about 9/11 is Unscientific and False (2010), and Cognitive Infiltration: an Obama Appointee's Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory (2010).

Tod Fletcher has assisted David Ray Griffin in the writing of eight books on 9/11 (from The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions to Cognitive Infiltration).  He is a co-producer of "Guns and Butter," a weekly radio program on KPFA-FM in Berkeley, CA, which has aired many ground-breaking shows on the truth of 9/11 since October, 2001.  He also helps get vital information to the public at  He has written and given interviews on 9/11 truth since January, 2002.  He blogs at



APRIL 20, 2013 - ENCORE PRESENTATION - 7-9 pm CDT - HOUR 1    HOUR 2

ENCORE PRESENTATION FROM THE PAST - JUNE 7, 2008 - George welcomes Dr. Colin Ross founder of The Colin A. Ross Institute.
Dr. Colin A, RossDr. Ross is an internationally renowned clinician, researcher, author and lecturer in the field of dissociation and trauma-related disorders. He is the founder and President of the Colin A. Ross Institute for Psychological Trauma.

Dr. Ross obtained his M.D. from the University of Alberta in 1981 and completed his training in psychiatry at the University of Manitoba in 1985. He has been running a hospital-based Trauma Program in Dallas, Texas since 1991.

Dr. Ross' book, The Trauma Model: A Solution To the Problem of Comorbidity in Psychiatry, was first published in 2000, with a second edition appearing in 2007. Other recent books of his include Schizophrenia: Innovations in Diagnosis and Treatment (2004), The C.I.A. Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists (2006) and Moon Shadows: Stories of Trauma & Recovery (2007).

In addition, Dr. Ross has authored over 130 professional papers, has reviewed for numerous professional journals and grant agencies and is a past President of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation. He has appeared in a number of television documentaries and has published essays, aphorisms, poetry, and fiction. He has collections of essays, short stories, photographs and screen plays in preparation for publication.


(Note in 2009 over 4 years ago  we were uncovering the Agenda 21 Program by exposing The Communitarian Movement)

APRIL 13, 2013 - ENCORE PRESENTATION - 7-9 pm CDT - HOUR 1    HOUR 2

Part One : What is the Hegelian Dialectic?

Part Two : The Historical Evolution of
Communitarian Thinking
niki f. raapana and nortica m. friedrich

This program was broadcast Jan. 24, 2009 - George and Charlotte welcome Niki Raapana - a fifty-one year old first-generation Alaskan grandmother, co-founder of the online research project known as the Anti-Communitarian League, author of 2020.  

Writing background
From 1982 to 1985 I was university trained in traditional investigative journalism; my studies were directed towards writing for mainstream news publications. After an intensive independent study where I wrote and produced a video documentary detailing economic policy in Central America (before anything came out about the Ollie North/Contra/Iran-Drugs-for-Arms scandal) I realized how much of what I found was a lie. Uncomfortable with the reality of my future prospects, I left school, had a baby, and never applied for work in my field. I worked in the restaurant/bar business for most of my adult life.  Until I began researching the changing property laws and the National ID database pilot tests in Seattle, Wa in 1999, the only thing I'd published since college was a waiter's training book and program.

Current Involvements
Recently I've shifted my focus to being a proponent of what I understand to be the National System of Political Economy. I believe the strength of the American Union of Free and Independent States was in the way our founders acted out the new American principles for individual freedom. It was fascinating to learn they were never influenced by Marx or Hegel. I wondered at their reasons for staying out of foreign banking and entanglements, and I still don't know why they decided to establish a national bank or what motivated them to coin their own money. I only know it's what they implemented and it was a huge success. As an average Jane, I figure all I need to "get" is that our brilliant founders thought it was essential to build up the infrastructure necessary to get small producer's goods to market, and they agreed on why it was necessary to establish federal tariffs. Free trade was always an imperialist policy for controlling world markets. The naive American in me simply likes the fact that the established government's original "job" was to protect our local, cottage industry and agriculture against cheap foreign (Imperial-UK) imports. 

While I'm still actively studying and writing a new series about Hegel and Etzioni, my goal expanded from exposing the communitarians to physically acting upon the knowledge I've gained after years of studying their documents. This is a great improvement on my general lifestyle and outlook, and a wonderful opportunity to see if the original American economic "theory" works. It's been very interesting doing this kind of "marketing" research. What a challenge it is to build an online shopping mall and to think of innovative ways that may provide an infrastructure for cottage industrialists and agriculturalists to get their goods online.




We welcome Wayne Madsen Report  - Site  - - The investgative journalism motto: "COMFORT THE AFFLICTED AND AFFLICT THE COMFORTABLE " - In the tradition of Drew Pearson's and Jack Anderson's famous "Washington Merry-Go-Round" syndicated column and I.F. Stone, this online publication tackles the "politically incorrect" and "politically embarrassing" stories and holds government officials accountable for their actions. This web site extends a warm open invitation to whistleblowers and leakers. Business as usual for the crooks and liars in Washington, DC, is over.

Wayne Madsen, Editor
May 27, 2005

Wayne Madsen Biography:

Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist, author and syndicated columnist. He has written for The Village Voice, The Progressive, Counterpunch, Online Journal, CorpWatch, Multinational Monitor, News Insider, In These Times, and The American Conservative. His columns have appeared in The Miami Herald, Houston Chronicle, Philadelphia Inquirer, Columbus Dispatch, Sacramento Bee, and Atlanta Journal-Constitution, among others.

 Madsen is the author of The Handbook of Personal Data Protection (London: Macmillan, 1992), an acclaimed reference book on international data protection law; Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa 1993-1999 (Edwin Mellen Press, 1999); co-author of America's Nightmare: The Presidency of George Bush II (Dandelion, 2003); author of Jaded Tasks: Big Oil, Black Ops & Brass Plates and Overthrow a Fascist Regime on $15 a Day.

Madsen is a regular contributor on Russia Today. He has been a frequent political and national security commentator on Fox News and has also appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, and MS-NBC. Madsen has taken on Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity on their television shows.  He has been invited to testifty as a witness before the US House of Representatives, the UN Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and an terrorism investigation panel of the French government.

Madsen has some twenty years experience in security issues. As a U.S. Naval Officer, he managed one of the first computer security programs for the U.S. Navy. He subsequently worked for the National Security Agency, the Naval Data Automation Command, Department of State, RCA Corporation, and Computer Sciences Corporation. Madsen was a Senior Fellow for the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), a privacy public advocacy organization.

Madsen is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) and the National Press Club.

MARCH 30, 2013 - Now encore presentations from the past 

Dr. Peter Glidden HOUR 1

Sheriff Richard Mack  HOUR 2


FEB. 23 - MARCH 23, 2013 - We are in the process of remaking the program into a Saturday Edition  and a Sunday Edition

We hope you enjoy last week's rebroadcast - Listen to Last Program   HOUR 1    HOUR 2



FEB. 16, 2013 - FIRST HOUR 7:15-8 PM CDT - We welcome Jim Marrs author of his latest book entitled "Our Occulted History: Do The Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens?"

We are not alone.

And we never have been . . .

For years we've been taught that human progress has been a long, slow climb from the primordial ooze to hunter-gatherers to empires. But what if that's only part of the story?

Bestselling author and legendary conspiracy researcher Jim Marrs, who has investigated the recent financial crisis, the JFK assassination, and the national socialist takeover of America, now takes on his biggest subject: the history of mankind. Offering mind-blowing information that will radically alter the way we think about the world and our place in it, Marrs goes beyond the revelations of his classic Alien Agenda, interweaving science and authentic archaeological finds with provocative speculation to show how human civilization may have originated with nonhumans who visited earth eons ago . . . and may still be here today.

Our Occulted History overturns conventional knowledge and beliefs, presenting compelling evidence that the earth once hosted prehistoric civilizations using technologies that very well may have surpassed our own. Sound unbelievable? Just a few hundred years ago, so was the concept that the earth revolved around the sun.

Marrs sifts through the historical, scientific, and cultural record, showing how numerous ancient texts and tablets tell of visitors from the stars colonizing the earth. From the flying vimanas of the Hindu Vedic literature and the flying shields reported by the Romans to the mysterious airships of the 1800s and the UFOs of today, he argues that someone other than us is still present on this planet. But are these visitors simply observers—or do they play a much more active and controlling role? Jim Marrs raises this shocking question and more in the provocative and persuasive Our Occulted History.


Jim Marrs
ALIEN AGENDA - research sources
RULE BY SECRECY - research sources
Joseph P. Farrell
Zecharia Sitchin
Whitley Strieber

SECOND HOUR - 8-9 pm CST  - We welcome David Barrow

George and Charlotte welcome David Barrow III. Cinematographer, Sound Production Engineer, Photographer and "Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner”. The Focus tonight will be on NLP with other related subjects also discussed such as The National Training Laboratories, The Tavistock Institute, Humanistic Psychology and related subjects. 

David Barrow Productions has been serving the Austin and Central Texas area since 1988 with a variety of audio and visual production services, including live and studio engineering, sound system rentals, audio equipment rentals, remote digital recording of live events and audio consulting. We also offer web and graphic design services.

David Barrow Productions was started by David Barrow in 1988 for the purpose of providing live sound reinforcement for a popular local cover band, The Bizness. Since then David has steadily expanded both the equipment inventory and scope of the business to include a whole range of services supporting local bands, live musical and multimedia performances, clubs, area festivals, seminars, sports events, church events, etc.

In the last few years David Barrow Productions has expanded into the areas of web design, graphics design, digital photography and video. Any new technologies and techniques that can enhance or add to the services we offer are continuously being explored.

David's Web Site




FIRST HOUR: FEB. 9, 2013 - 7-8 PM CST - We welcome John Loftus author of “America’s Nazi Secret”

America's Nazi Secret By John Loftus
An Insider's History of How the United States Department of Justice Obstructed Congress by: Blocking Congressional Investigations into Famous American Families Who Funded Hitler, Stalin and Arab Terrorists; Lying to Congress, the GAO, and the CIA about the Postwar Immigration of Eastern European Nazi War Criminals to the US; and Concealing from the 9/11 Investigators the Role of the Arab Nazi War Criminals in Recruiting Modern Middle Eastern Terrorist Groups.

Fully revised and expanded, this stirring account reveals how the U.S. government permitted the illegal entry of Nazis into North America in the years following World War II. This extraordinary investigation exposes the secret section of the State Department that began, starting in 1948 and unbeknownst to Congress and the public until recently, to hire members of the puppet wartime government of Byelorussia—a region of the Soviet Union occupied by Nazi Germany. A former Justice Department investigator uncovered this stunning story in the files of several government agencies, and it is now available with a chapter previously banned from release by authorities and a foreword and afterword with recently declassified materials.

John Loftus is a former U.S. government prosecutor, a former Army intelligence officer, and the author of numerous books, including The Belarus Secret; The Secret War Against the Jews; Unholy Trinity: How the Vatican's Nazi Networks Betrayed Western Intelligence to the Soviets; and Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, the Nazis, and the Swiss Banks. He has appeared regularly as a media commentator on ABC National Radio and Fox News. He lives in St. Petersburg, Florida.


SECOND HOUR 8-9 pm CST - We welcome Carolyn Barnes Attorney - Crazy-Free Help Site - she will tell us her story - this site was a the Free Carolyn Barnes Web Site before she was released

Political abuse of psychiatry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Crimes against humanity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Political abuse of psychiatry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Political abuse of psychiatry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Nazi psychiatric abuse - Search results - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Nazi psychiatric abuse - Search results - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Protest Psychosis: How Schizophrenia Became a Black Disease - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



FEB. 2, 2013 - 7-8 PM CST - We welcome Dr. Ken O'Neal - Bio - we will be discussing Dr. O'Neal's Professional Career


SECOND HOUR: We welcome Dr. Bart Billings - discussing this recent report - Suicide Data Report, 2012 - Dr. Billings is well known for the annual - 20th Annual International Military & Civilian Combat Stress Conference




Dr. Bart P. Billings has been active in the fields of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Military Medical and Mental Health Services, Psychology, Management, Program Development, Counseling, and Vocational Assessment for the past 44 years.  He has also been involved in the entertainment and manufacturing business.

He has obtained his Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Psychology and Rehabilitation Psychology from the University of Scranton, Pennsylvania, and his Ph.D. in Psychology, with additional graduate work in the fields of Research and Program Development, from Saybrook University in San Francisco, California.

Dr. Billings has given lectures throughout the country for universities, private organizations, national conferences and the military on such topics as Combat Stress, Reality Therapy, Choice Theory Psychology, Vibroacoustic Disease, Skill Development, Psychology of Disability, Management Theory, Stress and Burn-out, Violence in The Work Place, Rapid Response Human Service Programs, Health and Nutrition with the focus on “The Psychology of Eating, How we Choose to Eat”(title of his upcoming book). He actually owns his own restaurant in La Costa California, where he developed a separate Light and Healthy Menu in addition to the regular menu. He has appeared numerous times on radio and television discussing the various above-mentioned topics. He recently was a guest on ABC’s Night Line and US News And World Report.

Dr Billings was invited to give testimony at Congressional and State Legislative hearings on the need for better Mental Health Treatment Programs for military personnel and their families. These hearings resulted in the awarding of a multi million dollar Department Of Defense grant for national research on how to improve treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injuries. His written Congressional Hearing testimony of Feb. 24, 2010 on the relationship between psychiatric medication and increased suicides in the military (available on Google under his name, Bart P Billings, Ph.D.). He is responsible for initiating the Congressional hearings on Feb. 24, 2010. He served on The Palomar College Education for Heroes Fund board and has served on the California Governors Advisory Board at Patton State Hospital.





JAN. 26, 2013 - 7-8 PM  CST - We welcome Kent Bain author of "The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 911 as Mass Ritual" -  Trine Day Publishing


S.K. Bain is the former art director of the Weekly Standard magazine, where heThe Most Dangerous Book in the World worked with William Kristol, Fred Barnes, David Brooks, Tucker Carlson and others for over five years. During part of that time, the Project for the New American Century shared offices with the publication, and next door was the Philanthropy Roundtable, where Bain also art directed for Philanthropy magazine. The Roundtable at that point was under the leadership of John P. Walters, who went on to become President George W. Bush’s Drug Czar. In the mid-nineties, Bain was art director for the Oxford American magazine when it was published by John Grisham and located in Oxford, MS. In 2009, Bain helped author portions of U.S. Public Law 111-11.



SECOND HOUR - Discussion of The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland 

The State of the World - Kissinger -

Axel A. Weber
Chairman of the Board of Directors, UBS, Switzerland -

982, graduate in Economics, University of Konstanz. 1982-88, Research Assistant, Monetary Economics..




JAN. 19, 2013 - 7-7:15 PM  CST - We update you on Utopia Silver

7:15-8 PM CST - We welcome Steven Pedigo CEO of  OSEI - Oil Spill Eater International, Corp. - Article

Oil Spill Eater II (OSE II) is the world’s most environmentally safe and cost effective bioremediation process for the mitigation of hazardous waste, spills and contamination virtually anywhere of any size, large or small.

OSE II is an environmentally safe cleanup method because it uses natures own bioremediation processes to effectively eliminate hazardous materials.

OSE II is listed on the US Environmental Protection Agency’s National Contingency Plan for Oil Spills (NCP).

OSE II is not a bacteria (bug), fertilizer or dispersant product.

OSE II is a biological enzyme that converts the waste into a natural food source for the enhanced native bacteria found in the environment. The end result of this process is CO2 and water.

OSE II will reduce your cleanup costs and permanently eliminate the hazardous waste problem in place, with no secondary cleanup required.

Since 1989, OSE II has safely remeadiated numerous types of hazardous materials on the ground, in the ground and in the water



8-9 pm CST - We welcome Deborah Dupre author of  "Vampire of Macondo"

Deborah Dupre

New Orleans native Deborah Dupré reports censored human rights news stories. With Science and Ed. Specialist Grad Degrees from U.S. and Australian universities, Dupré’s been a human and Earth rights advocate over 30 years in those countries and Vanuatu. Her unique humanitarian-based research and development work, including in some of the world’s least developed and most remote areas, led her to write articles appearing in dozens of popular print and Internet media internationally.


Visit her column at Examiner:


JIM HIGHTOWER, Political Commentator, Progressive Activist, Humorist: "Deborah Dupré’s personal encounters with graceful southern http://nord.twu life and petrochemical-military-industrl thugs will transform your perspective on our addiction to fossil fuel. This book is empowering!"

ROSALIND PETERSON, Agriculture Defense Coalition, "Weaves the Gulf Oil operation technicalities with residents’ struggle for a voice about the censored human health, marine life, and seafood catastrophe worsening daily."

MICHAEL RIVERO, 'What Really Happened,' Peace Activist and Talk Show Host: "Brings the epic tragedy of the Deepwater Horizon disaster down to the human level."

HUGH KAUFMAN, senior engineer (whistleblower), former chief investigator for EPA Ombudsman’s office, EPAs multibillion $ hazardous site cleanup program author: "Excellent chronicle of one of the saddest and most tragic environmental abuses in USA history."


JAN. 12, 2013 - 7-7:15 - We update you on Utopia Silver


7:15-8 PM CST - We welcome Dr. James Tracy is an Associate Professor of Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University.

The producers of CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 have invited me to appear on tonight’s broadcast to discuss this week’s controversy surrounding my articles on the Sandy Hook tragedy. Unfortunately, I am at present unable to accommodate this request. CNN has asked for a written statement from me to present in my absence. This statement, issued to a CNN representative late this afternoon, appears in its entirety below.
Link to January 11, 2013 Anderson Cooper 360 episode.

In my analyses of news coverage on the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting I am confident I have put forth questions befitting any decent and reflective citizen, journalist or scholar. My research has led me to conclude that the nation’s media failed to provide an accurate, in-depth and sustained investigation of what took place at the school on the morning of December 14. Unfortunately, most of my observations and their nuance have been reduced to headlines and sound bites that have placed my person and intent in a severely negative light.

The press is not solely at fault, however. A significant portion of the public has chosen to base its judgment of my queries on narrow preconceptions of what they believe intellectual or academic inquiry should consist of and be directed toward. Such individuals have also been quick to judge me personally based on how I have been framed by such media instead of affording my arguments related to the tragedy a less prejudicial hearing.

I maintain that many questions I raise about the Sandy Hook tragedy remain unanswered and that the American public has been underserved by the press in this important regard. I apologize for any additional anguish and grief my remarks—and how they have been taken out of context and misrepresented—may have caused the families who’ve lost loved ones on December 14. At the same time I believe the most profound memorial we can give the children and educators who lost their lives on that day is to identify and interrogate the specific causes of their tragic and untimely demise.


 His recent article The Sandy Hook School Massacre: Unanswered Questions and Missing Information has gone viral  to discuss the latest in the Sandy Hook School Shooting is Dr. James Tracy - Dr. Tracy's Most recent Timeline Article is below: and Part II of Sandy Hook School Massacre Part II: Continued Ambiguity and Augmented Realities Here - be sure to view videos embedded within the comments at the end of this article.
3 days ago ... At the start of the 2012-13 academic year Sandy Hook Elementary School Principal Dawn Hochsprung announces in a public letter to families ...
Dec 25, 2012 ... While it sounds like an outrageous claim, one is left to inquire whether the Sandy Hook shooting ever took place—at least in the way law ...


Read John Noveske’s last Facebook post - - Big List Psychotropic incidents

This is the last post John Noveske made on his Facebook page before he was killed:

Eric Harris age 17 (first on Zoloft then Luvox) and Dylan Klebold aged 18 (Columbine school shooting in Littleton, Colorado), killed 12 students and 1 teacher, and wounded 23 others, before killing themselves. Klebold’s medical records have never been made available to the public.

Jeff Weise, age 16, had been prescribed 60 mg/day of Prozac (three times the average starting dose for adults!) when he shot his grandfather, his grandfather’s girlfriend and many fellow students at Red Lake, Minnesota. He then shot himself. 10 dead, 12 wounded.

Cory Baadsgaard, age 16, Wahluke (Washington state) High School, was on Paxil (which caused him to have hallucinations) when he took a rifle to his high school and held 23 classmates hostage. He has no memory of the event.

Chris Fetters, age 13, killed his favorite aunt while taking Prozac.

Christopher Pittman, age 12, murdered both his grandparents while taking Zoloft.

Mathew Miller, age 13, hung himself in his bedroom closet after taking Zoloft for 6 days.

Kip Kinkel, age 15, (on Prozac and Ritalin) shot his parents while they slept then went to school and opened fire killing 2 classmates and injuring 22 shortly after beginning Prozac treatment.

Luke Woodham, age 16 (Prozac) killed his mother and then killed two students, wounding six others.

A boy in Pocatello, ID (Zoloft) in 1998 had a Zoloft-induced seizure that caused an armed stand off at his school.

Michael Carneal (Ritalin), age 14, opened fire on students at a high school prayer meeting in West Paducah, Kentucky. Three teenagers were killed, five others were wounded..

A young man in Huntsville, Alabama (Ritalin) went psychotic chopping up his parents with an ax and also killing one sibling and almost murdering another.

Andrew Golden, age 11, (Ritalin) and Mitchell Johnson, aged 14, (Ritalin) shot 15 people, killing four students, one teacher, and wounding 10 others.

TJ Solomon, age 15, (Ritalin) high school student in Conyers, Georgia opened fire on and wounded six of his class mates.

Rod Mathews, age 14, (Ritalin) beat a classmate to death with a bat.

James Wilson, age 19, (various psychiatric drugs) from Breenwood, South Carolina, took a .22 caliber revolver into an elementary school killing two young girls, and wounding seven other children and two teachers.

Elizabeth Bush, age 13, (Paxil) was responsible for a school shooting in Pennsylvania

Jason Hoffman (Effexor and Celexa) – school shooting in El Cajon, California

Jarred Viktor, age 15, (Paxil), after five days on Paxil he stabbed his grandmother 61 times.

Chris Shanahan, age 15 (Paxil) in Rigby, ID who out of the blue killed a woman.

Jeff Franklin (Prozac and Ritalin), Huntsville, AL, killed his parents as they came home from work using a sledge hammer, hatchet, butcher knife and mechanic’s file, then attacked his younger brothers and sister.

Neal Furrow (Prozac) in LA Jewish school shooting reported to have been court-ordered to be on Prozac along with several other medications.

Kevin Rider, age 14, was withdrawing from Prozac when he died from a gunshot wound to his head. Initially it was ruled a suicide, but two years later, the investigation into his death was opened as a possible homicide. The prime suspect, also age 14, had been taking Zoloft and other SSRI antidepressants.

Alex Kim, age 13, hung himself shortly after his Lexapro prescription had been doubled.

Diane Routhier was prescribed Welbutrin for gallstone problems. Six days later, after suffering many adverse effects of the drug, she shot herself.

Billy Willkomm, an accomplished wrestler and a University of Florida student, was prescribed Prozac at the age of 17. His family found him dead of suicide – hanging from a tall ladder at the family’s Gulf Shore Boulevard home in July 2002.

Kara Jaye Anne Fuller-Otter, age 12, was on Paxil when she hung herself from a hook in her closet. Kara’s parents said “…. the damn doctor wouldn’t take her off it and I asked him to when we went in on the second visit. I told him I thought she was having some sort of reaction to Paxil…”)

Gareth Christian, Vancouver, age 18, was on Paxil when he committed suicide in 2002,
(Gareth’s father could not accept his son’s death and killed himself.)

Julie Woodward, age 17, was on Zoloft when she hung herself in her family’s detached garage.

Matthew Miller was 13 when he saw a psychiatrist because he was having difficulty at school. The psychiatrist gave him samples of Zoloft. Seven days later his mother found him dead, hanging by a belt from a laundry hook in his closet.

Kurt Danysh, age 18, and on Prozac, killed his father with a shotgun. He is now behind prison bars, and writes letters, trying to warn the world that SSRI drugs can kill.

Woody ____, age 37, committed suicide while in his 5th week of taking Zoloft. Shortly before his death his physician suggested doubling the dose of the drug. He had seen his physician only for insomnia. He had never been depressed, nor did he have any history of any mental illness symptoms.

A boy from Houston, age 10, shot and killed his father after his Prozac dosage was increased.

Hammad Memon, age 15, shot and killed a fellow middle school student. He had been diagnosed with ADHD and depression and was taking Zoloft and “other drugs for the conditions.”

Matti Saari, a 22-year-old culinary student, shot and killed 9 students and a teacher, and wounded another student, before killing himself. Saari was taking an SSRI and a benzodiazapine.

Steven Kazmierczak, age 27, shot and killed five people and wounded 21 others before killing himself in a Northern Illinois University auditorium. According to his girlfriend, he had recently been taking Prozac, Xanax and Ambien. Toxicology results showed that he still had trace amounts of Xanax in his system.

Finnish gunman Pekka-Eric Auvinen, age 18, had been taking antidepressants before he killed eight people and wounded a dozen more at Jokela High School – then he committed suicide.
Asa Coon from Cleveland, age 14, shot and wounded four before taking his own life. Court records show Coon was on Trazodone.

Jon Romano, age 16, on medication for depression, fired a shotgun at a teacher in his
New York high school.

Missing from list… 3 of 4 known to have taken these same meds….

What drugs was Jared Lee Loughner on, age 21…… killed 6 people and injuring 14 others in Tuscon, Az

What drugs was James Eagan Holmes on, age 24….. killed 12 people and injuring 59 others in Aurora Colorado

What drugs was Jacob Tyler Roberts on, age 22, killed 2 injured 1, Clackamas Or

What drugs was Adam Peter Lanza on, age 20, Killed 26 and wounded 2 in Newtown Ct
Roberts is the only one that I haven’t heard about being on drugs of some kind.

8-9 pm CST - We Welcome Barry Chamish Author, World-Class Investigative Journalist, Political Philosopher - we'll cover The Benghazi attack - Recent Power moves into Iran and other current events:

Barry Chamish Fall 2012 Articles

Benghazi Attack -

The Stinger, Not the Stung
Paperback Book:Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.
Coming Soon!

On December 11, 2012, Barry Chamish released his newest title: The Stinger, Not the Stung: Israel's Not So Civil War. This book exposes, using credible resources, how the Labor Zionists running the government of Israel are destroying the country.

He starts by telling the reader how the Labor Zionist movement began and The Transfer Agreement they made with the Nazi German government to create the holocaust. He then outlines how they have been dismantling the nation of Israel to extract is of its religious component. He reports extensively covers plight of The Ringworm Children (click on the link to see and/or download the film, who were effectively traded to the United States Government for an Israeli Nuclear program.

He also exposes the truth of the U.S.S. Liberty and how President Johnson ordered Moshe Dyan to have his forces sink the boat so he can drag the USA into World War III. The book contains multiple exposès of the alleged crimes of the various members of the current Israeli government, along with other world leaders, most notably, Henry Kissinger!. Readers will be shocked as they read the many stories Barry relates in this blockbuster book.



The Liberty Attack -  U.S.S. Liberty - THE U.S.S. LIBERTY AND THE MEN WHO DIED SHALL NOT BE FORGOTTEN - this web site is dedicated to the memory of thirty-four fine young men who gave their lives on June 8, 1967, over 44 years ago defending the USS Liberty against a sustained air and sea attack by the armed forces of the State of Israel During the Six Day War between Israel and the Arab States, the American intelligence ship USS Liberty was attacked for 75 minutes in international waters by Israeli aircraft and motor torpedo boats. Thirty-four men died and 172 were wounded.

Statement by JCS Chairman Admiral Thomas H. Moorer

National Cryptologic Museum - The U.S.S. Liberty Exhibit


JAN. 5, 2013 - 7-7:15 - We update you on Utopia Silver

7:15-8 PM CST - We welcome Dr. James Tracy is an Associate Professor of Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University. His recent article The Sandy Hook School Massacre: Unanswered Questions and Missing Information has gone viral  to discuss the latest in the Sandy Hook School Shooting is Dr. James Tracy

8-9 pm CST - We Welcome Barry Chamish - we'll cover The Benghazi attack - Recent Power moves into Iran and other current events


DEC 29, 2012 - 7:-7:15 PM CST - We welcome Utopia Silver

7:15-8 pm CST - George and Charlotte welcome Dr. Kevin Barrett Blog - a man who stands for truth - his article on "Twilight of the Psychopaths" by Dr. Kevin Barrett - we'll discuss Psychopaths, Sandy Hook School Shooting, and The New World Order

8-9 pm CST - George and Charlotte cover news, Sandy Hook shooting, 911 and the world


Widely Held Ideas, Concepts or Conjectures - mostly misconceptions Truth.............will set you Free

1. 911 ATTACK - was a legitimate terrorist attack from outside of the United States



Read G. Edward Griffin Book  - "The Creature From Jekyll Island"

3. KNOW THYSELF - we really know ourselves and are aware of our personality traits and personal characteristics

This is difficult to accomplish but one can ask friends and take personality tests to try to see oneself

4. The Main Line Media provides accurate and truthful information

The public is increasingly aware of the use of the main-line media to manipulate the public and people are dropping their subscription to newspapers seeking out alternative news sources


Businesses create jobs - governments create taxes and expenses and confiscate wealth


Research The Fabian Society in the U.K. and read Antony Sutton Speeches and interviews


THE DELUSION IS REAL - Forgiveness brings you
out of The Delusion


MEN ARE GODS - so they conjure up ideas that ensnare, seduce and enslave other men, so to control them


A cult of personality arises when an individual uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods, to create an idealized and heroic public image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise. Sociologist Max Weber developed a tripartite classification of authority; the cult of personality holds parallels with what Weber defined as "charismatic authority". A cult of personality is similar to hero worship, except that it is established by mass media and propaganda.....wikipedia

9. Struggle between - Individualism vs Communitarianism

Exposing  Communitarianism - as a tool of Deception - to bring about a Communist state for the masses controlled by entitlement programs and access to benefits




Mini-Nukes Were Used on 9-11

Arnie Gundersen at the Japan National Press Club

House Passes “Trespass Bill” HR-347 That Makes Protests Illegal


Resolution Calls for Impeachment if Obama Does Not Seek War Authorization from Congress

Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth

Articles on Fukushima - The 4th Media

Bill Text
112th Congress (2011-2012)

Secret US-Israeli Nuke Transfers Led To Fukushima Blasts

Japanese Regularly Eating Food Containing Radio Nuclides Such As Cesium


Social Synergy - Good and Bad



1a. Financial and Economic system based upon Pure capitalism and entrepreneurial dynamics based upon a profit motive  1a. The Federal Reserve System has created a system of the monopoly of money creation, resulting in the perpetuation of Crony Capitalism or Monopolistic Capitalism 
Notes: The network of global corporate control - Stefania Vitali1, James B. Glattfelder1, and Stefano Battiston1? - 1 Chair of Systems Design, ETH Zurich, Kreuzplatz 5, 8032 Zurich, Switzerland, ?corresponding author, email:
1b. Community Banks - individual account holders creating credit for one another 1b. Monopoly of Money Creation - National Banks members of Federal Reserve System
2. Intellectual - freedom and all America is free speech area - the internet has freed up the ability to communicate the truth 2. Limitation of free speech areas on campus and across America - punishment of individuals based upon political correctness 
3. Energy - free energy devices 3. Monopoly of energy and energy resources
4. Food - natural and organic foods and people's farmer markets 4. Food Monopoly - Monopoly of food production and ownership by grain companies of farm land and Federal Laws to deprive the public of private marketing and cultivation of food
5. Force - To keep and Bear arms, for everyone so the monopoly of force is not in government hands 5. Monopoly of Force - in Government's hands Gun control laws to limit the monopoly of force to the government







1. Money Problem – the monopoly of money creation - privately owned Central Banks and the creation of credit out of thin air


1. Money Solution – create community banks which individuals together can begin to create money for themselves as account stakeholders  - MONEY SORCERY - A MUST DOWNLOAD

2. Education Problem – today’s schools primarily nurture and promulgate dominate systems of control - "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt - "The Underground History of American Education" by John Taylor Gatto

2. Education Solution – new schools would reveal to  its students the previous ulterior motives of most educational systems which perpetuate the dominate wealthy - The New School - History of Education The new school would be a school where freemen would study the history of education and the many reasons and misuses of schools and education. This would logically come at the beginning of the school session and be fleshed out through out the enlightenment process

3. Communication Problem – all citizens world-wide are overly regulated and restricted in their communications - Bluffdale is an example of the NSA building a very intrusive data complex that threatens our Liberties - an example of secrecy taken to an extreme degree - The National Security Act of 1947 started a National Security State that since 911 has accelerated  

3. Communication Solution – maximize the efficiency and access in addition to minimizing the cost to citizens world-wide of communication means, only individuals would have the right of exchanging encrypted communications, all governments would be prohibited from using encrypted means so their actions would be totally open to public scrutiny 

4. Hate Problem - Hatred and resentment fuels transgressions against one another  

4. Hate Solution -  forgiveness releases us from thought slavery maintained by the ego nurtured and support by hatred

5. Delusion Problem – the delusion is synergistically driven and we all suffer from self-delusion by degree and in this state we forever seek out those imputes that support the ego state and continue this state of denial and ignorance and so most of the time the ego  perpetuating delusion is the threat!.


5. Delusion Solution – we must strive to attain a better overall realization of the IS free from preconceptions seeded in by interpreters. To come out of the Delusion is to come out of that sleep state that overrides our true self. We must truly with a heart felt change start walking in a state of acceptance and works, creating a dynamic through forgiving, of deriving a greater objective means of seeing reality as it IS!


DEC. 22, 2012 -  - 7:00-7:15 pm CDT - George and Charlotte discuss Utopia Silver

FIRST AND SECOND HOUR  - 7:15 - 9 pm CDT - George and Charlotte welcome Miko Peled - In 1997, a tragedy struck the family of Israeli-American Miko Peled: His beloved niece Smadar was killed by a suicide bomber in Jerusalem. That tragedy propelled Peled onto a journey of discovery. It pushed him to re-examine many of the beliefs he had grown up with, as the son and grandson of leading figures in Israel's political-military elite, and transformed him into a courageous and visionary activist in the struggle for human rights and a hopeful, lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

Esteemed African-American author Alice Walker has contributed a very moving and thoughtful Foreword to The General's Son.

