PROGRAMS – JUNE 1, 2023 – DEC 31, 2023

The Secret Truth Old Pages Found HERE – All Past Programs – 2014-2012 / 2011 / 2010-20092008-2006

george greenville butler

March 4, 1944 ~ January 4, 2024

author, songwriter, screenplay writer, talk show host, broker and real estate consultant for over 50 years, investigative journalist, truth seeker, veteran and patriot

George passed away in Austin, Texas at the age of 79. George is survived by a brother and sister-in-law and two nieces.

Memorial Service

When: Sunday, March 3, 2024 at 3pm. All attendees are welcome to join Mike and his wife for dinner. The name/location of the restaurant will be announced at the memorial service.

Where: Gonzales Memorial Park Cemetery – Alt US-90A E., Gonzales, TX 78629

Google Maps: Gonzales Memorial Park Cemetery

All costs associated with this memorial service and the grave are being covered by Mike Hanson and the Gonzales Association of Patriots. (G.A.P.)

If you would like to donate to assist Mike and the G.A.P. with these costs, please contact Mike at Or donate on the Mike Hanson Archives website at: Thank you!




USS LIBERTY MEMORIAL attack on June, 8, 1967

George and Charlotte interview Bryce Lockwood, veteran and survivor of the USS Liberty attack in front of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. Nov. 12, 2007

U.S.S. LIBERTY AND THE MEN WHO DIED SHALL NOT BE FORGOTTEN this web site is dedicated to the memory of thirty-four fine young men who gave their lives on June 8, 1967, over 35 years ago defending the USS Liberty against a sustained air and sea attack by the armed forces of the State of Israel During the Six Day War between Israel and the Arab States, the American intelligence ship USS Liberty was attacked for 75 minutes in international waters by Israeli aircraft and motor torpedo boats. Thirty-four men died and 172 were wounded.

A Report: War Crimes Committed Against U.S. Military Personnel, June 8, 1967
Statement by JCS Chairman Admiral Thomas H. Moorer

National Cryptologic Museum – The U.S.S. Liberty Exhibit

The Most Incredible Story Never Told: LBJ’s Order to Destroy the USS Liberty

NPR – interview with Bryce Lockwood


Rally Speech

There comes a time in everyone’s life when everything is still and life seems meaningless, at that point in time one must take a stand and make a choice. In Tiananmen Square the night of June 3, 1989 into the morning hours of June 4 students and citizens of China took a stand and made a choice. They chose Freedom and Liberty over living an existence of a living death of repression and slavery. We as Americans live in a sheltered cove lounging on our yachts dressed in designer clothes. Will Americans choose cocaine and crack or will they try and reach for something greater than themselves,  finally realizing what is worthwhile for themselves and the world. The emphasis today is all physical but we must do more to mend our spirits. For when the day comes when a man considers his physical life to be worthless, that is the day he begins to grow. It will require endless work, sacrifice and dedication to regain that sacred ground in Tiananmen Square and when that sacred ground is conquered the struggle to maintain Freedom will just begin. Someday people will go and visit that sacred place in Tiananmen Square and the people will cry tears, but these will not be tears of sadness instead these will be tears of joy for the sacred ground upon which they stand is the birthplace of Freedom and Democracy in China. You may ask yourself but what can I do, I’m only one small person in a great big world. Let me tell you what you can do. Moment by moment step by step the good you do are reflections of you. Then someday that stream of light oh so very bright will burst into a blinding light illuminating that sacred ground upon which truth stands making China Free! 

                                                                                                     – george greenville butler

This speech was delivered in the Fall of 1989 by George Butler on the West Mall of the University of Texas campus in Austin during the Tiananmen Square protest movement.


God Bless all who sacrifice everything on Dec. 7, 1941

Pearl Harbor Attack


REMEMBERING September 11, 2001

“The Towers didn’t burn up, nor did they slam to the ground. They turned (mostly) to dust in mid air.”