The journey that Peled traces in this groundbreaking memoir echoed the trajectory taken 40 years earlier by his father, renowned Israeli general Matti Peled. In The General's Son, Miko Peled tells us about growing up in Jerusalem in the heart of the group that ruled the then-young country, Israel. He takes us with him through his service in the country's military and his subsequent
global travels... and then, after his niece's killing, back into the heart of Israel's conflict with the Palestinians. The book provides a compelling and intimate window into the fears that haunt both peoples-- but also into the real courage of all those who, like Miko Peled, have been pursuing a steadfast grassroots struggle for equality for ALL the residents of the Holy Land.

Miko Peled is dedicated to tearing down the separation wall and transforming the Israeli apartheid system into a secular democracy, where Israelis and Palestinians will live as equal citizens. As an Israeli that was raised on the Zionist ideal of a Jewish state, I know how hard it is for many Jews and Palestinians to let go of the dream of having a state that is exclusively “our own.”  The articles, the stories and the pictures in this blog are meant to make a single point: For the good of both nations, the Separation Wall must come down, the Israeli control over the lives of Palestinians must be defied so that a secular democracy where all Israelis and Palestinian live as equals be established in our shared homeland.

The State of Israel today is governed in a way that cannot be sustained, where the two nations it governs, Israelis and

Palestinians are used and abused and it is a state of affairs that should not be tolerated: Half of the population governed by a radical Zionist regime that sees the struggle for control over the land as a zero sum game, and the other half of the population is governed by the security forces of this Zionist regime; one nation ruling over another while controlling of the land and its resources. It is a reality where half of the population lives in what it thinks is a Western democracy while keeping the other half imprisoned by a ruthless defense apparatus that is becoming more violent by the day.

In a book I am about to publish I intend to show how it is that the son of an Israeli General and a staunch Zionist came to these realizations, so stay tuned.  Realizing that your side of the story is not the only side to the story, and then accepting rather than fighting this realization – that is an interesting journey.

The following is an edited version of something was written by a friend, Iris Keltz, from Taos New Mexico who heard me speak:

The General's Son

"The General's Son" 

“Miko Peled is a peace activist who dares to say in public what others still choose to deny. He has credibility, so when he debunks myths that Jews around the world hold with blind loyalty, people listen. Miko was born in Jerusalem in 1961 into a well known Zionist family. His grandfather, Dr.  Avraham Katsnelson was a Zionist leader and signer on the Israeli Declaration of Independence.   His father, Matti Peled was a young officer in the war of 1948 and a general in the war of 1967 when Israel conquered the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and the Sinai.

Miko’s unlikely opinions reflect his father’s legacy. General Peled was a war hero turned peacemaker. The general clearly stated that contrary to claims made later, the 1967 war was one of choice, and not because there was no existential threat to the state of Israel. He then dedicated his life to the achievement of Israeli Palestinian peace.


The political becomes personal with Miko’s stories. He might have learned compassion from his mother who, in 1948, refused the offer of an Arab home in West Jerusalem with the understanding that the family who lived there were now forced to live in a refugee camp. As the daughter of one of the signers of the Israeli Declaration of Independence, Miko’s mother could have used her position of entitlement to get a lovely home for herself and her family. But she said, “No.”

Miko grew up in Jerusalem, a multi-ethnic city, part of a system that conspired to keep Palestinians and Israelis separate. The Arabs of Israel, as the Palestinians are called– the laborers, janitors, cooks, etc. are indistinguishable from Arabs across the Middle East and as such had no special connection to Jaffa, Lod, Ramle, Lydda, Haifa, Jerusalem or any other part of the land of Israel. Miko had to leave Israel before he made his first Palestinian friend, the result of his participation in a dialogue group in California. He was 39.

Peled insists that Israel/Palestine is one state. Facts on the ground are undeniable and irreversible– massive investment in infrastructure, cities, schools and malls for Jews only, Jewish only highways bisect and connect ever expanding settlements on the West Bank, the separation wall and the checkpoints have destroyed the possibility of a contiguous, viable Palestinian state. The question for Israelis, worldwide Jewry and the international community is: What kind of a state do we really want to see? An apartheid state with half the population confined to intolerable bantustans, without access to proper nutrition, medical care or clean water, condemned to humiliating long lines at checkpoints?

Or, will Israel/Palestine transform itself into a secular democracy for the five and a half million Israelis and almost five million Palestinians who live between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. To become such a sanctuary, Israel must give up the idea of Jewish dominion over all the land and resources.

Before Miko came to hold such a vision, he had to face his fears. Driving alone in the to Palestinian towns in the Galilee or the West Bank in a car with license plates that identified him as Israeli, Miko imagined a terrorist lurking behind every curve of the winding road following the rolling hills. Heading towards the village of Bil’in for the first time, he silently questioned if he was crazy to trust “these people”? Peled was afraid but kept on driving until he found the village and was greeted by friends.

The solution might be obvious but the problem remains, how to change the existing paradigm– from fear and loathing to co-existence? At the heart of Peled’s solution lies the realization that Israelis and Palestinians deserve to live in peace as equals in their shared homeland. At the a gathering in Taos, New Mexico, an Israeli woman who heard Miko speak told Miko that his father was the hero of her childhood, and in fact, a photograph of the general hung in their home. “It is an honor to meet the son of Matti Peled,” she said, “I had given up hope for any kind of just solution and try to stay removed from events there but I see how much you care and meeting you gives me hope.”

Those who cling to fear, mistrust or greed are under the false assumption that Palestinians and Israelis have a choice other than to live as equals. But it’s inevitable – the wall must come down, and the two people must be allowed to live as equal citizens in their shared homeland. Refusing this means condemning future generations of Israelis and Palestinians to ongoing mayhem and violence.

And Miko Peled’s family knows about that too. On September 4, 1997 they have lost their beloved Smadar, 13, the daughter of Miko’s sister Nurit and her husband Rami Elhanan to violence.

The bible tells us a great story of the patriarch Abraham willing to sacrifice his beloved son, Isaac to prove his faith. At the moment of truth, when Abraham was about to kill his son an angel appeared telling Abraham not to harm the boy. In the Koran, Abraham is about to sacrifice Ishmael to the same God and the angel of God appears telling him not to harm his beloved son, Ishmael. The moral of the story is quite clear: Neither Israelis or Palestinians are called to sacrifice their sons and daughters to war, in fact, whether we are believers or not we are all called by our God or our conscience to care for our children so that they may live in peace and grow up as the equals that they are.


Miko Peled's sister is Nurit Peled-Elhanan - a brief note about her is below


Nurit Peled-Elhanan         is an Israeli professor of language and education at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She has criticized Israeli textbooks as being anti-Palestinian and accused George W. Bush, Tony Blair, and Ariel Sharon of fostering anti-Muslim views. Peled-Elhanan is an Israeli professor of language and education at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is a co-laureate of the 2001 Sakharov Prize for Human Rights and the Freedom of Speech, awarded by the European Parliament.




DEC. 15, 2012 - 7:00-7:15 pm CDT - George and Charlotte discuss Utopia Silver

FIRST HOUR  - 7:15 - 8 pm CDT - George and Charlotte welcome Greg Palast  - he's author of "Vultures' Picnic: In Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates and High-Finance Carnivores" - and his latest book Billionaires & Ballot Bandits – Greg Palast reports on and Investigates the Election Games 

Palast is best known as the investigative reported who uncovered how Katherine Harris purged thousands of African-Americans from Florida voters rolls in the 2000 Presidential Election.

Author of the New York Times and international bestsellers, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy and Armed Madhouse, Palast is Patron of the Trinity College Philosophical Society, an honor previously held by Jonathan Swift and Oscar Wilde.


"A cross between Sam Spade and Sherlock Holmes" (Jim Hightower, The Nation), Greg Palast turned his skills to journalism after two decades as a top investigator of corporate fraud and racketeering. Palast's reports appear on BBC's Newsnight and in Britain's Guardian, Rolling Stone and Harper's.

Palast directed the US' government's largest racketeering case in history (that garnered a $4.3 billion jury award) and the investigation of the Exxon Valdez.

Palast is recipient of the George Orwell Courage in Journalism Prize for his BBC television documentary, Bush Family Fortunes


In 2008, our voter guide/comic book Steal Back Your Vote written by Greg Palast and Bobby Kennedy reached over half a million voters. And we’re going to do it again in our new ballot-protection weapon:

Billionaires & Ballot Bandits – Election Games 2012 – The Comic Book and voter guide.

This time, investigative reporter Greg Palast, who busted the story of the purge of Black voters in Florida in 2000, has teamed

with genius comic pen-man Ted Rall and the crew of the Palast Investigative Fund to produce a kick-butt-and-take-down-names

In 2008, Steal Back Your Vote was distributed to thousands of at-risk voters in cooperation with Operation Rainbow/PUSH, Rock the Vote, VotoLatino, the Congressional Black Caucus and 150 other non-partisan and comic book with working subtitle: Election Games 2012:  Played by Karl Rove, the Koch Gang and their


SECOND HOUR  - 8-9 PM CST - SPECIAL REPORT ON CONNECTICUT SHOOTING: George and Charlotte welcome John R. Lott Jr. - Author of  "More Guns Less Crime"  Blog


John Lott


"Third Edition"

Gender Male
Industry Education
Occupation Academic
Location Virginia, United States
Introduction Amazed how lucky I am that I have had jobs where I could just think about whatever I wanted to think about. I have published over 90 articles in academic journals. I received my Ph.D. in economics from UCLA in 1984.
Interests Economics, law, crime, public choice, education, writing
Favorite Movies Grosse Pointe Blank, Casablanca, Groundhog Day, Harry Brown, Rudy, High Noon, The Godfather, The Graduate, Shakespeare in Love, Braveheart, Hoosiers
Favorite Music Classic Rock, Country, Creed, Steely Dan (Ricki Don't Lose that Number), John Waite (Missing You), Harry Chapin, Eric Clapton, Johnny Cash, Joe Nichols, Tom T. Hall, James Blunt, Gordon Lightfoot
Favorite Books Economic Forces at Work, Hidden Order: The Economics of Everyday Life, Free to Choose, The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, Lord of the Rings, Atlas Shrugged, . . .



By George Butler

(I wrote this article in 1999 shortly after the Columbine High School Massacre, but this article I feel is still applicable today....GB)

The recent tragedy in Columbine, Colorado is a costly warning of how delusional, lost, directionless, dysfunctional and insane a portion of our society has become. The idea of family has been twisted to mean anything spawning broken families much like broken vases after mending that never quite look the same.

John Dewey the most influential educator in U.S. history was a believer in Pragmatism and Utilitarianism using these views to manifest a belief that public schools should be used to socialize the student. In my opinion his views and other related liberal beliefs are totally bankrupt and without merit. The public schools have had their chance to prove their worth and I'm afraid that they have failed. We should expel John Dewey, Pragmatism, Utilitarianism liberalism from our school systems. For out of Dewey's ideas and liberal thinking has come an education process disguised as truth seeking but instead is teaching a tyranny of social and moral relativism, destroying parental authority, nurturing a secular based system by which all egos are right and through which governments can mesmerize, seduce and control their citizens.


In the early part of this century Reflexology and Objective psychology were beginning to gain popularity. Later these would merge and become the School of Behaviorism. From out of this school of psychology came Advertising (mind control) executives who secured control over Madison Avenue virtual growing small corporations into large ones This reality fulfilled Mazzinni's fascist view substituting the corporate entity for the Trade Guild. Today mind research has preceded at a rapid pace and these mind researcher's discoveries in the area of Electromagnetic Radiation is mind boggling. To fixate, hypnotize, mesmerize, seduce, mind wash, brainwash, influence someone to do as another desires is the real problem. The results are best when the subjects are unaware of their being used and abused by the practitioners of these methods. The individual dynamics of the system begins early on. Mind washing begins the day we are born and usually results in most dying in ignorance. What exists is not an overt obvious system of control but instead is an subtle hidden system most difficult to perceive, understand and decipher. The problem today versus yesterday is that presently employed brainwashing techniques are much more efficient than those of the past thus creating individuals in a deeper delusional state than ever before. The ongoing mind research has yielded to the mind wash masters new techniques and secrets to better control citizens through thinking methods. For citizens to be managed and controlled they must not become aware of the programming and sorcery practiced on them. Mind sorcery is another way to describe the dynamic. For any of these methods to work a foundation must be laid one that is man-centered versus God-centered. The concepts and construction began early this century with Pragmatism being a core around which humanism and communism dove-tailed perfectly. The main use of these ideas was to assassinate God.


College students attending state institutions have been exposed to a secular humanistic view that belief in God is Dead touting Satre's teachings so to continue a rebellion of legions led by arrogant, intellectual ego-maniacs. They will not bend their knee to God but instead worship before the throne of mammon (money). These false prophets don't know anything but the college way. So from out of this has sprung a society that isn't even close to reaching happiness. Always watching movie videos or T.V. always on the edge of their seats with the latest titillating exciting, evil movie video (one can feed oneself more in the confines of ones abode) filled with senseless killings. What a wonderful, wonderful world this is (could be). Since God is dead close the churches for we've got better things to do. We can go down and enjoy S&M sex at the nearest XXX club or we can dip our wick in a glory hole what fun it is to indulge oneself becoming a virtual slave to one senses(senseless) ego self and careless society. The essence of our existence is a delusional state and in that state we seek out every known impute to reinforce the ego thus insuring a fallen self, maintaining our delusion filled by illusions and fantasies. It's so much fun thinking oneself as anyone or anything.


To continue the revolt against God certain ideas have been employed to continue that revolution. Separation of Church and State has been twisted and used as a tool to exclude God from the schools. The truth is that the intention of the founders was to excluded a possibility of a state religion being founded. This predestined our society to evolve into a mammon (money) worshipping host of animals. Thus today our society is worshipping mammon (money) more than God (God is dead so the hell with God this is the attitude today). Man cannot worship both mammon (money) and God, so the society is turning its back on God and elevating money to a place of highest office and honor. The tragedy is that evil continues to be funded by the money and today's financiers are like gods for the public has an insatiable appetite for credit because Madison Avenue tells them so. The established churches are furthering mammon (money) worship preaching banking, usury, credit as if its a foregone conclusion. Religious radio stations have investment advisers broadcasting advice about how to max-out their return on investment. Helping to convey these messages is a media that is very influential.


The efficiency of the media has increased to the point provened by the sympathetic gestures of other students in other school systems through-out the nation to the Columbine High school evil. The mentality of these students is in direct defiance to goodness. The public at large is being almost simultaneous exposed to the same culturally fallen programs, productions and creations. Even the explicit coverage of the Colorado tragedy by the media caused copy cat episodes furthering more fallen dynamics and triggering the explosion of penned-up hate and resentment. Recent movies such as "Natural Born Killers" and "The Basketball Diaries" are examples of evil ideas of senseless murder and killing. These along with other imputes have helped to devastate our society. To begin a seeding in process an alteration of consciousness is helpful. The altering of ones conscious state results from this dark media's success and when combined with drugs the distortion of reality is heightened.


The drug culture was the beginning of a social malaise that has spread through-out the country like a prairie fire consuming everything in its path. The money has destroyed and corrupted everything and everyone it touches reinforcing the worship of mammon (money) which in turn continues, supports, and growths the rebellion. The occult figures prominent in the equation for the ultimate occult teaching is that there is no evil. Since there is no evil than anything goes. This is the teaching of Satanism that has like a cancerous prairie fire raced across America driven and fueled by God is dead, drugs, broken families, egos virtually destroying all in its path


Imagine the confluencing of all the dark dynamics and ideas into our young people manifesting as evil. The efficiency of this system has increased and the outcomes are increasing becoming more evil. I have termed this dynamic Social Synergy. In our public schools occult ideas have been allowed to flourish while the Christian prayer in school has been trashed. Trash in trash out that is the model of our public schools. We have overall good teachers but the burden each brings with them to the schools is mostly a secular view devoid of God. The teachers carrying God-centered views to school are intimidated not to minister to their students thus denying them the idea of God's grace and forgiveness which is the way for man to overcome evil. For man to continue his arrogance of ego failing women is to forever condemn the world to a Godless state where evil flourishes and man is god. Men must try and awaken one another to the way they really are hopefully changing their hearts, redirecting their souls so that real salvation can be attained and passed on through their children to future generations. This is our hope.


1. Return God, parental authority, belief in the family and good morals to the schools

2. Step-up Counseling - identification of troubled students and families

3. Emergency lock-down conditions should be planned so as to secure the rooms from hallways and outside access,    have drills

4. Train all students, teachers and administrators in school security and in the handling and firing of guns, personal security

5. Provide in depth education as to the real nature and problems that men visit on society

6. Teach mind washing and brainwashing theory and practice so as to identify addictive-compulsive systems

7. Family and marriage course

Below are warning signs of troubled youth!

 The National School Safety Center has issued this list
 of characteristics that teachers and parents should
 watch for in students, including:

 Characteristically resorts to name calling, cursing or abusive language.

 Habitually makes violent threats when angry.

 Has previously brought a weapon to school.
 Has a background of serious disciplinary problems.
 Has a background of drug, alcohol or other substance abuse or dependency.
 Has few or no close friends.
 Is preoccupied with weapons, explosives or other incendiary devices.
 Displays cruelty to animals.
 Has witnessed or been a victim of neglect or abuse in the home.
 Bullies or intimidates peers or younger children.
 Tends to blame others for difficulties and problems
they cause.
 Consistently prefers TV shows, reading materials, movies or music expressing violent themes, rituals and abuse.
 Reflects anger, frustration and the dark side of life in school writing projects.
 Is involved with a gang or an antisocial group on the fringe of peer acceptance.
 Is often depressed and has significant mood swings.
 Has threatened or attempted suicide.
 Has tantrums and uncontrollable angry outbursts.



DEC. 8, 2012 - FIRST HOUR - 7:00-7:15 pm CST - We  welcome Utopia Silver - with some health tips

FIRST AND SECOND  HOUR 7:15-9 pm CST - We welcome Wayne Madsen Report  - Site  - - The investgative journalism motto: "COMFORT THE AFFLICTED AND AFFLICT THE COMFORTABLE - In the tradition of Drew Pearson's and Jack Anderson's famous "Washington Merry-Go-Round" syndicated column and I.F. Stone, this online publication tackles the "politically incorrect" and "politically embarrassing" stories and holds government officials accountable for their actions. This web site extends a warm open invitation to whistleblowers and leakers. Business as usual for the crooks and liars in Washington, DC, is over.

Wayne Madsen, Editor
May 27, 2005

Wayne Madsen Biography:

Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist, author and syndicated columnist. He has written for The Village Voice, The Progressive, Counterpunch, Online Journal, CorpWatch, Multinational Monitor, News Insider, In These Times, and The American Conservative. His columns have appeared in The Miami Herald, Houston Chronicle, Philadelphia Inquirer, Columbus Dispatch, Sacramento Bee, and Atlanta Journal-Constitution, among others.

 Madsen is the author of The Handbook of Personal Data Protection (London: Macmillan, 1992), an acclaimed reference book on international data protection law; Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa 1993-1999 (Edwin Mellen Press, 1999); co-author of America's Nightmare: The Presidency of George Bush II (Dandelion, 2003); author of Jaded Tasks: Big Oil, Black Ops & Brass Plates and Overthrow a Fascist Regime on $15 a Day.

Madsen is a regular contributor on Russia Today. He has been a frequent political and national security commentator on Fox News and has also appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, and MS-NBC. Madsen has taken on Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity on their television shows.  He has been invited to testifty as a witness before the US House of Representatives, the UN Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and an terrorism investigation panel of the French government.

Madsen has some twenty years experience in security issues. As a U.S. Naval Officer, he managed one of the first computer security programs for the U.S. Navy. He subsequently worked for the National Security Agency, the Naval Data Automation Command, Department of State, RCA Corporation, and Computer Sciences Corporation. Madsen was a Senior Fellow for the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), a privacy public advocacy organization.

Madsen is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) and the National Press Club.

JFK, Indonesia,
CIA & Freeport Sulphur

by Lisa Pease
What is Past is Prologue.
Inscribed on the National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Colonel Lolo Soetoro-Obama, and his mother Ann

Obama's CIA "Mommy Dearest" — identifying Indonesians for assassination

By Wayne Madsen


Communication Problem – all citizens world-wide are overly regulated and restricted in their communications - Bluffdale is an example of the NSA building a very intrusive data complex that threatens our Liberties - an example of secrecy taken to an extreme degree - The National Security Act of 1947 started a National Security State that since 911 has accelerated  



DEC. 1, 2012 - FIRST HOUR - 7:00-7:15 - We welcome Utopia Silver - with some health tips


FIRST HOUR 7:15-8 pm - George and Charlotte welcome our listening audience and cover the latest news!


Special Report: Witness Claims Batman Shooter was Programmed to Kill  - James Holmes Class Lecture Schedule

Egypt's Generals and Transnational Capital - By Shana Marshall and Joshua Stacher

The Army and the Economy in Egypt

U.S. gives Iran until March to cooperate with IAEA - Comments by U.S. diplomat Robert Wood to IAEA board signaled Washington's growing frustration at a lack of progress in the IAEA's inquiry into possible military dimensions to Tehran's nuclear program.

Olfactory Abilities and Psychopathy: Higher Psychopathy Scores Are Associated with Poorer Odor Discrimination and Identification


FIRST HOUR - We'll Discuss Psychopathy, Politics and Evil - open phones

Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R)

  • 1. Glibness/superficial charm
  • 2. Grandiose sense of self-worth
  • 3. Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
  • 4. Pathological lying
  • 5. Cunning/manipulative
  • 6. Lack of remorse or guilt
  • 7. Shallow affect
  • 8. Callous/lack of empathy
  • 9. Parasitic lifestyle
  • 10. Poor behavioral controls
  • 11. Promiscuous sexual behavior
  • 12. Early behavioral problems
  • 13. Lack of realistic, long-term goals
  • 14. Impulsivity
  • 15. Irresponsibility
  • 16. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
  • 17. Many short-term marital relationships
  • 18. Juvenile delinquency
  • 19. Revocation of conditional release
  • 20. Criminal versatility

Reading Resources:

Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes

Psychopaths, Secret Societies and the New World Order

The Unfulfilled Promise

Signs of the Times, or, was launched on March 26, 2002 by Laura Knight-Jadczyk.

A historian and author of repute in her own right, Laura Knight-Jadczyk is the wife of renowned theoretical physicist, Arkadiusz Jadczyk, one of the world's few living experts in hyperdimensional physics.




SECOND HOUR - We welcome Nordica Friedrich - she along with her mother Niki Raapana are pioneers in exposing Communitarianism they have just this year published a new book entitled "2020: Our Common Destiny and The Anti Communatarian Manifesto"  Order Page

Press Release

2020: Our Common Destiny &
The Anti Communitarian Manifesto


Take a close look at the raw power
of Community Economic Development

ANCHORAGE, ALASKA (March 13, 2012)

2020: Our Common Destiny & The Anti Communitarian Manifesto (ISBN-13: 978-0-9814519-2-3) explores the history, philosophy, and modern-day implementation of Sustainable Development, Communitarian Law, and Community Policing.

Part-autobiography, part-thesis, and part-guidebook to International Law, this 327-page book introduces Community Law with a mix of personal experiences, field research, and direct quotes from American presidents and international heads of state, domestic and foreign courts, officials, ecclesiastics, gurus, agencies, think tanks, universities and law schools, foundations, conferences, scientific reports, newspapers, and academic journals.

The Roosevelt Neighborhood Plan (Washington) and The Anchorage 2020/Anchorage Bowl Comprehensive Plan (Alaska) are highlighted to show how Local Agenda 21 plans balance individuals, laws, and economic growth. Readers are challenged to consider some of the little-known aspects of Community Economic Development, like mapping and mobilizing human assets, data-mining, innovative militarized policing, mandates for service, global citizenship, the Hegelian Dialectic, and the ancient spiritual foundation for a worldwide, corporate, quasi-religious legal framework.

Niki Raapana and Nordica Friedrich began publishing in 2000, after they were used as uninformed Human Subjects Research in Seattle, Washington. Their original analysis of Communitarianism reaches an international audience; their work has been referenced and reproduced in books, websites, articles, curriculums and academic papers, including the National Association of Scholars Bibliography of the Communitarian Residence Life Movement.

For more information please contact Nordica Friedrich

email: / phone: (907) 887-9095

The overall Plan! - How to reconcile Capitalism and Communism the answer  use The Third Way" Communitarianism  to co-join, merge and make into one - Capitalism and Communism into a Totalitarian One World Government dominated by the money system

Abstract - The Anti Communitarian Manifesto

What is the Hegelian Dialectic? and The Historical Evolution of Communitarian Thinking by Niki Raapana and Nordica Friedrich, 2003, Seattle, Wyoming, Alaska.

Background: Communitarianism is the theory that individual rights must be balanced against the rights of the "community." Its many proponents insist that individual rights and liberties pose a real threat to the health and safety of the "community at large." The founders of the Communitarian Network began "shoring up the moral, social and political environment" in the early 1990s. Today the communitarian theory is the basis for hundreds of new global rules and regulations eliminating individual rights, yet fewer than one percent of the affected population knows about it.

Results: The progression of recent history clearly shows a dedicated effort to lead the world into unknowingly accepting communitarian solutions. To understand how philosophical Communitarianism advanced itself, the authors traced it back to the original source. Using the works of the leading Communitarian theorists, they followed the path from Seattle Neighborhood Plans all the way to the International Court at the Hague.

Conclusion: The foundation for the communitarian theory is undisputedly the Hegelian dialectic; Part I, a tutorial on the Hegelian dialectic is fully substantiated by Jesuit priests, Renowned Marxists and Pope John Paul. Theoretical analysis, i.e.. (A) Communitarianism did not evolve naturally (B) and it was never a movement that arose out of U.S. society (C) therefore, communitarianism has no natural home in the United States., is further substantiated with 70 verifiable, solid references that overwhelmingly support it. Part II, also heavily referenced, outlines historical events leading to the global communitarian synthesis. The changing duality of the new legal system clearly indicates Communitarianism is a criminal enterprise whose aim is to destroy all legal institutions established under national and state constitutions. Both Part I and Part II establish the aims and shared goals of the lesser arms involved in the global communitarian insurrection, showing direct ties to the War on Terror business, the European Union's integration under Communitarian Law, the emerging North American Free Trade Zone, UN Local Agenda 21, global sustainable development programs, Regionalization, Faith-Based Initiatives, Volunteer America, Community Oriented Policing, Rebuilding Community and Community Development.


The Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791



On November 22, 1963 JFK President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was gunned down in downtown Dallas, Texas during a motorcade through that city while campaigning for re-election. Since that fateful day there have been hundreds of books and thousands of articles written trying to expose, explain and uncover the perpetuators of that assassination.

Since 1963 there have been annual memorials in Dallas, Texas centering around Dealey Plaza the site of the assassination, in addition a number of annual conferences have been held at different hotels and venues in downtown Dallas hoping to solve the crime. I got Charlotte Littlefield Brown to arrange for us to do a remote live broadcast from the lobby of The Texas School Book Depository next to Dealey Plaza, supposedly site of the snipers nest from which Lee Harvey Oswald shot the president. Charlotte with all her tenacious and clever ways wrangled for us to setup in the lobby on November 25, 2007 for a four hour program. Follows is the original program information published on that date on We The People Radio Network, the first 20 minutes was a spoof edited by a best friend, Wes of a JFK speech given in New York City on April 27, 1961 at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. First twenty minutes of the First Hour JFK Speech – a spoof of the first 20 minutes of the first hour!

WHO MURDERED THE PRESIDENT? -- Charlotte Littlefield Brown and George Butler  travel to the Sniper's nest on The Sixth floor of The Texas School Book Depository and will broadcast live 4 hours of intense programming from 10am-2pm as to who murdered President John Fitzgerald Kennedy on November 22, 1963 - Alan Watt our first guest of will be interviewed from 10:20am till 1pm and participate in a discussion of those who possibly participated in the assassination, their motivations and how they benefited. This weekend is the Regional meeting of COPA (Coalition on Political Assassinations) in Dallas, Texas and John Judge will join George and Charlotte from the conference in the fourth hour. Sat. Nov. 24, 1963 is the 44th anniversary of the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jacob Rubenstein (Jack Ruby).

Sun., November 25, 2007: Playlists:  (Individual MP3s: Hr1 Hr2 Hr3 Hr4 )
WHO MURDERED THE PRESIDENT? -- Charlotte Littlefield Brown and George Butler travel to the Sniper's nest on The Sixth floor of The Texas School Book Depository and will broadcast live 4 hours of intense programming from 10am-2pm as to who murdered President John Fitzgerald Kennedy on November 22, 1963 - Alan Watt our first guest of will from 10:20am till 1pm participate in a discussion of those who possibly participated in the assassination, their motivations and how they benefited. This weekend is the Regional meeting of COPA (Coalition on Political Assassinations) in Dallas, Texas and John Judge will join George and Charlotte from the conference in the fourth hour. Sat. Nov. 24, 1963 is the 44th anniversary of the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jacob Rubenstein (Jack Ruby).

We hope the listeners will find this program from the past interesting.

George and Charlotte

Nov. 23, 2012


Watch the 2012 Conference Online

November 19, 2012
Watch the 2012 Conference Online

Check back here on the days of the conference to see the live feed. Full schedule and times to follow. Broadcasting live with Ustream CONFERENCE WEB BROADCAST SCHEDULE Thursday, November 22 12:30 p.m. – Moment of Silence, Grassy Knoll, Dealey Plaza Friday, November 23 10 POINTS OF AGREEMENT ON POLITICAL

NOVEMBER 24, 2012 - Rebroadcast of previous program - Happy Thanksgiving to Ted Anderson and his whole staff in Eagan, Minn.


June 30, 2012 - FIRST HOUR - George and Charlotte welcome Ben Taylor and Dr. Ken O'Neal - the first half of the hour we'll discuss Obama Care and the second half of the hour we'll discuss the need for a new health care model and what it should look like

Iatrogenesis, or an iatrogenic artifact (play /ˌætrˈɛnɪk/; "originating from a physician") is an inadvertent adverse effect or complication resulting from medical treatment or advice, including that of psychologists, therapists, pharmacists, nurses, physicians and dentists. Iatrogenesis is not restricted to conventional medicine: It can also result from complementary and alternative medicine treatments.

Some iatrogenic artifacts are clearly defined and easily recognized, such as a complication following a surgical procedure. Some less obvious ones can require significant investigation to identify, such as complex drug interactions. Furthermore, some conditions have been described for which it is unknown, unproven, or even controversial whether they are iatrogenic or not; this has been encountered in particular with regard to various psychological and chronic-pain conditions. Research in these areas continues.

Causes of iatrogenesis include chance, medical error, negligence, social control, unexamined instrument design, anxiety or annoyance related to medical procedures, and the adverse effects or interactions of medications - wikipedia

New Health Care Model - problems and considerations

1. Holistic Approach - needed  to treat the whole body - Antibiotics - infections - Pro-biotics

2. Money Driven - Crony Capitalism

3. FDA - controlled by Pharmaceuticals

4. Medical Schools - Doctor manufactured

5. Pharmaceuticals - money machines


SECOND HOUR - Charlotte and George welcome Dr. Peter R. Breggin - we'll discuss the latest Obama Health Care ruling by the Supreme Court and his latest book entitled:

 Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and their Families

     About Peter R. Breggin, MD.
Portrait of Dr. Peter Breggin
Peter R. Breggin M.D. conducts a private practice of psychiatry in Ithaca , New York , where he treats adults, couples, and families with children. He also does consultations in the field of clinical psychopharmacology and often acts as a medical expert in criminal, malpractice and product liability suits. Before moving to Ithaca in November 2002 he was in practice for nearly thirty-five years in Washington , DC and Bethesda , Maryland . He has written dozens of scientific articles and many professional books, including Medication Madness: The Role of Psychiatric Drugs in Cases of Violence, Suicide and Crime (2008), and is on the editorial board of several journals.

In 2010 Dr. Breggin and his wife Ginger formed a new organization that continues their emphasis on bringing professional and laypersons together to share their concerns about the hazards of contemporary biological psychiatry while promoting more caring and empathic approaches to personal conflict and suffering. The new organization will sponsor an annual meeting each April in Syracuse, New York (

View Dr. Breggin's resume and bibliography
Many of Dr. Breggin’s accomplishments as a reformer are documented in detail in The Conscience of Psychiatry: The Reform Work of Peter R. Breggin, M.D. (2009). This biographical tribute to Dr. Breggin’s work draws on more than half-a-century of media and more than 70 special contributions from his colleagues, as well as many other sources.
Dr. Breggin's background includes Harvard College, Case Western Reserve Medical School, a one-year internship and a three-year residency in psychiatry, including a teaching fellowship at Harvard Medical School. After his training, he accepted a two-year staff appointment at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). He has taught at several universities, including a faculty appointment to the Johns Hopkins University Department of Counseling and an appointment as Visiting Scholar at SUNY Oswego in the Department of Counseling and Psychological Services in 2007-2008. He now teaches as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Counseling and Psychological Services at SUNY Oswego.
Since 1964 Dr. Breggin has been publishing peer-reviewed articles and medical books in his subspecialty of clinical psychopharmacology. He is the author of dozens of scientific articles and more than twenty professional books, many dealing with psychiatric medication, the FDA and drug approval processes, the evaluation of clinical trials, and standards of care in psychiatry. A few of the titles include Toxic Psychiatry (St. Martin’s, 1991), Talking Back to Ritalin (Perseus, revised, 2001), the Antidepressant Fact Book (Perseus, 2001) and the Ritalin Fact Book (Perseus, 2002). Others, such as The Heart of Being Helpful (1997), deal with how to help people through psychotherapy and other human services.
Dr. Breggin’s work has led to significant changes within the profession. In the early 1970s he conducted an international campaign to stop the resurgence of lobotomy and newer forms of psychosurgery. His reform efforts and his testimony in the Kaimowitz case in Detroit led to the termination of lobotomy and psychosurgery in the nation’s state mental hospitals, NIH, the VA, and most university centers. A public education campaign, including his 1983 medical book, Psychiatric Drugs: Hazards to the Brain, led the FDA to require a new class warning for tardive dyskinesia in 1985. In 1994 his public education campaign led to the NIH to reform some of its research policies and to end the potentially racist violence prevention initiative aimed at inner city children. The FDA’s recent recognition of numerous adverse reactions caused by the newer antidepressants — including suicidality in children and young adults, and a stimulant profile involving agitation, akathisia, hostility, aggression, and mania — closely follows observations made and publicized by Dr. Breggin over the past ten years.
Dr. Breggin's scientific articles can be downloaded on this website.  The list can be arranged chronologically or alphebetically.  Many of the papers were well ahead of their time, and several helped to influence the FDA to update the required warnings on all labessant and antipsychotic medications.  All of the articles listed here are available to read without charge on this website.