George and Charlotte on Nov. 11, 2007 in front of The Vietnam Veterans Memorial – Hour 1Hour 2

U.S.S. LIBERTY – SITE / thirty-four fine young men who gave their lives on June 8, 1967

A Report: War Crimes Committed Against U.S. Military Personnel, June 8, 1967
Statement by JCS Chairman Admiral Thomas H. Moorer

National Security Agency – U.S.S. Liberty


    The crowd drowns out

the wheelchair’s groan

as, with left arm,

he pushes himself upward

onto all but useless legs,

Then, as the flag passes,

his back straightens

and the arm braces

smartly against his side,

while the memory

of the right arm

snaps in invisible salute

– Opie R. Houston 


This Lecture by Dr Mearsheimer is truly an objective view of the present Israli-Palestinian



George and Charlotte welcome John Whitehead founder of The Rutherford Institute and author of “Battlefield America”


In Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the follow-up to his award-winning book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead paints a terrifying portrait of a nation at war with itself and which is on the verge of undermining the basic freedoms guaranteed to the citizenry in the Constitution. Indeed, police have been transformed into extensions of the military, towns and cities have become battlefields, and the American people have been turned into enemy combatants, to be spied on, tracked, scanned, frisked, searched, subjected to all manner of intrusions, intimidated, invaded, raided, manhandled, censored, silenced, shot at, locked up, and denied due process.

Yet this police state did not come about overnight. As Whitehead notes, this shift into totalitarianism cannot be traced back to a single individual or event. Rather, the evolution has been so subtle that most American citizens were hardly even aware of it taking place. Yet little by little, police authority expanded, one weapon after another was added to the police arsenal, and one exception after another was made to the standards that have historically restrained police authority. Add to this mix the merger of Internet mega corporations with government intelligence agencies, and you have the making of an electronic concentration camp that not only sees the citizenry as data bits but will attempt to control every aspect of their lives. And if someone dares to step out of line, they will most likely find an armed SWAT team at their door.



George welcomes Matthew Vadum First Vice-President of Capital Research Center and – The author of Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers (WND Books, 2011), Vadum writes and speaks widely on ACORN and other radical advocacy organizations and their sources of funding. He is a frequent guest on Fox News and a contributor to FrontPageMag.comAmerican Thinker,, Daily Caller, and the American Spectator. Vadum received an M.A. in American Studies from Georgetown University. A longtime journalist, he was previously a reporter at The Bond Buyer newspaper and the Central Penn Business Journal.

Matthew’s latest book is entitled:

Team Jihad: How Sharia-Supremacists Collaborate with Leftists to Destroy The United States

At a moment when a motley crew of demonstrators, protesters, and violent urban thugs has repeatedly joined forces – not just to make known their unhappiness with the Donald Trump administration, but to bring chaos to American streets and to seek the destruction of our constitutional order – there is an urgent need to understand who is organizing, funding and leading these cabals. Their banners, placards and slogans provide incomplete answers. Indeed, it seems that many of the marchers themselves fail to understand who is pulling the strings that propel the seemingly disparate Muslim Brothers, Black Lives Matter operatives, radical feminists, anarchists and other hard leftists to coordinated confrontation with law enforcement and the rest of American society. Unfortunately, our preparedness for confronting the array of such forces committed to the destruction of traditional Western values and civilization as enshrined in the U.S. Constitution has faltered badly in the years since the attacks of September 11, 2001. That is due, in no small measure, ironically to the successful influence operations waged against our national security leadership by adherents to the same ideology that animated the attacks of that fateful day: Islam’s Sharia doctrine. As a result, that leadership has been rendered incapable of confronting these enemies by name, identifying accurately what impels them, let alone achieving a decisive victory over them and their ideology. As Matthew Vadum persuasively documents in Team Jihad: How Sharia-Supremacists Collaborate with Leftists to Destroy the United States, the jihadists’ success in this regard is not entirely attributable to the seductiveness of their information and influence operations. They owe much to the decades-long march of cultural Marxism through the key pillars of American society: academia, faith communities, government (especially national security), law enforcement, and media. After all, it was communist, leftist, and progressive operatives who successfully promoted the notion that the Judeo-Christian principles laid down by the Founding Fathers were, at best, outmoded and, at worst, a force for ill in the world. In this shared antipathy to the traditional religious values that inspired and nurtured Western civilization, Islam and the left found grounds to make common cause: They could set aside their own divergent ideologies and desired end states for the time being and join forces to bring down America. The emergence of the contemporary Red-Green axis coincided with – and contributed to – the undoing of a counterintelligence mindset in official U.S. circles. Effectively neutralized was any appreciation of the threat posed by influence operations and, in particular, their perpetrators inside the United States. These dynamics contributed greatly to the collapse of our Intelligence Community’s ability to protect against hostile propaganda, whether of the communist or taqiyya varieties, and subversive infiltration by their practitioners. That vulnerability was made all the more ominous by the ties between Western leftists and jihadists who were recruited, trained and, in some cases at least, managed by the Soviet Union and its feared security service, the KGB. Over the years, we have learned much about such operations from declassified information like the Mitrokhin Archive and the Venona Papers. Defectors like Ion Pacepa from Romania’s secret police and brilliant researchers like Diana West in American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on our Nation’s Character have illuminated how communist agents stoked the flames of Islamic terrorism and infiltrated deeply inside the ranks of the U.S. government.


BIG COMING EVENT – Remote Viewing A BIG Upcoming Event?

Greg Reese Remote Vierws, Alex Sat Special, Michael Yon Darien Gap expansion, Dr. Simone Gold, Alan Dershowitz says Hunter ProbationPlea Bargain, Jonathan Turley trouble for Garland, Victor David Hanson Agenda Agenda Agenda, Steve Forbes interesting predictions


Alex say Musk turned over Starlink to Pentagon, Greg Reese Chinese satellites above Maui before the fires, Kristi Leigh and Lara Logan have fine discussion, PETE SANTILLI INTERVIEWS OWEN SHROYER ABOUT THE MALICIOUS & EGREGIOUS 60 DAY PRISON SENTENCE – Jay Dyer on False Flag attacks and operations


Jon Bowne Google biggest, Greg Reese Bld 7, Sean Hannity hot politics, Jonathan Turley dangerous 14th Amendment, Gordan Chang China dangerous, Alex and Mad Scientist, Jay Dyer power system


George and Charlotte welcome Fran Shure author of 21 articles on The Psychology of 911 published on  in a series of articles entitled “Why Do Good People Become Silent—or Worse—About 9/11?” – listed are the articles below, these articles address the problem of the American Public dealing with the 911 event that occurred on Sept. 11, 2001 when The World Trade Center in lower Manhattan New York experienced an attack. – Charlotte and I thank Fran Shure for her hard work and dedication to truth. THESE MECHANISMS, TRICKS OF MIND AND SELF CAN BE APPLIED TO PANDEMICS AND OTHER SO CALLED CRISES TO HELP US UNRAVEL THE LIES THAT HIDE THE TRUTH FROM US!

Why Do Good People Become Silent—or Worse—About 9/11?


General Michael Flynn speaks about The Declaration of North America and the danger it imposes on America, Jesse Watters exposes Hunter’s many flights alll over the world, Mark Levin on these indictments harsh critic, Tulsi Gabbard and Maui Land what’s next, Tucker Carlson in Hungary, Jeff and Erika on Covid what insights

Declaration of North America (DNA)

Great Covid information site – Jeff & Erica – Dr. Tenpenny’s Position On Returning Covid
Tyranny – Chinese Woman Contaminates Grocery Store Food?


LOCKDOWNS ARE THEY IMMINENT – Dr Judy Mikovits devastates the vaccine gang – Roger Stone Google is evil and Trump needs to move cases – Alan Dershowitz the RICCO doesn’t hold water – Newt Gingrich these indictments are all politically motivated Tulsi Gabbard waiting for state approval to put out fires


Greg Reese several hundred control Millions, Ted Gunderson FBI retired a fine man, Maria Bartiromo and Ron Johnson on fire Covid , Tucker and Capitol Police Chief a trap, Robert F. Kennedy at Iowa State Fair on insightful on Ukraine – Jay Dyer on the book Brave New World


Greg Reese – Nanotechology found in vaxed and non-vaxed, Dr. Peter McCullough Vaccines can cause heart damage, Maria Bartiromo & Jim Jordan the week in review, John Yoo indictment a real stretch, Alan Dershowitz Trump charges have problems, Devon Archer and Tucker, Jay Dyer on Operation Mockingbird a real tragedy of free speech

JULY 29, 2023 HOUR ONE

Greg Reese the Banks again, The Dark Journalist UFO File, Hunter Biden Plea Agreement fails in court, Andy McCarthy and Sean Duffy Discuss Hunter’s defense team’s failuure in tricking the Judge, Newt Gingrich with Maria Bartiromo discuss politics, Jay Dyer on Barbie Movie