NOV. 17, 2012 - 7:15-8 pm CST  - we welcome Penny Peavy Editor of the monthly - "The Texas Free Press" who will update us on The Secession Movement and related Nullification and Patriot movements.

Outline of Discussion:

I. Penny Peavy - publisher of The Texas Free Press and her own central Texas origins.

II. A bit about Texas Nationalist Movement and its own petition for the legislature to put secession on a ballot referendum and why it probably won’t work.

III. The petition, now with petitioners from all 50 states, and (as of Thursday morning, probably many more by Saturday) seven states have reached the 25,000 threshold expecting a reply from the White House (probably more by Saturday.)

IV. What the anti-secessionists are saying, that the signers of the petitions are simply angry because their guy (presumably Romney) lost the election. They believe the people who signed the petitions are racists, just what the government would like everyone to believe. They believe the signers are just “sour grapes.”

V. The true significance of these petitions.

A. The anger of Americans over what the government is doing TO us, not FOR us.
B. The anger regarding Obamacare, NDAA, the Patriot Act and over-the-top government regulation down to what your child eats for lunch, over-regulation of business, corporate cronyism, and the list goes on.

VI. Alternatives to secession.

A. State nullification, has not really worked out very well

B. Jury nullification, juries almost never given instructions that they have that power.

VII. Problems with secession even though Texas has the resources to be its own nation. U. S. Would declare war against Texas, causing a civil war with Texas becoming enslaved by the federal government.

VIII. With people from all 50 states signing petitions, the most obvious solution in my mind is that the 50 states divorce Washington D.C. by declaring the Declaration of Independence all over again, this time against Obama, his cronies and all the career politicians in D. C. substituted for “King George.” If you adore Obama, substitute George ush, or the Federal Government in general. Problems here include that he globalists are embedded in the states, including governorships.

IX. The bottom line: Troubles are a’coming, secession or no secession, and true liberty and freedom starts at home. Be sure you and family are clinging to morality, virtue, and, yes, your religion and your guns. Get to know neighbors, help your neighbors and your community. Obtain resources and know what your own limits are.

X. Please visit Penny Peavy's  website at "The Texas Free Press" and download the current issue and other select back issues in PDF format.

8:-8:15 pm CST - Gen. Petraeus and Benghazi Update




8:15 - 9 pm CST - BONES - Episode / The Patriot in to view and follow instructions, this episode will be available beginning on Nov. 20, 2012 

Read this Whitepaper entitled "Behavior Placement and Covert Mind Control in Prime Time Drama - Part 1" - Article featured on GCN Network by David Barrow an expert in Neuro-Linguistic Programming

hatred without cause. That teaches you that groundless hatred is considered as of even gravity with the three sins of idolatry, immorality, and bloodshed together....(Yoma, 9b)

Wier, in his 1995 book, Trance: from magic to technology, defines a simple trance (p. 58) as being caused by cognitive loops where a cognitive object (thoughts, images, sounds, intentional actions) repeats long enough to result in various sets of disabled cognitive functions. Wier represents all trances (which include sleep and watching television) as a dissociated trance plane where at least some cognitive functions are disabled such as volition but not consciousness within the trance typically termed hypnosis.[2] With this definition, meditation, hypnosis, addiction and charisma are unified trance states or attempts to cause a trance. In Wier's 2007 book, The Way of Trance, he elaborates on these forms, adds ecstasy as an additional form and discusses the ethical implications of his model, including magic and government use which he terms "trance abuse"

George, Charlotte and Tod Fletcher of "Guns and Butter fame will discuss this recent episode of Bones entitled "The Patriot in Purgatory". The use of The 911 Tragedy in this episode of Bones is ingeniously written, produced and directed to continue the 911 Myth and thus the continued enslavement of the American Public. Cli on the above title to view the episode.

Season 8 Episode 6Bones Season 8 Episode 6

First Aired: November 12, 2012

Description: Brennan is inspired by the teamwork Phil Jackson uses and the underlying concepts behind it. She gets assistance from her top five "squinterns" to work on identifying remains that have been unidentifiable thus far. Their investigation results in the identity of a man who died on 9/11

The following Guns and Butter episode with Tod Fletcher as the guest was interviewed by Host gutsy and courageous Bonnie  Faulkner and they discussed David Ray Griffin's book entitled "Cognitive Infiltration" a must listen for it is cogent to our discussion tonight of

Guns and Butter - "Cognitive Infiltration" with Tod Fletcher



We refer to David Ray Griffin's book, Cognitive Infiltration, and the following radio program on "Guns and Butter". The Book is a deconstruction and debunking of Obama's appointee, Cass Sunstein's, whose  paper, "Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures", proposes a new government COINTELPRO type infiltration of groups, which research and promote ideas and explanations that run contrary to US government narratives, most specifically about the events of September 11th.  First aired in part on fund drive, today we air the entire show, see below.



Guns and Butter - September 22, 2010 at 1:00pm

Click to listen (or download)






It is popular these days to talk of Transpersonal psychology as the 'Fourth Force' following Freudian psychoanalysis, Behaviorism and Humanistic Psychology. As its name suggests, Transpersonal psychology refers to states of being beyond the ego. The Transpersonal perspective seeks to broaden the traditional scope of psychological enquiry, taking in such studies as the nature of holistic wellbeing, peak religious and mystical experiences, the experiential psycho-therapies and the wisdom traditions of East and West.

Nevill Drury, The Elements of Human Potential, Element Books

  Biblical Christianity Islam Secular Humanism Marxism-Leninism Cosmic Humanism


Psychology Mind/Body Dualism (Fallen) Mind/Body Dualism (un-fallen) Monism (Self-Actualization) Monism (Behaviorism) Higher Consciousness Socially-Constructed Selves


NOV. 10,  2012 - George and Charlotte will explore "The Transformation" 


Worldviews - Summitt Ministries  - Chart


Books, Whitepapers, Notes and Comments

"Changing Images of Man" - Changing Images of Man is an unusual work, one that enthuses some, displeases others, and leaves few neutral. It was undertaken for a specific purpose: to chart, insofar as possible, what changes in the conceptual premises underlying Western society would lead to a desirable future. Obviously a research objective containing many value-laden assumptions! Thus it is perhaps not surprising that a number of questions about the background of this study have been asked by students in classes at the dozen or so colleges and universities that have used Changing Images of Man as a text. The most common questions concern the study's origins. Why was it undertaken? Who supported it? What kinds of researchers wrote it? Additionally, most have wanted to know how it is viewed now, some 7 years later, by the researchers who wrote it. And what it may have led to by way of social change.



Source Period

Approximate Date

Dominant Image

Culture in which Image is at Present Active

Significance For Post-Industrial Era

Middle Paleolithic 250,000- 40,000 B.C. The Hunter, focus of the male- dominated culture field of "Great Hunt" Few cultures in its pure form most in its militaristic equivalent Jeopardize cross-cultured peace; likely necessary for police operations, however
Upper Paleolithic 30,000-15,000 B.C. Including sense of spiritual affinity between beasts and man, of which toteism is an expression Various American Indian cultures with traditions intact Has relevance for a renewed sense of partnership with other life forms on the planet
Neolithic After 9,000 B.C. The planter, the child of the Goddess; the giver of life Hindu and certain other cultures Has possible relevance for balancing male-emphasis of Western culture
  3500 B.C. The human civilized through submission to seasonal variations and ruling elites Most cultures Has relevance as historical analogy: man systematically explores his inner world
Semite 2350 B.C. The human as a mere creature fashioned of clay to serve the gods, as a slave; but superior to and having dominion over nature. Notion of "chosen people" Orthodox Jewish, Christian, Islamic faiths Stands in its present form as an obstacle to emergence of new ecological understandings
Zoroastrian 1200 B.C. The human having free will, having to choose between good and evil, mythology of individual salvation All Western cultures, in a secular form Presents a basic polarity needing to be dialectically transcended / synthesized
Age of the Polis 500 B.C. Representing the absolute fulfillment of the Indian image of man as yogi released from the wheel of karma, death and rebirth. Intrinsic divinity of man realizable through own efforts Hindu/ Buddhist Could contribute to a new "self realization ethic" for our culture if incorporated into a larger synthesis
    China: Confucius and the paradigm of the "superior man" as politically and socially concerned sage Oriental cultures Could contribute to a new "ecological ethic" for our culture if incorporated into a larger synthesis
    Levant: as a slave, submissive to God in the image of a despot Some forms of Islam,


Possible to see ecological requirements in this light
    Greece: Aeschylus and image of human as tragic hero, Most Western cultures to some degree Could provide a guiding image for personal/ societal Transformation in time of crisis
    Greece: Mystery religions, the person becomes so attached to the material things of this world that he has lost touch with his own true nature, which is not of these things, but of spirit--himself the very being and model of that Spirit of which each is but a particle All cultures, but never very visible Could contribute to deemphazing material over consumption and ecological understanding
    Greece: science and objective knowledge as aesthetic rather than utilitarian activity; naturalistic emphasis in science art, and philosophy None in which dominant Has relevance to counterbalancing the "technological ethic."
Early Christian 100 A.D. Two contrary images--(1) following the Semite and Zoroastrian tradition God's servant--obey or be damned; (1) Traditional Judaeo / Christian/Muslim cultures; (1) A dominant image that needs to be incorporated into a larger synthesis
    (2) that of the Gnostics, similar to the image of the Greek mystery religions man "saved" by self-knowledge (2) Most cultures as an underground view (2) Could contribute to new "self - realization
Industrial Revolution/


1500 A.D. "Economic man" --individualistic, materialistic, rationalistic; objective knowledge, utilitarian/economic values coming into dominance Most modern industrial nations Likely inappropriate for transition to post industrial era
Modern Social


1900 A.D. Man as "beast" -- instinctual drives predominant, a "creature" of evolution" whose survival depends on competitive adaptation and/ or suppression of base instincts Most modern industrial nations An image needing to be incorporated into a larger synthesis
Modern Behavioral


1913 A.D. Man as "mechanism"-- to be understood in ways found successful by nineteenth century physics Primarily United States Promoted as providing the most appropriate basis for man's next era, perhaps now itself needing to be incorporated into larger synthesis
Modern Trans-disciplinary Science 1954 A.D. Man as a "goal-directed, adaptive learning system" Image has not yet reached "takeoff point" Provides a possible conceptual basis for integrating most other images of man in an evolutionary frame of reference
Various times and places from circa 1500B.C. to the present   Man as "Spirit"--the "philosophia perennis" view of man and the universe as essentially consciousness in manifest form Most cultures, in various degrees of purity Could contribute to needed synthesis of "opposing" images as it sees apparent opposites as differing aspects of the same underlying reality


An Examination of Obama’s Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches:

THE EVIDENCE IS HERE: This document contains over 60 pages of evidence and analysis proving Barack Obama’s use of a little-known and highly deceptive and manipulative form of “hack” hypnosis on millions of unaware Americans, and reveals what only a few psychologists and hypnosis/NLP experts know.

Barack Obama’s speeches contain the hypnosis techniques of Dr. Milton Erickson, M.D. who developed a form of “conversational” hypnosis that could be hidden in seemingly normal speech and used on patients without their knowledge for therapy purposes. Obama’s speeches intentionally contain:

Obama’s techniques are the height of deception and psychological manipulation, remaining hidden because one must understand the science behind the language patterns in order to spot them. This document examines Obama’s speeches word by word, hand gesture by hand gesture, tone, pauses, body language, and proves his use of covert hypnosis intended only for licensed therapists on consenting patients. Obama’s mesmerized, cult-like, grade-school-crush-like worship by millions is not because “Obama is the greatest leader of a generation” who simply hasn’t accomplished anything, who magically “inspires” by giving speeches. Obama is committing perhaps the biggest fraud and deception in American history. Obama is not just using subliminal messages, but textbook covert hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming techniques on audiences that are intentionally designed to sideline rational judgment and implant subconscious commands to think he is wonderful and elect him President. Obama is eloquent. However, Obama’s subconscious techniques are shown to elicit powerful emotion from his audience and then transfer those emotions onto him, to sideline rational judgment, and implant hypnotic commands that we are unaware of and can’t even consciously question. The polls are misleading because some of Obama’s commands are designed to be triggered only in the voting booth on November 4th. Obama is immune to logical arguments like Wright, Ayers, shifting every position, character, and inexperience, because hypnosis affects us on an unconscious and emotional level. To many people who see this unaccomplished man’s unnatural and irrational rise to the highest office in the world as suspicious and frightening and to those who welcome it, this document uncovers, explains, and proves the deceptive tactics behind true “Obama Phenomenon” including why younger people are more easily affected.

- Trance Inductions

- Hypnotic Anchoring

- Pacing and Leading

- Pacing, Distraction and Utilization

- Critical Factor Bypass

- Stacking Language Patterns

- Preprogrammed Response Adaptation

- Linking Statements/ Causality Bridges

- Secondary Hidden Meanings/Imbedded


- Emotion Transfer

- Non-Dominant Hemisphere Programming





NOV. 3, 2012 - 7:15-8 PM CDT - George and Charlotte welcome Gordon Duff - Veterans Today - we'll discuss the Benghazi attack and other world events

Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, a combat infantryman, and Senior Editor at Veterans Today. His career has included extensive experience in international banking along with such diverse areas as consulting on counter insurgency, surveillance technologies, intelligence analysis,defense technologies or acting as a UN diplomat and "special consultant."
Duff currently serves on the boards of the Adamus Group, one of the world's largest energy technology firms and of a private financial institution participating in the Federal Reserve Banking group.

His most recent project adapts advanced military technologies to wildlife and land management in cooperation with the UN, USAID and International Wildlife Federation.

Gordon Duff has traveled to over 80 nations. His articles are published around the world and translated into a number of languages. Duff, military affairs analyst for Press TV, is regularly on TV and radio, a popular and sometimes controversial guest


Benghazi Massacre: Fox/Huffington CIA Tale Nonsense

AC 130 Gunships, Typically in Aviano, 1700 miles away if at all, providing radio hadn’t been jammed

Imaginary Planes, Imaginary CIA Armies, All Invented as Election Plo

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor (with Top US Intel Specialists)

A trained team of up to 120 special forces personnel with radio jammers and heavy weapons killed the US ambassador.  There were only two America CIA employees in Libya.  The news stories are all fabrications.

Africa: Adamus To Begin Skyship Survey of Wildlife/Climate Change


by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Mombasa (WNT)  The Adamus Group announces an 18 month project in partnership with governments of Africa, the USAID and the International Wildlife Foundation to operate two Skyships on their first “peaceful” mission.

The advanced LTA (lighter than air) defense platforms have been used in counter-terrorism and drug interdiction efforts in the past. 

This is the first application of “blimps,” each supplied with the most powerful sensor arrays ever to have been used for a non-military mission.

The platforms, capable of continent wide missions are equipped with advanced sensor packages, synthetic aperture radar, low light high definition streaming video and “next generation” FLIR (infared) optics.

Adamus Skyship Security - Video

Communication is through direct microwave and satellite up-link.

Several television networks have shown an interest in participation as the platform capabilities, previously “military only” technology have, not only the ability to aid in the understanding of wildlife, climate and agricultural development and coastal marine environments but have wide geological and even archaeological capabilities as well.

Project manager James Hanke of Adamus told reporters in Mombasa, Kenya:

“We thank the US government and Department to of Homeland Security for making available these advanced capabilities.  It is our hope, in what we deep a “ploughshares” effort, 

to provide a bank of data that will inspire a generation of scientists of every discipline.

This project, we predict, will have an immediate impact on securing both wildlife resources and, at the same time, supply a wealth of previously unavailable data to ensure responsible and productive land management and resource development.

In many cases, we begin with a ‘blank slate,’ we have little idea what we will find but, for certain, our ‘after next generation’ imagery and sensor capability will open, not only new vistas for investment but tourism as well.”

The advanced airships are to begin operation in first quarter 2013.  A number of universities have indicated a desire to acquire data and a ”mission based’ tasking committee of scholars and scientists will be overseeing operations in concert with wildlife management and security officials.



8-9 pm CDT - George and Charlotte open the phone lines and will discuss current events and dynamics  


Environmentalism: The Triumph of Politics | Acton Institute

The problem is not that he favors conservation but that he supports political control of the environment. Unfortunately, despite the common assumption that ... pub/ religion-liberty/ volume-8-number-3/ environmentalism-triumph-politics -

Is environmentalism a fraudulent political movement designed to ...

Jul 12, 2012 ... Yes The environmental movement is a sham, No Its legitimate, Environmentalism is good to some extent but it gets taken to extremes a lot. united-states/ is-environmentalism-a-fraudulent-political-movement-designed-to-contr ol-people-and-advance-leftism/ question-2791907/

Political Philosophy [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]

Broadly termed “environmentalist,” this political philosophy ... in the liberal and conservative clubs claim that political control ...




Security Version in Libya CIA account is Challenged

Benghazi - consulate move contemplated month before deadly attack

President's response Critized






OCT. 27, 2012 - 7:15-8 PM CDT - George and Charlotte welcome Chris Markowski  "Watchdog on Wallstreet"


Far removed from the hustle and bustle of New York City, born and raised in upstate New York, is the unlikely starting point for one of Wall Street’s most sincere and unique individuals

Christopher Markowski has carried the titles of author, investment banker, equity analyst, muckraker, all around trouble-maker, and most importantly consumer advocate. He is the founder of the financial planning firm Markowski Investments, an institution that provides the highest level of financial planning to all people regardless of their net-worth. Christopher is the antithesis of what Wall Street has become; he believes that financial planning is a profession, not a vehicle for selling as many ridiculous financial products as possible. His clear-cut, honest approach is in complete contrast with the fabrication and deception that individual investors are exposed to every day. Christopher's history on Wall Street reads like a novel with suspense, intrigue, and corruption at the highest levels. Chris started his career by taking a job at an up-and-coming investment firm. Within two years, under his guidance, his initiatives helped increase sales by 1,500% and made the firm #2 on "INC Magazine's" fastest growing privately held companies list. However, while working and spending significant time in the same water as some of Wall Street's most notorious "sharks", Christopher discovered how corrupt Wall Street could be. The fact that so many executives with fancy college degrees and glowing resumes had the capacity, with no remorse, to scam their customers and the public at large, was mind-boggling. The "respected" firm that he helped build was nothing more than an opportunity for insiders to get rich and investors to lose their shirts. Instead of accepting the culture of gluttony and deceit like many others on Wall Street, Christopher went on to blow the cover off the charade, exposing the countless instances of lies, greed and manipulation. Christopher exposed the villains and facilitated in bringing down the very firm that he helped build, sacrificing millions for honesty and integrity.

Derivatives: The Unregulated Global Casino for Banks
SHORT STORY: Pick something of value, make bets on the future value of "something", add contract & you have a derivative. Banks make massive profits on derivatives, and when the bubble bursts chances are the tax payer will end up with the bill. This visualizes the total coverage for derivatives (notional). Similar to insurance company's total coverage for all cars.
LONG STORY: A derivative is a legal bet (contract) that derives its value from another asset, such as the future or current value of oil, government bonds or anything else. Ex- A derivative buys you the option (but not obligation) to buy oil in 6 months for today's price/any agreed price, hoping that oil will cost more in future. (I'll bet you it'll cost more in 6 months). Derivative can also be used as insurance, betting that a loan will or won't default before a given date. So its a big betting system, like a Casino, but instead of betting on cards and roulette, you bet on future values and performance of practically anything that holds value. The system is not regulated what-so-ever, and you can buy a derivative on an existing derivative.
Most large banks try to prevent smaller investors from gaining access to the derivative market on the basis of there being too much risk. Deriv. market has blown a galactic bubble, just like the real estate bubble or stock market bubble (that's going on right now). Since there is literally no economist in the world that knows exactly how the derivative money flows or how the system works, while derivatives are traded in microseconds by computers, we really don't know what will trigger the crash, or when it will happen, but considering the global financial crisis this system is in for tough times, that will be catastrophic for the world financial system since the 9 largest banks shown below hold a total of $228.72 trillion in Derivatives - Approximately 3 times the entire world economy. No government in world has money for this bailout. Lets take a look at what banks have the biggest Derivative Exposures and what scandals they've been lately involved in. Derivative Data Source: ZeroHedge.



8-9 pm CDT - George and Charlotte welcome Frank Wuco to the program

Frank is a retired Naval Intelligence Officer with 23 years active duty and over 30 total years of service to the the national security and intelligence communities. As an intelligence professional, Frank is grateful to have worked in virtually every area of military and intelligence operations over the past 30 years and dedicates all of his work to those who continue to dedicate themselves honorably to the security and protection of the United States Host + Commander, Frank Wuco Radio Show... CEO, Red Mind Solutions, Inc.Constitution and the people of the United States. Frank consults to defense, intelligence, and national security vendors and practitioners through his consulting firm, Red Mind Solutions.

Among other duties, Frank founded the first ever Intelligence and Planning Red Teams at both Special Operations Command, Central and United States Central Command. Upon retirement from the Navy, Frank was the Chief of Operations for the Special Operations Command Intelligence Directorate in Tampa, Florida.

Frank now brings his expertise to the airwaves for Clear Channel Media + Entertainment every Sunday from 2-4 PM EST on Tampa Bay’s News Radio AM 970 & FM 105.9 FM WFLA.

Benghazi, Lies, and Death

Barack Obama is disqualified. The following individuals should be charged with falsifying official reports, fired, and punished appropriately: Hillary Clinton (who is lawyering up for war), Jim Clapper, David Petraeus, John Brennan, Susan Rice, Tom Donelon, Jay Carney, Charlene Lamb and a host of others. Associates who must be relieved are all members who knew that directives issued to cast the deliberate assassination by al-Qaeda of Chris Stevens as a spontaneous reaction to an obscure video, for which the maker remains in jail, which is utterly Putinesque.

This WILL NOT be terrorism.”  Thus came the directive on a Secret Video-Teleconference (SVTC) that was convened by the State Department immediately after the attack. This from a good source. There were at least a dozen (a very conservative number) people who were in attendance at this SVTC (from what I’ve been told) who were directed that by no means would anyone communicate that the attack was a pre-planned terrorist attack. During this SVTC, numerous State officials (and possibly intelligence officials, too, though I don’t know that for sure) were ordered that this attack would not/could not be classified or characterized as a terrorist attack. It would have to be something else. The national leadership instructed our State and intelligence officers to get this under control quick and fabricate a different story… a lie. They would then back it with the sloppiest and most perverse contrivance that I have ever seen or heard of in my association with the Government. Worse even than the potential war crimes that were committed when we lied our way into killing innocent Serbian civilians over a fabricated story of genocide in Kosovo, for which the psychopathic liar Wesley Clark should have been jailed. This was the real crime for which Clinton should have been impeached; far worse than the crime for which it served as a foil. Now, there’s Benghazi and, as we see, the same tails are wagging the dog. The very same ones!

Foxnews - C.I.A. Denied Help by American Authorities in Benghazi - Scandalous

CIA agents in Benghazi twice asked for permission to help Ambassador Chris Stevens as bullets were flying and twice were told to 'stand down

Northeast Intelligence Network - Report - Body of lies from Benghazi to Barack - Alex Jones - Interview - with - Webster Tarpley: CIA Has Fingerprints All Over Benghazi Assault

White House needs to declassify Libya video...

Who Made the Decision Not to Save My Son by father of dead seal?

PENTAGON: Excuse to deploy troops

Panetta: Critics after the fact Quarterbacking

Petraeus makes statement  places President Under Bus

President avoids question LOCAL TV INTERVIEW...

The Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791





OCT. 20, 2012 - 7:15-8 pm CDT - George welcomes Tony Gosling - to the program for an update from Bristol England.......Jimmy Savile scandal network.............and........The network of global corporate control - Stefania Vitali1, James B. Glattfelder1, and Stefano Battiston1? - 1 Chair of Systems Design, ETH Zurich, Kreuzplatz 5, 8032 Zurich, Switzerland, ?corresponding author, email:

Who does that Tony Gosling think he is?

A brief biog.

I was born in Gravesend, Kent in 1962 and brought up in Bromley, South London. I ended my formal education at Ilkley College in West Yorkshire with a Humanities degree, specializing in English Literature, from Bradford University. After working for a few years in the family aviation business I decided to have a go at radio journalism.
Volunteering at the GLC funded Radio Thamesmead (now Time FM 106.8) in South East London I eventually became their full-time volunteer editor of community programmes. RTM applied for, and got, an FM license from the Radio Authority but as part of the financial deal manager Bob Smith took many of the best presenters off the air. I therefore left in 1991 for a researchers job at Greater London Radio, the BBC's station for London.
In 1992 I moved to BBC Radio Solent as a reporter and then on to BBC Wiltshire Sound, where I worked as Salisbury reporter, relief presenter and documentary maker. When Wiltshire Sound had a 'cash crisis' the BBC decided they no longer required my services. I moved to the Lake District where I took a year out then moved to Oxford where I got involved with environmental campaigning, volunteering at The Land Is Ours helping to organize land occupations in the mid to late 1990's.
After moving to Bristol and getting into investigative journalism I helped establish i-Contact video network and Ecovillage network UK. I spent a year on the National Executive of the NUJ and eight years as Secretary, then Vice-Chair of the Bristol branch of the National Union of Journalists until the 2009 AGM when I resigned from the Bristol executive.
I joined the Religious Society of Friends, or Quakers, in June 2005 and I delivered my first lecture on the Seventeenth Century Illuminati in October 2006.
Since Easter 2009 I have produced and presented Friday Drivetime, the weekly politics show on Bristol Community FM which gives a provincial perspective on the news 'in Bristol Britain and around the world'.

Arrests loom as police investigate Savile’s ‘living’ accomplices and those who covered-up the sex scandal as more thanvictims are identified


8-9 pm CDT - will be discussing the following concept of  "Social Synergy" and related ideas, plus George will cover the news first.!

News, Comments and Opinions

Recent Presidential Debate - Candy Crowley obviously unfair moderator who sided with Obama - Obama ignored the comment by Romney of  three important issues were covered during the Debate:

1. "Fast and Furious Operation": Romney brought this issue up and Obama ignored the statement made by Romney

Univision: Juarez drug cartel leader ‘El Diego’ was
captured with Fast and Furious weapon

Fast & Furious - Univision Report Links murders of 16 Mexican Fast and Furious Program

57 Unreported WEAPONS in Network report

VIDEO - Caution Violence embedded

Eric Holder Must GO!

2. "Bengazi Raid" Douglas J. Hagmann explanation - Webster Tarpley explanation - Recent CIA disclosure

3. "Romney says Obama also has investments in Chinese companies and through a Cayman Islands trust" -

Dr. Joseph Stilitz - joined in and produced this report entitled "Report of the Commission of Experts of the President of the United Nations General Assembly on Reforms of the International Monetary nd Financial System - September 21, 2009

The Future of Capitalism -  Manipulation of the idea of capitalism through the use of recent programs, interviews and books



Censorship has reached small town America''Dreams from My Real Father' proves hot to handle for tiny Midwest city




Should Homework be Eliminated? - the bigger question is why are there not two parents at home Husband and Wife -

"How do you think this would go over in the United States? French President François Hollande has said he will end homework as part of a series of reforms to overhaul the country’s education system" .....Washington Post 



The concept "Social Synergy" I first created in the 1980s - I wrote my first book in 1986 entitled "Be Good To Yourself" which was a self help concept that I originated pointing the finger at myself as being the problem, so naturally the solution to the world's problems lies within us all. We all tend to externalize and to blame the world and others instead of accepting personal responsibility blaming ourselves.

The battleline between good and evil runs through the heart of every man.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn




1a. Financial and Economic system based upon Pure capitalism and entrepreneurial dynamics based upon a profit motive  1a. The Federal Reserve System has created a system of the monopoly of money creation, resulting in Crony Capitalism or Monopolistic Capitalism 
Notes: The network of global corporate control - Stefania Vitali1, James B. Glattfelder1, and Stefano Battiston1? - 1 Chair of Systems Design, ETH Zurich, Kreuzplatz 5, 8032 Zurich, Switzerland, ?corresponding author, email:
1b. Community Banks - individual account holders creating credit for one another 1b. National Banks members of Federal Reserve System
2. Intellectual - freedom and all America is free speech area - the internet has freed up the ability to communicate the truth 2. Limitation of free speech areas on campus and across America - punishment of individuals based upon political correctness 
3. Energy - free energy devices 3. Monopoly of energy and energy resources
4. Food - natural and organic foods and people's farmer markets 4. Monopoly of food production and ownership by grain companies of farm land and Federal Laws to deprive the public of private marketing and cultivation of food
5. Force - To keep and Bear arms, for everyone so the monopoly of force is not in government hands 5. Gun control laws to limit the monopoly of force to the government


1. 911 Attack in New York
2. Anthrax attacks


1. "On The Causes of War" by Dr. Michael Andregg

2.  "Skolnick's Report" - by Sherman H. Skolnick

3. "The plutocrats" by Chrystia Freeland





 Watch this Program grow!





OCT. 13, 2012 -  George and Charlotte welcome our listening audience - We will discussing the outcome of the recent election in Venezuela - State Capitalism and The Vice-Presidential Debate.

The overall Plan! - How to reconcile Capitalism and Communism the answer  use The Third Way" Communitarianism  to co-join, merge and make into one - Capitalism and Communism into a Totalitarian One World Government dominated by the money system

Abstract - The Anti Communitarian Manifesto

What is the Hegelian Dialectic? and The Historical Evolution of Communitarian Thinking by Niki Raapana and Nordica Friedrich, 2003, Seattle, Wyoming, Alaska.

Background: Communitarianism is the theory that individual rights must be balanced against the rights of the "community." Its many proponents insist that individual rights and liberties pose a real threat to the health and safety of the "community at large." The founders of the Communitarian Network began "shoring up the moral, social and political environment" in the early 1990s. Today the communitarian theory is the basis for hundreds of new global rules and regulations eliminating individual rights, yet fewer than one percent of the affected population knows about it.

Results: The progression of recent history clearly shows a dedicated effort to lead the world into unknowingly accepting communitarian solutions. To understand how philosophical Communitarianism advanced itself, the authors traced it back to the original source. Using the works of the leading Communitarian theorists, they followed the path from Seattle Neighborhood Plans all the way to the International Court at the Hague.

Conclusion: The foundation for the communitarian theory is undisputedly the Hegelian dialectic; Part I, a tutorial on the Hegelian dialectic is fully substantiated by Jesuit priests, Renowned Marxists and Pope John Paul. Theoretical analysis, i.e.. (A) Communitarianism did not evolve naturally (B) and it was never a movement that arose out of U.S. society (C) therefore, communitarianism has no natural home in the United States., is further substantiated with 70 verifiable, solid references that overwhelmingly support it. Part II, also heavily referenced, outlines historical events leading to the global communitarian synthesis. The changing duality of the new legal system clearly indicates Communitarianism is a criminal enterprise whose aim is to destroy all legal institutions established under national and state constitutions. Both Part I and Part II establish the aims and shared goals of the lesser arms involved in the global communitarian insurrection, showing direct ties to the War on Terror business, the European Union's integration under Communitarian Law, the emerging North American Free Trade Zone, UN Local Agenda 21, global sustainable development programs, Regionalization, Faith-Based Initiatives, Volunteer America, Community Oriented Policing, Rebuilding Community and Community Development.


ARE Americans practicing Communism?

Read the 10 Planks of The Communist Manifesto to discover the truth and learn how to know your enemy...

Karl Marx describes in his communist manifesto, the ten steps necessary to destroy a free enterprise system and replace it with a system of omnipotent government power, so as to effect a communist socialist state. Those ten steps are known as the Ten Planks of The Communist Manifesto… The following brief presents the original ten planks within the Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx in 1848, along with the American adopted counterpart for each of the planks. From comparison it's clear MOST Americans have by myths, fraud and deception under the color of law by their own politicians in both the Republican and Democratic and parties, been transformed into Communists.

Another thing to remember, Karl Marx in creating the Communist Manifesto designed these planks AS A TEST to determine whether a society has become communist or not. If they are all in effect and in force, then the people ARE practicing communists.

Communism, by any other name is still communism, and is VERY VERY destructive to the individual and to the society!

The 10 PLANKS stated in the Communist Manifesto and some of their American counterparts are...

1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes.
Americans do these with actions such as the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (1868), and various zoning, school & property taxes. Also the Bureau of Land Management (Zoning laws are the first step to government property ownership)

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
Americans know this as misapplication of the 16th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, 1913, The Social Security Act of 1936.; Joint House Resolution 192 of 1933; and various State "income" taxes. We call it "paying your fair share".

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
Americans call it Federal & State estate Tax (1916); or reformed Probate Laws, and limited inheritance via arbitrary inheritance tax statutes.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
Americans call it government seizures, tax liens, Public "law" 99-570 (1986); Executive order 11490, sections 1205, 2002 which gives private land to the Department of Urban Development; the imprisonment of "terrorists" and those who speak out or write against the "government" (1997 Crime/Terrorist Bill); or the IRS confiscation of property without due process. Asset forfeiture laws are used by DEA, IRS, ATF etc...).

5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
Americans call it the Federal Reserve which is a privately-owned credit/debt system allowed by the Federal Reserve act of 1913. All local banks are members of the Fed system, and are regulated by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) another privately-owned corporation. The Federal Reserve Banks issue Fiat Paper Money and practice economically destructive fractional reserve banking.

6. Centralization of the means of communications and transportation in the hands of the State.
Americans call it the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Department of Transportation (DOT) mandated through the ICC act of 1887, the Commissions Act of 1934, The Interstate Commerce Commission established in 1938, The Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Communications Commission, and Executive orders 11490, 10999, as well as State mandated driver's licenses and Department of Transportation regulations.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
Americans call it corporate capacity, The Desert Entry Act and The Department of Agriculture… Thus read "controlled or subsidized" rather than "owned"… This is easily seen in these as well as the Department of Commerce and Labor, Department of Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Mines, National Park Service, and the IRS control of business through corporate regulations.

8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
Americans call it Minimum Wage and slave labor like dealing with our Most Favored Nation trade partner; i.e. Communist China. We see it in practice via the Social Security Administration and The Department of Labor. The National debt and inflation caused by the communal bank has caused the need for a two "income" family. Woman in the workplace since the 1920's, the 19th amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, assorted Socialist Unions, affirmative action, the Federal Public Works Program and of course Executive order 11000.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries, gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of population over the country.
Americans call it the Planning Reorganization act of 1949 , zoning (Title 17 1910-1990) and Super Corporate Farms, as well as Executive orders 11647, 11731 (ten regions) and Public "law" 89-136. These provide for forced relocations and forced sterilization programs, like in China.

10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.
Americans are being taxed to support what we call 'public' schools, but are actually "government force-tax-funded schools " Even private schools are government regulated. The purpose is to train the young to work for the communal debt system. We also call it the Department of Education, the NEA and Outcome Based "Education" . These are used so that all children can be indoctrinated and inculcated with the government propaganda, like "majority rules", and "pay your fair share". WHERE are the words "fair share" in the Constitution, Bill of Rights or the Internal Revenue Code (Title 26)?? NO WHERE is "fair share" even suggested !! The philosophical concept of "fair share" comes from the Communist maxim, "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need! This concept is pure socialism. ... America was made the greatest society by its private initiative WORK ETHIC ... Teaching ourselves and others how to "fish" to be self sufficient and produce plenty of EXTRA commodities to if so desired could be shared with others who might be "needy"... Americans have always voluntarily been the MOST generous and charitable society on the planet.

Do changing words, change the end result? ... By using different words, is it all of a sudden OK to ignore or violate the provisions or intent of the Constitution of the united States of America?????

The people (politicians) who believe in the SOCIALISTIC and COMMUNISTIC concepts, especially those who pass more and more laws implementing these slavery ideas, are traitors to their oath of office and to the Constitution of the united States of America... KNOW YOUR ENEMY ...Remove the enemy from within and from among us.

None are more hopelessly enslaved, as those who falsely believe they are free....



Presidential ELECTION IN Venezuela

Hugo Chavez versus Henrique Capriles Radonski

Hugo Chavez:

Two illegal campaign contributions to Chavez in 1998-1999 by BBVA in Spain today BBVA Provincial has 315 branches in Venezuela

IACHR Regrets Decision of Venezuela to Denounce the American Convention on Human Rights


Henrique Capriles Radonski

Chicago Council 2010 Gus Hart Award winner running for President in Venezuela

N.Y. Times Article


Revolution! South America and the Rise of the New Left

(Palgrave-Macmillan, 2008)


For Americans who take pride in their country’s institutions and democratic traditions, the idea that the United States may have an overseas “empire” can come as something of a surprise. Since World War II the United States has enjoyed an enormous amount of political, economic, and military leverage in South America. By backing compliant elites and militaries, the United States was able to secure raw natural resources and other vital interests in the region. While U.S. influence remains strong throughout much of the region today, many South American nations are now asserting a more independent course free of Washington’s control. What are the contours of this political earthquake that has spread throughout the hemisphere, and what are its larger implications? These are the questions that I seek to take up in my book

Comments: the left in Central and South America was fueled by "Liberation Theology" depicting Jesus as a revolutionary Socialist and now the religious right in America is being fueled by a new concept of Jesus by "The Family" as a war mongering crusader for World-wide Christianity with a neo-conservative twist

They are the Family—fundamentalism's avant-garde, waging spiritual war in the halls of American power and around the globe. They consider themselves the new chosen—congressmen, generals, and foreign dictators who meet in confidential cells, to pray and plan for a "leadership led by God," to be won not by force but through "quiet diplomacy." Their base is a leafy estate overlooking the Potomac in Arlington, Virginia, and Jeff Sharlet is the only journalist to have reported from inside its walls.

The Family is about the other half of American fundamentalist power—not its angry masses, but its sophisticated elites. Sharlet follows the story back to Abraham Vereide, an immigrant preacher who in 1935 organized a small group of businessmen sympathetic to European fascism, fusing the far right with his own polite but authoritarian faith. From that core, Vereide built an international network of fundamentalists who spoke the language of establishment power, a "family" that thrives to this day. In public, they host Prayer Breakfasts; in private, they preach a gospel of "biblical capitalism," military might, and American empire. Citing Hitler, Lenin, and Mao as leadership models, the Family's current leader, Doug Coe, declares, "We work with power where we can, build new power where we can't."

Sharlet's discoveries dramatically challenge conventional wisdom about American fundamentalism, revealing its crucial role in the unraveling of the New Deal, the waging of the cold war, and the no-holds-barred economics of globalization. The question Sharlet believes we must ask is not "What do fundamentalists want?" but "What have they already done?"

Part history, part investigative journalism, The Family is a compelling account of how fundamentalism came to be interwoven with American power, a story that stretches from the religious revivals that have shaken this nation from its beginning to fundamentalism's new frontiers. No other book about the right has exposed the Family or revealed its far-reaching impact on democracy, and no future reckoning of American fundamentalism will be able to ignore it


The book given by Hugo Chavez to President Obama  "Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent"

Since its U.S. debut a quarter-century ago, this brilliant text has set a new standard for historical scholarship of Latin America. It is also an outstanding political economy, a social and cultural narrative of the highest quality, and perhaps the finest description of primitive capital accumulation since Marx.

Rather than chronology, geography, or political successions, Eduardo Galeano has organized the various facets of Latin American history according to the patterns of five centuries of exploitation. Thus he is concerned with gold and silver, cacao and cotton, rubber and coffee, fruit, hides and wool, petroleum, iron, nickel, manganese, copper, aluminum ore, nitrates, and tin. These are the veins which he traces through the body of the entire continent, up to the Rio Grande and throughout the Caribbean, and all the way to their open ends where they empty into the coffers of wealth in the United States and Europe.

Weaving fact and imagery into a rich tapestry, Galeano fuses scientific analysis with the passions of a plundered and suffering people. An immense gathering of materials is framed with a vigorous style that never falters in its command of themes. All readers interested in great historical, economic, political, and social writing will find a singular analytical achievement, and an overwhelming narrative that makes history speak, unforgettably.

This classic is now further honored by Isabel Allende's inspiring introduction. Universally recognized as one of the most important writers of our time, Allende once again contributes her talents to literature, to political principles, and to

"Fleas dream of buying themselves a dog, and nobodies dream of escaping poverty: that, one magical day, good luck will suddenly rain down on them - will rain down in buckets. But good luck doesn’t rain down, yesterday, today, tomorrow or ever. Good luck doesn’t even fall in a fine drizzle, no matter how hard the nobodies summon it, even if their left hand is tickling, or if they begin the new day on their right foot, or start the new year with a change of brooms. The nobodies: nobody’s children, owners of nothing. The nobodies: the no-ones, the nobodied, running like rabbits, dying through life, screwed every which way. Who are not, but could be. Who don’t speak languages, but dialects. Who don’t have religions, but superstitions. Who don’t create art, but handicrafts. Who don’t have culture, but folklore. Who are not human beings, but human resources. Who do not have faces, but arms. Who do not have names, but numbers. Who do not appear in the history of the world, but in the crime reports of the local paper. The nobodies, who are not worth the bullet that kills them."

Eduardo Galeano, "The Nobodies"

War is a Racket' by Smedley Butler



News , Comments and Notes:

Vice-Presidential Debate between Vice-President Joe Biden and Paul Ryan on Thursday Oct. 11, 2012 - Listen to this 11 year old girl calling in to the pre program of the debate - comments: Martha Radaatz injected into the debate the abortion issue and tried to personalize it to besmirch the Republican Candidates view - in addition the debate deterioriated into a Congressional Debate instead of a National Debate on issues.  - view the debate yourself at the above hypertext link and see what you think. - It was not a debate but a Congressional Circus revealing the shortcomings of both candidates

FACT CHECK: Slips in vice president's debate



Fleas can be taught nearly anything that a Congressman can.
- What Is Man?

...the smallest minds and the selfishest souls and the cowardliest hearts that God makes.
- Letter fragment, 1891

Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.
- Mark Twain, a Biography

Congressman is the trivialist distinction for a full grown man.
- Notebook #14, Nov. 1877 - July 1878

All Congresses and Parliaments have a kindly feeling for idiots, and a compassion for them, on account of personal experience and heredity.
Mark Twain's Autobiography; also in Mark Twain in Eruption

The lightning there is peculiar; it is so convincing, that when it strikes a thing it doesn't leave enough of that thing behind for you to tell whether--Well, you'd think it was something valuable, and a Congressman had been there.
- Mark Twain's Speeches, "The Weather"

It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress.
- Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar

It is the foreign element that commits our crimes. There is no native criminal class except Congress.
- More Maxims of Mark, Johnson, 1927

Whiskey is carried into committee rooms in demijohns and carried out in demagogues.
- Notebook, 1868

...I never can think of Judas Iscariot without losing my temper. To my mind Judas Iscariot was nothing but a low, mean, premature, Congressman.
- "Foster's Case," New York Tribune, 10 March 1873

Will Rogers Quote about Congress:

The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets.
Will Rogers

Others Quotes:

The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
Alexis de Tocqueville

We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.
Abraham Lincoln

Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself.
Mark Twain

I have wondered at times what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the US Congress.
Ronald Reagan

If the present Congress errs in too much talking, how can it be otherwise in a body to which the people send one hundred and fifty lawyers, whose trade it is to question everything, yield nothing, and talk by the hour?
Thomas Jefferson

David M. Rubenstein CEO of Carlyle Group comments at the 2012 World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland  on Capitalism - David M. Rubenstein is the co-founder of The Carlyle Group, a global private equity firm. In the 2011 Forbes ranking of the wealthiest Americans, Rubenstein was ranked 138th richest person in the United States and 418th in the world with a net worth of $2.8 billion. Rubenstein grew up an only child in a Jewish family in an exclusively Jewish neighborhood in Baltimore....wikipedia

Anonymous withdraws support for WikiLeaks

EUROPEAN UNION - awarded Nobel Peace Prize - The concept of a Democratic deficit within the European Union is the idea that institutions of the European Union lack democratic accountability and legitimacy compared to the national governments of its member states. The term was initially used to criticize the transfer of legislative powers from national governments to the Council of ministers of the EU. This led to an elected European Parliament being created and given the power to approve or reject EU legislation. Since then, usage of the term has broadened to describe newer issues facing the European Union.

Opinions differ as to whether the European Union has a democratic deficit[1] or how it should be remedied if it exists[2][3]. Proponents of Pro-Europeanism or European unification argue that the European Union should reform its institutions to make them more accountable, while Eurosceptics argue that the European Union should reduce its powers....wikipedia




OCT. 6, 2012 - FIRST HOUR - George and Charlotte welcome Dr.Bart Rossi  web-site political Psychologist who will give his analysis of the recent Obama-Romney Debate

Dr. Bart Rossi is a NJ Licensed Psychologist, author The New-New American Life Style: Post September 11, 2001, A Psychologist’s Perspective, columnist, and television commentator for Cable News 12; Power and Politics.

He began his career providing psychological care to a wide-range of clientele — through private practice, medical centers and other organizations, state-wide. He has served as co-Director of the Independent Child Study Teams, Inc. in Jersey City, and also as Director of the Adolescent Counseling Center of Somerset County. In 1977 he founded the Rossi Psychological Group, P.A, where — as CEO — he oversees a group comprised of over 50 licensed psychologists and medical professionals possessing expertise in specialized clinical areas. The Rossi Psychological Group is now also an affiliate of Vericare, the largest behavioral health company in the U.S.

Throughout the years he has worked with the New Jersey Parole Board Psychological Evaluations of Inmates, the New Jersey Department of Corrections [for the specialized training of 6,000+ Corrections Officers], the Hudson County Employee Assistance Program, and has been a Keynote speaker for the American Psychological Association Annual Practice Directorate Meeting [with representatives from all 50 states.]

Dr. Rossi received his B.A. in psychology at Parson’s College, (Iowa), M.A., in clinical psychology at the University of Dayton (Ohio), M.A. in General-Theoretical psychology at Fordham University, (NY) and his Ph.D. in General-Theoretical Psychology at Fordham University (NY). He is a member of the American Psychological Association, New Jersey Psychological Association (former board member), and the New Jersey Association for the Advancement of Psychology (former chairperson). He is married, with two daughters, and lives in Basking Ridge, New Jersey. He enjoys skiing and golf.


SECOND HOUR -  Chicago Connections - George and Charlotte will discuss the importance during the Obama administration of The City of Chicago. 







Early Capital  Base

Monopoly of Trading

Secret Partnerships

Crime and Labor Partners

Secret societies

1.  Chicago's Richest People: Top 10 Wealthiest Chicago Billionaires

2. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs - Chairman  and Board of Directors - Lester Crown Chairman, Michelle Obama Director

3. The Daley Machine - Old Man Daley - Richard Joseph Daley, who never lost his blue-collar Chicago accent, was known for often mangling his syntax and other verbal gaffes. Daley made one of his most memorable verbal missteps in 1968, while defending what the news media reported as police misconduct during that year's violent Democratic Convention. "Gentlemen, get the thing straight once and for all– the policeman isn't there to create disorder, the policeman is there to preserve disorder."

Richard Joseph Daley (May 15, 1902 – December 20, 1976) served for 21 years as the mayor and undisputed Democratic boss of Chicago and is considered by historians to be the "last of the big city bosses." He played a major role in the history of the Democratic Party, especially with his support of John F. Kennedy in 1960 and of Hubert Humphrey in 1968.

Daley was Chicago's third mayor in a row from the working-class, heavily Irish American Bridgeport neighborhood on Chicago's South Side, where he lived his entire life.

Daley had two bases of power, serving as a Committeeman and Chairman of the Cook County Democratic Central Committee from 1953, and as mayor of Chicago from 1955. He used both positions until his death in 1976 to dominate party and civic affairs. Daley's Democratic political machine was often accused of corruption, but while many of Daley's subordinates were jailed, Daley was never formally charged with corruption.

He is remembered for doing much to avoid the declines that some other "rust belt" cities like Cleveland, Buffalo and Detroit experienced during the same period. He had a strong base of support in Chicago's Irish Catholic community, and he was treated by national politicians such as Lyndon B. Johnson as a preeminent Irish American, with special connections to the Kennedy family.....wikipedia

He is the second longest-serving Chicago mayor in history.


The Younger Daley - Richard M. Daley, his son, is the former and longest-serving mayor of Chicago.[1]

Richard Michael Daley (born April 24, 1942), sometimes known as "Richie" Daley, is a former Mayor of Chicago, Illinois. Daley was elected mayor in 1989 and reelected in 1991, 1995, 1999, 2003, and 2007.[1] At 22 years, he was the longest serving Chicago mayor, surpassing the tenure of his father, Richard J. Daley.[2] Prior to serving as mayor, Daley served in the Illinois Senate and then as the Cook County State's Attorney.[1]

Mayor Daley took over the Chicago Public Schools, developed tourism, the construction of Millennium Park, increased environmental efforts and the rapid development of the city's North Side, as well as the near South and West sides. Mayor Daley expanded benefits to same-sex, domestic partners of City employees, and advocated for gun control. As Mayor of Chicago Daley was a national leader in privatization and the lease and sale of public assets to private corporations. Mayor Daley's budgets ran up the largest deficits in Chicago history.

Police use of force was an issue in Daley's tenures as States Attorney and Mayor....wikipedia

As Mayor of Chicago Daley was a national leader in privatization and the lease and sale of public assets to private corporations.....wikipedia

4. The Crowns of Chicago - Lester Crown

Mr. Crown and the President

Israel, Big Money and Obama - By Margaret Kimberly

5. The Masonic Temple Building Chicago

6. Commercial Club of Chicago - Valerie Jarrett , William M. Daley, and Lester Crown all come together

7. Valerie Jarrett -  first hired Michelle Obama  onto Daley staff

Relationship with President Obama

Obama speaks with Jarrett in a West Wing corridor.

In 1991, as Deputy Chief of Staff to Mayor Richard Daley, she interviewed Michelle Robinson for an opening in the mayor’s office, and offered her the job immediately.[22] Michelle Robinson asked for time to think and also asked Jarrett to meet her fiancé, Barack Obama. The three ended up meeting for dinner. After the dinner, Michelle took the job with the mayor's office, and Valerie Jarrett reportedly took the couple under her wing and “introduced them to a wealthier and better-connected Chicago than their own,” and taking Michelle with her when she left the mayor's office to head Chicago’s Department of Planning and Development.[23]...wikipedia

8. Albert E.  Jenner - jenner and chicago connections


Jesse Jackson, Wright 'arranged' Obama marriage - Chicago sources claim president was part of dark subculture

Mexican drug cartels fight turf battles in Chicago

CME Group

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
CME Group Inc.
Type Public
S&P 500 Component
Industry Security & commodity exchanges
Headquarters Chicago, IL, USA
Key people Terrence A. Duffy
(Executive Chairman & President)
Phupinder Gill
Revenue US$3 billion (2010),

US$2.56 billion (2008)

Operating income US$1.83 billion (2010),

US$1.58 billion (2008)

Net income US$0.95 billion (2010),

US$0.72 billion (2008)

Total assets US$38 billion (2010),

US$48.13 billion (2008)

Total equity US$20 billion (2010),

US$18.69 billion (2008)

Employees 2300 (12/31/2008)

CME Group Inc. (NASDAQCME) owns and operates large derivatives and futures exchanges in Chicago and New York City, as well as online trading platforms. It also owns the Dow Jones stock and financial indexes, and CME Clearing Services, which provides settlement and clearing of exchange trades. The exchange-traded derivative contracts include futures and options based on interest rates, equity indexes, foreign exchange, energy, agricultural commodities, rare and precious metals, weather and real estate.[1]

The corporate world headquarters are in the Chicago Loop financial district. The corporation was formed by the 2007 merger of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT). On March 17, 2008, it announced its acquisition of NYMEX Holdings, Inc., parent company of the New York Mercantile Exchange and Commodity Exchange, Inc (COMEX), which was formally completed on August 22, 2008.[2] The four exchanges now operate as designated contract markets (DCM) of the CME Group.[3]

On February 10, 2010, CME announced its purchase of 90% of Dow Jones Indexes including the Dow Jones Industrial Average.[4]

CME Group as the world's largest future exchanges has announced that the company will allow international investors to use the Chinese currency Renminbi as collateral for trading in all its futures products starting January 2012.[5]

CME Group owns 5% of BM&F Bovespa, the São Paulo stock exchange operator. BM&F Bovespa also owns 5% of CME Group.[6]



SEPT. 29, 2012 - FULL TWO HOURS - George and Charlotte will Discuss "The Power of Ideas"







1. Money Problem – the monopoly of money creation - privately owned Central Banks and the creation of credit out of thin air


1. Money Solution – create community banks which individuals together can begin to create money for themselves as account stakeholders  - MONEY SORCERY - A MUST DOWNLOAD

2. Education Problem – today’s schools primarily nurture and promulgate dominate systems of control - "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt - "The Underground History of American Education" by John Taylor Gatto

2. Education Solution – new schools would reveal to  its students the previous ulterior motives of most educational systems which perpetuate the dominate wealthy - The New School - History of Education The new school would be a school where freemen would study the history of education and the many reasons and misuses of schools and education. This would logically come at the beginning of the school session and be fleshed out through out the enlightenment process

3. Communication Problem – all citizens world-wide are overly regulated and restricted in their communications - Bluffdale is an example of the NSA building a very intrusive data complex that threatens our Liberties - an example of secrecy taken to an extreme degree - The National Security Act of 1947 started a National Security State that since 911 has accelerated  

3. Communication Solution – maximize the efficiency and access in addition to minimizing the cost to citizens world-wide of communication means, only individuals would have the right of exchanging encrypted communications, all governments would be prohibited from using encrypted means so their actions would be totally open to public scrutiny 

4. Hate Problem - Hatred and resentment fuels transgressions against one another  

4. Hate Solution -  forgiveness releases us from thought slavery maintained by the ego nurtured and support by hatred

5. Delusion Problem – the delusion is synergistically driven and we all suffer from self-delusion by degree and in this state we forever seek out those imputes that support the ego state and continue this state of denial and ignorance and so most of the time the ego  perpetuating delusion is the threat!.


5. Delusion Solution – we must strive to attain a better overall realization of the IS free from preconceptions seeded in by interpreters. To come out of the Delusion is to come out of that sleep state that overrides our true self. We must truly with a heart felt change start walking in a state of acceptance and works, creating a dynamic through forgiving, of deriving a greater objective means of seeing reality as it IS!




1. Universities and Colleges - the higher schools of learning have been used to transform the country at large into a system of man-centered world system dynamics and teaching of subjects that manifested in a world view described as Secular Humanism - Francis Schaeffer described this in his book entitled "A Christian Manifesto"

A Christian Manifesto

Schaeffer's A Christian Manifesto was published in 1981. The name of the book is intended to position its thesis as a Christian answer to The Communist Manifesto of 1848 and the Humanist Manifesto documents of 1933 and 1973. Schaeffer's diagnosis is that the decline of Western Civilization is due to society having become increasingly pluralistic, resulting in a shift "away from a world view that was at least vaguely Christian in people’s memory... toward something completely different". Schaeffer argues that there is a philosophical struggle between the people of God and the secular humanists.

In a sermon also titled "A Christian Manifesto", Schaeffer defines secular humanism as the worldview where "man is the measure of all things," and in the book he claims that critics of the Christian Right miss the mark by confusing the "humanist religion" with humanitarianism, the humanities, or love of humans. He describes the conflict with secular humanism as a battle in which "these two religions, Christianity and humanism, stand over against each other as totalities." He writes that the decline of commitment to objective truth that he perceives in the various institutions of society is "not because of a conspiracy, but because the church has forsaken its duty to be the salt of the culture."


2. Think Tanks - Featuring The Club of Rome and The Aspen Institute

The Club of Rome - Newly released Study entitled "2052: A Global Forecast for the next Forty Years" " - this is the site with video embedded - "2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years"  -  by Jorgen Randers - an earlier book entitled "Limits to Growth" by Dennis and Donella Meadows and Jorgen Randers posited  a future scenario of a out of control population increase, exhausting all resources. - these studies are based upon a scenario of climate change on the global warming side so if you believe that without questioning global warming  than one can be easily misled and The Club of Rome is a leading think-tank that misleads.  "Money and Sustainability The Missing Link" - Download this executive Summary which proposes a new financial structure to complement sustainability, but be careful it contains many inaccuracies, false assumptions and hustles.

The Aspen Institute of Humanistic StudiesIn 1971 A study was initiated by The Aspen Institute on public broadcasting that helped to shape the course of its economic and political development, so PBS is a brainchild of the Aspen Institute to teach through broadcasting Scientific, Religious, and Secular Humanism, plus multiculturalism thus promoting pluralism

Does the US need National Service McChrystal appeared at The Aspen Institute the summer of 2012 - General Stanley McChrystal video - McChrystal Bio - McChrystal was also criticized for his role in the aftermath of the 2004 death by friendly fire of Ranger and former professional football player Pat Tillman. Within a day of Tillman's death, McChrystal was notified that Tillman was a victim of friendly fire. Shortly thereafter, McChrystal was put in charge of paperwork to award Tillman a posthumous Silver Star for valor. On April 28, 2004, six days after Tillman's death, McChrystal approved a final draft of the Silver Star recommendation and submitted it to the acting Secretary of the Army, even though the medal recommendation deliberately omitted any mention of friendly fire, included the phrase "in the line of devastating enemy fire", and was accompanied by fabricated witness statements. On April 29, McChrystal sent an urgent memo warning White House speechwriters not to quote the medal recommendation in any statements they wrote for President Bush because it "might cause public embarrassment if the circumstances of Corporal Tillman's death become public." McChrystal was one of the first to caution restraint in public statements, until the investigation was complete. McChrystal was one of eight officers recommended for discipline by a subsequent Pentagon investigation but the Army declined to take action against him.

In addition McChrystal was awarded a Military Fellowship by The Council on Foreign Affairs - enough said about that!

Comments: when the Aspen presents retired officers who have mistreated our dedicated fighting men like Pat Tillman and even covered up the truth than that illustrates the fact that The Aspen Institute is into deception so the Institute presents itself as professing high minded ideals which in the end is a means to mind-control us.

3.  Internet - the number of sites, diversity and reach is so broad that the internet has become a  tool of pluralism - there exist in the internet Truth Filled sites and I recommend going to GCN at  and tuning in. Alex Jones is the leading broadcaster of that network at

4. The Media - the consolidation of the media into giant conglomerates has resulted in a system of mind-wash unprecedented in modern times. - This following clip was from an interview that Alex Jones had with Amber Lyon recently about journalists, and is very insightful about the intimidation of journalists by government click HERE TO Listen - Amber Lyon Site



Within psychology circles the term unconscious character denotes a character, not aware of themselves. Even those using this term are trapped in a delusional state they themselves aren't aware of. This is an example of the delusional calling the unconscious, unconscious characters. One can see a box trying to think within a box thinking. We all are in a delusional state by degree and no one can fully escape out of this stream of conscious thinking that traps even the most brilliant of minds. The intellectuals armed with knowledge believe they can think themselves out of the dilemma. Mystics emotionally and experientially driven think they can feel themselves out of the dilemma Few will ever give up resentments, hatreds, and bad feelings, to come out of the delusion, but instead they forsake these truths spurning them for self serving ego systems.


Freewill is an idea that has been a means to control others. Do we really have freewill and how does our freewill manifest. Freewill in my opinion is an idea to cover the fact that we are much more conditioned mind-controlled and brain washed than we could have ever imagined. So the idea of freewill is intended to make us think that we have freewill when in fact we have less freewill than we think we do. This deception is used to hide the fact that we have fewer choices than we think thus allowing others to hide the methods that are used to manage, mesmerize and control us without our knowledge or awareness. The existence of this hidden rule is deeply guarded so that the populace never realizes the systems used to enslave them. So well intentioned people conditioned especially by higher education, are educated to become lapdogs for the occultists who behind the scenes pull the strings and push the buttons to secure the desired state of a slave state with few citizens realizing the state of their being.


The old Greek fisherman has been out all day fishing with his oldest son. As his family spies his arrival from the shore they rush down to the beach to help him beach his boat and they begin unloading the wet nets and take the fish off to be cleaned. The family begins to string the wet nets in rows down the beach to dry and as each successive row is strung the sand on the far side of the last net from the viewer begins to be obscured little by little by the successive row of nets. Though the netting allows the eye to see through it eventually enough rows of nets would eventually obscure the sand on the far side of the furthest net from the viewer. The sand represents the natural law and the nets are man-made on the shore. Man has not the power to have created the sand so God did. Man wove the nets used out in the sea to catch fish and used on shore to obscure the sand thus obscuring truth. The nets represent man-made ideas, concepts, and notions used to catch mans minds though obscuring the truth with systems of thought that confuse, bewilder and seduce man so to become delusional trapped and used by their masters, most of the time unwittingly and unknowingly. Thus man's paradox is how to awaken to truth when strong and dark ideas bind one to ego and self-greatness.


Have you ever wanted to go and hide away? To seek a place away from the pressures, hustle and bustle of society a place of peace, tranquility and restfulness. There is a place hidden from our selfs for the delusion is real. So how does one seek Happiness?

"We are born as babes at the top of a mountain stream falling into the stream at its beginning. The stream as it sweeps down the mountainside gains a greater and greater swiftness and force. The currents grow stronger the waters swifter and deeper, throwing us hither and throe like bits of flotsam battered against the rocks engulfed by the whitewater swept just as helpless babies where the stream desires. We grow older as we progress down the stream finally able to paddle out of the center of the current seeking relief within the still waters, keeping in mind that where the stream empties into the sea there death awaits. Further down the stream we wade out of the stream standing on the hills along the shore. We stand in judgment on those hills looking down on those swept to their deaths thinking them as fools. We must let go of this judgment bringing forgiveness into our hearts vanquishing hate forever. We hopefully will all regain our senses and eventually rejoin those in the stream and together ministering one to another be washed to the sea."

The water is the light that engulfs us overwhelming us, mesmerizing us, mind-washing us with the light of darkness and the light of goodness. Forgiveness is the way but the swiftness of the light surrounds us sweeping us along the way, out of control. We must gain control of our lives through non-judging and forgiveness."

"The Delusion is deeply, deceptively,

Hidden so few ever see it,

From Within it"


The conscious state is the most protected state. For when substances or ideas sway us from the natural conscious state, then we become susceptible to outside influences. The conscience when not interfered with is a centering mechanism that returns us to a natural defensive state. When the conscience is under attack its tendency is to resist change. It tends to influence the individual to remain in his greatest protective state. The conscience is an influential mechanism that reorders us back to a natural defensive stance where we are more fully conscious. When under attack our whole life force shields are up and continually perpetuating that life force which is our prime directive, our prime goal and our prime existence.

Substances or ideas can sway us, thus we feed on substances and lustfully devourer ideas streaming into our minds through our eyes into our hearts, within the mind is where the internal dialectic is at work beating ideas one against the other. The greatest of addictions are ideas continually streaming, flowing swiftly through our minds forming, structuring and controlling us.
Spurious ideas are the enemy of all for these ideas create chaos when propagated into the sphere of ideas. These ideas undermine and take up residency in minds that create motives that in turn enslave societies. Today most modern ideas only continue addictive behavior and tend not to break addictive behavior but to reinforce or excuse additive behavior.
We must begin to become addictive breakers and stop nurturing addictive behavior.

Books: Recommended

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By Eugene "Red" McDaniel

The True Story of One Man's Courage Facing Death as a POW in Vietnam

Product Description

The word "hero" is used far too often. So is the word "courage." In the case of Capt. Eugene McDaniel and his hellish experience during the Vietnam War, neither word accurately describes his struggle in enduring the horrors of being one of the most brutalized prisoners of war (POW).

When his plane was shot down over the skies of Vietnam, McDaniel was captured and he spent six agonizing years as a POW in the Hanoi Hilton. His captors used barbaric and sadistic torture techniques on him, but McDaniel remained a source of hope and strength for his fellow POWs by clinging to his faith in even the darkest of hours.

In this 35th anniversary edition of "Scars & Stripes," a whole new generation of Americans will come to understand the power that prayer, belief and devotion to God had in sustaining McDaniel during his six years as a POW in Vietnam.

Capt. Eugene McDaniel's faith in God was an inspiration to his fellow POWs during moments of intense physical anguish and psychological torture. No matter the trials you face in your life, McDaniel's heroic story reaffirms that faith in God will always provide the light needed in times of darkness.



Zbigniew Brzezinski - Dr. Bzrezinski author of "Strategic Vision: America and the Crisis of Global Power" -  shares his vision for U.S. foreign policy goals in the current global geopolitical context. - A Conversation with Zbigniew Brzezinski (Video) Speaker: Zbigniew Brzezinski, Counselor and Trustee, Center for Strategic & International Studies; Former Presidential National Security Adviser
Presider: Sam Feist, Washington Bureau Chief and Senior Vice President,, CNN
March 29, 2012

Book Description

By 1991, following the disintegration first of the Soviet bloc and then of the Soviet Union itself, the United States was left standing tall as the only global super-power. Not only the 20th but even the 21st century seemed destined to be the American centuries. But that super-optimism did not last long. During the last decade of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century, the stock market bubble and the costly foreign unilateralism of the younger Bush presidency, as well as the financial catastrophe of 2008 jolted America – and much of the West – into a sudden recognition of its systemic vulnerability to unregulated greed. Moreover, the East was demonstrating a surprising capacity for economic growth and technological innovation. That prompted new anxiety about the future, including even about America’s status as the leading world power. This book is a response to a challenge. It argues that without an America that is economically vital, socially appealing, responsibly powerful, and capable of sustaining an intelligent foreign engagement, the geopolitical prospects for the West could become increasingly grave. The ongoing changes in the distribution of global power and mounting global strife make it all the more essential that America does not retreat into an ignorant garrison-state mentality or wallow in cultural hedonism but rather becomes more strategically deliberate and historically enlightened in its global engagement with the new East.

This book seeks to answer four major questions:

1. What are the implications of the changing distribution of global power from West to East, and how is it being affected by the new reality of a politically awakened humanity?
2. Why is America's global appeal waning, how ominous are the symptoms of America's domestic and international decline, and how did America waste the unique global opportunity offered by the peaceful end of the Cold War?
3. What would be the likely geopolitical consequences if America did decline by 2025, and could China then assume America's central role in world affairs?
4. What ought to be a resurgent America's major long-term geopolitical goals in order to shape a more vital and larger West and to engage cooperatively the emerging and dynamic new East?

America, Brzezinski argues, must define and pursue a comprehensive and long-term a geopolitical vision, a vision that is responsive to the challenges of the changing historical context. This book seeks to provide the strategic blueprint for that vision.