JULY 22, 2023 HOUR ONE

Greg Reese implants in our hands to shop, Patrick Bryne and Alex Jan6 setup for Trump’s followers, RFK Jr. lambasted by Demos in hearings, Harris Faulkner, Hannity and Jim Jordan all report on RFK Jr. Greg Reese on Government and our children devastating – Jay Dyer on The Future is Planned


The first embeded video is Mike Lindell speaking about Dennis Montgomery – very interesting since Dennis has been gagged all this time

JULY 15, 2023 HOUR ONE

Greg Reese the power review, Hannity and Comer whistlblowers next week, Jonathan Turley sets thing straight, How The Trans Movement Conquered America?, Dr. Peter McCullough warnings, Dr. Rima Laibow blows lid off of the UN and our children


Russell Brand interviews Tucker Carlson and he blows lid off Jan6 Agents all over – David Icke and – Alex demons and hybrids – Glen Beck & Digital currency is dangerous – Bill OReilly says Barr ran interference on behalf of Biden – Jay Dyer discusses the unseen


Protest breaks out in France widespread over youth death – Supreme Court Ruling favor the Conservatives – David Icke says Sabbatian Cult is in control of Smart Grid – Jay Dyer and Jamie Hanshaw on Witchcraft – Kyle Seraphin on Jan6 was an Admin trap


George from 2018 program on power groups

JUNE 24, 2023 HOUR ONE

Daniel Estulin and Alex talk about Bilderberg Transhumanism and the world powers, Rudolf Steiner on the importance of Spirit and Soul, Boebert sets out possible Adam Schiff violations, Speaker McCarthy announces Censure Vote in House, Tammy Bruce, Gregg Jarrett, Matt Whitaker on Whistleblowers, Jim Jordan quizzes Durham, Wagner Group rebellion ends and agreement all is well

Covid insights Nurse Ann

Rudolf Steiner on Vaccines


JUNE 17, 2023 HOUR ONE

Mike Adams leads off explaining the cognitive Americans are suffering due to the Virus and Vaccines – Sean Duffy thinks maybe a former Biden associate just might flip on Biden – Hannity and Cruz slam to investigators – Senator Hawley comes down on Mayorkas big time about the children – Sv-40 what is that Erica Khan explains some hard facts – Jay Dyer and Brittany Sellner on Modern Feminism

JUNE 10, 2023 HOUR ONE

President Trump speaks to the Georgia GOP convention – Mark Levin goes off on indictments – Andy McCarthy brings clarity to these injustices – Alex Says we must continue the struggle


George covers Project Veritas’s expose of CNN’s bias and Fake news attacking President Trump, Hillary accusations against Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Project Veritas – CNN expose


Dr. Ben Carson interviewed by Joe Pags and what an interview – Dr. David Martin at the International Covid Summitt held at the European Parliament – Chip Roy goes off on the Debt Ceiling Bill it’s Bad Bad Bad


George welcomes Anat Admati co-author of book”The Bankers Have New Clothes: What’s Wrong with Banking and What to Do about It”

Ten Minute teaser update of short interview I had with Anat Ahmati 0n Feb. 3, 2017

What is wrong with today’s banking system? The past few years have shown that risks in banking can impose significant costs on the economy. Many claim, however, that a safer banking system would require sacrificing lending and economic growth. The Bankers’ New Clothes examines this claim and the narratives used by bankers, politicians, and regulators to rationalize the lack of reform, exposing them as invalid. Admati and Hellwig argue we can have a safer and healthier banking system without sacrificing any of the benefits of the system, and at essentially no cost to society. They show that banks are as fragile as they are not because they must be, but because they want to be–and they get away with it. Whereas this situation benefits bankers, it distorts the economy and exposes the public to unnecessary risks. Weak regulation and ineffective enforcement allowed the buildup of risks that ushered in the financial crisis of 2007-2009. Much can be done to create a better system and prevent crises. Yet the lessons from the crisis have not been learned. Admati and Hellwig seek to engage the broader public in the debate by cutting through the jargon of banking, clearing the fog of confusion, and presenting the issues in simple and accessible terms. The Bankers’ New Clothes calls for ambitious reform and outlines specific and highly beneficial steps that can be taken immediately

Seeing through “the banker’s new clothes”: Anat Admati at TEDxStanford

Anat’s appearance at thet the 2014 WEF – World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland

Anat’s appearance at thet the 2015 WEF – World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland

Taking on the Banks: A Conversation with Anat Admati