Zbigniew Brzezinski - audio clip stating the non sophistication of the American Public


SEPT. 22, 2012 - 7:15-8 pm CDT - George and Charlotte welcome Dr. James Tracy

James Tracy he is Associate Professor of Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. He received his Ph.D. in Mass Communication from the University of Iowa in 2002. His research and teaching focus on journalism history, political communication, and public opinion. Tracy has authored eighteen journal articles and book chapters, and some of his more recent work may be found at Memory Gap at

We will discuss his recent article published in Global Research entitled "The Tender Tyranny of American Liberalism Redux"



Today the world is told by the Nobel Peace Prize president how a new era of humanitarian interventionism has arrived through the establishment of the Susan Brown and Samantha Powers-inspired Atrocities Prevention Board. According to Presidential Study Directive 10 of August 4, 2011 laying the groundwork for the APB, and completed during the ultra-violent US and NATO-orchestrated guerrilla war and air bombardment of Libya, Obama identifies the prevention of mass atrocities and genocide as “a core national security interest and a core moral responsibility of the United States.”[5] Almost as if on cue, the administration’s liberal backers applaud such maneuvers.

In the absence of such compensation the American public today is afforded a simulacra of 1960s social struggle while similar imperial wars are waged abroad and barely a finger is lifted as America’s infrastructure crumbles, industrial jobs are continually outsourced, and the earth sustains what are likely her greatest environmental catastrophes in the Gulf of Mexico oil “spill” and the dire Fukushima nuclear meltdowns. In fact, the American liberal establishment overlooks such trifling events, content in the notion that it has “overcome” racism with an African American in the highest office, even as he busies himself dutifully enacting the policies of zombie banks, insurance and pharmaceutical conglomerates, and the military-industrial-surveillance complex.

Dr. James Tracy

Study Guides, Notes and Aids:

Fact Sheet: A Comprehensive Strategy and New Tools to Prevent and Respond to Atrocities

SECOND HOUR - 8-9 pm CDT - we'll discuss the news with a focus on Modern Day Turkey quite a learning experience


Penny Pritzker Bio - organizing plans on buying Obama retirement home, read about Penny Pritzker's bio there are several problems with her past dealings even with family members

Part 1 of this investigative report — HERE

Part 2 — HERE

Part 3 — HERE

READ PART FOUR of the investigative report HERE

CONFIDENTIAL: The Life of Secret Agent Turned Hollywood Tycoon Arnon Milchan - By Joseph Gelman and Meir Doron

Max Keiser and Gerald Celente - comment on LIBOR scandal back in  July still relevant today! 

The History of Freemasonry in Turkey

Daniele Ganser 911 Lecture - his home page

Turkey convicts three former generals - Europe - Al Jazeera

Kurdistan Workers' Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Kurdish–Turkish conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Susurluk scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Ergenekon (organization) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Sledgehammer plot - Search results - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  English Turkey's Red Book - Los Angeles Eurasian Affairs | Netflix Turkey Removes Iran From Its `Red Book' Threat List, Milliyet Reports - Bloomberg National Security Council (Turkey) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia TURKEY - New edition of Turkish Red Book shapes new security spheres National Security Council (Turkey) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Great Turkey Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Democratic Party (Turkey, current) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Democrat Party (Turkey, historical) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Democratic Party (Turkey, current) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Motherland Party (Turkey) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Republican People's Party (Turkey) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Politics of Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia History of Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia History of the Republic of Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Syria’s neighbors braced for chemical threat. Assad warns Turkey on Stingers U.S., Turkey to study Syria no-fly zone - Yahoo! News Turkey: NATO’s Neo-Ottoman Spearhead in the Middle East My Way News - Turkey blocks truck route into Syria Turkey Syria Border Tension - Business Insider » Troops Are Piling Up On Both Sides Of The Syria-Turkey Border As Tensions Escalate Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! » Turkey Mobilizes for War with Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! » Turkey Might Use Jet Downing as Excuse for NATO Intervention Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Gladio in NATO and notes on the Turkey Gladio History Follows: Book entitled "NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe"

NATO's Secret Armies" written by author Daniele Ganser

This fascinating new study shows how the CIA and the British secret service, in collaboration with the military alliance NATO and European military secret services, set up a network of clandestine anti-communist armies in Western Europe after World War II.

These secret soldiers were trained on remote islands in the Mediterranean and in unorthodox warfare centres in England and in the United States by the Green Berets and SAS Special Forces. The network was armed with explosives, machine guns and high-tech communication equipment hidden in underground bunkers and secret arms caches in forests and mountain meadows. In some countries the secret army linked up with right-wing terrorist who in a secret war engaged in political manipulation, harrassement of left wing parties, massacres, coup d'états and torture.

Codenamed 'Gladio' ('the sword'), the Italian secret army was exposed in 1990 by Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti to the Italian Senate, whereupon the press spoke of "The best kept, and most damaging, political-military secret since World War II" (Observer, 18. November 1990) and observed that "The story seems straight from the pages of a political thriller." (The Times, November 19, 1990). Ever since, so-called 'stay-behind' armies of NATO have also been discovered in France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Austria, Greece and Turkey. They were internationally coordinated by the Pentagon and NATO and had their last known meeting in the NATO-linked Allied Clandestine Committee (ACC) in Brussels in October 1990. What follows are notes about "The Stay behind Armies" in Turkey

[[498]edit] Turkey

          See also: [499]Multi-Party Period of Republic of Turkey and
          [500]Deep state

   In Turkey, the stay-behind army was known as "Counter-Guerrilla".
   Related to the [501]Milln Istihbarat Teskilbti (MIT), the Turkish
   intelligence agency, it engaged in domestic terror, supporting, as in
   Italy, a [502]strategy of tension, which led to two military coups
   d'itat in which it was directly involved. In 1971, after a military
   coup d'itat carried on [503]March 12, the stay-behind army
   Counter-Guerrilla engaged in [504]domestic terror and killed hundreds.
   The overall death-toll of the terror of the 1970s is estimated at
   5,000, with right-wing and terrorism responsible for the most part.
   According to statistics published by the British [505]Searchlight
   magazine (n047, May 1979, p.6), in 1978 there were 3,319 fascist
   attacks, in which 831 were killed and 3,121 wounded. In 1977,
   Counter-Guerrilla took part on the May 1, [506]Taksim Square massacre,
   while left-wing newspaper editor [507]Abdi Ipekgi was murdered in 1979
   by [508]Mehmet Ali Agca, a [509]Grey Wolves member who later tried to
   assassinate the [510]Pope John Paul II in 1980. General [511]Kenan
   Evren staged a [512]military coup and seized power in 1980. The
   US-support of this coup was acknowledged by the CIA Ankara station
   chief Paul Henze. After the government was overthrown, Henze cabled
   Washington, saying, "our boys have done it". At the time there were
   some 1,700 Grey Wolves organizations in Turkey, with about 200,000
   registered members and a million sympathisers. After being useful for
   the strategy of tension followed by Kenan Evren, the leader of the
   Counter-Guerrilla turned president outlawed the right-wing
   [513]Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) and the Grey Wolves, its youth
   organization. The MHP had been founded in 1965 by [514]Alparslan
   T|rkes, a member of the Counter-Guerrilla. Colonel T|rkes and other
   Grey Wolves were arrested. In its indictment of the MHP in May 1981,
   the Turkish military government charged 220 members of the MHP and its
   affiliates for 694 murders, according to [515]Edward Herman and Frank
   Brodhead in The Rise and Fall of the Bulgarian Connection (New York,
   1986, quoted by Ganser). However, Grey Wolves' imprisoned members were
   offered release if they accepted to fight the [516]Kurdish minority and
   the [517]PKK,^[518][57] as well as the [519]ASALA ("Armenian Secret
   Army for the Liberation of Armenia"). They then went on to fight, with
   Counter-Guerrilla, Kurds, killing and torturing thousands in the 1980s,
   and also carrying [520]false flag attacks in which the
   Counter-Guerrilla attacked villages, dressed up as PKK fighters, and
   raped and executed people randomly (Ganser, 2005).^[521][58] The fact
   that Counter-Guerrilla had engaged in torture was confirmed by Talat
   Turhan, a retired Turkish lieutenant colonel. According to a December
   5, 1990 article by the Swiss [522]Neue Z|rcher Zeitung, the
   Counter-Guerrilla had their headquarters in the building of the US
   [523]DIA military secret service.^[524][24] In addition, they carried
   out operations to assassinate the leader squad of ASALA, in which they

   Former Turkish prime minister [525]B|lent Ecevit recalled he had
   learned of the existence of Turkish "stay-behind" armies for the first
   time in [526]1974. At the time, the commander of the Turkish army,
   General [527]Semih Sancar, had allegedly informed him the US had
   financed the unit since the immediate post-war years, as well as the
   [528]MIT, the Turkish intelligence agency. Ecevit declared he suspected
   Counter-Guerrilla's involvement in the [529]1977 Taksim Square massacre
   in Istanbul, during which snipers opened fire on a protest rally of 500
   000 citizens, organized by trade unions on May 1, killing 38 and
   injuring hundred. In 1976, a demonstration gathering 100 000 against
   the domestic terror, for which Counter-Guerrilla was largely
   responsible, had already took place. The next year, the demonstrators
   were met with bullets. According to Ecevit, the shooting lasted for
   twenty minutes, yet several thousand policemen on the scene did not
   intervene. This mode of operation recalls the [530]June 20, 1973 Ezeiza
   massacre in Buenos Aires, when the [531]Argentine Anticommunist
   Alliance (aka Triple A), founded by [532]Josi Lopez Rega (a P2 member),
   opened fire on the left-wing peronists... According to [533]Kurtulus
   Turkish magazine (n099, September 19, 1998 - quoted by Ganser, 2005),
   Turkish CIA agent Hiram Abas who "was closer than his own brother" to
   the CIA chief of station in Istanbul [534]Duane 'Dewey' Clarridge
   (quotes from Clarridge's 1997 memoirs An Agent for All Seasons), was
   present on the May Day massacre. The Hotel International, from which
   the shots were fired, belonged to the [535]ITT company, which had
   already been involved in financing the [536]September 11, 1973 coup
   against [537]Salvador Allende in Chile and was on good terms with the
   CIA. Hiram Abas had been trained in the US in covert action operations
   and as an MIT agent first gained notoriety in Beirut, where he
   cooperated with the [538]Mossad from 1968 to 1971 and carried out
   attacks, "targeting left-wing youths in the [539]Palestinian camps and
   receiving bounty for the results he achieved in actions" (Kurtulus
   n099). With MIT agent Mehmet Eym|r, later promoted to direct the MIT's
   department for counter-espionage, Abas also participated in the
   Kizildere massacre of March 30, 1972, when they killed seven left-wing

   Other massacres include the [540]Bahgelievler Massacre (October 9, 1978
   - 7 university students who were members of the [541]Turkish Worker's
   Party were assassinated by far-right activists including [542]Abdullah
   Gatli and [543]Haluk Kirci), March 16 Massacre (March 16, 1978 - At the
   exit of the school, the police and fascists bombed and shot the leftist
   students in Beyazit Square, killing 7 people), [544]Kahramanmaras
   Massacre (December 23-24, 1978 - 111 [545]Alauoites were killed
   according to the official figures, the actual number was predicted to
   be much higher) and many more.

   According to [546]Le Monde diplomatique, [547]Abdullah Gatli, one of
   the leader of the Grey Wolves, "is reckoned to have been one of the
   main perpetrators of underground operations carried out by the Turkish
   branch of the Gladio organisation and had played a key role in the
   bloody events of the period 1976-1980 which paved the way for the
   military coup d'itat of September 1980. As the young head of the
   far-right Grey Wolves militia, he had been accused, among other things,
   of the murder of seven left-wing students." He was seen in the company
   of [548]Avanguardia Nazionale founder [549]Stefano Delle Chiaie, while
   touring Latin America and on a visit to Miami in September





SEPT. 15, 2012 - OPEN PHONES BOTH HOURS - George and Charlotte - welcome you to the program - George is in Chantilly, Virginia covering the Liberty Political Action Conference at the Westfields Marriott Hotel in Chantilly,  Virginia  
SEPTEMBER 8, 2012 - FIRST HOUR  - 7:15 - 8 pm CDT - George and Charlotte welcome Greg Palast  - he's author of "Vultures' Picnic: In Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates and High-Finance Carnivores" - and his latest book Billionaires & Ballot Bandits – Greg Palast Investigates the Election Games 

Palast is best known as the investigative reported who uncovered how Katherine Harris purged thousands of African-Americans from Florida voters rolls in the 2000 Presidential Election.

Author of the New York Times and international bestsellers, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy and Armed Madhouse, Palast is Patron of the Trinity College Philosophical Society, an honor previously held by Jonathan Swift and Oscar Wilde.


"A cross between Sam Spade and Sherlock Holmes" (Jim Hightower, The Nation), Greg Palast turned his skills to journalism after two decades as a top investigator of corporate fraud and racketeering. Palast's reports appear on BBC's Newsnight and in Britain's Guardian, Rolling Stone and Harper's.

Palast directed the US' government's largest racketeering case in history (that garnered a $4.3 billion jury award) and the investigation of the Exxon Valdez.

Palast is recipient of the George Orwell Courage in Journalism Prize for his BBC television documentary, Bush Family Fortunes


In 2008, our voter guide/comic book Steal Back Your Vote written by Greg Palast and Bobby Kennedy reached over half a million voters. And we’re going to do it again in our new ballot-protection weapon:

Billionaires & Ballot Bandits – Election Games 2012 – The Comic Book and voter guide.

This time, investigative reporter Greg Palast, who busted the story of the purge of Black voters in Florida in 2000, has teamed

with genius comic pen-man Ted Rall and the crew of the Palast Investigative Fund to produce a kick-butt-and-take-down-names

In 2008, Steal Back Your Vote was distributed to thousands of at-risk voters in cooperation with Operation Rainbow/PUSH, Rock the Vote, VotoLatino, the Congressional Black Caucus and 150 other non-partisan and comic book with working subtitle:
 Election Games 2012:  Played by Karl Rove, the Koch Gang and their


SECOND HOUR - We will discuss the 911 Truth Movement and it's importance to America - in addition we will discuss the following general ideas


Ideas, Concepts or Conjectures


1. 911 ATTACK - was a legitimate terrorist attack from outside of the United States


2. KNOW THYSELF - we really know ourselves and are aware of our personality traits and personal characteristics

This is difficult to accomplish but one can ask friends and take personality tests to try to see oneself

3. The Main Line Media provides accurate and truthful information

The public is increasingly aware of the use of the main-line media to manipulate the public


Businesses create jobs - governments create taxes and expenses and confiscate wealth


Research The Fabian Society in the U.K. and read Antony Sutton Speeches and interviews


Read G. Edward Griffin - "The Creature From Jekyll Island"


THE DELUSION IS REAL - Forgiveness brings you
out of The Delusion


A cult of personality arises when an individual uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods, to create an idealized and heroic public image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise. Sociologist Max Weber developed a tripartite classification of authority; the cult of personality holds parallels with what Weber defined as "charismatic authority". A cult of personality is similar to hero worship, except that it is established by mass media and propaganda.....wikipedia




Mini-Nukes Were Used on 9-11

Arnie Gundersen at the Japan National Press Club

House Passes “Trespass Bill” HR-347 That Makes Protests Illegal


Resolution Calls for Impeachment if Obama Does Not Seek War Authorization from Congress

Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth

Articles on Fukushima - The 4th Media

Bill Text
112th Congress (2011-2012)

Secret US-Israeli Nuke Transfers Led To Fukushima Blasts

Japanese Regularly Eating Food Containing Radio Nuclides Such As Cesium





SEPTEMBER 1, 2012 - George and Charlotte open up the lines and discuss current news, The Paul Festival and Ron Paul's Rally in The Sun Dome in Tampa, Florida.


John Dean in Depth C-Span interview important insights about Authoritarianism, Watergate, The Nixon Administration  -





AUGUST 25, 2012 - Charlotte  hosts and welcomes Ben Taylor and interviews Dr. Ken O'Neal about prescription drugs - Second Hour George reports from The Paul Festival from Tampa Florida.



AUGUST 18, 2012 - 7:15 - George welcomes Tony Gosling - to the program for an update from Bristol England.......

Who does that Tony Gosling think he is?

A brief biog.

I was born in Gravesend, Kent in 1962 and brought up in Bromley, South London. I ended my formal education at Ilkley College in West Yorkshire with a Humanities degree, specializing in English Literature, from Bradford University. After working for a few years in the family aviation business I decided to have a go at radio journalism.
Volunteering at the GLC funded Radio Thamesmead (now Time FM 106.8) in South East London I eventually became their full-time volunteer editor of community programmes. RTM applied for, and got, an FM license from the Radio Authority but as part of the financial deal manager Bob Smith took many of the best presenters off the air. I therefore left in 1991 for a researchers job at Greater London Radio, the BBC's station for London.
In 1992 I moved to BBC Radio Solent as a reporter and then on to BBC Wiltshire Sound, where I worked as Salisbury reporter, relief presenter and documentary maker. When Wiltshire Sound had a 'cash crisis' the BBC decided they no longer required my services. I moved to the Lake District where I took a year out then moved to Oxford where I got involved with environmental campaigning, volunteering at The Land Is Ours helping to organize land occupations in the mid to late 1990's.
After moving to Bristol and getting into investigative journalism I helped establish i-Contact video network and Ecovillage network UK. I spent a year on the National Executive of the NUJ and eight years as Secretary, then Vice-Chair of the Bristol branch of the National Union of Journalists until the 2009 AGM when I resigned from the Bristol executive.
I joined the Religious Society of Friends, or Quakers, in June 2005 and I delivered my first lecture on the Seventeenth Century Illuminati in October 2006.
Since Easter 2009 I have produced and presented Friday Drivetime, the weekly politics show on Bristol Community FM which gives a provincial perspective on the news 'in Bristol Britain and around the world'.


Germany's Four Reichs: Origins and Development, seeking World Domination in ruthless terror by Harry Beckhough

Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile - By Paul Manning

Revealed: The secret report that shows how the Nazis planned a Fourth Reich ........ the EU


8:30-9 pm - We welcome Rich Clarke Ron Paul Delegate and Band member of "The Industry"

Our Paulfest Announcement Video

Us playing live (and giving ole Ron Paul a shout out)


AUGUST 11, 2012 - 7:15 til 9 pm CDT - George and Charlotte welcome Bernadine Smith - Web Site - Documents

The founder of the Second Amendment Committee, Bernadine Smith, is a political research writer and a gun rights activist. She has nearly 40 years of experience in fighting against political corruption, fraud, and desecration of the rights of the American people. In 1984 she formed the Second Amendment Committee, which is a nationwide organization that provides information of benefit to those seeking a peaceful resolution to the gun crisis.

She is a recipient of many different awards for patriotic achievements. Because of her work in protecting the right to keep and bear arms, she is the only person to receive 3 awards from the “American Pistol and Rifle Association”. One of those awards was for the authorship of The Hanford Pro-gun Legislation, a measure which supports state enforcement of the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights. The Hanford Pro-gun Legislation has engaged active support of two California state senators; however, the liberals in the judiciary committee have kept the measure bottled up. This amendment rises above the power of the courts and stops all interference with our right to keep and bear arms. The measure does not present new law. What it does is to confirm and enforce adherence to the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights as the supreme protective law for firearms of law-abiding people. Upon passage of this measure, all anti-gun laws within the state, past, present, or future are made instantly inoperative. It also stops the application of any federal laws from applying to the state. It is built so that it can be used to protect gun owners in any state in all aspects of arms ownership, individually and collectively. Once this measure is entered into a state constitution, it can not be removed without a vote of the people.

Smith has also authored legislation to restore the militia system to its proper role as designed by the framers of the Constitution. She won an award for her speech at the 25th Anniversary of the United Nations, speaking in opposition to the United States membership in the United Nations. She is listed in the Encyclopedia of Associations under patriotic organizations, another of her organizations being “The Friends of Patrick Henry”. She presents her work to the public at large without copyright in loose-leaf form for easy mass production by others.

She has been protesting against the abolishment of our states, the general and complete disarmament of the nation, the disarming of its law-abiding citizens, the closing of our military bases, the plans to bring foreign soldiers into the United States to police our nation and keep it disarmed (Public Law 87-297), the effort to open up a constitutional convention, the growing increase in socialism, etc. She speaks in support of the citizen militias and has a militia package which documents the essential role of militias in American county government. The Second Amendment Committee is not limited in scope and has a broad range of studied subjects available to the public.

Because of its “on target” activities, many gun owners have acclaimed the Second Amendment Committee to be the No. 1 gun defender in the nation, over and above the National Rifle Association or any of the other large pro-gun organizations in the nation

Independence of the Second Amendment Committee:
The Second Amendment Committee of Hanford, California is independent of any other organization with a similar sounding name or title, and in particular, is NOT and has never been connected in any form or fashion to the Alan Gottlieb Second Amendment Foundation of Bellevue, Washington.

The legality of International Treaties

1.  C.D. Jackson - C.D. Jackson (Charles Douglas Jackson) served as Special Assistant to President Dwight D. Eisenhower from February 16, 1953 to March 31, 1954.

According to the Eisenhower Library files in Abilene, Kansas, C.D. Jackson's "area responsibility was loosely defined as international affairs, cold war planning, and psychological warfare. His main function was the coordination of activities aimed at interpreting world situations to the best advantage of the United States and her allies and exploiting incidents which reflected negatively on the Soviet Union, Communist China and other enemies in the Cold War."

"Jackson's background in psychological warfare during World War II [according to the finding aid to the C.D. Jackson Papers] prepared him for the task. As Special Assistant to the President, Jackson worked closely with the Psychological Strategy Board and the Operations Coordinating Board, and served as an official member of the latter. The PSB was authorized by President Harry S. Truman in June 1951 to coordinate activities which had previously been handled separately by the State Department and the Defense Department. The Deputy Secretary of Defense, the Under Secretary of State, and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency comprised the Board. The PSB's efforts were not notably successful. Shortly after his inauguration President Eisenhower appointed a Committee on International Information Activities to study the matter. The group was referred to as the Jackson Committee after its chairman, William Jackson, although C.D. Jackson was also a member. The Committee recommended that the PSB be abolished and replaced by the OCB, which was accomplished in September 1953.In addition to the representatives from State, Defense and CIA who had served on the PSB, the OCB membership included the Director of the Foreign Operations Administration and the President's Special Assistant for Psychological Warfare. The Special Assistant for National Security Affairs and the Director of the United States Information Agency also were authorized to attend meetings."

"In addition to the numerous letters, cables, memoranda, reports, intelligence summaries and newspaper clippings can be found in this series. Correspondents include high level government officials such as Sherman Adams, Allen Dulles, Robert Cutler, Gordon Gray, Gabriel Hauge, James Hagerty, Henry Cabot Lodge, Walter Bedell Smith, Lewis Strauss, George Kennan, and Nelson Rockefeller. Material from PSB and OCB staff members and correspondence between Jackson and experts and consultants outside the federal government, such as Walter Rostow of MIT, is filed here, as well as correspondence from representatives of the following groups: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Voice of America, U.S. Information Agency, International Information Administration, Committee for Free Asia, Inc., Free World Congress, and World Veterans Federation. Although general public mail was received by PSB and OCB, administrative records in the third series indicate that most such correspondence was destroyed."

 Bilderberg Formation

According to Richard J. Aldrich, a political lecturer at Nottingham University, Bilderberg is an "informal secretive transatlantic council of key decision makers, developed between 1952 and 1954... It brought leading European and American personalities together once a year for informal discussions of their differences..." The formation of the American branch was entrusted to General Dwight D. Eisenhower's psychological warfare co-ordinator, C.D. Jackson and the first meeting was funded by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Thereafter, much of its funding came from the Ford Foundation. Annual meetings covered a wide range of subjects.

However, it is clear that the 1957 Treaty of Rome [4] was nurtured by the Bilderberg discussions of the previous year. [5], [6] Mr. Aldrich is the author of The Hidden Hand: Britain, America and Cold War Secret Intelligence. [7]

2. Bricker Amendment - The precedent most often cited by critics of "treaty law" was Missouri v. Holland.[39] Congress had attempted to protect migratory birds by statute,[40] but federal and state courts declared the law unconstitutional.[41] The United States subsequently negotiated and ratified a treaty with Canada to achieve the same purpose,[42] Congress then passed the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 to enforce it.[43] In Missouri v. Holland, the United States Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the new law. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, writing for the Court, declared:

Acts of Congress are the supreme law of the land only when made in pursuance of the Constitution, while treaties are declared to be so when made under the authority of the United States. It is open to question whether the authority of the United States means more than the formal acts prescribed to make the convention. We do not mean to imply that there are no qualifications to the treaty-making power; but they must be ascertained in a different way. It is obvious that there may be matters of the sharpest exigency for the national well being that an act of Congress could not deal with but that a treaty followed by such an act could, and it is not lightly to be assumed that, in matters requiring national action, 'a power which must belong to and somewhere reside in every civilized government' is not to be found

John W. Bricker was elected Governor of Ohio for three two-year terms, serving from 1939 to 1945, each time winning with a greater margin of victory.[1] Bricker espoused a stance against centralized government, preferring to increase involvement in state and local governments, and made this known in his inaugural address as Governor:

There must be a revitalization of state and local governments throughout the nation. The individual citizen must again be conscious of his responsibility to his government and alert to the preservation of his rights as a citizen under it. That cannot be done by taking government further away, but by keeping it at home.

John W. Bricker, inaugural gubernatorial address, January 9, 1939

More or less coincident with the organization of the United Nations a new form of internationalism arose which undertook to enlarge the historical concept of international law and treaties to have them include and deal with the domestic affairs and internal laws of independent nations.[66]

Senator Bricker thought the "one world" movement advocated by those such as Wendell Willkie, Roosevelt's Republican challenger in the 1940 election, would attempt to use treaties to undermine American liberties. Conservatives cited as evidence the statement of John P. Humphrey, the first director of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights:

What the United Nations is trying to do is revolutionary in character. Human rights are largely a matter of [the] relationship between the State and individuals, and therefore a matter which has been traditionally regarded as being within the domestic jurisdiction of states. What is now being proposed is, in effect, the creation of some super national supervision of this relationship



AUG. 4, 2012 - 7:15pm-8:45 - CDT - George and Charlotte welcome Greg Palast  - the Topic LIBOR scandal  - he's author of "Vultures' Picnic: In Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates and High-Finance Carnivores" - and his latest book Billionaires & Ballot Bandits – Greg Palast Investigates the Election Games 

Palast is best known as the investigative reported who uncovered how Katherine Harris purged thousands of African-Americans from Florida voters rolls in the 2000 Presidential Election.

Author of the New York Times and international bestsellers, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy and Armed Madhouse, Palast is Patron of the Trinity College Philosophical Society, an honor previously held by Jonathan Swift and Oscar Wilde.


"A cross between Sam Spade and Sherlock Holmes" (Jim Hightower, The Nation), Greg Palast turned his skills to journalism after two decades as a top investigator of corporate fraud and racketeering. Palast's reports appear on BBC's Newsnight and in Britain's Guardian, Rolling Stone and Harper's.

Palast directed the US' government's largest racketeering case in history (that garnered a $4.3 billion jury award) and the investigation of the Exxon Valdez.

Palast is recipient of the George Orwell Courage in Journalism Prize for his BBC television documentary, Bush Family Fortunes


In 2008, our voter guide/comic book Steal Back Your Vote written by Greg Palast and Bobby Kennedy reached over half a million voters. And we’re going to do it again in our new ballot-protection weapon:

Billionaires & Ballot Bandits – Election Games 2012 – The Comic Book and voter guide.

This time, investigative reporter Greg Palast, who busted the story of the purge of Black voters in Florida in 2000, has teamed

with genius comic pen-man Ted Rall and the crew of the Palast Investigative Fund to produce a kick-butt-and-take-down-names

In 2008, Steal Back Your Vote was distributed to thousands of at-risk voters in cooperation with Operation Rainbow/PUSH, Rock the Vote, VotoLatino, the Congressional Black Caucus and 150 other non-partisan and comic book with working subtitle:
 Election Games 2012:  Played by Karl Rove, the Koch Gang and their



SECOND HOUR - we'll discus money laundering with Robert Mazur author of  "The Infiltrator" : My Secret Life Inside the Dirty Banks Behind Pablo Escobar's Medellin Cartel -
ROBERT MAZUR spent five years undercover infiltrating the criminal hierarchy of Colombia’s drug cartels. The dirty bankers and businessmen he befriended—some of whom still shape power across the globe—knew him as Bob Musella, a wealthy, mob-connected big shot living the good life. Together they partied in $1,000-per-night hotel suites, drank bottles of the world’s finest champagne, drove Rolls-Royce convertibles, and flew in private jets. But under Mazur’s Armani suits and in his Renwick briefcase, recorders whirred quietly, capturing the damning evidence of their crimes. Then, at a staged wedding, he led a dramatic takedown that shook the underworld. In the end, more than eighty men and women were charged worldwide. Operation C-Chase became one of the most successful undercover operations in the history of U.S. law enforcement, and evidence gathered during the bust proved critical to the conviction of General Manuel Noriega.

The Infiltrator is the story of how Mazur helped bring down the unscrupulous bankers who manipulated complex international finance systems to serve drug lords—including Pablo Escobar—corrupt politicians, tax cheats, and terrorists. It is, at its broadest, a shocking chronicle of the rise and fall of perhaps the biggest and most intricate money-laundering operation of all time—an enterprise that cleaned and moved hundreds of millions of dollars a year. At its heart, it’s a stunning and vivid portrait of an undercover life—and the sacrifices it required.

Filled with dangerous lies, near misses, and harrowing escapes, The Infiltrator is as bracing and explosive as the greatest fiction thrillers—only it’s all true.

Book About a Former Undercover Agent hits Hollywood

Published July 4, 2012

Former DEA Undercover Agent, Robert Mazur spent five years risking his life to infiltrate the dirty banks behind Pablo Escobar's vicious Medellin Cartel. Following his mission, Mazur wrote a book called "The Infiltrator: My Secret Life Inside the Dirty Banks Behind Pablo Escobar's Medellin Cartel". The book is such a hit, that it's being made into a movie about his life.

The Tampa Tribune wrote an article about Mazur's career and his book as its being screened for a movie.

Mazur's undercover work helped to expose corruption and money laundering schemes by the world's 7th largest privately held bank, BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International). The bank helped Mazur, posing as a mob-connected money launderer, Bob Musella, launder tens of millions of dollars for the Medellin cartel.

"My passion is this issue and in my view, I'm kind of a vehicle through which the story can be honestly told because I saw it firsthand," said Mazur

The investigation climaxed with the arrest of smugglers and bankers at a staged wedding in Tampa in the late 1980s. The final arrest count was nearly 100 drug traffickers, money launderers, top bank executives and the demise of BCCI.

Brad Furman, director of "The Lincoln Lawyer" which starred Matthew McConaughey has taken this project under his wing and will expose one of the most thrilling behind-the-scenes stories into the Medellin Cartel to date. Mazur is an Executive Director for the movie that portrays his life.

Mazur and Furman expect production of the film to start in 2013.

For more information about Robert Mazur or his book visit

Robert Mazur is available for interviews. Please contact Shannon Rose, Eclectic Media Productions (347)92-STARS or (347) 927-8277, Email:

Robert Mazur is represented by Eclectic Media Productions National PR Firm. Website:


Notes and Study Material - of current investigation of alleged money laundering by HSBC and other banks


Libor scandal overshadows UBS Q2 results

ZURICH | Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:02am BST

(Reuters) - Swiss bank UBS (UBSN.VX) will be scrutinised on Tuesday for what it says about Libor interest rate manipulation, overshadowing an expected increase in first-quarter profit.- Swiss regulator FINMA said on Monday it is questioning UBS and Credit Suisse (CSGN.VX) in an investigation over possible Libor interest rate rigging.



JULY 28, 2012 - Charlotte and George welcome John Breeding - the topic will be the shooting event and massacre in Colorado

John Breeding PhD, Psychologist, Counselor and Activist author of "The Wildest Colts Make The Best Horses"  John's Site

I have been working as a counseling psychologist for over 26 years with individuals, couples and families of all ages. I know and trust the goodness of human nature and the natural path of human development. I understand that we live in a very stressful and challenging world, and that various physical and emotional hurts cause distress and tend to interfere with our inherent loving and intelligence. I know we all need as much help as we can get, and I am honored to provide support in handling life's challenges and in the natural process of psychological recovery and restoration of well-being  - John Breeding

Office Counseling and Consultation for Individuals, Couples and Families Telephone Counseling and Consultation

For those out of town or unable to travel to my office, I offer telephone counseling and consultation. I can be a resource for parents in handling the challenge of a child who is labeled a "problem." I may also be of help to adults on issues other than parenting. Contact Dr. Breeding by phone (512) 326-8326, or e-mail him at, offering three time possibilities for an appointment.






JULY 21, 2012 - FIRST SEGMENT - George and Charlotte welcome our sponsor Utopia Silver -  
REST OF PROGRAM - We will discuss the shooting in Aurora, Colorado and The Legality of International Treaties

The Shooting in Aurora Colorado

1. Latest Report Daily Mail

2. Gun Ban Treaty

3. One Moviegoer With a Gun Could Have Prevented 70 Innocent People From Being Shot

4. Myths and Reality About People Who Carry Concealed Weapons

5. Firearms Legislation In The 112th Congress

6. Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (UN Document A/CONF.192/15)

7. Gun control calls follow Colorado theater shootings, but few expect major changes



The legality of International Treaties

1. C.D. Jackson - C.D. Jackson (Charles Douglas Jackson) served as Special Assistant to President Dwight D. Eisenhower from February 16, 1953 to March 31, 1954.

According to the Eisenhower Library files in Abilene, Kansas, C.D. Jackson's "area responsibility was loosely defined as international affairs, cold war planning, and psychological warfare. His main function was the coordination of activities aimed at interpreting world situations to the best advantage of the United States and her allies and exploiting incidents which reflected negatively on the Soviet Union, Communist China and other enemies in the Cold War."

"Jackson's background in psychological warfare during World War II [according to the finding aid to the C.D. Jackson Papers] prepared him for the task. As Special Assistant to the President, Jackson worked closely with the Psychological Strategy Board and the Operations Coordinating Board, and served as an official member of the latter. The PSB was authorized by President Harry S. Truman in June 1951 to coordinate activities which had previously been handled separately by the State Department and the Defense Department. The Deputy Secretary of Defense, the Under Secretary of State, and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency comprised the Board. The PSB's efforts were not notably successful. Shortly after his inauguration President Eisenhower appointed a Committee on International Information Activities to study the matter. The group was referred to as the Jackson Committee after its chairman, William Jackson, although C.D. Jackson was also a member. The Committee recommended that the PSB be abolished and replaced by the OCB, which was accomplished in September 1953.In addition to the representatives from State, Defense and CIA who had served on the PSB, the OCB membership included the Director of the Foreign Operations Administration and the President's Special Assistant for Psychological Warfare. The Special Assistant for National Security Affairs and the Director of the United States Information Agency also were authorized to attend meetings."

"In addition to the numerous letters, cables, memoranda, reports, intelligence summaries and newspaper clippings can be found in this series. Correspondents include high level government officials such as Sherman Adams, Allen Dulles, Robert Cutler, Gordon Gray, Gabriel Hauge, James Hagerty, Henry Cabot Lodge, Walter Bedell Smith, Lewis Strauss, George Kennan, and Nelson Rockefeller. Material from PSB and OCB staff members and correspondence between Jackson and experts and consultants outside the federal government, such as Walter Rostow of MIT, is filed here, as well as correspondence from representatives of the following groups: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Voice of America, U.S. Information Agency, International Information Administration, Committee for Free Asia, Inc., Free World Congress, and World Veterans Federation. Although general public mail was received by PSB and OCB, administrative records in the third series indicate that most such correspondence was destroyed."

 Bilderberg Formation

According to Richard J. Aldrich, a political lecturer at Nottingham University, Bilderberg is an "informal secretive transatlantic council of key decision makers, developed between 1952 and 1954... It brought leading European and American personalities together once a year for informal discussions of their differences..." The formation of the American branch was entrusted to General Dwight D. Eisenhower's psychological warfare co-ordinator, C.D. Jackson and the first meeting was funded by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Thereafter, much of its funding came from the Ford Foundation. Annual meetings covered a wide range of subjects.

However, it is clear that the 1957 Treaty of Rome [4] was nurtured by the Bilderberg discussions of the previous year. [5], [6] Mr. Aldrich is the author of The Hidden Hand: Britain, America and Cold War Secret Intelligence. [7]

2. Bricker Amendment - The precedent most often cited by critics of "treaty law" was Missouri v. Holland.[39] Congress had attempted to protect migratory birds by statute,[40] but federal and state courts declared the law unconstitutional.[41] The United States subsequently negotiated and ratified a treaty with Canada to achieve the same purpose,[42] Congress then passed the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 to enforce it.[43] In Missouri v. Holland, the United States Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the new law. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, writing for the Court, declared:

Acts of Congress are the supreme law of the land only when made in pursuance of the Constitution, while treaties are declared to be so when made under the authority of the United States. It is open to question whether the authority of the United States means more than the formal acts prescribed to make the convention. We do not mean to imply that there are no qualifications to the treaty-making power; but they must be ascertained in a different way. It is obvious that there may be matters of the sharpest exigency for the national well being that an act of Congress could not deal with but that a treaty followed by such an act could, and it is not lightly to be assumed that, in matters requiring national action, 'a power which must belong to and somewhere reside in every civilized government' is not to be found

John W. Bricker was elected Governor of Ohio for three two-year terms, serving from 1939 to 1945, each time winning with a greater margin of victory.[1] Bricker espoused a stance against centralized government, preferring to increase involvement in state and local governments, and made this known in his inaugural address as Governor:

There must be a revitalization of state and local governments throughout the nation. The individual citizen must again be conscious of his responsibility to his government and alert to the preservation of his rights as a citizen under it. That cannot be done by taking government further away, but by keeping it at home.

John W. Bricker, inaugural gubernatorial address, January 9, 1939

More or less coincident with the organization of the United Nations a new form of internationalism arose which undertook to enlarge the historical concept of international law and treaties to have them include and deal with the domestic affairs and internal laws of independent nations.[66]

Senator Bricker thought the "one world" movement advocated by those such as Wendell Willkie, Roosevelt's Republican challenger in the 1940 election, would attempt to use treaties to undermine American liberties. Conservatives cited as evidence the statement of John P. Humphrey, the first director of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights:

What the United Nations is trying to do is revolutionary in character. Human rights are largely a matter of [the] relationship between the State and individuals, and therefore a matter which has been traditionally regarded as being within the domestic jurisdiction of states. What is now being proposed is, in effect, the creation of some super national supervision of this relationship


JULY 14, 2012  - FIRST SEGMENT - George will cover the seven most enslaving ideas


Ideas, Concepts or Conjectures


1. 911 ATTACK - was a legitimate terrorist attack from outside of the United States


2. KNOW THYSELF - we really know ourselves and are aware of our personality traits and personal characteristics

This is difficult to accomplish but one can ask friends and take personality tests to try to see oneself

3. The Main Line Media provides accurate and truthful information

The public is increasingly aware of the use of the main-line media to manipulate the public


Businesses create jobs - governments create taxes and expenses and confiscate wealth


Research The Fabian Society in the U.K. and read Antony Sutton recommended reading


Read G. Edward Griffin - "The Creature From Jekyll Island"


THE DELUSION IS REAL - Forgiveness brings you
out of The Delusion


JULY 14, 2012 - George welcomes Tony Gosling (Tony's Site see two videos of Tony's work) to the program for an update from Bristol England.......

 Topics of Discussion: Olympic Games Security flap - Nazi Connections

Who does that Tony Gosling think he is?

A brief biog.

I was born in Gravesend, Kent in 1962 and brought up in Bromley, South London. I ended my formal education at Ilkley College in West Yorkshire with a Humanities degree, specializing in English Literature, from Bradford University. After working for a few years in the family aviation business I decided to have a go at radio journalism.
Volunteering at the GLC funded Radio Thamesmead (now Time FM 106.8) in South East London I eventually became their full-time volunteer editor of community programmes. RTM applied for, and got, an FM license from the Radio Authority but as part of the financial deal manager Bob Smith took many of the best presenters off the air. I therefore left in 1991 for a researchers job at Greater London Radio, the BBC's station for London.
In 1992 I moved to BBC Radio Solent as a reporter and then on to BBC Wiltshire Sound, where I worked as Salisbury reporter, relief presenter and documentary maker. When Wiltshire Sound had a 'cash crisis' the BBC decided they no longer required my services. I moved to the Lake District where I took a year out then moved to Oxford where I got involved with environmental campaigning, volunteering at The Land Is Ours helping to organize land occupations in the mid to late 1990's.
After moving to Bristol and getting into investigative journalism I helped establish i-Contact video network and Ecovillage network UK. I spent a year on the National Executive of the NUJ and eight years as Secretary, then Vice-Chair of the Bristol branch of the National Union of Journalists until the 2009 AGM when I resigned from the Bristol executive.
I joined the Religious Society of Friends, or Quakers, in June 2005 and I delivered my first lecture on the Seventeenth Century Illuminati in October 2006.
Since Easter 2009 I have produced and presented Friday Drivetime, the weekly politics show on Bristol Community FM which gives a provincial perspective on the news 'in Bristol Britain and around the world'.


Germany's Four Reichs: Origins and Development, seeking World Domination in ruthless terror by Harry Beckhough

Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile - By Paul Manning

Revealed: The secret report that shows how the Nazis planned a Fourth Reich ........ the EU





June 30, 2012 - FIRST HOUR - George and Charlotte welcome Ben Taylor and Dr. Ken O'Neal - the first half of the hour we'll discuss Obama Care and the second half of the hour we'll discuss the need for a new health care model and what it should look like

Iatrogenesis, or an iatrogenic artifact (play /ˌætrˈɛnɪk/; "originating from a physician") is an inadvertent adverse effect or complication resulting from medical treatment or advice, including that of psychologists, therapists, pharmacists, nurses, physicians and dentists. Iatrogenesis is not restricted to conventional medicine: It can also result from complementary and alternative medicine treatments.

Some iatrogenic artifacts are clearly defined and easily recognized, such as a complication following a surgical procedure. Some less obvious ones can require significant investigation to identify, such as complex drug interactions. Furthermore, some conditions have been described for which it is unknown, unproven, or even controversial whether they are iatrogenic or not; this has been encountered in particular with regard to various psychological and chronic-pain conditions. Research in these areas continues.

Causes of iatrogenesis include chance, medical error, negligence, social control, unexamined instrument design, anxiety or annoyance related to medical procedures, and the adverse effects or interactions of medications - wikipedia

New Health Care Model - problems and considerations

1. Holistic Approach - needed  to treat the whole body - Antibiotics - infections - Pro-biotics

2. Money Driven - Crony Capitalism

3. FDA - controlled by Pharmaceuticals

4. Medical Schools - Doctor manufactured

5. Pharmaceuticals - money machines


SECOND HOUR - Charlotte and George welcome Dr. Peter R. Breggin - we'll discuss the latest Obama Health Care ruling by the Supreme Court and his latest book entitled:

 Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and their Families

     About Peter R. Breggin, MD.
Portrait of Dr. Peter Breggin
Peter R. Breggin M.D. conducts a private practice of psychiatry in Ithaca , New York , where he treats adults, couples, and families with children. He also does consultations in the field of clinical psychopharmacology and often acts as a medical expert in criminal, malpractice and product liability suits. Before moving to Ithaca in November 2002 he was in practice for nearly thirty-five years in Washington , DC and Bethesda , Maryland . He has written dozens of scientific articles and many professional books, including Medication Madness: The Role of Psychiatric Drugs in Cases of Violence, Suicide and Crime (2008), and is on the editorial board of several journals.

In 2010 Dr. Breggin and his wife Ginger formed a new organization that continues their emphasis on bringing professional and laypersons together to share their concerns about the hazards of contemporary biological psychiatry while promoting more caring and empathic approaches to personal conflict and suffering. The new organization will sponsor an annual meeting each April in Syracuse, New York (

View Dr. Breggin's resume and bibliography
Many of Dr. Breggin’s accomplishments as a reformer are documented in detail in The Conscience of Psychiatry: The Reform Work of Peter R. Breggin, M.D. (2009). This biographical tribute to Dr. Breggin’s work draws on more than half-a-century of media and more than 70 special contributions from his colleagues, as well as many other sources.
Dr. Breggin's background includes Harvard College, Case Western Reserve Medical School, a one-year internship and a three-year residency in psychiatry, including a teaching fellowship at Harvard Medical School. After his training, he accepted a two-year staff appointment at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). He has taught at several universities, including a faculty appointment to the Johns Hopkins University Department of Counseling and an appointment as Visiting Scholar at SUNY Oswego in the Department of Counseling and Psychological Services in 2007-2008. He now teaches as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Counseling and Psychological Services at SUNY Oswego.
Since 1964 Dr. Breggin has been publishing peer-reviewed articles and medical books in his subspecialty of clinical psychopharmacology. He is the author of dozens of scientific articles and more than twenty professional books, many dealing with psychiatric medication, the FDA and drug approval processes, the evaluation of clinical trials, and standards of care in psychiatry. A few of the titles include Toxic Psychiatry (St. Martin’s, 1991), Talking Back to Ritalin (Perseus, revised, 2001), the Antidepressant Fact Book (Perseus, 2001) and the Ritalin Fact Book (Perseus, 2002). Others, such as The Heart of Being Helpful (1997), deal with how to help people through psychotherapy and other human services.
Dr. Breggin’s work has led to significant changes within the profession. In the early 1970s he conducted an international campaign to stop the resurgence of lobotomy and newer forms of psychosurgery. His reform efforts and his testimony in the Kaimowitz case in Detroit led to the termination of lobotomy and psychosurgery in the nation’s state mental hospitals, NIH, the VA, and most university centers. A public education campaign, including his 1983 medical book, Psychiatric Drugs: Hazards to the Brain, led the FDA to require a new class warning for tardive dyskinesia in 1985. In 1994 his public education campaign led to the NIH to reform some of its research policies and to end the potentially racist violence prevention initiative aimed at inner city children. The FDA’s recent recognition of numerous adverse reactions caused by the newer antidepressants — including suicidality in children and young adults, and a stimulant profile involving agitation, akathisia, hostility, aggression, and mania — closely follows observations made and publicized by Dr. Breggin over the past ten years.
Dr. Breggin's scientific articles can be downloaded on this website.  The list can be arranged chronologically or alphebetically.  Many of the papers were well ahead of their time, and several helped to influence the FDA to update the required warnings on all labessant and antipsychotic medications.  All of the articles listed here are available to read without charge on this website.




JUNE 23, 2012 - George and Charlotte welcome Alfred Lambremont Webre JD, MEd - Judge at The 9/11 Vancouver Hearings - 9/11 Vancouver Tribunal Judges Alfred Lambremont Webre & Connie Fogal,  June 17, 2012

Judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, Webre submitted a Memorandum to the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee calling for the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate 9/11 and was a co-architect of the Space Preservation Treaty endorsed by more than 270 NGOs worldwide.

1Alfred.Lambremont.Webre.Colour1Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd is a futurist and author of Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe (available at, a book that founded the field of Exopolitics – the science of relations among intelligent civilizations in the multi-verse.  Exopolitics includes a case study of human contact with an advanced civilization on Mars. 

Alfred’s forthcoming book,
Dimensions: The Dimensional Ecology of the Multi-verse, integrates empirical data from intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations and intelligent civilizations of souls in the Inter-life and demonstrates a new hypothesis of a functioning ecology of intelligence in the dimensions in the multi-verse.  Dimensions will be published in the 2013.

Alfred is a journalist, whose articles on multiversal research and cooperation are widely read in North America. Webre is the founder of, a leading exopolitical news website, and the host of ExopoliticsTV, a public affairs channel on relations among intelligent civilizations in the multi-verse.

Alfred’s investigative journalism has been featured on TruTV, PressTV, and mainstream TV networks, and has exposed an international war crimes racketeering organization using exotic technologies such as the HAARP aerosol/chemtrails weapons system for tectonic and weather warfare, mind control and other ecocidal and depopulation programs.  Please visit

Alfred is chairman of the Mars Anomaly Research Society (MARS), which is spearheading the international effort to research, disclose, and educate the public about life on Mars.  He has proposed a truth- amnesty process to facilitate the release of the advanced, extraterrestrial-derived new energy technologies that can be used to create a sustainable, peaceful space age society. 

Alfred is a graduate of Yale University and Yale Law School in international law and was a Fulbright Scholar in international economic integration in Uruguay.  He has taught economics at Yale University and constitutional law at the University of Texas.  Alfred was general counsel to the New York City Environmental Protection Administration, a futurist at Stanford Research Institute (where he directed the proposed 1977 Carter White House extraterrestrial communication study), was a NGO delegate to the United Nations and the UNISPACE conference, and is a judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal.

Alfred is currently developing ExoUniversity, an educational entity ( whose goal is to provide web-based interactive continuing education, research, information, and policy regarding Exopolitics, PsiSciences and ExoSciences to individuals and institutions throughout the world.

Tel: 604-733-8134


9/11 Vancouver Tribunal Judges Alfred Lambremont Webre & Connie Fogal,  June 17, 2012

9/11 Vancouver Tribunal expected to issue Indictments in 9/11 events around Labor Day 2012

VANCOUVER, B.C. - The 9/11 Vancouver Tribunal is a citizen's tribunal of conscience that was duly constituted by the 9/11 Vancouver Hearings June 15-17, 2012 in Vancouver, B.C.

Alfred Lambremont Webre, one of the Judges on the Tribunal states, "As a duly constituted citizen's tribunal of conscience for the events of September 11, 2001, the 9/11 Vancouver Tribunal has jurisdiction under natural law and justice; declarations of natural law, such as the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights; international humanitarian law such as the Geneva Conventions; and national laws such as national, state and provincial criminal statues prohibiting murder and conspiracy for any jurisdiction whose citizens died in the World Trace Center on 9/11.  The 9/11 Vancouver Tribunal was convened by a worldwide community of citizens who participated in the 911 Vancouver Hearings (June 15-17, 2012) in Vancouver, BC and via streaming internet from diverse locations around the world including the United States, India, and elsewhere."

During the 9/11 Vancouver Hearings, 19 expert witnesses gave sworn testimony as to names, titles, and implicating evidence for individuals, each of whom is alleged to have acted as part of a common plan as a leading co-conspirator in the events of 9/11 and for whom they are aware of prima facie evidence that is sufficient to raise a presumption of fact.

9/11 Vancouver Indictment

Following the Hearings, these 19 sworn expert witnesses and additional expert and eye witnesses on 9/11 have been requested to file further written submissions and affidavits with the 9/11 Vancouver Tribunal on or before July 15, 2012 as to individuals for whom there is prima facie evidence that they acted as part of a common plan in the events of 9/11. Each expert witness is being asked to provide a detailed summary of implicating evidence for each such individual named.

From these evidentiary submissions, the 9/11 Vancouver Tribunal plans to develop and issue an Information and Indictment of individuals alleged to have participated in a criminal, common plan and conspiracy to carry out the events of September 11, 2001.

Labor Day 2012

The 9/11 Information and Indictment is expected to issue around Labor Day, 2012. The Information and Indictment will be accompanied by an Evidentiary Report, setting out the evidence of probable cause for the indictments of the Accused.

Legal implications of the 9/11 Vancouver Tribunal

Following the issuance of an Information and Indictment against specific named individuals who allegedly participated in a common plan and conspiracy in the events of 9/11, there are multiple legal venues in which the criminal charges in the Information and Indictment can be prosecuted and tried, and verdicts and judgments reached and enforced against the Accused.

A. International law - The alleged crimes of the Accused in the Information and Indictment may be found to violate the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and constitute war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity. At the 9/11 Vancouver Hearings Judge Alfred Webre stated, "The 9/11 false flag operations may qualify as a war crime, genocide, and crime against humanity, inter alia, if it can be demonstrated that the true intent of the 9/11 perpetrators was to carry out 9/11 as a pretext for invading Afghanistan, which invasion and war has been found to be genocidal because of the use of depleted uranium weapons and other reasons.  So the legal chain of culpability is there, under the Nuremberg precedents of a crime against peace and stating an unjust war.  The Tokyo Tribunal for War Crimes in Afghanistan, in an opinion by Judge Niloufer Bhagwat, found that U.S. President George W. Bush and his administration had committed war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity through the horrific birth defects and other widespread genetic and health damage cause to Afghan civilians through the U.S. use of depleted uranium weapons."

The 9/11 Indictment can be taken by the 9/11 Vancouver Commission to the national courts of any of the more than 100 nations, such as Germany and Spain, that are signatories to the Rome statue of the International Criminal Court (ICC) for prosecution and enforcement, as well as to the ICC itself. The chief prosecutor of the ICC, to the criticism of many throughout the world, has failed to act on over 400 complaints on war crimes in Iraq and in Afghanistan by US and UK forces, and has privately stated he will not take jurisdiction of 9/11.

B. U.S. Congress - The Indictment of the 9/11 Vancouver Tribunal can be taken by the 9/11 Vancouver Commission to the U.S. Senate and to the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee for the appointment of a Special Prosecutor to prosecute the Accused Treason under Article III of the U.S. Constitution, which provides, "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted." 

There is legal precedent for such an action.  In November 2007, a Memorandum was presented to senior Congressional staff and personally to Rep John Conyers, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee setting out sufficient prima facie evidence of Article III(3) treason in connection with the events of 9/11 by George W. Bush, Richard B. Cheney, Donald H. Rumsfeld, and other Jane and John Does. Senior Congressional staff acknowledged the seriousness of the allegations in the Memorandum.  Rep. Conyers took the Memorandum home to Detroit, MI over the Thanksgiving 2007 holidays promising an answer as to whether he would move on the file after the Holidays.  To this date, no answer has been forthcoming from Rep. Conyers.

C. Canadian Parliament - There are various concurrent efforts to have the Parliament of Canada investigate the 9/11 events, as NORAD is a joint Canada/USA function and 26 Canadians were killed at the World Trade Center on 9/11. The 9/11 Vancouver Indictment can be taken by the 9/11 Vancouver Commission to members of Parliament and the Senate, including the Prime Minister and the Opposition Leaders in the Parliament of Canada to appoint a Public Inquiry to investigate and report on possible criminal violations by Canadian persons or U.S. persons, including U.S. government employees or contractors/agents, and other individuals flowing out of the 9/11 events.

D. Prosecution for murder - The 9/11 Vancouver Indictment can be taken by the 9/11 Vancouver Commission to any District attorney and/or U.S. Attorneys in the United States of America, and to any Public Prosecutors in other nations whose citizens were killed in the World Trade Center or the events of 9/11. The alleged Accused, Co-conspirators and persons acting in a common plan to cause, facilitate or support the events of September 11, 2001 can each be prosecuted for murder by a U.S. attorney, by a district attorney or by public prosecutors of a nation whose citizens were killed at the World Trade Center or in any aspect of the false flag operation on September 11, 2001.

E. 9/11 Vancouver Tribunal - The 9/11 Vancouver Commission can establish a formal Tribunal for a trial of the Accused under the 9/11 Vancouver Indictment. This trial would be heard by 
the 9/11 Tribunal Judges, with appointed prosecutors, counsel for the Accused and due process for the Accused.  A sister tribunal of conscience, the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, has successfully tried George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Richard B. Cheney, Donald H. Rumsfeld, et al. for war crimes in Iraq.

9/11 Vancouver Tribunal & Commission

Judges on the 9/11 Vancouver Tribunal include Constance (Connie) Fogal, B.A, B.Ed, M.A., LL.B, and Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd.  Connie Fogal is former leader of the Canadian Action Party, former Vancouver Parks Board Commissioner, former Director, Kitsilano and Vancouver Community Resource boards; lawyer with the Defence of Canadian Liberty Committee to oppose what Fogal sees as threats to Canadian constitutional sovereignty. Alfred Lambremont Webre is a Judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, submitted a Memorandum to the Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee calling for the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate 9/11 and was a co-architect of the Space Preservation Treaty.

The 9/11 Vancouver Hearings were organized by under Prof. Jim Fezter, PhD, McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth, the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, edited its first book, THE 9/11 CONSPIRACY (2007), organized its first conference, “The Science and Politics of 9/11″ (Madison) and produced its first DVD, and co-organizer Joshua Blakeney, Graduate student at the University of Lethbridge, 9/11 activist, Staff Writer at Veterans Today, and now the Canadian correspondent for PressTV, Josh was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship to study “The Origins of the Global War on Terror”.

The 9/11 Vancouver Commission, charged with rolling-out the Indictment and Information to alternative legal venues, includes Prof. Jim Fetzer, Josh Blakeney, Kevin Barrett and John Duddy.  Kevin Barrett is a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist and one of America’s best-known critics of 9/11, is co-editor of 9/11 AND AMERICAN EMPIRE: CHRISTIANS, JEWS AND MUSLIMS SPEAK OUT (2006), and author of TRUTH JIHAD (2007) and of QUESTIONING THE WAR ON TERROR (2009). John Duddy is a philanthropist with a deep interest in bringing justice in 9/11.




JUNE 16, 2012 - Rebroadcast of Feb. 18, 2012 Broadcast - George is in Vancouver producing live webcast of 911 Vancouver Hearings  
JUNE 9, 2012 - FIRST HOUR - George and Charlotte convey our heart felt condolences to the family of Bob Chapman who passed away on June 4, 2012. - This program is dedicated to Bob Chapman and the fine life he led.

Mr. Chapman was was 76 years old when he passed away on June 4, 2012.  He was born in Boston, MA and attended Northeastern University majoring in business management. He spent three years in the U. S. Army Counterintelligence, mostly in Europe. He spoke German and French and was conversant in Spanish. He lived in Europe for six years, off and on, three years in Africa, a year in Canada and a year in the Bahamas.

Mr. Chapman became a stockbroker in 1960 and retired in 1988. For 18 of those years he owned his own brokerage firm. He was probably the largest gold and silver stockbroker in the world during that period. When he retired he had over 6,000 clients.

From 1962 through 1976 he specialized in South African gold shares. He and his family lived in Salisbury, Rhodesia (now Harare, Zimbabwe) and Johannesburg, South Africa from 1970 to 1973. During that time he did a great deal of further study into the South African mining industry.

Mr. Chapman belonged to The Traders Association for 25 years. He did all his own trading. During his South African years some was done directly through Johannesburg, but 95% was done through London brokerage firms. Hence, he has extensive contacts, both in London and on the Continent.

Starting in 1967 Mr. Chapman began writing articles on business, finance, economics and politics having been printed and reprinted over the years in over 200 publications. He owned and wrote the Gary Allen Report, which had 30,000 subscribers. In addition to contributing to the book written by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham None Dare Call It Conspiracy. He currently was owner and editor of The International Forecaster, a compendium of information on business, finance, economics and social and political issues worldwide, which reaches 10,000 investors and brokers monthly directly, and parts of his publication are picked up by 60 different websites weekly exposing his ideas to over 10 million investors a week.

In 1976, after the Soweto riots, Mr. Chapman began buying North American shares exclusively for his clients. Up to that point only a handful of American and Canadian issues interested him, due to the high dividends the South African shares had paid out over the years. Between 1976 and 1988 his business surged from 1,000 to 6,000 clients, so the bulk of his business ended up being Vancouver Stock Exchange issues. For this reason he is very conversant with the quality of management, geologists, properties and traders on today’s North American scene. He is well known.

From 1976 to present he has spoken and given workshops at over 200 business conferences worldwide, and has been on radio and TV hundreds of times. Until his retirement he was always judged by the attendees to be one of the top three speakers and never once was lower than first in workshops due to his vast knowledge of the mining business and his grasp of worldwide financial markets and political scenes.

In June of 1991, at the request of business associates, and due to retirement boredom, he began writing the International Forecaster.


SECOND HOUR - Can Ron Paul Be Tamed? No but his campaign can  

The Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791  




JUNE 2, 2012 - FULL TWO HOURS - George and Guest co-host Deborah Stevens welcome Richard Gage and discuss his latest Documentary entitled

“9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out”
Final Edition


Bilderberg sitting on a mountain of Nazi flight capital? (hidden by Indymedia UK moderator)
Friday Drivetime | 02.06.2012 01:34 | Analysis | Globalisation | Terror War | World

BCfm’s weekly politics show
At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.
Bilderberg & Nazi flight capital - mp3 6.4M

10:30 - Bilderberg 2012. Reports on this weekend’s annual Bilderberg conference in the US of NATO’s totalitarian, super-rich, secret government. A look at some of the key participants in the venue where the NATO zone industrialists, royalty and bankers persuade pliable politicians to carry out their plans. Rothschild & Rockefeller families team up for some extra wealth creation. Two centuries old transatlantic dynasties, Rothschilds in Europe and Rockefeller in the US, team up to cash in on the present distressed markets, where they can buy up assets very cheaply and make a killing. Rothschild Investment Trust (RIT) Capital Partners has taken a 37% stake in Rockefeller Financial Services. Victor Rothschild was telling 1970s UK politicians who to appoint as the head of MI5 or MI6. What is Bilderberg? Opinion of author and senior journalism lecturer Stephen Dorril. ‘Martin Bormann, Nazi In Exile’ [PDF] book by former CBS WWII news correspondent Paul Manning reviewed by Martin Summers. Hitler’s deputy Martin Bormann and Nazi flight capital in the years during and after World War II. Dave Emory on his Spitfirelist podcast describes Red House meeting on Thursday 10th August 1944 in Strausbourg, attended by representatives of all main Nazi corporations, which set Bormann’s Nazi flight capital programme in motion. Where did all that looted Nazi wealth end up? Immediate co-operation between the Nazi Bormann network and select Jewish businessmen. Money talks, Nazi money talks, Martin Bormann is dead but his Nazi capital network lives on. Ed Michaud from Trident Research & Recovery describes the laundering of Nazi gold and securities through the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Sullivan and Cromwell law firm in New York. Daily Mail cover this year’s Bilderberg meeting. Gordon Duff from Veterans Today is one voice no longer heard in Britain since Iranian channel, Press TV, was censored by Ofcom in January 2012. Antidote to the Diamond Jubilee as we hear from John Morgan author of the new book ‘Diana Inquest: Who Killed Princess Diana?’ about the circumstances around the meeting of the royal family’s Way Ahead Group (WAG) on Wednesday 23rd July 1997 and why he believes it was there the decision was made, by senior members of the royal family, to assassinate Diana.
listen page

00:00 - Massacre in Houla, Syria carried out by Shabiah fighters according to the UN. BBC use 9 year old photograph from Iraq on their website as if it was from Syria. Syrian government says 800 rebel fighters carried out the massacre and that the victims had refused to oppose the Syrian government. Did the UN question witnesses to the massacre by phone only? We are not hearing about massacres by pro-Western regimes. Israel hints that it may be behind the ‘Flame’ virus which has been attacking the data stealing virus. New York Times says the previous Stuxnet virus was created by US and Israelis and may have played a part in the Fukushima runaway nuclear reactor disaster.

Plus Bristol Remploy is financially viable so why close it?

Friday Drivetime
+44 (0)7786 952037
"Capitalism is institutionalised bribery."
"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

Fear not therefore: for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; and nothing hid that shall not be made known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in the light and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. Matthew 10:26-27

Die Pride and Envie; Flesh, take the poor's advice.
Covetousnesse be gon: Come, Truth and Love arise.
Patience take the Crown; throw Anger out of dores:
Cast out Hypocrisie and Lust, which follows whores:
Then England sit in rest; Thy sorrows will have end;
Thy Sons will live in peace, and each will be a friend.





MAY 19, 2012 - FIRST HOUR - We welcome Donna Campbell web site running for The Texas State Senate

Dr. Donna Campbell is a conservative who has spent a lifetime helping others through medicine and Christian ministry. She is a double-board certified physician, working mom, woman of faith, and proud parent of four daughters.

Donna Campbell was born on a naval base in San Diego and grew up with a great respect for the military and law enforcement. Her father served in the U.S. Navy and later as a trooper in the highway patrol in Oklahoma. Her mother worked in factories most of her life until becoming an R.N. at the age of 48.

Donna Campbell earned her Masters of Nursing from Texas Women’s College, specializing in cardiovascular clinical nursing and nursing administration. She received her M.D. from Texas Tech University and completed her residency at the University of Texas Medical Center in Houston. She was awarded the prestigious Morton Award as an outstanding resident in ophthalmology at the Hermann Eye Center.

Dr. Campbell has served as the medical director for Columbus Community Hospital and currently works for the third largest emergency medicine group in the country. She has  performed hundreds of eye surgeries in Ghana, West Africa, volunteering her talents to the Christian Eye Ministry, an organization which has brought sight back to thousands in Africa

Dr. Campbell has advocated for conservative values at churches and tea parties around the country, demonstrating great reverence for the founding principles of this nation. She spoke at the first Doctor’s Tea Party Convention in San Diego. She often carries a copy of the Constitution with her and has appeared on numerous talk shows including Laura Ingraham, Joe Pags, Jeff Ward, and Craig Bushon.

In 2010, Dr. Donna Campbell surprised the political establishment by giving Austin Democrat and 8-term incumbent Rep. Lloyd Doggett “the fight of his political career” according to Texas Monthly. She secured the Republican nomination with 69% of the vote in that primary contest.

Donna Campbell and her husband Stan currently reside in New Braunfels with their youngest daughter. Dr. Campbell is a member of the Texas Medical Association, the American Academy of Physician Specialists, the National Rifle Association, the Texas State Rifle Association, and Mothers Against Drunk Driving. She possesses the rare qualities of a leader and will make a great Texas Senator.




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MAY 12, 2012 - 7-7:15 CDT - Current News and Utopia Silver update


7:15-8pm CDT - We welcome Sterling D. Allan - Presents Top 5 Exotic Free Energy Technologies

Based on  (forwards to our PESWiki page listing the Top 5 and runners up)
featuring those technologies closest to market
Second key point: Free Energy is a major antidote to the powers that be who wish to destroy the free world and turn us all into slaves.
It is a moral obligation for all patriots to support the emergence of free energy because
  • Can mitigate the severity of the collapse by a) providing hope, b) providing jobs, c) providing tools for people to get back on their feet and prevent total collapse. It provides the "productive capacity" that Gerald Celente talks about being one way around total collapse.
  • Can provide a means of survival if/when things do break down.
  • Can provide a way to dig out on the back end.
Free Energy is all about freedom, very literally.

Third thing: We just announced today the launch of a new website and organization. - the New Energy Systems Trust
"Networking to bring the best exotic free energy technologies to market."
Attached is a white paper about that.
And I'm presently uploading this story in our news about it:


8-9pm CDT - We welcome Dr. Helen Caldicott -
The single most articulate and passionate advocate of citizen action to remedy the nuclear and environmental crises, Dr Helen Caldicott, has devoted the last 38 years to an international campaign to educate the public about the medical hazards of the nuclear age and the necessary changes in human behavior to stop environmental destruction.

Born in Melbourne, Australia in 1938, Dr Caldicott received her medical degree from the University of Adelaide Medical School in 1961. She founded the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic at the Adelaide Children’s Hospital in 1975 and subsequently was an instructor in pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and on the staff of the Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Boston, Mass., until 1980 when she resigned to work full time on the prevention of nuclear war.

In 1971, Dr Caldicott played a major role in Australia’s opposition to French atmospheric nuclear testing in the Pacific; in 1975 she worked with the Australian trade unions to educate their members about the medical dangers of the nuclear fuel cycle, with particular reference to uranium mining.

While living in the United States from 1977 to 1986, she co-founded the Physicians for Social Responsibility, an organization of 23,000 doctors committed to educating their colleagues about the dangers of nuclear power, nuclear weapons and nuclear war. On trips abroad she helped start similar medical organizations in many other countries. The international umbrella group (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War) won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985. She also founded the Women’s Action for Nuclear Disarmament (WAND) in the US in 1980.

Returning to Australia in 1987, Dr Caldicott ran for Federal Parliament as an independent. Defeating Charles Blunt, leader of the National Party, through preferential voting she ultimately lost the election by 600 votes out of 70,000 cast.

She moved back to the United States in 1995, lecturing at the New School for Social Research on the Media, Global Politics and the Environment, hosting a weekly radio talk show on WBAI (Pacifica), and becoming the Founding President of the STAR (Standing for Truth About Radiation) Foundation.

Dr Caldicott has received many prizes and awards for her work, including the Lannan Foundation’s 2003 Prize for Cultural Freedom and 21 honorary doctoral degrees, and she was personally nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Linus Pauling – himself a Nobel Laureate. The Smithsonian has named Dr Caldicott as one of the most influential women of the 20th Century. She has written for numerous publications and has authored seven books, Nuclear Madness, Missile Envy, If You Love This Planet: A Plan to Heal the Earth (1992, W.W. Norton) and A Desperate Passion: An Autobiography (1996, W.W. Norton; published as A Passionate Life in Australia by Random House), The New Nuclear Danger: George Bush’s Military Industrial Complex (2001, The New Press in the US, UK and UK; Scribe Publishing in Australia and New Zealand; Lemniscaat Publishers in The Netherlands; and Hugendubel Verlag in Germany), Nuclear Power is Not the Answer (2006, The New Press in the US, UK and UK; Melbourne University Press in Australia) and War In Heaven (March 2007). Dr. Caldicott’s most recent book is the revised and updated If You Love This Planet (March 2009).

She also has been the subject of several films, including Eight Minutes to Midnight, nominated for an Academy Award in 1981, If You Love This Planet, which won the Academy Award for best documentary in 1982, and Helen’s War: portrait of a dissident, recipient of the Australian Film Institute Awards for Best Direction (Documentary) 2004, and the Sydney Film Festival Dendy Award for Best Documentary in 2004.

Dr Caldicott currently divides her time between Australia and the US where she lectures widely. She founded the US-based Nuclear Policy Research Institute (NPRI), which evolved into Beyond Nuclear. Currently, Dr Caldicott is President of The Helen Caldicott Foundation/, an educational outreach project that informs people of the dangers of nuclear power and weapons. The mission of the Foundation is education to action, and the promotion of a nuclear energy and weapons free, renewable energy powered, world.

Dr Caldicott can be heard discussing urgent planetary survival issues on her weekly radio show If You Love This Planet, and is the Founder and Spokesperson for People for a Nuclear-Free Australia, established to represent the millions of Australians who uphold the strong belief that there should be no uranium mining, nuclear power plants or foreign nuclear waste in Australia.

Dr Caldicott is also a member of the International Scientific Advisory Board advising José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Prime Minister of Spain.

The Medical Implications of Fukushima, Chernobyl and the Nuclear Age

Helen CaldicottOn 19 April, Dr. Caldicott gave a presentation at the University of Wisconsin.

The presentation is now live and available for viewing online in the university’s Video Library.

To view the video, click here: The Medical Implications of Fukushima, Chernobyl and the Nuclear Age.

The video runs for 57 minutes.



MAY 5, 2012 - FIRST HOUR - George covers the latest news politics and the world  
APRIL 28, 2012 - FIRST HOUR - George and Charlotte welcome Chuck Untersee  Director of  "Behold a Pale Horse" - Part 1 of a powerful new film about liberty and freedom written and directed by Chuck Untersee


Sunday April 29, 2012 10:30am - 12:30pm @ Stagecoach Theater (2254 S US HWY 87, Fredericksburg, TX 78624)
Behold a Pale Horse | USA | Documentary | 100 minutes

Directed by Chuck Untersee

Behold a Pale Horse (America's Last Chance) stars country music legend, Charlie Daniels as narrator and Mark Collins as George Washington. The film crystallizes the loss of American sovereignty and personal liberty while viewing events with a Christian perspective. Interwoven with nearly 20 expert speakers are historical re-creations such as Washington crossing the Delaware and the Alamo. The film includes explosive new music by Charlie Daniels. Infused throughout is a call to courage and hope, with an answer to the challenges presented and contains commentary from some of the biggest names in the patriot movement. Larry Pratt, Edwin Vieira, Charles Key, Kaye Beach, Debra Medina, Joel Skousen, Lt. General Jerry Boykin, and several others.

Mark Collins on right side and Washington mask on left side

This film was produced by FREDERICKSBURG, TEXAS filmmakers



SECOND HOUR - We welcome John Stossel  author of his latest book  "No They Can't"

NO, THEY CAN'T! Why Government Fails, but Individuals Succeed (also the title of my new book) airs again this Sunday on Fox News.

Politicians say "Yes, we can!" and claim they solve our problems.

When the mortgage market crashed, the President said their new law, Dodd-Frank, would create a "new financial system" so such things would never happen again.

After 9/11, Senator Tom Daschle declared "you can't professionalize if you don't federalize!" The Senate voted 100-0 to create the TSA to run airport security.

Politicians' promises are endless. They say they'll: create jobs, "make college affordable for all," protect the disabled, give disadvantaged kids a head start, and invest in "cutting edge innovation."

But they can't achieve what they promise.

•Billionaire Mark Cuban and or job-creators explain why government's rules now prevent the job creation that was once America's hallmark.

•Dodd-Frank, instead of stopping fraud, added layers to already incomprehensible banking laws. Stossel shows how simple rules in the Cayman Islands not only stop fraud, but they also create prosperity.

•While the TSA creates long lines, misses actual terrorists, and angers passengers, screeners working for a private company at one big airport work faster, more cheerfully, and find more contraband. We show how the private company does it.

•Did you know that the U of Missouri is proud to have a "leisure resort" on campus? Naomi Riley, author of The Faculty Lounges: And Other Reasons Why You Won't Get the College Education You Pay For, explains how government aid led to massive tuition hikes.

•Since the Americans with Disabilities Act took effect, fewer disabled people have been able to work.

•Lisa Snell from the Reason Foundation explains how the government's own research found that Head Start did not help poor kids. Government's response? Spend even more.

Government grows, despite its repeated failure.

Politicians are wrong when they say "Yes, we can", but the fact that government can't doesn't mean that we can't. Free people accomplish wonderful things. While government wastes billions on boondoggles like Solyndra, X-prize founder Peter Diamandis explains how private investors have created cars that get 100mpg, space ships, and much faster ways to clean up oil spills, all without charging taxpayers a penny.

Without big government, life can be great.

SECOND HOUR LAST HALF - We welcome Tony Gosling for an update from Bristol England - 

Who does that Tony Gosling think he is?

A brief biog.

I was born in Gravesend, Kent in 1962 and brought up in Bromley, South London. I ended my formal education at Ilkley College in West Yorkshire with a Humanities degree, specializing in English Literature, from Bradford University. After working for a few years in the family aviation business I decided to have a go at radio journalism.
Volunteering at the GLC funded Radio Thamesmead (now Time FM 106.8) in South East London I eventually became their full-time volunteer editor of community programmes. RTM applied for, and got, an FM license from the Radio Authority but as part of the financial deal manager Bob Smith took many of the best presenters off the air. I therefore left in 1991 for a researchers job at Greater London Radio, the BBC's station for London.
In 1992 I moved to BBC Radio Solent as a reporter and then on to BBC Wiltshire Sound, where I worked as Salisbury reporter, relief presenter and documentary maker. When Wiltshire Sound had a 'cash crisis' the BBC decided they no longer required my services. I moved to the Lake District where I took a year out then moved to Oxford where I got involved with environmental campaigning, volunteering at The Land Is Ours helping to organize land occupations in the mid to late 1990's.
After moving to Bristol and getting into investigative journalism I helped establish i-Contact video network and Ecovillage network UK. I spent a year on the National Executive of the NUJ and eight years as Secretary, then Vice-Chair of the Bristol branch of the National Union of Journalists until the 2009 AGM when I resigned from the Bristol executive.
I joined the Religious Society of Friends, or Quakers, in June 2005 and I delivered my first lecture on the Seventeenth Century Illuminati in October 2006.
Since Easter 2009 I have produced and presented Friday Drivetime, the weekly politics show on Bristol Community FM which gives a provincial perspective on the news 'in Bristol Britain and around the world'.
You can contact me here and get good quality photos of me here

This week's world politics reconnaissance: Secret rulers of the
Western world, NATO far-right elitists due to meet in US on 31st May 2012.
Founded by an SS officer and censored by the mainstream media,
including public service broadcaster the BBC. (second hour)

The Bilderberg Conference looks to be taking place in four weeks next to the CIA headquaters in Chantilly, Virginia, USA. Royalty, top bankers, media moguls, big business and favoured politicians will be in attendance. Press will not be allowed near the place. BBC trustee
Marcus Agius who is also charman of Barclays bank is a
'Bilderberger'. Expect an announcement about the US presidential race
in the week after Bilderberg.

Anders Behring Breivik who killed 77 people in Norwegian terror
attack using the term 'counter-jihad' rather than Zionism which is
what he really supports. Oslo based UN worker Torstein Viddal's taboo
breaking article which suggests Breivick is part of a much wider
Zionist racist network which is linked to Nazism. Breivik visited the
UK to meet a founder member of the English Defence League (EDL) and
others back in 2002. Who was pulling Breivik's strings and why are
Norwegian prosecuters trying to pretend he had no accomplices?

Bahrain Grand Prix goes ahead despite fascist repression of Bahrain
regime, Channel 4 news team arrested and their driver beaten. Bahrain
is a crucial strategic port for a potential NATO attack on Iran. Is
Formula One too close to fascism bearing in mind that former F1
chief, and regular guest on BBC Question Time, Max Mosely stood in
Salford East for the British Union of Fascists in the 1964 General Election?

France's presidential candidates Francois Hollande versus Nicolas
Sarkozy but The Economist magazine, which represents corrupt City
interests, would vote Sarkozy.

Gloucester born 'extremist' Saajid Badat met Osama Bin Laden. But is
that such a big deal? Much terrorism is perpetrated by Patsies, Moles
and Technicians as part of Western intelligence operations so he may
well have been a patsy.

National Health Service worker Mike Levine from Bristol and District
Anti Cuts Alliance explains how the NHS is being privatised. Mike
points out the problems with Foundation Trusts being too much like
commercial businesses and has produced a pamphlet called 'The
Privatisation of the NHS, It Can Be Stopped If People Know What Is
Happening' Next week is traditional workers' day Mayday and Mike
talks about next Saturday's 'March For The NHS' through Bristol City
Centre starting at College Green at 11am.

Next week's mayoral referendum with former Sainsburys' Home Delivery
manager turned council officer and prospective mayor Craig Clarke who
doesn't want a rich person to be mayor. Are we being bumped into this
by central government? What will the powers of an elected mayor be?
Mayor will be able to wade in to council bureaucracy and bang heads
together. Craig recounts a conversation with Conservative Lord Mayor
Peter Abraham where he was offered free labour which he turned down
hen told Craig, 'You should be a bit more selfish'. Craig found this
frustrating as he doesn't think people in the council should be
selfish at all. According to Craig the inner circle of Bristol City
Council's officers are the ones who control Legal Services, Finance
and Money. The only way to stop a rich person being mayor of Bristol
is to vote that way. Craig is standing for the peace party if Bristol
votes Yes next week.

Julian Parry gives us more detail on his Rolling Referendum.
Political parties funded from taxation but all voters allowed to
switch their contribution to whichever party they wish at any time
either online or by post. When ministers put forwad bad policies
their funds would go to their political rivals. If government were to
get less than 20% of total funding queen would dissolve parliament
and call another general election. Julian and his friends' policy to
get away from the present elective dictatorship, a proposal being put
to Lord Monkton of UKIP.
+44 (0)7786 952037
"Capitalism is institutionalised bribery."

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which
alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

Fear not therefore: for there is nothing covered that shall not be
revealed; and nothing hid that shall not be made known. What I tell
you in darkness, that speak ye in the light and what ye hear in the
ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. Matthew 10:26-27

Die Pride and Envie; Flesh, take the poor's advice.
Covetousnesse be gon: Come, Truth and Love arise.
Patience take the Crown; throw Anger out of dores:
Cast out Hypocrisie and Lust, which follows whores:
Then England sit in rest; Thy sorrows will have end;
Thy Sons will live in peace, and each will be a friend.





APRIL 21, 2012 - FIRST HOUR - George and Charlotte welcome Lela Pittenger - Campaign Site

Lela Pittenger is a native Texan. She was born in Lubbock to an agriculture family and lived throughout the Panhandle and West Texas.  Moving to Sherman, Texas to attend Austin College, she majored in English and put herself through college working multiple jobs and as an intern in the school's Financial Aid office.  This experience in Institutional Enrollment created the opportunity to work as an Admissions Counselor for her alma mater.  Lela spent two years helping families across Texas and the Southwest make their best possible decisions concerning higher education and sharing with them how they might best finance their degrees.  It was during this time that Lela met her husband Greg.  They moved to Dallas where she began work at a luxury retailer and pursued her Master's degree in Dispute Resolution from SMU.   The growth in education and experience in the Executive Office of her employer taught her much about what it takes to bring together people with different ideas and abilities to help build a team that can achieve their goals.

While living in Dallas, Greg and Lela got the news that his grandmother had a stroke.  After much prayer and consideration, they decided to move to the Texas Hill Country to live with her and help her age in her home.  Commuting to Dallas on a weekly basis, Lela finished her Master's Degree in 2007 and became a full-time caregiver.  During this time she has been a weekly volunteer for The Friends Foundation, volunteered in her church and taught Bible studies for a year, became a Certified Ombudsman in the state of Texas and a volunteer tax preparer for her community.

In the last few years she has become active in politics in Hays County, attending all of the 2008 Republican conventions culminating in the rare experience at the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Over the last 4 years she has moved from concerned to alarmed at the direction of the nation and is passionate about doing her part to return our nation to its roots of Judeo-Christian values and Constitutional government.  It is with this passion that she has decided to run for United States Senate and give all she has to representing the values of Conservatives across Texas.

Always an out-of-the box thinker, Lela has a passion for finding new ways to solve complex issues that have so divided our nation, while maintaining a conservative approach. Some of the issues that are most important to her are protecting family values, the Economy, elections’ integrity, the takeover of Healthcare, issues with Immigration and the Border, states’ rights, U.S. sovereignty, Pro-life legislation, reform of the tax code and national disaster preparedness.


SECOND HOUR - 8-8:30pm CDT  We welcome Greg Palast in a breaking news discussion of the Gulf Oil Spill



New York, NY - Today,, in partnership with Waterkeeper Alliance, posted a new video and details concerning a previously documented deadly cover-up of a near identical blow-out two years prior to the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The blowout, occurring on a BP oil rig in the Caspian Sea of the coast of Azerbaijan was initially concealed from the U.S. Government.


Palast explains, “The ultimate cause of both blow-outs was the same: the use of a money-saving technique - plugging holes with ‘quick-dry’ cement... By hiding the disastrous failure of its penny-pinching cement process in 2008, BP was able to continue to use the dangerous methods in the Gulf of Mexico causing the death of 11 men and the worst oil spill in U.S. history.”


Robert F. Kennedy Jr., president of Waterkeeper Alliance and senior attorney for Natural Resources Defense Council, said, “We have laws that make it illegal to hide this kind of information. At the very least, these are lies by omission. When you juxtapose their knowledge of this incident upon the oil companies constant and persistent assurances of safety to regulators, investigators and shareholders, you have all the elements to prove that their concealment of the information was criminal.”


PART 2 - The Connivance of Bush Administration in the BP Blow-Out Cover-Up - to be released on on Friday, 20 April 2012.


Greg Palast is a best selling author and journalist and an expert on the energy industry.  He can discuss his investigation, high gasoline process, the Keystone XL pipeline, and the politics of oil in an election year. Palast, whose reports can be seen on BBC-TV, will be joining the new website, for special investigations. is a global non-profit news organization that covers issues relating to water, air, food, energy and biodiversity. Our mission is to unite the voices of the grassroots environmental movement and mobilize millions of people to engage in democracy in pursuit of a sustainable future.


Waterkeeper Alliance is a global environmental movement uniting more than 190 Waterkeeper organizations around the world and focusing citizen advocacy on the issues that affect our waterways, from pollution to climate change. Waterkeeper’s patrol more than 1.5 million square miles of rivers, streams and coastlines in the Americas, Europe, Australia, Asia and Africa. is your daily source for environmental news


 8:30-9pm CDT - We welcome  Douglas Duane Dietrich Bio - : Internationally Recognized Renegade Military Historian/Global Crisis Analyst, Author, & Motivational Speaker

"Weapons of Mass-Deception unleashed generations ago by increasingly self-deluded American élites have since warped the U.S. electorate's very perception of reality --NOW is the time for TOTAL disclosure."

Douglas Dietrich was a D.O.D. (Department of Defense) Research Librarian for almost a decade, responsible for incinerating highly classified materials on critical historical topics such as Pearl Harbor, Roswell, Viêt-Nam, and the different ethnic holocausts; as well as documents exposing the reality behind vampires, zombies, Soviet psychic warfare, and other occult phenomena. Volumes of notes on Tesla, H.P. Lovecraft, L. Ron Hubbard, the Vatican and United Nations were destroyed, along with reams of reports detailing everything from military/intelligence-sponsored drug-smuggling operations to experimental mind-control programs. Records plundered from both Allied and enemy states articulated the hidden objectives of modern mass-movements such as Nat-Zism, Zionism, Izamicism (Wähhä'bīst/Islamist Fundamentalism[s]), Vouhodouxnism ("Voodooism"), and other ideologies.

His Post was El Presidio Real de San Francisco's Western Defense Command Center, which was seethinld abuse, and controversial medical experimentation. An assassination plot on presidential candidate William Clinton was even attempted. Since base-closure, his background in military reference and his experiences in mercenary/security enforcement exposed him to startling insights into geopolitics, the current demographic apocalypse, and the medical-industrial complex thanatizing our future.
Weapons of Mass-Deception unleashed generations ago by increasingly self-deluded American élites have since warped the U.S. electorate's very perception of reality -- NOW is the time for TOTAL disclosure.


APRIL 14, 2012 - FIRST HOUR - George and Charlotte welcome Sebastian Seung author of "Connectome: How the Brain's Wiring Makes us Who We Are"

H. Sebastian Seung
Professor of Computational Neuroscience, MIT
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Sebastian Seung studied theoretical physics with David Nelson at Harvard University and completed postdoctoral training with Haim Sompolinsky at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Before joining the MIT faculty, he was a member of the Theoretical Physics Department at Bell Laboratories. He is also External Member of the Max Planck Society, and has been a Packard Fellow, Sloan Fellow, McKnight Scholar, and PopTech Science Fellow. He is an avid squash player, and lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts



SECOND HOUR - First Segment - Don Zimmerman gives us a briefing on local GOP Conventions and Delegate Selection - How to Become a Precinct Chairman - Travis County GOP

Austin TX Ron Paul for President 2012
You Can Find Don Zimmerman Here


SECOND HOUR - Segments 2,3,4 - We welcome Tony Gosling we'll discuss Bilderberger Meetings and Haroon Aswat

Who does that Tony Gosling think he is?

A brief biog.

I was born in Gravesend, Kent in 1962 and brought up in Bromley, South London. I ended my formal education at Ilkley College in West Yorkshire with a Humanities degree, specializing in English Literature, from Bradford University. After working for a few years in the family aviation business I decided to have a go at radio journalism.
Volunteering at the GLC funded Radio Thamesmead (now Time FM 106.8) in South East London I eventually became their full-time volunteer editor of community programmes. RTM applied for, and got, an FM license from the Radio Authority but as part of the financial deal manager Bob Smith took many of the best presenters off the air. I therefore left in 1991 for a researchers job at Greater London Radio, the BBC's station for London.
In 1992 I moved to BBC Radio Solent as a reporter and then on to BBC Wiltshire Sound, where I worked as Salisbury reporter, relief presenter and documentary maker. When Wiltshire Sound had a 'cash crisis' the BBC decided they no longer required my services. I moved to the Lake District where I took a year out then moved to Oxford where I got involved with environmental campaigning, volunteering at The Land Is Ours helping to organize land occupations in the mid to late 1990's.
After moving to Bristol and getting into investigative journalism I helped establish i-Contact video network and Ecovillage network UK. I spent a year on the National Executive of the NUJ and eight years as Secretary, then Vice-Chair of the Bristol branch of the National Union of Journalists until the 2009 AGM when I resigned from the Bristol executive.
I joined the Religious Society of Friends, or Quakers, in June 2005 and I delivered my first lecture on the Seventeenth Century Illuminati in October 2006.
Since Easter 2009 I have produced and presented Friday Drivetime, the weekly politics show on Bristol Community FM which gives a provincial perspective on the news 'in Bristol Britain and around the world'.
You can contact me here and get good quality photos of me here

1954's inaugural Bilderberg meeting held in SS Field Marshal Model's wartime HQ

Tony Gosling | 04.04.2012 23:44 | Analysis | Anti-racism | History | World

Shocking new revelations are the fruits of research by retired elecronics engineer Dave Barnby and myself - It seems absolutely clear now that the first ever Bilderberg meeting was held in the former headquarters of the Nazis' Army Group B - Field Marshal Walther Model's SS WW2 HQ. Exactly 10 years after operation Market Garden ... which Bernhard was spying in at the behest of the King George VI who put him in the planning job ... and Lord Carrington was the lead tank that 'stopped for tea' which got Robert Redford so angry in Robert E. Levine's Bridge Too Far film. Exclusive interviews with Capt. T Moffatt Burriss (82nd Airborne) & military historian & former Parachute regiment officer Robert Kershaw

Two chairmen - former SS officer Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and former UK Foreign Secretary Lord Peter Carrington were both deeply involved in the Nijmegen/Arnhem Operation Market Garden debacle of September 1944.

In September 1944 the Wolfheze Hotel in Oosterbeek was the HQ of the Nazis Army Group B - the HQ of Field Marshal Walther Model. Sometime over the next decade the name of the Wolfheze Hotel was changed to Bilderberg Hotel which, from anecdotal evidence, seems to have been bought by Prince Bernhard himself during that time. Model was the direct opposite equivalent to Allied commander Bernard Montgomery who planned Market Garden and was unjustly criticised for its failure.

Hear in this hour long programme all about just how close Market Garden may have come to ending World War Two by Christmas 1944 and exactly what part the young Lord Carrington played as comander of one of the lead Sherman tanks to cross the Nijmegen road bridge over the Waal on the evening of Wednesday 20th September 1944.

Also how Brigadier Lathbury's refusal to send two companies of paratroopers along Lion route to reinforce Lt Col John Frost at the Arnhem Bridge, despite assurances from Major Tony Hibbert that the way was clear, proved to the success of the operation.

The Battle For Arnhem – A Bridge Quite Near – recent revelations that show Field Marshal Montgomery’s Operation Market Garden, in September 1944, aimed at severing German supply lines on the Western Front should have worked. It was early morning in Holland on Sunday 17th September 1944 and as the gliders and paratroopers poured down along a sixty mile corridor to hold the bridges. The furthest bridge from the front line at Arnhem became the focus of attention as and the biggest airborne operation in history unfolded. Was it really ‘A Bridge Too Far’ as the title of Cornelius Ryan’s book and Robert E. Levine’s famous film imply? Or could the tanks and ground troops of XXX corps have gotten through to relieve the surrounded British paratroopers? With Arnhem only 10 kilometres, a 30 minute drive away and a virtually clear road ahead – General Horrocks’ M4 Sherman tanks inexplicably halted for 17 hours. By the time the tanks started rolling at lunchtime the next day British paratroopers had run out of ammunition, been forced to surrender and German Panzer 5 & Tiger tank reinforcements had arrived to block the way. The Nijmegen bridgehead was established around 19:00hrs, 3 hours later, at 22:00hrs that evening the British were forced to surrender at the Arnhem bridge. So paratroopers of the 1st Airborne division at Arnhem bridge may have been relieved in the nick of time and war in Europe could have been over six months earlier, by Christmas 1944. We look at Cornelius Ryan’s book ‘A Bridge Too Far’ as well as Joseph E. Levine’s film of the same name. Interviews with: Captain T. Moffatt Burriss, author of ‘Strike and Hold’ who was commander of i-company, 504th regiment, 82nd Airborne division during the legendary Waal river crossing; Robert Kershaw author of ‘It Never Snows In September’ who interviewed 10th SS Panzer Division Brigadeführer Heinz Harmel, commander of the German defence of the Nijmegen and Arnhem bridges; Major Tony Hibbert who was a senior officer of 2nd batallion 1st brigade, British 1st Airborne division at the Arnhem bridge; Tim Lynch author of ‘Operation Market Garden: The Legend of the Waal Crossing’; Sir Brian Urquhart, army intelligence officer in the run-up to the operation he was critical of it and transferred before it began… but later became Secretary General of the newly formed United Nations.

Tony Gosling


British Intelligence Asset Haroon Rashid Aswat Escapes Extradition ...

A British court has ruled that intelligence asset Haroon Rashid Aswat will not be extradited to the United States to face terrorism charges. british-intelligence-asset-haroon-rashid-aswat-escapes-extradition/


The Insider - London bombings 'mastermind' is a known MI6 agent

On FOX News Channel's Day Side, Terrorism Expert John Loftus revealed that Haroon Rashid Aswat, the suspect wanted by British Police for "masterminding" ...



APRIL 7, 2012 - FIRST HOUR -  George and Charlotte welcome Ben Taylor the first segment who will provide us an update on utopia silver  products and discuss any important information - Second and Third segments we welcome Rob Roark who is running for Congress in Texas U.S. Congressional District 35.- Fourth segment George and Charlotte will provide  the most important news item updates.   


SECOND HOUR - we welcome - Anton Chaitkin

Anton Chaitkin is the history editor for Executive Intelligence Review. He was an original co-founder of Lyndon LaRouche's National Caucus of Labor Committees in the 1960's. Chaitkin has written hundreds of investigative articles and is the author of a number of books on the battles between the nationalist leaders of the American republic, and their imperial British enemies.  In 2009 his face to face confrontation with President Obama's health care adviser, Ezekiel Emanuel, for  the revival of eugenics under  modern healthcare through the denial of care to millions who would be judged not fit to live, gained national attention.

 Chaitkin’s first full-length book, in 1985, was {Treason in  America: From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman. In 1992, he co-authored {George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography,} an x-ray of the London-New York power axis dominating U.S. politics, and the first biography of George the First not commissioned by Bush Sr. himself. and 800 929-7566-- callers will receive an info packet



The Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791



MARCH 31, 2012 - FIRST HOUR -George and Charlotte welcome Dr. Peter R. Breggin, M.D. has been informing the professions, media and the public about the potential dangers of drugs, electroshock, psychosurgery, involuntary treatment, and the biological theories of psychiatry for over four decades.  Since 1964 Dr. Breggin has been publishing peer-reviewed articles and medical books in his subspecialty of clinical psychopharmacology. He is the author of dozens of scientific articles and nineteen professional books about psychiatric medication, the FDA and drug approval process, the evaluation of clinical trials, and standards of care in psychiatry and related fields. Read more about Dr. Breggin's reform work in the new biographical book The Conscience of Psychiatry: The Reform Work of Peter R. Breggin, MD.


SECOND HOUR - We welcome James Tracy he is Associate Professor of Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. He received his Ph.D. in Mass Communication from the University of Iowa in 2002. His research and teaching focus on journalism history, political communication, and public opinion. Tracy has authored eighteen journal articles and book chapters, and some of his more recent work may be found at Memory Gap at

We will discuss his recent article published in Global Research entitled "9/11 Truth, Inner Consciousness and the "Public Mind"



With few exceptions the news that will shape public discourse is subject to a de facto censorial process of powerful government and corporate elites beyond accountability to the public. It is here that Sigmund Freud’s notion of repression is especially helpful for assessing the decrepit state of media and public discourse in the United States. In Freud’s view, one’s collective life experiences are registered in the subconscious, with those particularly disturbing or socially impermissible experiences being involuntarily suppressed, only later to emerge as neuroses. Whereas suppression is conscious and voluntary, repression takes place apart from individual volition.

With opinion polls indicating at least half of the public distrusting the official account of September 11th, the foremost basis for the “war on terror”, no public event has been more repressed in public consciousness via the mass media than 9/11. The enduring usefulness of Freud’s theory is suggested in repeated manifestations of the repressed episode to haunt the public mind for which a surrogate reality has been crafted.



MARCH 24, 2012 - FIRST HOUR - George and Charlotte welcome Tony Gosling his site to our program topics: will include the Nazi Corporate Empire

Who does that Tony Gosling think he is?

A brief biog.

I was born in Gravesend, Kent in 1962 and brought up in Bromley, South London. I ended my formal education at Ilkley College in West Yorkshire with a Humanities degree, specializing in English Literature, from Bradford University. After working for a few years in the family aviation business I decided to have a go at radio journalism.
Volunteering at the GLC funded Radio Thamesmead (now Time FM 106.8) in South East London I eventually became their full-time volunteer editor of community programmes. RTM applied for, and got, an FM license from the Radio Authority but as part of the financial deal manager Bob Smith took many of the best presenters off the air. I therefore left in 1991 for a researchers job at Greater London Radio, the BBC's station for London.
In 1992 I moved to BBC Radio Solent as a reporter and then on to BBC Wiltshire Sound, where I worked as Salisbury reporter, relief presenter and documentary maker. When Wiltshire Sound had a 'cash crisis' the BBC decided they no longer required my services. I moved to the Lake District where I took a year out then moved to Oxford where I got involved with environmental campaigning, volunteering at The Land Is Ours helping to organize land occupations in the mid to late 1990's.
After moving to Bristol and getting into investigative journalism I helped establish i-Contact video network and Ecovillage network UK. I spent a year on the National Executive of the NUJ and eight years as Secretary, then Vice-Chair of the Bristol branch of the National Union of Journalists until the 2009 AGM when I resigned from the Bristol executive.
I joined the Religious Society of Friends, or Quakers, in June 2005 and I delivered my first lecture on the Seventeenth Century Illuminati in October 2006.
Since Easter 2009 I have produced and presented Friday Drivetime, the weekly politics show on Bristol Community FM which gives a provincial perspective on the news 'in Bristol Britain and around the world'.
You can contact me here and get good quality photos of me here

Secret files reveal 9,000 Nazi war criminals fled to South America after WWII

  • As many as 5,000 Nazis went to Argentina
  • Between 1,500 and 2,000 ended up in Brazil
  • Around 500 to 1,000 settled in Chile
  • The rest started new lives in Paraguay and Uruguay
MARCH  24, 2012 - SECOND HOUR -  8-9pm CDT - George and Charlotte welcome

Dr. Bart Billings Full Bio - Dr. Billings has been working in the fields of Human Services and Management for over forty years. He possesses licenses in Clinical Psychology, Marriage and Family Therapy and has expertise as a certified rehabilitation counselor.

Statement and Testimony Before Congress

He also has an extensive background in Management and Program Development, which include, but is not limited to, Chief of Professional Services/Assistant Director at the University of California, Davis Teaching Hospital’s Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Department, and Commanding Officer for a General Hospital Section in the US Army Reserves. He has founded and directed: The Annual International Military and Civilian Combat Stress Conferences (15 yrs.), National Tri-Service Prisoner of War Conference and the military wide Human Assistance Rapid Response Team (HARRT).

On June 5th, 2003, he was named as a member of the Governors Advisory Board to Patton State Hospital, California. He currently oversees all psychological services for the San Diego District of the California Department of Rehabilitation. He has developed residential treatment programs in substance abuse and alcoholism as well as human assistance programs for the civilian and military community.

He has been senior faculty at the William Glasser, MD Institute for over thirty five years and has taught classes at the University of San Francisco, University of California Davis, United States International University, etc., as well as workshops on counseling and management throughout the United States.

He is the founder and president of a manufacturing company called TBH Productions that produces OmniSonic audio speakers. With TBH Productions, he developed a state of the art non-obtrusive professional loud speaker that has the potential to revolutionize the professional sound touring business. He directed factory operations for three and a half years to enable development of injection molds, write a manufacturing manual, and develop manufacturing procedures for future large-scale manufacturing. For over fifteen years he directed all research and development, field-testing and endorsements in preparation for worldwide marketing and sales. His work with sound and vast experience in the medical field has resulted in him writing an article in Navy Medicine Journal titled, “The Sound You Feel Can Be Dangerous To Your Health “(Jan-Feb 2002, p.22-26), which deals with vibroacoustic disease. He has also worked as a performing arts / special events director, producer and writer for over twenty-five years.



The Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791


MARCH 17, 2012 - FULL TWO HOURS - George and Charlotte welcome Tod Fletcher and we'll discuss 911 and current politics. Tod has assisted David Ray Griffin in the writing of nine books on 9/11 (from The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, Cognitive Infiltration to 9/11 Ten Years Later: When State Crimes Against Democracy Succeed ).  He is a co-producer of "Guns and Butter," a weekly radio program on KPFA-FM in Berkeley, CA, which has aired many ground-breaking shows on the truth of 9/11 since October, 2001. Tod's contributions to the radio program "Guns and Butter" have been many and we must respect Bonnie Faulkner for broadcasting programs containing 911 truth themes. Tod also helps get vital information to the public at  He has written and given interviews on 9/11 truth since January, 2002.  He blogs at -

Tod Fletcher: The Truth About 9/11 - THE TWIN TOWERS, WTC7, PENTAGON, AFGHANISTAN


Guns and Butter

Live on KPFA at 01:00 PM Pacific Time: Wednesdays
See the
KFPA Program Grid for more details.

"Guns & Butter" investigates the relationships among capitalism, militarism and politics. Maintaining a radical perspective in the aftermath of the September 11th attacks, "Guns & Butter: The Economics of Politics" reports on who wins and who loses when the economic resources of civil society are diverted toward global corporatization, war, and the furtherance of a national security state.

Produced and hosted by Bonnie Faulkner.

E-mail Bonnie at





The Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791



MARCH 10, 2012 - FIRST HOUR - George and Charlotte - welcome David G. Yurth, Director: Science & Technology - ON THE FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF THE FUKUSHIMA DISASTER - Let's help clean-up Japan!

See - Directory:Suppression of Technology - go to David Yurth's  citation -that follows

  • 4.46 David G. Yurth, Ph.D. (Reporter): Remediating Nuclear Waste Materials
  • The Nova Institute of Technology, LLC

    Mr. Yurth's professional focus has been in the field of technology development, invention management, and integration consulting. His role as managing partner, founder, director, and CEO of companies such as Page Turn, LLC, Diversified Holdings, Ltd., X Out Corporation, Nu OmniComm Technologies, Primary Technologies, Inc., and as Director of Science and Technology for the Nova Institute of Technology, have provided a leadership edge in the technology industry. Mr. Yurth's experience is heavily weighted in industry networking, technology analytics and research, and product market delivery. He has invented or co-invented a number of innovative technology-based integrations including the X Chip, Guayule Rubber Latex Commercialization Process, Dialog Language Replacement System, Wireless Video Conferencing System, computer display system, Collective Ion Accelerator System [for treating radioactive nuclear waste], Electronically Shaded Glass, Float Fisher personal watercraft, SREV [Self-Recharging Electric Vehicle], V-Car Personal Aerial Vehicle, Thorium Nuclear Reactor and energy generation systems, and others. He is the author of seven books, 15 screen plays and 12 scientific papers, articles and monographs. He serves as a scientific peer reviewer for Science Journals International and other scientific publications. He received his B.A. in English from Weber State University, Ogden, Utah: MBA in Organizational Leadership from Capella University, Minneapolis, Minnesota, and is currently finishing his PhD in International Business. His model for personal development, The Pyramid of Agendas, has been used as the basis for curriculum development, conflict resolution, experiential processes and team building programs by numerous other groups. His book, The Island of My Life, was released for general consumption on the Internet in 2008. The book explains the concepts embodied in the Pyramid of Agendas model and provides guidelines for using its principles to heal wounded ness and facilitate personal empowerment. His recent book CODE: Eraser [science fiction] is being developed into a motion picture by Zero Point Films. His current project, The Ho Chi Minh Guerilla Warfare Handbook: A Guide to Innovation Technology Management” has been completed and is being published this year. His cosmology research is contained in the book entitled Seeing Past The Edge, which is now in its 5th edition. The new model of scalar physics entitled “Y-Bias & Angularity: The Dynamics of Self-Organizing Criticality From the Zero Point to Infinity” has been released for public consumption on the Internet. His current project entitled “Heartbeat of the Cosmos” will explain the concepts contained in the Y-Bias model for consumption by non-science readers.. Mr. Yurth currently serves as Director of Science & Technology for the Nova Institute of Technology and as a consultant -project manager for several prototype development groups. He is married and lives with his wife and four cats in Holladay, Utah.

    We will review and update our listening audience on - these subjects - 911 - Fukushima - Legislation




    Mini-Nukes Were Used on 9-11

    Arnie Gundersen at the Japan National Press Club

    House Passes “Trespass Bill” HR-347 That Makes Protests Illegal


    Resolution Calls for Impeachment if Obama Does Not Seek War Authorization from Congress

    Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth

    Articles on Fukushima - The 4th Media

    Bill Text
    112th Congress (2011-2012)

    Secret US-Israeli Nuke Transfers Led To Fukushima Blasts

    Japanese Regularly Eating Food Containing Radio Nuclides Such As Cesium

    Top Defense Chiefs to Update Congress on Syria - this was very disturbing talk from our leaders - Alex Jones equates this to treason coupled with the invasion of Libya - check out especially the exchange between Secretary Panetta and Senator Jeff Sessions at 1:55:00 - 2:09:33 is very insightful coupled with President Obama ignoring Congress during the Libyan operation

    Le Cercle - Membership list - Le Cercle is a secret transnational intelligence and direct action group, that, according to all accounts, is funded by the CIA. - this group is at the the top of world power


    SECOND HOUR - George and Charlotte welcome Sibel Edmonds - Boiling Frogs web site

    Sibel Edmonds is the founder and president of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC), a nonprofit organization dedicated to aiding national security whistleblowers. She has appeared on national radio and TV as a commentator on matters related to whistleblowers, national security, and excessive secrecy & classification, and has been featured on CBS 60 Minutes, CNN, MSNBC,  NPR, and in the New York Times, Washington Post, Vanity Fair, The American Conservative, and others.

    PEN American Center awarded Ms. Edmonds the 2006 PEN/Newman’s Own First Amendment Award for her “commitment to preserving the free flow of information in the United States in a time of growing international isolation and increasing government secrecy”. She is also the recipient of the 2004 Sam Adams Foundation Award.

    Ms. Edmonds worked as a language specialist for the FBI’s Washington Field Office. During her work with the bureau, she discovered and reported serious acts of security breaches, cover-ups, and intentional blocking of intelligence that had national security implications. After she reported these acts to FBI management, she was retaliated against and ultimately fired in March 2002. Since that time, court proceedings on her issues have been blocked by the assertion of “State Secrets Privilege”, and the Congress of the United States has been gagged and prevented from any discussion of her case through retroactive re-classification issued by the Department of Justice.

    Ms. Edmonds began her career in 1993 as Project Director for the Rostropovich Foundation, a non-profit humanitarian organization providing medical and food aid to children of the former Soviet Union. She re-located to St. Petersburg, Russia and managed correspondence, shipments, inventory and security precautions in the largest children’s hospital in St. Petersburg. Later, she worked as the Executive Director & Co-Founder of Edmonds Industries, a Consulting and Holding Company, investing in international business and residential real estate development. Ms. Edmonds also worked as a volunteer for the Alexandria CASA program (Court Appointed Special Advocate) for abused children, and as an instructor for the Alexandria Office on Women’s Domestic Violence Program.

    Ms. Edmonds has a MA in Public Policy and International Commerce from George Mason University, a BA in Criminal Justice and Psychology from George Washington University, and AA degree in Science from NVCC. She is certified as a Court Appointed Special Advocate and as an instructor for the Women’s Domestic Violence Program. She is fluent in Turkish, Farsi and Azerbaijani.

    Ergenekon (organization) - is the name given to an alleged clandestine, Kemalist ultra-nationalist organization in Turkey with possible ties to members of the country's military and security forces. The group, named after Ergenekon, a mythical place located in the inaccessible valleys of the Altay Mountains, is accused of terrorism in Turkey.ont>

    Ergenekon has frequently been shown to be part of the "deep state". The existence of the "deep state" was affirmed in Turkish opinion after the Susurluk scandal in 1996. Alleged members have been indicted on charges of plotting to foment unrest, among other things by assassinating intellectuals, politicians, judges, military staff, and religious leaders, with the ultimate goal of toppling the incumbent government.Ergenekon's modus operandi has been compared to Operation Gladio's Turkish branch, the Counter-Guerrilla.

    By April 2011, over 500 people had been taken into custody and nearly 300 formally charged with membership of what prosecutors described as “the Ergenekon terrorist organization”, which they claimed had been responsible for virtually every act of political violence – and controlled every terrorist group – in Turkey over the last 30 years.



    MARCH 3, 2012 -7:15-8pm CST - ://">Dr. Orly Taitz - leading authority on President Obama's authority or not to sit in the Whitehouse as our President.

    Dr. Taitz is a well known lawyer in the country, who brought to light a number of legal cases about Barack Hussein Obama’s illegitimacy to US presidency, his use of multiple social security numbers of deceased individuals and numbers  never assigned to him. In spite of such flagrantly illegal actions by Mr. Obama, no judge as of yet had courage to hear the case on the merits and legal actions are lingering in different Courts of Appeals, as well as US District court of Columbia, where Dr. Taitz has recently brought Taitz v Obama Quo Warranto action..

    Dr. Taitz holds two doctors degrees, a Doctorate in Jurisprudence and a Doctorate in Dental Surgery. She is the President of Defend Our Freedoms Foundation and Editor of the blog, where she writes prolifically on the issues of Constitutional law, politics, and economy. She is married to her husband of 23 years and a mother to 3 sons, ages 20, 18 and 16. Her eldest son is graduating from Cornell university pre-med program next year, and her younger sons are in the last years of high school. She holds a second degree black belt in Taekwondo and she speaks five languages: English, Hebrew, Romanian, Russian and Spanish.

    Dr. Taitz was born and raised in the Communist Soviet Union and knows first hand the bleakness of the totalitarian regime and depravation of the Constitutional rights. As Mr. Obama became US president, she got deeply concerned the fact that he refused to present any of his original vital records and the fact that the issues of Mr. Obama’s dual citizenship and split allegiance were not heard in any court of law yet. Dr. Taitz has embarked on a pro bono mission to bring this issue to light and have it heard on the merits.


     8-9pm CST - George and Charlotte we'll discuss Andrew Breitbart life and news career and the latest possible revelations before and after  his death


    Research Links:

    JFK, Indonesia, CIA & Freeport Sulphur

    Obama's CIA "Mommy Dearest" — identifying Indonesians for assassination

    Port Huron Statement
    Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

    Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman shows in his book "To Eliminate the Opiate" (New York, 1974) that there was a clear connection between Frankism and Weishaupt's Illuminism. The goal of the Frankists was to work in secret to establish Jewish world supremacy. Professor Scholem has clearly documented that they achived extensive political power.

    Jacob Frank stressed heavily in his teaching to his followers that they should deliberately undergo false conversions to various faiths (principally Christian faiths) so as to ‘rot’ these religions from the inside out. mainstream historians are confused about these issues to this day, and dismiss the significance of his movement, precisely because it was ‘absorbed’ into the Catholic church after his death, when there was a mass ‘conversion’ of his followers.

    Bernard Lazar, a well-known Jewish author, wrote in his "L'Antisemitisme" in 1894, that exclusively Cabbalist Jews surrounded Weishaupt. Confiscated documents show that of 39 Illuminati holding lesser leading positions, 17 were Jews (i.e., 40%.) The higher one looked in the ranks, the larger was the percentage of Jews. Even the fact that the Illuminati headquarters in Ingolstadt were later converted into a synagogue was symbolic of this conspiracy. Lazar stated that all these Jews became the agents of revolution because they had "revolutionary souls."


    Reichstag Fire - evidence now of it being a false flag event 911 event - needs to be reinvestigated, too many unanswered questions remain
    Enabling Act 1933 Patriot Act - was hurriedly passed no one read it before voting it into law


    The 911 event was the most important tragedy to ever occur in the United States. There exists a divergence of opinion as to whether or not this event was an inside job, some say that yes indeed it was an inside job, while detractors of the inside job theory call those yelling yes an inside job as whacked out nut cake loonies. The mind is a land at times of desolation and winding roads, leading nowhere, but somewhere deep down within our hearts is a yearning for truth. This so called truth is interfered by systems of thought, so tonight we will discuss the 911 truth movement and the biases and mechanisms, snares that  obstruct our sight, our vision our minds that we cannot see, cannot and want not to realize truth, it's too horrible a thought, no that just couldn't be true those people love America.

    Premises - can be misleading!


    911 is a terrorist act, al-Qaeda committed the 911 attack so al-Qaeda is a terrorist organization

    911 was committed by an outside entity and our enemies are outside of our country so that outside entity is our enemy 

              INSIDE ENEMY
              911 was an inside job, our enemies committed 911 so our enemies are inside
              our country 




    FEB. 25, 2012 - FIRST HOUR - George and Charlotte welcome Donald Gibson author of several books tonight well discuss his book - "Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency"

    Donald Gibson was born in Philadelphia in 1945. He served as a communications intelligence analyst in the United States Air Force from 1964 to 1968. After military service, Gibson returned to college to get a B.A. and went on to complete a Ph.D. at the University of Delaware. He has taught on a number of campuses, including Oberlin and Middlesbury Colleges, and is currently at the Greensburg Campus of the University of Pittsburgh.

    Professor Gibson's research on social power and on U.S. economic problems carried out during the 1970s and 1980s led him to carrying out research into the administration of John F. Kennedy. This led to the writing of Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency (1994).

    Other books by Gibson include Environmentalism: Ideology and Power (2002), Communication, Power and the Media (2004) and The Kennedy Assassination Cover-up Revisited (2005).



    SECOND HOUR - George and Charlotte welcome Dr. Bill Deagle MD DABFP FCFP CCFP A4M AAEM - we'll discuss the following topics and more:
    Fukushima latest update and the possibility of radioactive Buckyballs being formed as reported by Michael Collins, other topics included latest man-made virus update, Delusion of The American Public to 911 truth and the Honduras situation

    Dr. Bill Deagle MD is a Prolife physician. He has been a board certified Family Medicine Specialist, board eligible Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Internal Medicine, Medico-legal, Anti-Aging Medicine, and Environmental Toxicologist. Currently he is a media liason activist and teacher for the American Academy of AntiAging Medicine and the American Academy of Environmental Medicine.

    Dr. Bill has been in private practice for 25 + years, and has worked as a contract physician with companies working with the US Government on NORAD, US Space Command, Advanced CRAY Supercomputers, Large Array and EMP Proof Microchips, and many other projects such as exit examiner for the Special Operations Chemical Munitions Team of the US Military for the OKC
    Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building bombing in 1995, Operation Top Off and Dark Winter with FEMA and FBI and State and Federal Hazardous Materials and Biowarfare War Games 1997.

    The NUTRIMEDICAL REPORT and CLAYandIRON Show has a wide array of experts interviewed on Geopolitics, Antiaging, Health and Wellness, Prolife, Spiritual, Messianic, Christian, Military, Above Government Space and Warfare Technologies, Constitutional, Legal JurisDictionary Militia, and Ancient Archeology and Science to name but a few.

    Hour Two of the three hour show from 2 to 5 PM CST, Mondays to Fridays and 8 to 11 PM CST Sunday's Encore best of the week shows is broadcast nationally across America and worldwide. Listen and discover new natural wellness nutraceuticals and technologies to heal the body, restore function, and slow and reverse aging from custom designs by Dr Bill and other personally selected nutritional supplements companies that represent the best in the world gathered through extensive research. Call in questions are welcome throughout the show to the studio to 800-259-5791.



    The Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791



    FEB. 18, 2012 - FIRST HOUR - George an Charlotte welcome Gerrard Williams co-author and producer of "Grey Wolf: The escape of Adolph Hitler" Press Release  - Summary
    Gerrard Williams has been an International Television Journalist and film-maker for over 30 years.

    After graduating from Journalism College he was hired by Visnews, the international TV News Agency, where he spent two years before moving to Australia, working for ABC and Australian Associated Press as well as being Independent Radio News correspondent for two years.

    On his return to the U.K. he rejoined Visnews and after various jobs elsewhere in TV news was eventually appointed Duty Editor at Reuters Television.
    He has worked as a Foreign Duty Editor at The BBC, Sky News and APTN.

    Gerrard has worked and reported in over 65 countries and has set up and managed/edited projects as diverse as Superchannel News, European Business Today for BSB/SKY, Breakfast Editor at European Business News and Managing Editor at Africa Journal.

    He directed his first documentary in 1983. He has been responsible for hundreds of live hours of broadcast television.

    He has covered most of the top international news stories of the last 20 years, including the fall of the Soviet Union, the war in Yugoslavia, the Rwanda Genocide, the first Gulf War, the aftermath of the second and the US occupation of Iraq,and the 2004 Tsunami.

    Gerrard returned to long-form film making after successfully running an independent news production company, News-Source U.K. that produced news, entertainment and documentary programming for Sony Entertainment Television and the breakfast program for European Business News (now CNBC Europe).

    He has also produced corporate videos for various United Nations departments, Hilton Hotels, Berjaya Bay Hotels, Seychelles Airlines, Weavering Capital and has advised on the use of video inserts into many web-based products.

    He has recently made documentary films in Kenya, Argentina and Albania, which have been broadcast by Al-Jazeera International, SIC in Portugal, Channel 4 News in the UK and SKY News.

    He is currently post-producing a major Drama-Documentary "Grey Wolf" and is developing various feature film proposals.

    Gerrard is married with two grown-up children, a Labrador called Max and an ancient cat "Suki".


    When Truman asked Stalin in 1945 whether Hitler was dead, Stalin replied bluntly, “No.” As late as 1952, Eisenhower declared: “We have been unable to unearth one bit of tangible evidence of Hitler's death.” What really happened?

    Simon Dunstan and Gerrard Williams have compiled extensive evidence--some recently declassified--that Hitler actually fled Berlin and took refuge in a remote Nazi enclave in Argentina. The recent discovery that the famous “Hitler's skull” in Moscow is female, as well as newly uncovered documents, provide powerful proof for their case. Dunstan and Williams cite people, places, and dates in over 500 detailed notes that identify the plan's escape route, vehicles, aircraft, U-boats, and hideouts. Among the details: the CIA's possible involvement and Hitler's life in Patagonia--including his two daughters


    Research: These following sites are excellent research sources to further your knowledge of the world system

    Top Secret America

    The 72 Threat Fusion Centers Were Designed To Threaten You


    SECOND HOUR - George and Charlotte welcome Matthew Stein - WHEN TECHNOLOGY FAILS

    400 Chernobyls: Solar Flares, EMP, and Nuclear Armageddon

    Author, engineer, designer, and green builder, Mat Stein was born and raised in Burlington Vermont. His parents started him walking on skis at age three, hiking at age 5, backpacking at age seven, hunting at age 10, rock climbing and extreme skiing at age 11. The Green mountains of Vermont, White mountains of New Hampshire, and the Adirondack’s of upstate New York were his four-season childhood play grounds. After graduating from MIT in 1978, where he majored in Mechanical Engineering, the lure of the “real mountains” of the west drew Mat across the country to California. 

    Always enjoying work with his hands, and being outside in the wilderness, Mat found it stifling to go to work as a design engineer in Silicon Valley, pushing pencils day after day. So, he took breaks from engineering off-and-on for several years to be a carpenter, climb the vertical walls of Yosemite, and teach skiing and High School math. In the mid eighties, after lots of stress and lost hair, he bailed from designing disc drives in Silicon Valley to a ten-acre homestead in the foothills of the Sierras. Mat has built hurricane and earthquake resistant, energy efficient, environmentally friendly homes.  He has also designed,  among other things, consumer water filtration devices, solar PV roofing panels, medical bacteriological filters, emergency chemical drench systems, computer disk drives, and portable fiberglass buildings.

    A thirty year interest in alternative healing got its start while Mat was still a freshman at MIT, when he witnessed the miraculous remote healing of a crippled friend (big shake up to his scientific “Billiard Ball Theory of the Universe” way of thinking).  Over the years, this interest expanded to the use of herbs, homeopathy, and other alternatives to heal medical conditions that weren’t responding to western style medicine.....more


    FEB. 11, 2012 - 7:00pm-7;30 - CST - George and Charlotte welcome Greg Palast  author of his latest book "Vultures' Picnic: In Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates and High-Finance Carnivores"

    Palast is best known as the investigative reported who uncovered how Katherine Harris purged thousands of African-Americans from Florida voters rolls in the 2000 Presidential Election.

    Author of the New York Times and international bestsellers, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy and Armed Madhouse, Palast is Patron of the Trinity College Philosophical Society, an honor previously held by Jonathan Swift and Oscar Wilde.


    "A cross between Sam Spade and Sherlock Holmes" (Jim Hightower, The Nation), Greg Palast turned his skills to journalism after two decades as a top investigator of corporate fraud and racketeering. Palast's reports appear on BBC's Newsnight and in Britain's Guardian, Rolling Stone and Harper's.

    Palast directed the US' government's largest racketeering case in history (that garnered a $4.3 billion jury award) and the investigation of the Exxon Valdez.

    Palast is recipient of the George Orwell Courage in Journalism Prize for his BBC television documentary, Bush Family Fortunes


    Romney's Billionaire Vulture
    Paul Singer, the GOP's Baddie Sugar Daddie

    The untold story of the sources of the loot controlled by Paul "The Vulture" Singer and why he needs to buy the White House

    by Greg Palast for TruthOut/Buzzflash - update

    Greg Palast has been investigating Singer and other finance vultures for BBC Television's Newsnight. His new book is Vultures' Picnic: In Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates and High-Finance Carnivores.

    It's out of the closet –– or, more accurately, out of the coven.  The list of the billionaires who have given at least $1 million to Restore Our Future, the pro-Romney Super PAC, is headed by Paul Singer.  Singer and his hedge fund crew at Elliott Associates, with their donations to the Republican National Committee and other "independent" groups like the Swift Boat campaign, makes it likely that Singer is now the top funder for the GOP


    SECOND HOUR - George and Charlotte welcome Donald Gibson author of several books tonight well discuss his book "Environmentalism: Ideology and Power" also we'll touch on the JFK cover-up the second half of our discussion

    Donald Gibson was born in Philadelphia in 1945. He served as a communications intelligence analyst in the United States Air Force from 1964 to 1968. After military service, Gibson returned to college to get a B.A. and went on to complete a Ph.D. at the University of Delaware. He has taught on a number of campuses, including Oberlin and Middlesbury Colleges, and is currently at the Greensburg Campus of the University of Pittsburgh.

    Professor Gibson's research on social power and on U.S. economic problems carried out during the 1970s and 1980s led him to carrying out research into the administration of John F. Kennedy. This led to the writing of Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency (1994).

    Other books by Gibson include Environmentalism: Ideology and Power (2002), Communication, Power and the Media (2004) and The Kennedy Assassination Cover-up Revisited (2005).




    The Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791


    FEB. 4, 2012 - FIRST HOUR - George and Charlotte review the news and discuss Charles Torello's   beneficial results of working with utopiasilver

    Research Books - Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile by Paul Manning

    Site - Edwin Black's Books


    SECOND HOUR - Eddie Craig provides us advice on Municipal Court appearances and traffic ticket Justice - Eddie lectures every Sunday at Brave New Books at 1904 Guadalupe St, Austin, Texas  from 2pm to 5pm 

    DAVOS REVIEW - The World Economic Forum meeting held last week Jan. 25-29, 2012 in Davos, Switzerland will be reviewed and be the subject of our broadcast tonight. - there were over 2,600 in attendance at this forum a record - to understand this forum one must read Kurt Lewin to understand the techniques and dynamics that are used by the mind masters to program even Billionaires - YES you Billionaires are being programmed as you sit in your seats at Davos - the discussions always are debates about how to consolidate power and money into the largest business enterprises hands but there are also overtures disguised as big corporations trying to help people the poor people

    Is 20th-century capitalism failing 21st-century society? - two clips from David M. Rubenstein, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Carlyle Group, USA- will be discussed

    In partnership with the World Economic Forum, Time magazine hosts this debate focusing on the uncertain future of capitalism.

    • Sharan Burrow, General Secretary, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), Brussels; Global Agenda Council on Employment & Social Protection
    • Brian T. Moynihan, Chief Executive Officer, Bank of America, USA
    • Raghuram G. Rajan, Eric J. Gleacher Distinguished Service Professor of Finance, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, USA
    • David M. Rubenstein, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Carlyle Group, USA
    • Ben J. Verwaayen, Chief Executive Officer, Alcatel-Lucent, France; Foundation Board Member

    Moderated by

    • Jim Frederick, Editor, Time International, USA


    How can access to affordable and sustainable energy unlock development potentials across all segments of society? - one clip from Gérard Mestrallet, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, GDF SUEZ

     Privatization of Water in Bolivia  

     Suez Packs Its Bags and Won't Be Back

    - Increasing the development potential of energy access for all
    - Accelerating private sector investment
    - Fostering public-private partnerships

    • Diezani K. Alison-Madueke, Minister of Petroleum Resources of Nigeria
    • José Sergio Gabrielli de Azevedo, Chief Executive Officer, Petroleo Brasileiro Petrobras, Brazil
    • Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General, United Nations, New York
    • Gérard Mestrallet, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, GDF SUEZ, France
    • Erik Solheim, Minister of the Environment and International Development of Norway
    • Tulsi R. Tanti, Chairman and Managing Director, Suzlon Energy, India; Renewable Energy Community Leader 2012

    Moderated by


    Putting the New Vision for Agriculture into Action: A Transformation Is Happening
    In order to feed a population of 9 billion in 2050, the ...




    The Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791


    JAN. 28, 2012 - The World Economic Forum meeting Jan. 25-29, 2012 in Davos, Switzerlaect of our broadcast tonight. - there are over 2,600 in attendance at this forum a record - to understand this forum one must read Kurt Lewin to understand the techniques and dynamics that are used by the mind masters to program even Billionaires - YES you Billionaires are being programmed as you sit in your seats at Davos - the discussions always are debates about how to consolidate power and money into the largest business enterprises hands but there are also overtures disguised as big corporations trying to help people the poor people


    The dynamics being played out in these orchestrated scenarios,  plays and reality contrivances is so that a world fascist state can be brought about by the money masters for they are preparing their minions to carry out money slavery of the whole planet. 

    Ideas that are being sold to the public and intellectuals caught up in the process:

    1. We need an International Financial System so that another financial crisis is averted

    2. Big Financial Institutions are too big to fail

    3. State Capitalism can be dangerous - especially to PPP Public Private Partnerships which the WEF has always promoted

    4. Business Enterprises must overcome all impediments to trade - the technique is to draw countries into trade organizations and control them through those agreements

    5. China is an efficient model

    6. Capitalism is loosely defined leaving out important information like privately owned Central Banks and money magic of the creation of money out of thin air.

    7. A great transformation is at hand and they're going to show us the way the light



    Terms and Definitions

    The shadow banking system is the collection of financial entities, infrastructure and practices which support financial transactions that occur beyond the reach of existing state sanctioned monitoring and regulation. It includes entities such as hedge funds, money market funds and structured investment vehicles. Investment banks may conduct much of their business in the shadow banking system (SBS), but they are not SBS institutions themselves..wikipedia

    Davos Man is a neologism which refers to the global elite of wealthy men whose members view themselves as completely international. Davos is an Alpine city in eastern Switzerland which became famous in the 1990s for hosting the World Economic Forum, an annual gathering of international politicians and financiers who represented a transnational elite. It is similar to the term Masters of the Universe attributed to influential financiers on Wall St.

    Davos Men supposedly see their identity as a matter of personal choice, not an accident of birth. According to political scientist Samuel P. Huntington, who is credited with inventing the phrase "Davos Man",[50] they are people who "have little need for national loyalty, view national boundaries as obstacles that thankfully are vanishing, and see national governments as residues from the past whose only useful function is to facilitate the élite's global operations". In his 2004 article "Dead Souls: The Denationalization of the American Elite," he argues that this international perspective is a minority elitist position not shared by the nationalist majority of the people...wikipedia



    Billionaires Occupy Davos as 0.01% Bemoan Income Inequality

    Anti-globalization movement




    JAN. 21, 2012 - FIRST HOUR  - 7:00-7:30 CST - George and Charlotte welcome Wes Riddle - campaign Site He's candidate for Texas U.S. Congressional House District 25 - we'll cover his campaign and the issues he considers important -
    We need to toss President Obama out on his ear, along with another batch of tax-and-spend liberal bleeding heart do-gooder socialists, who are destroying our Constitution and our Country!  Now of course they say they are Transforming our country.  But it is high time we roll up our sleeves and put a stop to the nonsense!


    Click on one of the topics below to know where I stand:


    7:45-8pm CST - we welcome Dr. Ken O'Neal representing Utopiasilver - - update


    SECOND HOUR - 8-9pm CST - George and Charlotte welcome Eddie Craig veteran and former Peace Officer - we'll discuss The U.S. Constitution, Texas Constitution, Municipal Courts and Traffic Laws



    The Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791  


    JAN. 14, 2012 - FIRST HOUR  - 7:00-7:05 - George and Charlotte cover news quick update and then we welcome Dr. Ken ONeal  for a health and nutrient update  
    7:15-8pm CST - George welcomes Bob Chapman founder and publisher of  "The International Forecaster" - we'll discuss World Economics, the eminent Eurozone crash, stock market conditions and more............  .

    Mr. Chapman is 72 years old. He was born in Boston, MA and attended Northeastern University majoring in business management. He spent three years in the U. S. Army Counterintelligence, mostly in Europe. He speaks German and French and is conversant in Spanish. He lived in Europe for six years, off and on, three years in Africa, a year in Canada and a year in the Bahamas.

    Mr. Chapman became a stockbroker in 1960 and retired in 1988. For 18 of those years he owned his own brokerage firm. He was probably the largest gold and silver stockbroker in the world during that period. When he retired he had over 6,000 clients.

    From 1962 through 1976 he specialized in South African gold shares. He and his family lived in Salisbury, Rhodesia (now Harare, Zimbabwe) and Johannesburg, South Africa from 1970 to 1973. During that time he did a great deal of further study into the South African mining industry.

    Mr. Chapman belonged to The Traders Association for 25 years. He did all his own trading. During his South African years some was done directly through Johannesburg, but 95% was done through London brokerage firms. Hence, he has extensive contacts, both in London and on the Continent.

    Starting in 1967 Mr. Chapman began writing articles on business, finance, economics and politics having been printed and reprinted over the years in over 200 publications. He owned and wrote the Gary Allen Report, which had 30,000 subscribers. He currently is owner and editor of The International Forecaster, a compendium of information on business, finance, economics and social and political issues worldwide, which reaches 10,000 investors and brokers monthly directly, and parts of his publication are picked up by 60 different websites weekly exposing his ideas to over 10 million investors a week.

    founder and publisher of "The International Forecaster"  


    8-9pm CST - we welcome Dr. Dennis Cuddy author of "The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan"

    Dennis Laurence Cuddy, historian and political analyst, received a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (major in American History, minor in political science). Dr. Cuddy has taught at the university level, has been a political and economic risk analyst for an international consulting firm, and has been a Senior Associate with the U.S. Department of Education.

    Cuddy has also testified before members of Congress on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice. Dr. Cuddy has authored or edited seventeen books and booklets, and has written hundreds of articles appearing in newspapers around the nation, including The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and USA Today. He has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows in various parts of the country, such as ABC Radio in New York City, and he has also been a guest on the national television programs USA Today and CBS's Nightwatch.

    With military defeat of the Nazis in World War II, many people began to fear the threat of communism. However, what most people don t realize is that the Power Elite (PE) has used both communism and Nazism in a dialectical process to bring about a techno-feudal world socialist government. While much of the world celebrated the Allied defeat of Hitler in 1945, what they didn t know was that the Nazis were winning the war for control of much of the world s economy. By 1943, Hitler s second-in-command, Martin Bormann, had $180 billion in assets (today worth trillions of dollars) that he could use to execute a secret plan to spread national socialism around the world. In 1944 Sumner Welles wrote in The Time for Decision of a secret Nazi plan to be fulfilled perhaps two generations from now. Moreover, the secret Nazi plan is simply one part of a larger Power Elite plan to control the world. This book covers all the above, including how America is being moved more and more toward a techno-feudal national socialism in order to fit into the Power Elite's master plan.


    Revealed: The secret report that shows how the Nazis planned a Fourth Reich ........ the EU

    Photo to Left - Plotters: SS chief Heinrich Himmler with Max Faust, engineer with Nazi-backed company I. G. Farben



    JAN. 7, 2012 - FIRST HOUR 7-8pm CST - George and Charlotte welcome Dr. Peter Glidden Site - Site - author of  several books and booklets
    Curriculum Vitae: Peter Glidden BS, ND
    1987: BS from University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA.
    1991: ND from Bastyr University, Seattle WA.
    1992: Licensed to practice Naturopathic medicine.
    1993 - Present: Private Naturopathic medical practice.
    1987 - Present: Member - American Association of Naturopathic Physicians.
    2008 - Present: Member - Illinois Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

        An outspoken advocate of Wholistic Health, Dr. Glidden has lectured to thousands of people over the last 2 decades. He delivers over
    60 Free Lectures each year, and is a regular speaker at Health Freedom Expo & Youngevity Regional Meetings. He has appeared on TV, is a regular guest host of the "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" Health Talk radio program, and gives free weekly seminars all over Chicagoland. His new book, The MD Emperor Has No Clothes, is an eye-opening, groundbreaking, jaw dropping exposition on the shortcomings of conventional MD directed medicine and the  unrivaled excellence of Wholistic medical treatments.




    Book Site



    SECOND HOUR - 8:-8:15pm CST - Ben Taylor owner of Utopia Silver will give us an update on his latest products and special offers 

    8:15-8:45pm CST - Sheriff Richard Mack - site- will join George and Charlotte 

    Richard Mack, former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, and long-time crusader for freedom and individual rights. Right now, it is vital that we restore the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. The greatest threat we face today is not terrorists; it is our own federal government. If America is conquered or ruined it will be from within, not a foreign enemy.

    In 1994 I filed a lawsuit challenging the Brady bill to stop the federal government from forcing another unfunded mandate down our throats. I won a decision at the US Supreme Court on the issue of States' rights. This suit catapulted me to national attention, with television appearances on the Donahue Show, Good Morning America, Crossfire, Nightline, CNBC, and SHOWTIME'S the AMERICAN CANDIDATE. I've been on over 500 radio talk shows nationwide, ranging from G. Gordon Liddy and Charles Goyette to Derry Brownfield and Pat Buchannan. I have traveled the country extensively and I've seen ft hand the horrible side effects from politicians who have replaced our Constitution with their own political agendas and party platforms.

    I lecture and give seminars on constitutional issues relating to gun control, law enforcement, States' rights, the farce, otherwise known as the drug war, and the oath of office. I have also been a consultant for lawyers, and people in general helping them with cases of unlawful arrests and police misconduct. I have stood for "the little guy" against "big brother" government



    The Secret Truth - Call in Line 1-800 259-5791 


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